Wednesday, July 30, 2008

see its nonstop with the hate,,, and crap i gotta read

to get free,, is full of bad,,, it may appear to be nice or beneficial but its never like that,,, hey im not saying that somebody's not guiding me through this hell so that i survive,, well thats what they want,,, want to to crave death more,,, like a suiucide bomber,, and all the beautiful things that ive been promised or eluded to believe that would come true,, well i dont believe in the trash from tghe trash,, fucku,,, theres nothing good,, like obama said,, suicide bomber,, fucku,,, im not doing it,, but thats the way you can nail him huh,, well fucku,,, how about the military testifying they dont like the torture they were made to do on a war under false pretenses,, thats common know2ledge yes,, the iraqi war was for oil,, not they're freedom,, i know this crap goes no where,, i forget how i know maybe it setup also,,, just like everything,, do i need to read that book 1984,, fucku,,, fucku,, i've got a few notes from a book by alfred mccoy,,
oh yea in pretend cop school online kaplan btw,, which had a big announcement alweays that they were owned by the washington post,, but im just now realizing or a few days ago,,, the new york times, im under the impression is the only true one,,, they ripped nixon,, the washpost played a good game,, adrianna too,, i liked her though,, but thats their way in i guess,, yea they had me in love with a jimmy or some crap,, even jimmydean commercials,, happy breakfast,, all over the weather channel,, propaganda,, they are lying to us as they are trtying to cage us,, its so subtle but even the congressman on Fahrenheit 9/11 said they are just trying to scare us,, its alll friggin trash,, they want me to commit suicide or they are gonna killme,, dont believe what they say,, its a lie,, read up on patty hearst and their type of brainwashing,, its conversion for me too,, to hate only,, fucku

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