Wednesday, July 2, 2008

its the shittsuckin Family Network,,,

on the Republican Front,, Front is almost always force,, and the nonprofit corporations affiliated with the 'new' hardcore Republican Party are for the sole purpose of being exploited,, incl. taxes,,,,, the 'new' Republicans are really undescribable,, this is just way too huge,, theres a couple double agents floating around,, DONT SHOOT ANYONE,, but theres some that aren't at all good,, its makes my stomach erupt over and over,, all that sickness i mention and the vomit isnt really from the fear that is intended,,, fear manifests as rage maybe,,, i dunno,, but their is rage all of the time,,, they get pissed off when i call them nam,es like a mother,, all rage,,, im stuffing that right now,, that puking feeling i have all the time is from disbelief,, thats the work of the CIA right there,, let me tell ya,, "Patty 'poor', 'poor' Patty Hearst, oh no [pity chuckle of guilt], she was definitely brainwashed." my professor told me that one day before Internet class started. That was the same class that the students started gangbanging me with arrows, which was probably much less hostile than i interpreted it at the time and probably now too,, hostility always brings that sickness feeling,, but it wont anymore since i told you [moronic CIA concept],, its a pot smokers way to get secrets i suppose,, i cant even think of it without needing a pukepan,, this is pretty bad,, and no, no, nobody is picking me up,, no secret jet to subfrigginsahara,, 'so i suggest any of you homos --' that was the character francis in stripes with bill murray,, Molly Shannon from SNL did a movie called Superstar that made me laugh alot,,, in the movie, shes always quoting lines from various movies she watches,, lol,, as the rewind girl at rental store,, she uses the lines in daily conversations and practicing them in her bedroom mirror at home with her wicked stepmother,, "Cinderellie, Cinderellie" thats the mice in the Disney Classic. Oh man, this baby going to pop or explode or erupt,, my personal favorite is combust,, its a real sweeet 23 connection to the Telecom dot,, which ima drop right there for a few minutes,, or jeez, weeks,, why are you restraining me? go after them,, they are the real bad guys,,

Well, things haven't gotten much brighter today,,, oh man, oh man,,, i was heeving heavy loads (CIA talk for blowing chucks) into chat today,, its that family network crap,, parts of it I'm not touching here,, yet,, Don't worry Mr. President, its nothing about me,, to add to my fake rap sheet,, so you like that lil_hitle bit i bet dont you,, next time ur online invite me to your can,,, who was that feminie blond in red dress,, tagged with Bush,, shhh,, Hoover had one too,, so my secret exploiting CIA manhandlers always talk about,, and you too, Mr. President, a few people really hate u badly,, btw, i've been looking at some picks of you,, and thinking about you alot,, way back when thrushi was bashing you and always dropping the patriot act into normal conversation, at random,, i was promoting ur charm,, thrushi agreed,, but he was so ez back then,, putting his mattress out on the front porch,, under the stars,, lol,, or close enough anyway,, [he mentioned it - its gotta be significant] but Mr. President, look at this nasty card one of ur thugs played,, put out for me:

Internet Book of Shadows: Mind Control Techniques (Dick Sutphen)

"Stockholm Syndrome."
This is a situation in which those who are intimidated, controlled, or madeto suffer, begin to love, admire, and even sometimes sexually desire their controllers or captors.

Seee, nothing personal please,, but it is kinda gross,, not you King,, ur ok,, or your not really restrained yet,, But how about everybody keep an eye on Mr. Cheney,, id say stick on him like a prom dress,, the visual eft crap im getting is funny,, stop it,, its no time to even smile,, but this one pic hes in the prom dress,, pre teen of course,, So what dude,, youve got HAARP,, that in of itself is pretty conclusive to me,, what do you think Condi??? [crucial answer here, ok? i'l get back to you] Get Smart Mrs Peacock!!! [think birdie] We've already got Scarlett the whore you don't like,, And thats not all, but we'll wait and laugh at Mr. Cheney waddling away, trying to run in his new mini,, lol,, I'm sorry,, I'm more than sick to my stomach,, You're fine King,, just stayed tied up and please keep the mouth volume low,, lol,, FAIRY,, lol,, im kidding but couldn't help it,,,

So anyway, it smells like dirty butt in my cell here,,, i guess thats ur little buddy HAARP too huh,,, i know ive smelt a pesticide or rat poison smell in here before,, i use an insecticide on plants outside or if bringing inside for winter,, has similar aroma,, but i smelt the alleged poison in the middle of winter and furnace running,, but no one else here smelt it tho,, lies are the name of the game here,, oh gosh what a wasted day,, some or several 23s,, Senator McCullom or what ever that Republican terrorist is bad,, i know because his ex drag queen or whatever distributes drugs on my block,, a wastoid,, plus the Senator belongs to a nonprofit worldwide food bank,, is there for real a food shortage dot to connect thats happening around the world,, Tie him down, please,, oh the job coercion crap,, is a job in China,, private jet,, i declined,, im disabled,, get off me,, in fact, (sounds like an important lie is on the way),, ur spy cams got me approved years ago,, dude, id love to work and have a successful life,, or i wouldve at one time,, that hate group is the National Alliance, I think. I didn't get enough time to research that,,
Mr. President: could you please jot me a little not for school,, I haven't signed into class for weeks,, [this will be a crucial answer like Condi got - and I can happily inform u of her wise decision to be compliant and her agreement,, she said its real dark down there and u are kinda cool,, but not, you know who,,, i was kidding about the 'i hope you fry' joke,, meant nothing,, the CIA to use it,, But, Ima take a break and talk with Condi,, she has so much feces in her hair,, she started crying when she looked in the mirror,, Oh yeah,, I dont think that church has got more than 4 or 5 members,,, so dont be alarmed world,, I converted Condi,, Watch, Oprah gonna have a huge sex smear with Mr. McCain I bet,, [Coming Condi!] Shes balling again,, i'l talk to you soon,, im totally nice,, Will u play Tom and Jerry going to Mars,, its crucial time for me too,, i dunno why,, they want me to commit suicide,, nice touch 'thunder',, you are definitely a charmer,, probably an much older guy than i like to be flirted with,, the Romance is ever so heart expanding,, good grief,, not really but play the one also with the astronauts having sex in the windshield too,, i wasn't expecting it back then,, oh yea,, this is total friggin bullcrap,, since the fake asss restraiont started, it was always an ez option out of jail free card to have unprotected sex,, they really want me infected,, i always declined,, now im begging them to gangbang me at the underground federal prison a few doors down,, I have no idea where's Condi's been,, here the dirty butt smellin lady wants to say hi real quick:

'No1_Sec_of_Def_USA: Hi, guys. Its me Con, they are so nice here. and no Human Fleas out here, so you know what that means, No more 'handsy, feely, opps, Dumber. That's what they all call you around here. Some of your commercials are played here repeatedly in a place they call Times Square, Dumbest. THEY UPGRADED YOU.

What the heck is that smell, HAARP. Condi is required to keep spay (pump of course) air freshener. What kind of gas, you sons of a bitchh, are you pumping up the friggin sewars? Look, I swear, I was gonna be nice and remain true to that. [no time right now june_26_cancer] bitchh. HAARP just shook my bed,, the driver is like a demolition artist,, shakes the earth with such time precision, from now own i bet when i start acting like a helpless wench,,, seee they are both hot as hell,,, thunder and earthquake,,, thunder was playing a little solo just then,, with the right amount of pressure, i swear I feel my eyes bulge or pop out some,, i think theres alot more to combust then im capable to learn tonite,, but we can but 'smelly Condi' in the shed because dude, you gotta hide,, Is the bartender 'wind'? HOT - T - T = T,, earthquake bro,, is that the kid down the street when i was 5yo,, made me play "war" every friggin day,,, the only game he would play with me,, tied me bare assed to the tree,, in my own back yard,, way in the back behind the 'nasty' bushes,, so i need to let Mr. Bush reply to smelly Con,, then im gonna head out for the firetrucks,, lol,, not really,, its a mobile biological lab,, how many uses would they realistically have for that, Mr. Promdress? Im sorry its just funny pic,, but yea maybe they could have used it, What types of things do the Halliburton BioTransitExpress do? Some of the former operatives out of George Bush Central Intelligence, were kind of laughing at you. Oh yeah, everything has a bright shiny new law or name as part of forcing opposite day hate on the us citizens. Please forgive me for all the offensive language and concepts. Basically, the extreme right have managed to secretly maneuver all levels of control to themselves. They are always spouting some hate off about someone, uhh Rush Lamestball,, they got me hooked on Perks dude,, but you are extreme worthless,, we did a little interviewing and recruited Ann Coulter,, she looked very ladylike without her biker jacket, and kind as can be,, in fact, she has a new office in the penthouse,, her only job is to make you cry,, and Newt,, we have something in the 'new' projects area,, safe as a feather,, what exactly does that mean Mr. President. Well from the best that I can tell, so sorry to be late, we are under aggressive attack by the LionKing (sorry, Bush), and we can't do anything about it,, The beautiful Mrs. Pelosi says 'impeachment is off the table'. I'm not sure why yet, don't you guys know? Does anybody around this place know how to read? I still gotta network this baby then read.

BabaysBottomBush: 'Hey Condi, I'm with you. Its all the guy below me that couldn't find an ideal candidate to run on my ticket. Tell them I am a puppet'

Sorry I gotta go

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