Tuesday, July 15, 2008


... for major crimes and misdemeanors,, see I don't get laws though,,
This is not a trial for me,, my hair needs cut but i guess it needs to grow out to show I look like someone,, a twin that I don't really have,, my cousin Kurt and I look alike,, but he wanted to live with me and secretly set my house up with surveillance,, who knows why,, i was already paranoid from the nonstop harassment and say it coming,, plus other people were apparently getting paid to destroy me,,, i wasnt the antichrist then,, thats brand new,, like today i guess,,, Patty style courtesy of the CIA,,, I guess I have an uncle that must've worked with the CIA,, and this is job training/terrorism gone a rye,, i dont know what that means but they have wanted me to say 'wild' but im sure it will incriminate me, somehow,, i don't know if he works there or not,, but this is illegal as hell,,, but I need to say the exact law huh,, why? the constitution doesn't protect me,, and this relentless hate like the little girls call it is used to wipe away memories,, well I know what I did or did NOT do,, there's no real circumstantial evidence,, and you were imitating me maybe when saying "Never" or so I thought, but that's all Nixon,, isn't there a Nixon making policy or protecting the people somewhere in US Gov't today? Vietnam was apparently like Iraq is today,, and happening to myself that I didn't want to say, a quagmire,, meaning no way out,, circular self destruction maybe,, i know its hard to believe,, well its the CIA and they do it to everyone,, ["buzz" means they somehow did a surge of electricity in my house - to get my attention - not sure if i'm accurate or not]
So anyway, in Vietnam, there were terrorists but actually called communists back then that kept our troops at war,, Nixon said the Communists were attacking the US infantry as they made their way to South Vietnam, I guess,, through Cambodia and so Nixon annihilated the country but then was wrong about it,, he bombed Cambodia with just tons of artillery i think,, to stop the communists, described as today's type of guerrilla or terrorist,, they call it,, uhh i forgot,, i just watched the video from national geographic,, i feel like i'm writing a diary,,, my mind was much better before,,, u have killed me,, not asking for pity or money,, uhh which i know already, is not allowed,,, the poor people i live with,, i should not be expected to socialize at all,,, huh,,

so anyway, I did a few stock reports as papers in college,, I think Miller Lite and Anheuser Busch both own cigarette companies and sports teams,, I think I did AB,, maybe Disney too,, they've fried my brain,, Umm I did a paper on Cyrix computer processors,, I knew I didn't like Intel because they gather and sell info about end users,, Everybody does,,, I'm telling you, they want me to listen to 1984 some more,, and its written by someone living inside a new world order,, hate regime,, its really pitiful the way things work out,, the new television will be two-way transmitting,, remember that disabled surveillance satellite that was destroyed a year ago maybe,, by a rocket explosion,, well it became a big deal the day i put a piece of nontransparent tape over the remote control sensor on a dvd player on my tv in my bedroom,, well the remote control was missing [buzz] anyway,,, for the dvd player,, someone in chat said, 'you're satellite is down',, but i still feel them watching me in there all the time,, but id say the new dtv is setup for prisoners maybe,, for safety,, I've had the belief for years that all the satellite dishes on rooftops also contain cams to view surrounding areas,, Oh yeah, don't for about SAG too,, the screen actors guild that are probably going to go on strike,, Anyway, Anheuser Busch was probably owned by Bush in what appeared to be an aggressive take-over by a company by the name of InBev with no history,, Wonder if it was Bush (incognito) buying Bush (incognito)?

the guy that set me up dealing drugs and trying to infect me stole the remote to my tv before,, dont know why,, was played down then showered or hammered with dramatic kind of crap,, (hammer connects somewhere,, Frank maybe?) shock and awe,, so i keep forgetting or blowing off the hate crap,,, usually though the shock and awe just kept coming,, no recovery allowed,, im really sorry to be a jerk,, but not to the jerks,,

Nixon tried 'shock and awe' on Cambodia,, didn't work,, [buzz] Bush did to Iraq, also,, it didn't work,, they have no WMD,, get out of there,, nancy ur blond that's a plus,, youre in a fake trial from pbs i guess the staircase,, its supposed to sexually stimulate me,, huh,, well maybe,, unless im accused of murder,, [no buzz] see i dont know what the buzzes really mean,, they are too inconsistent to be anything more than harassment,, i didn't finish watching it,, he seems guilty maybe,, and i have some 23s to that case or him somehow,, you can't save yourself,, i will not go so far as apologizing,, but i have to,, you know there are some republicans pretending to be democrats,,, they lie,, they lie,, i wonder if Grace Kelley is in this too? I 23 to joan crawford apparently,, I have a coffee-table type book big hardback with nice pictures about cartoons,, I'm reading about Disney's history and next to a picture of Disney maybe, with the 1st stuffed Mickey Mouse dolls that the creator made for his aunt Charlotte.. My mom has an aunt Charlotte that married into Crawford's I guess. Well I'm watching Turner Classic Movies and they just had a short about Joan Crawford,, and they advertised one of her movies and the beginning letter of each word in the title made the initials of the Screen Actors Guild,, But anyway,, also high up in Disney echelon of friends was Mussolini, Greta Garbo, Mae West, Charlie Chaplin and more,, This isn't looking pretty at all,, The Pope has usually supported the Nazis, at the beginning at least,, maybe fear,, I wonder if the catholic church is gonna fall,,, man i am so scared,, not really,, but without any fun and restrained to misery, just sux,, not the good way either,, Nixon used the excuse of pending immediate threat of WW3 to demolish Cambodia but was wrong,, but really he lied,, Rumsfeld's first tour as the Secretary of Defense was under Nixon,, Oh yeah, by the way, I'm not really the antichrist,, nor do i hate the world,, but I have to do that crap for some reason,,

This book below is very disturbing.

They have replaced, in literature, which I guess is called propaganda if its meant to persuade or brainwash,, to mislead or not have concern for the readers 'best interests',, they have changed the Department of Justice that's within the Executive branch to the Justice Department,, its code for FISA court,, which I guess Bush just approved or something,, immunity for those that collect information and data about other people and sell it,, pretty much,, I'll come back to this idea in a second,,

No Place to Hide

by Robert O'Harrow

I don't know what's true in this book but it sounds bad. Was there an Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh around at the time of 9/11? Maybe screwed out of a position to replace Ashcroft,, Is he dead or what happened to him,, Ashcroft,, I'm not sure but someone that may have a reason to expose this huge Project:Deception (I made up that name- its not real that I know of),, The book lists his credentials as a Harvard Law School graduate that was an associate special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee,, and as special counsel to Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) during the Clinton impeachment trial. He's Vietnamese as stated also,, So anyway,, He said he was at a dinner party 2 nights before 9/11 at the conservative Olson household. I had a buddy with the last name Olson but I know nothing about his family. Solicitor General Ted Olson and his wife Barbara Olson who perished two days later on board American Airlines [huge name] Flight 77 into the Pentagon but left no trace,, Just Barbara was on the alleged flight but Dinh said she was in rare form the night of the dinner party,, he said, "Her humor was irrepressible" and she signed a book of photographs that she apparently published and titled Washington, D.C.: Then and Now,, I probably have that book too,, I have a big coffee-table book about 9/11 but crazy is making me nuts,, who was the Alice in Wonderland character that I've been hit with before? mad_hatter,, is that Mr. Cheney? Let's see, Senator Frank Church is bad with all 3 words, from my wacked out training,, Church Committee will 23 with a bunch of fraudulent religions,,

Back to the book.
Well Leahy, former prosecutor, [buzz] who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee is a fake democrat,, The next paragraph is directly out of the book on page 14:
At the core of the dispute was a body of little known laws and rules that, over the last half century, defined and limited the government's ability to snoop: Title III

il come back later,,

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