Sunday, July 20, 2008

He wanted war with Iraq for a long time,,

See >> Companies Exploiting the USA blog >> more coming soon

Right is Wrong
by Arianna Huffington

page 82.
Arianna writes about a couple of occurrences that we may have forgotten about since we are absolutely shocked by the way he treats us. Or, maybe just notified too late.

She writes, "former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill let it be known that invading Iraq had been Bush's goal before he had even learned where the Oval Office supply closet was, just 10 days after the President was inaugurated. '"It was all about finding a way to do it', O'Neill said. 'That was the tone of it. The President saying 'Go find me a way to do this."' He mentioned this in January 2004, the book said.

this next paragraph right out of the book:
"'Look,'" Clark quoted Bush as saying on the day after 9/11, "'I know you havde a lot to do and all, but I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything. See if Saddam did this. See if he's linked in any way.' 'But, Mr. President, Al Qaeda did this .' 'I know, I know - but see if Saddam was involved. Just look...'

Purposely expressing opposite opinions, about the same topic without acknowledging that fact, is one of the methods for relentless attacks. It serves only to add confusion. Simply put, its bombardment with double messages. Also known as, 'opposite-day.' And the pure hate that is happening to our country under siege. The focus is always shifted away without explanation. Rice, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all swore up and down that Iraq definitely had no WMD, in 2001. But, in 2002, they said the very opposite words with conviction as if never told the opposite a year ago.

I mean seriously, why would the Iraqi war be named Operation: Iraqi Freedom if we are pursuing them for destroying our country with terrorism? I mean yes, they should be free. But we know they are not and that their oilfields and banks may still be robbed by us. Why is Bush so hard on people like me that are innocent?

Some notes I jotted from Inside Shock and Awe.

Bush gives the 48 hour warning. He plans an attack of 3,000 precision bombs to aniliate them right away. "It breaks the enemie's will to resist and the do what you want them to do." Tommy Franks said there are five key elements to successful attack on Bagdad:
1. propoganda
2. secure oil sites
3. massive bombardment to Bagdad
4. Ground forces from Kuwait
5. Seize the Capital

During both WW I and WW II, the Germans used "The Blitz", which was a 57 day bombing campaign that didn't work in the UK or Japan.

The video mentioned a Think Group in the 1990's with maybe Harman Alman. Iraq was a focus of discussion then. Sorry for that statement w/o reference.

Also, military soldiers had Saddam's exact location when the 48 hours countdown started. He was at Dora Farm in a fairly easy place for capture. When the military wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, Bush said, "No, no, now I gave my word."

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