Friday, July 18, 2008

hell no,, im not family with anyone,,,

They killed my sister,, they reminded me,, she had cancer and died in 1999,, they persuaded a friend to invite to some camp ground that turned into what i was to perceive as a kkk hunt the fag while he's down,, I ended up hiding out in a hot tent out back of my 'friends' trailer,, In fact during this harassment over the 6 or however many yearsthe name porkchop that was there,, anyway its been nonstop hell for a long time,, has some skank in junior high school run me into a street sign while having a blindfold experiment across a busy street,, In fact, there is a street light there now,, but I can see how this lifetime of bullshit gets me,, NO WAY IM NOT JOB TRAINING,, they give me no freedom to information, like the act says,, I did read that its against the law to single out an American or foreigner and target as a terrorist,, Impeach Bush,, why do i have to know the correct words to say,, it does me no good anyway,, they always talk how im gonna die,, what else can you do,, Its torture and Bush b/s laws from his b/s state-sponsored terrorist attack,, There is a ton of circumstantial evidence on him yet there's none of me if i was asked,, i dont even know what im being charged for or accused of,, they say terrorist and thats why I have no rights and only get hate and rage from the entire country including news people,, supposedly people are waiting on me,, well MO State Supreme Court rejected me once in the Attorney Generals Office and the courts staff lawyers,, Hopefully I can reach the state prosecutor by email today,, but I'm always pulled away from anything I attempt,, they act like they are helping me but its not true,, The constant surveillance and mind control drives me nutso,, even my doctors are involved,,, plus everybody changes back and forth from "oh, you know I'm your friend" to a direct stab in the front or some obvious betrayal,, by everybody,, because of his stupid laws,, so what am I supposed to do? no don't answer that,, i wouldn't believe anything anyway,, but I am sick and tired of the f*ckers banging my head here, there, and everywhere,, trust me I'm not even a violent person,, but I have no release for the crap the bring into my life,, constantly,, nonstop,, for years and years and years,, THEY ARE NOT TRAINING AN ASTRONAUT!! or CIA scum,, I'm suing the f* outta everyone,,

Oh by the way, sorry for all the offensive language, especially to those that may be responsible for making policy from these notes,, its pretty sick what they've done and continue to do,,

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