Thursday, July 31, 2008

it feels like extra,,,

electromagnativity now,,, but that is often really,, 2x day usually,, anyway,, really im just an idiot,,,
Alfred McCoy wrote a book i didn't finish: A Question of Torture
uhh just as an aside,, like a play,, one of my school professors at Kaplan hate that last name and I have two neighbors with that last name,, living maybe 200 ft from each other,, a couple of blocks,, im in middle,, i dont know either one,, and its probably only the hanes directory that lists these names that i mention,, does google earth do that yet?
but i also saw a video about the CIA mental torture program,, on national geographic,, the only reason i thought id win was because too many people i recognized coming through chatrooms and maybe judging me,, maybe not,, maybe letting me know professors from my school are involved,, where i got the bsba in finance,, george what do u have,, did u major in nose picking of ur pals,, lol,, now thats funny,, i dont care who u are,, but the cia has been doing mental torture for decades and the country has been under deep propaganda mind control information,, i would say the news is only because you destroyed their reputations as jouralists,, its a pretty big deal to uphold such titles,, I think the BBC is crap,, infiltrated by the CIA as well,, oh man im so sorry world,, this is just terrible,, we hyave all been lied to so badly,,

the following are some s3entences i copied from thjat book,, i dont have page numbers,,

[ill talk in purple,, which i kinda dig now that you hate it]
[i changed to blue]
These are just my notes - this crap has been on National Geographic channel,,
1950-'62 CIA involved with torture
Massive Mind Control Effort
- psychological warfare
- secret research into human consciousness
- cost is a billion annually (min. i'd say)
- not physical "No Touch" torture
*the above created after experiments w/ hallucinogenic drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation.*

CIA operated covertly, penetrating and compromising key US Institutions: Universaties, hospitals, armed forces, and US Agency for Int'l Development,,
- could draw on military and civil resources to amplify its reach and reduce responsibility,, [like with me]

[any dont talk dont tell besides the pussy nazi nextdoor by any chance,, they tried to hook me up with, geezz everybody that could killme,,, i will never know most of it,, the magic in me is not an alien,, there is no magic,, i bleed mother vfucker just like you,, poetry sux righ5t now,, always in hell it does,, and thats the code i bet,, would have never checked,, in a million,, oh well,, cie la vie,, lest do naked hawaii,,]

[Oh i forgot to type about pyle,, from Viet book,, i will do that after these notes,, ]

more notes from McCoy's book:
For 2000 yrs. interrogators had found out that mere physical pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance,,
*By Contrast*
The CIAs psychological paradigm fused two new methods for their signature :
1) Sensory disorientation - (far more invasive for the CIA)
2) Self-inflicted pain - [keep the victim screwing himself over and over for the rage satisfaction]
*the combo causes the victim to feel responsible for suffering

Sensory Deprivation - CIA version
relentless probing into the essential nature of the human organism to identify is physiological and psychological vulnerabilities.
*has evolved into a total assault on all senses and sensibilities - auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, survival, sexual, and cultural. assult and lets add exploit,, making me do it myself,, classic,,,

-refined through years of practice, the method relies on simple, even banal procedures, isolation, standing, heat and cold, light and dark,, [lotsa bipolar crap] noise and silence for systematic attack on all senses,,
- fused with self-inflicted pain creates a synergy of physical and psychological trauma whose sum is a hammer-blow to the fundamentals of personal identity [in laymans terms 'inhumane treatment']

Although seemingly less brutal than physical torture, "no touch" leaves deep psych scars on both victim and interrogators,,
-the perpatrators suffer dangerous expansion of ego leading to escalating cruelty and lasting emotional disorders,,

Sensory Deprivation.
- provokes more anxiety from the interrogators than other torture and leaves no scar - Harder to Prove!
- produces longer standing effects,,

Victims suffer a mistrust bordering paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders,,

After field operations in 1963
- gave way to unimaginable cruelties, physical and sexual by perpetrators w/ horrifying brutality,,

a Q & A for Dr. Otto Doerr-Zegers (Dr.)

Q: What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origin [mental?]

Dr.: says the answer lies in the psychological the phenomenology of the torture situation - constantly occurring,, [reasons psychotic victims]
1) asymmetry of power
2) anonymity of the torturer to the victim
3) 'double blind' - enduring or betraying others
4) systematic falsehood - of trumped up charges, artificial lighting, cunning deception, and mock executions
5) confinement - in distinctive spaces signifying displacement, trapping, narrowness, and destruction,,
6) temporality - characterized by some unpredictability and much circulatory, having no end,,

Torturer strives through insult and disqualification, by means of threats... to break all the victims existential platforms,, Torturer eventually achieves "complete power" and reduces the victim to "a condition of total or near total defenselessness,,

Dr. Doerr-Zegers describes the psych component of torture becomes a kind of total theater,, A constructed unreality of lies and inversion, in a plot that ends inexorably with the victim's selvf betrayal and destruction,,

To help with the false or trumpted up charges:
1)fabricated news
2) mock executions


As the torturer manipulates circumstances to "maximize confussion" the victims feels prior schemas of the self and world,, [reliving abuse by retelling story to everyone for the same rejection]
shattered and becomes receptive to the torturers construction of reality,, [they said fight or die,, a who would be nice]

Under peculiar conditions of psyche torture, victims isolated from others, form emotional ties to their tormentors [not easily],, that make them responsive to a petrverse play in which they are both the audience and actor,, subject and object,, in a script that leaves them not just disoriented,, but emotionally and psychologically damaged,, in some cases for the rest of their lives,,
couple notes from another book that was very important,, that I didn't get to get back to - i got more than this i know,,, but the author talks about the effects of the twin towers murder,, 9/11,, and we are just forced into submission,, he wont let anyone investigate what he was warned about often before it occurred,, he just sat in that classroom reading that children's book,,

The Paranoia Switch

Martha Stout, Ph.D. (also wrote The Sociopath Next Door)

Terrorist’s Goal

Most successful attacks affect our mind’s most deeply and continues to affect them long after the knife’s edge of grief has dulled a little, the demolished structure have been rebuilt, and the catastrophe itself has begun to recede into history. Even a lethal terrorist plan is relatively unsuccessful unless it affects our minds. A terrorist plan may do horrible damage to fragile human bodies, or to our material achievements, or to the stability of our gov’t systems. May very well gratify jealousy and hatred/rage of those that carried it out. It’s most cherished ambition is to affect us psychologically, to instill a sense of helplessness in the minds of individual citizens, and to steal, in wholesale grabs, from our collective stores of hopelessness. Blasts an adequate number of its citizens into helplessness, hopelessness, and into lasting animal brain paranoia. To feel helpless and far too isolated to turn to others for help. He’s gained influence over another person – keeps him in a state of fear and dread, not just at the time and place of the beatings, but day in and day out, perhaps for a very long time, and wherever his victim may go.

- almost instantly become suspicious of other human beings,, countrymen > more gradually > society, nation > the isolated from the world.

Sets an ancient trap in the origins of the minds of the living then rapidly claps shut, while the survivors are still shell shocked and oblivious, and one that keep their psyches ensnared for years. Longer is better for the degrading emotional [the obvious hate that hurts like hell to admit] influence that keeps his teeth stuck into the survivors.


If you [the victim – once had more power] fail [to meet goal], this [terrorist act] is what to expect.

[from Bush is a slave world I guess,, not sure what I meant there]

The initial psychological trauma that preoccupies the target is meant to make it impossible to be ignored or forgotten. The longer the terrorists are vilified within the target, the more misrepresented and unclear the original point becomes. In the end, the specific message succumbs to the terror that was meant to convey it, and enduring psychological damage for its own sake becomes the entire prize for the terrorists.

Immediately following 9/11, the majority of Americans began to suffer from debilitating psychological symptoms – depression, disrupted sleep, difficulties paying attention at work or at school, intrusive thoughts about the event.

Work Block,, the inability to perform substantial work. Behavioral change from the long lasting effects of fear, confusion,

Work Block - is the inability to perform substantial work. Behavioral change from the long lasting effects of fear, confusion,
I think thats all i got of that book,, but what about
No Place To Hide by Robert O'Harrow, Jr.
CNN said Viet Dinh the former Asst, Attorney General at the beginning of the Bush nightmare,, He saw Barbera Olson that perished on flight 77 into the pentagon just two nights prior at a dinner party that she had,, she also gave away autographed copies of the photography book she put together titles Washington, DC: Then and Now. She was extraordinarily joyous,, the author said, "in rare form" and "Her humor was irrepressible." I got a mention on CNN as the turture memo,,

So anyway, Christopher Pyle, a professor at Mount Holyoke College, was serving in the Army in '67 and '68 teaching law at the intelligence school at Fort Holabird, Maryland. To learn more about his subject a student invited him and an instructor colleage for a briefing,,
"They were taken to a huge building that once had been used to assemble railroad engines. It had a large black arch and, in one brightly lit room, an interior cage made of mesh wire. Pyle walked into the cage, where an officer showed him books containing mug shots. He looked in the first volume and saw a familiar face. It was Ralph David Abernathy, Martin Luther King's asst. Officers called the books the "black list." As Pyle recalled it, they were actually labeled: persons active in civil disturbances. On a bench near the books was a stack of computer punch cards1960's to program the cutting edge machines of the day,, Writtin on the tops of the cards in pencil were the names of people whose information the card contained. The 1st card was Arlo Tatum, a man Pule knew as the head of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors in Philadelphia, a group of activists advised soldiers and others about their rights,, Outside the cage, Pyle saw more than a dozen teletype machines,, The head of the CONUS intelligence section told him they were spitting out reports from some 1500 Army operations about demonstrations with twenty people or more,, Pyle was starting to understand how naive he'd been. He began formulating a plan,, He would be getting out of the army soon and he could tell the world about what was going on,. When he joined the Army he took an oath to defend the country against all enemies, here and abroad. In his mind now, that included the Army's intelligence operation.. They turned in their security badges and left,, Pyle said it was really great stuff and asked if there was anything he could take back and show his class,, Pyle was given teletype printouts for the week of March 11 - 18 1968. One of the reports told of undercover Army agents attending a meeting at a Unitarian church. Pyle thanked him and left. "It was very clear to me that we had just witnessed the essential apparatus of a police state," Pyle said. "It wasn't that these people were trying to create a police strate.,. ... a reporting apparatus that was covering millions of Americans engaged in completely lawful activity,, Pyle won a Polk Award in 1971 from the Washington Monthly from a long story he wrote about Army spy operations,, Senator Sam Ervin lead hearings that clossed the opeation down,,


Judge Bee

[i do like big band music too by the way - we all should - i think many music acts might be involved on the brainwashing/converting]

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