Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bush, Baker, Bath, al Qaeda, Carlyle

Conspiracy Encyclopedia.
Fahrenheit 9/11. DVD. Michael Moore
Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. 4th ed. 1995

The Carlyle Group was a $12 billion private equity company [investment bank], with former U.S President George H.W. Bush as Senior Advisor for its Asian Fund. The encyclopedia says Mr. Bush had worked there since the mid 1990s and retired from the board of directors in October 2003. James Baker, the former US Defence [sic] Secretary was the firm’s senior counselor. Frank Carlucci, former college friend of Donald Rumsfeld and President Reagan’s Defence [sic] Secretary, was the Chairman. On the morning of September 11, 2001, these three men were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC along with Shafiq bin Laden, Osama’s half-brother, for Carlyle’s annual investor conference. The company had built itself up into the US’s 11th largest defense contractor. Bush senior went to bin Laden headquarters in Jeddah to represent the Carlyle Group at least twice, according to the authors. The bin Ladens along with 11 other Saudi families invested heavily in the Carlyle Group.

A couple of weeks later by September 26th, the US Army had signed a $665 million contract with a division of the Carlyle Group called the United Defense Industries (UDI), to develop a canon called the Crusader. UDI must have been a new subsidiary because they filed the very next month to go public with the stock. The securities were bought for the purpose of making a quick profit on resale and accumulated $237 million to working capital in a single day.

Also, on Carlyle’s Advisory Board is Sami Baarma, director of a Pakistani institution called the Prime Commercial Bank, based in Lahore and owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz. The bin Ladens have all discreetly removed themselves from the company.

James Bath was under investigation by the FBI since 1992, when he was accused of channelling [sic] Saudi money through Texan companies to influence US policy. Initially, George W. Bush denied knowing Bath, even though he funded Bush’s campaign to be the Governor of Texas. Bath also, was the sole US business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the bin Laden clan and brother of Osama. President George W. Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy received a $50,000 investment from Bath. By 1987, Arbusto had become Harken Energy Corporation and gained an addition $25 million investment, but through a transaction in Geneva. The encyclopedia says it was a joint venture between Union des Banques Suisses and the Geneva branch of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), with whom James Bath also had extensive connections. The BCCI was accused of laundering money for secret CIA activities, including funding of the Afghan Mujahideen (terrorist network before known as Bush’s ‘base’ or al Qaeda.

After Salem bin Laden died 1988, another Saudi businessman named Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his Houston portfolio. This is the same Khalid mentioned above at the Carlyle Group’s annual investor conference mentioned above. By April 1999, Khalid ws accused of transferring $3 million from a Saudi pension fund to New York and London branches of the BCCI that was linked to bin Laden operations.

President Bush was asked to appoint a Chairman for the 9/11 Investigation Commission and he chose Thomas Kean who was business partner of the bin Laden family. I believe in the appendix of the 9/11 Commission Report contains is the transcript of the video confession that was lost by the CIA for this terrorist attack. Who said water boarding is like swimming? I hate Republican jerks. I just got a copy of the report so I don’t know what the appendix says yet.

Preemptive Right – that’s the right giving existing stockholders the opportunity to purchase shares of a new issue before it is offered to others.

Blue-Sky Law – These laws require sellers of new stock issues or mutual funds to register their offerings and provide financial details so that investors can base their judgments on relevant data. The term has said to have originated with a judge who asserted that a particular stock offering had as much value as a patch of blue sky.

Pipeline – term referring to the underwriting process that involves securities being proposed for public distribution.

SEC – Security and Exchange Commission is made up of five commissioners appointed by the US President on a rotating basis of five-year terms. The Chairman is designated by the President, and to insure its independence, no more than members of the commission may be of the same political party. I’ve seen lately how politicians lie these days about party loyalty, in fact, all the time to get unfair advantage.

Double letters and numbers often signify a double meaning or a dot to connect. 11, 44, 77, and 88 are used a lot. AA, BB, HH (means 88 also), JJ, MM, PP, and SS are examples of first and last name initials. WW, also.

Oh yeah, they always have fire trucks or police or ambulence circle my block usually for the fear they would hope to instill. They don't really scare me except when trying to infect me with hiv or when an entire college hates my guts. I know they say they try to help but its all lies. They've been doing it for nonstop for years. And, I'm still not sure who it is. I knosw there have been times when they would be hating me in chat and I wouldn't screenpront because they knew it and would think they're illegal actions are bothering me. Actually, I never really thought of it as illegal, in fact, I don't even have any laws to protect me from such ignorant trash. Its bullying they said, but its much worse than that. How can I ignore? Trust me, I've tried but they get louder and meaner and more damaging. So, I'm Obama's suicide bomber too huh. You know, they've never told me how to get better. Once when Fox the pitiful channel was mocking me and freeing a bald eagle on TV, I got the impression that they were telling me I'm free but its never like that. I catch hell everywhere I go no matter what. Dude I'm not a terrorist or criminal.


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