Thursday, July 24, 2008

Put Options

Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.

various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

Inside Trading in Airline and Insurance Stocks, Sept. 2001.
This article tells about 17,000 "Put" Options that were purchased just days before the planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Someone purchased 4,744 'puts' for United Airlines, and 12,215 between the other two named companies of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Alex Brown, Inc. was the name of the company that purchased most of these Options, which “Buzzby” Krongard, the current CIA Director (published, 2005) was apparently the CEO of until 1998. These options were never executed.

Oh here's more whining for McCain and idiots:
US Bank where I've been a customer for almost 25 years has turned against me like I'm their enemy as well. Bush, how the hell did I become your enemy? Well not just you, but every single person in the world, including the crapping media. The bank ripped me off $356 due to overdrafts charges or whatever that wouldn't have even occurred if the automatic repayment to reserve accout wouldn't have taken my money. All of these overdrafts were under or close to $10. The lady who called my from the branch on Lackland Road said I should bank elsewhere after lecturing me about whatever. She did refund me a $100, I guess. Umm also. Your goons, Mr. Bush always steal my ADD medicine. I admit to using more sometimes because of the nonstop hate and urgency that's always created. I CAN'T FUCTION WITH 24/7 SCRUTINY. Oh and what did you say on Fahrenheit 9/11? Your enemies can't stand your freedom. Dude I am not a terrorist and that nonsense is a lie anyway. They only hate us because of you. So, now I'm out of my ADD medicine and I doubt I will post too much after today until next month. Its real tough, next to impossible to even get up without it from all the repression from you. And, who is that you have call me? APS Healthcare that's a replacement of Medicaid? You know, I told them the President is harassing me with nonstop hate. It went right out the other ear just like everyone else. So, that's why I don't believe this crap, nobody else does. I can't take it, man. Everybody lies and hates me. I can't work. I can't go to school. I'm allowed no friends. Oh yeah, the ones you had call me for emergency help that ended up needing rides to some crack house or something. Then make calls to drug dealers from my cell phone. Took me forever to figure that out. I can't stand it. I'm exhausted after nonstop years of this. I never even see or know about holidays. Dude what is your problem. I've got another post that's typed already that I can paste for the next message. This is just crazy. Complete hell nonsense for the falsely accused. You know, I don't care that much about you. In fact, there is not one person I like anymore. Because they dont like me, first. Oh my attitude can't change when you and your trash aqre still sabotaging everything.

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