Wednesday, July 30, 2008

youre nutso fox network,,

ive seen u fruitcakes a few times today,, much more than i like,, way more than tolerable,, i need time to collect my thoughts,, the news and casters are killing me,, no not really,, thats just their game,, their whole game,,, so anyway i went the library,, got a million more books for this nonsense,,, im not guilty by association with whaZt,, the gay blond dealing drugs nextdoor? oh hes military though,, but i thought keith the neighbor was a nail in the stoddard child school of the pedaphiles,,, screw you everybody,, its brainwash,, the damagae us real bad at the beginning,, after setup of course,, the murder of 3 thousand people,, flight 77 was a lie,, scotts book said he knew about the disinformation from the army as to the reason of war,, it was oil,,, umm i know on Fahrenheit 9/11 condoleezza rice and colin powell both said on camera that iraq didnt have WMD and it would be very unlikely if they get weapons,,, thebn just keeps hammering us with hate,, but we stay so mad we cant think straight to report to the proper people but apparently the stupid president can pick who is telling the truth and who is lying,, was bush countrywide finacial? the worst of the mortgage fallout,, lets see F 9/11 said the saudis invest alot in citibank,, and u know how bush and busch beer,, i even did a paper on the company,, of course its gone now,, they all are,, Advertising:The Human Misuse of Humans was a paper i wrote that talked about the DeepBoys,, the markers of the mind,, all I remember is sex used alot,, airbrushing artwork to be, unknowingly to us, sexually appealing,, shapes,, phallus shape airbrushed onto a advert of a male's abdomen for soloflex,, always played late at night too,, the infomercials,, well thats nothing compared to what the nazi bush is doing,, he's setiing us up to have cam in every house like 1984,, they talk like i do in that book,, always conscious of my facial expressions my breathing,, u cant hide anything from the thought police is what its about,, they get 2minute hate everyday where the leader of the country speaks and taunts them to make them enraged,, how he owns them,, how he has contro; of their thoughts,, sex isnt allowed, by the way,, they are doing experiment on me,, for some dumbass bush,,, dude forget it,, i cant win i hate to many of these fuckers to ever alli with them,, so i get to fuckin read and get more harassment,, outside my fuckin window,, pings and drug addicts and dealers,, they have all our personal information inside a computer,, read and listen to the conspiracists they know whats going on,, u want me too but they wont let me,, they keep making me screw up even worse,, i really dont hate myself or anyone,, but i would kill these mother fuckers,, everything i do is wrong,,, no matter what,, i cant be nice,, its already programmed into me that i hate forever,, for3evevr,, theyve been doing for more than a decade,, maybe back then trying to train me or to this point of trying to kill me,, my dad said my uncle isnt in the cia,, yes thery all lie,, but what am i supposed to do,, de he create aids,, test on my cousin michael? see i cant evebn comprh4nd that,, he hates fags huh,, so what,, killme,, they aint that high on my list either with all their hate,, fucku,, aol haters,, they not my family mother fuckers,, they are killers,, the CIA is a lying scam and test chemical and biological warfare on civilians including their own country,, yea i had a episode of maury povich copy of the department of health financing a disease like hiv or maybe dept of defense,, and the CIA was going to get busted up by president JFK and thats why they killed him,, they have abused other blond,, i dont know why,, they have me in some fuckin conspiracy i dont know what they are doing to me,, i resisit it all,,, no one can help me,, the american bar association says the rule of law,, so does that mean i dont even need to contaqct them,, do u fuckers even believe a word im saying,, who is you people anyway,, i hope its not an advanced species,, oh Busch,, to keep us drunk,, thats the way the CIA words,, with drugs,, see the booze is helps keep our heads ringing like the soundtrack from friday,, this is all complete bullshit,, i feel sorry for the society in this dumbfuck's care,,,

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