Sunday, July 20, 2008

Companies Exploiting America

This isn't showing up at the other blog,, more of this huh,, blocking my 1st amendment rights,,

No Place to Hide
By Robert O’Harrow, Jr.

The author thanks the Center for Investigative Reporting for the intellectual and financial support. In the author’s ‘note’ at the beginning of the book says, “The center is a stronghold of journalistic idealism.” I would be apt to decode that buy saying, “There is a stranglehold for biased one sided journalism, today. I was so fooled by The Washington Post. I didn’t know they were conservative. They were supposedly the owners of the online school that just ripped me off, and flunked me out, Kaplan University. The propaganda doesn’t let you know what’s true or not, anyway. Its meant to deceive. Just like there are undercover spies in both political parties, I guess. Plus, the torture couldn’t possibly help. The ‘note’ also says the financial support included the Ford Foundation, the Deer Creek Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The author also thanked the director of the Center for Investigative Reporting, Burt Glass for his frequent enthusiasm, but it sounds like he’s describing as tireless, but probably it means ‘relentless’, and really describes the hell he was given.

In the introduction the author describes his experience at the October 2003, technology conference at the International Association of Chiefs of Police. It was at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia. It was commented that the landmarks of the nation’s birth, like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell would put integrity into their activities.

The author describes the atmosphere as part carnival and part science fiction, complete with a virtual shooting range. Its described as a training system that came complete with a life-sized culprit projected on a video screen [I bet that’s my broadcast video – [ping] – its like buzz but off my window].

Raytheon Communications Infrared

- displayed a car with a night vision camera mounted on the roof.


- promoted its growing use of DNA to identify people.

Treasury Agents

- touted their growing access to reports about suspicious bank accounts.

PriceWaterHouseCoopers, accounting and consulting

- among those offering a slick handbook describing how to best seize computers, email, and phone calls.

Justice Department, executive branch

- partially funding a free CD titled Turn-Key Intelligence: Unlocking Your Agency’s Intelligence Capabilities.

ChoicePoint, a Georgia company

- marketing its data retrievable ability from billions of records from Americans online [AOL, maybe] .They analyze and sell it all, including delivering reports to cell phones, palmpilots, and laptops.

Orion Scientific Systems

- claimed data can be used to identify and track trouble makers who might be criminals or terrorists. “Orion develops and implements all-source automated collection and analytical tools designed for intelligence, law enforcement and global security analysis,” its brochure said.


- demonstrated how the personal records, legal cases, and billions of articles that they possessed could help track someone down. “We have a lot of derogatory information on people. Judgments, liens, bankruptcies…,” the salesman said.


- technology partner of the above mentioned LexisNexis that performs data mining. I2 is capable of searching a tremendous amount of data for a specific detail, described as a nugget of information gold, in an instant or two. The author wrote, “the I2 software spits out graphic displays about a person’s activities and associates that look like colorful spider webs.” The company president, John J. Reis said, We are principally a company whose focus is all about converting large volumes of information into actionable intelligence … and through predictive analysis help to thwart crimes before they occur.


- demonstrated a small machine that was actually an identity tool, that electronically captures fingerprints and face photo, marketed as one of the most sophisticated face recognition programs.

VerInt Systems

- ‘verifiable intelligence’ has a product to track and assess customers, but as the author says, “they came to promote their catalogue of surveillance gear. The company displayed eavesdropping equipment that could listen in on telephone calls, capture email from the web, and sift through digital video recordings for suspicious behavior.


- ‘seismic intelligence’ has a product called AccurInt, that’s an information service giving police entry to every nook and cranny. “Instantly FIND people, their assets, their relatives, their associates, and more. Search the entire country for less than the cost of a phone call – a quarter.” The product that made the company stand out was called the Multi-state Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, MATRIX that combines commercially available details about American adults with millions of criminal and government records that was never before available to the public. The ‘invisible become visible.’ An officer commented, “Its scary, I mean, I can call up everything about you, your pictures and pictures of your neighbors. The Justice department and Homeland Security had budgeted millions of dollars for MATRIX, possibly for use as an anchor in a national intelligence – and information sharing system. (‘Anchor’ is also an employment company for Mexicans in my town and the word ‘Anchor” also describes Delay and thugs. Signing up as ‘law enforcement only’ got attendees a demonstration in the Center’s Liberty Ballroom.

“After the terror attacks on 9/11, the government was wedded like never before to: the many information brokers and database marketers that quietly amassed vast amounts of information about us and created tools to track, asses, and predict our behavior. Who is someone really? What motivates people? How are they likely to behave? How can we get them to open their wallets? How do we separate the relatively few very profitable customers from the rest? The author explains, “Companies of all stripes went on a data collection binge, gathering, parsing, and shaping more information about more people than ever before in history. The collection of personal information took a dramatic turn into new dimensions in the 1990’s, out of the public’s view, and largely without the public’s direct consent. Not just credit bureaus, banks, and telephone solicitors, but also at Safeway or Vons groceries, CVS pharmacies, US Airways and American Airlines, politicians you’ve donated money, publishers or Vogue and The New Yorker, the direct mailer that sold you sex toys, the electronic toll operator, and countless WWW sites. New devices have emerged that enabled mobile phone companies to say precisely where you stood on the planet. The radio frequency identification devices, some as small as fleas, could be embedded in product packages, clothing or even money, enabling another sort of tracking that was impossible before. Computer processors monitored the location and activity of cars, and software enabled individual banks to watch and asses , looking for signs that you might be a criminal, a tax cheat, or have questionable ties to unsavory people. Cities and businesses and schools installed more and more cameras, some loaded with face recognition programs. Almost everyone you do business with collected information about you, sold it to someone else, or sifted it for their own mercantile ends. [my 1st job after getting my undergrad was at Mercantile Bank and the word has been a fairly regular ‘flaunting’ in my face. I chose to leave after 90 days because it wasn’t working out. Now a days, the harassment has changed from subtle periods of confusion or sadness to direct u_got_knocked_the_fvck_out from everyone, including anyone I’ve even considered a friend my entire life. Relentless. Nonstop. Complete destruction, over and over.] And, in some cases we eagerly sought out the conveniences they offered in exchange for your information. [a light sounding fire cracker just went off outside my bedroom window, where incidentally, was referred to me as a ‘sitting duck’ or ‘sore thumb’ by the information hoarders and testers offered around Xmas of 2004, my first attempt ever with holiday lights in the yard. They let me know the world was still laughing at me and almost nonstop since they tried to infect me with HIV. Happened more than once over the years. I always knew because I didn’t really trust my own judgment, I had to be very ‘black and white’ about what I would and wouldn’t do sexually. But anyway I must admit my Xmas lights display did immediately inform any onlookers that I was Atte3ntion Deficit. In fact, they detoured rush hour traffic past the front of my house to give me that ‘IntenseBurn’ they called it. They created the pitiful lifestyle I’m in anyway. When I thought that maybe my uncle worked for the CIA, it killed me. I’ve gotten nothing but complete hell from the entire world, nonstop. Then I read up on those churches, like Mary Eddy’s Science followers that have the convenient protection by the separation of church and state laws, enabling the sacrifice of their own children. The absolute best kindest person that I’ve ever known, still to this day, was my uncle’s son. He got very sick for several months and passed away around the time AIDS was making itself known. He worked as a lifeguard sometimes and skin cancer had killed him. That was never questioned, but I think it was known that my cousin was gay. I had an accident that I sustained a closed head injury and a coma for four or five days. I remembering discreetly asking my uncle, “Do I have what Michael had?” He told me, “No, you were in a car accident: he had cancer.” I don’t think I’ve talked to him but maybe once since that accident, in 1991. I was always told my uncle worked for IBM, and I never had a reason to think otherwise. I don’t know what happened there but I think that the government created AIDS as a biological warfare weapon. These stalkers or whatever have tried on multiple occasions to fix me up with someone willing to infect me with HIV, especially now that the jackofff piece of trash US President can encourage my destruction and everyone gets paid and immunity. Oh yeah, last week when they had the weed dealer call me right when I ran out of smoke. Its not self-medication at this point, just to let you know. Its merely survival. But actually, the CIA always uses drugs for torture and interrogation, and even as war. They addicted the soldiers of Russian-controlled Afghanistan to heroin to remove them. Now it’s the Taliban, al Qaeda, and US Special Forces doing the training there now. From what I can tell. Anyway, yes they create the demand by causing “nutty’ thinking or addiction and then provide the supply. Then they arrest you. I’ve gotten the impression or message or something that LSD is coming back to popularity. Also, I remember a comment in chat about the price of a gallon of gas coming down in a few days. This was years ago, right after the first $2 per gallon spike and I just read about the huge oil fields in the Republic of Columbia.

One more company I want to mention this get this posted to a blog.

Acxiom Corporation

- core product is called InfoBase, and it packages information, very high tech. It compromises the largest collection of UD Consumer and telephone data available in one source. The prime owner is Charles Morgan, once an IBM systems engineer, and now the CEO of this company with a technique called “grid computing” that systematically matches and analyzes information to create fine-grained portraits on roughly 200 million adults.

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