Thursday, July 3, 2008

10 Shocking Facts About Global Slavery in 2008

I started this post Wednesday night but I wanted to add a link about and a few details about modern day slavery,, You know, I bet money that some of the bad things that I'm to understand and right about are probably obvious and total lies, which right there, would enable him with an argument that I am nothing but a liar - but that is not the case. He is the one continious lies, as he has proved to us over and over. I think I get the implication that Bush is deleting some of my web posts. This may not be an accurate, but a blog of mine at myspace has been about half deleted. That was a practice blog since is was laden with cuss words. And some hefty accusations that I found in George H. W. Bush's Biography. But anyway, I just read that the US Supreme Court ruled a month ago, that EC prisoners held without trial deserve a trial or dismissal. They said yesterday, they have 200 applications maybe of detainees. And Columbia, too. Right the fuck on,, glad to seee the innocent be tortured. I'm happy for them. A FUCKIN MONTH AGO,, fag i know your debriefing schools are shit,,, so fucku,, now that I finally heard of this news, yea, fucku again,, I guess i got more work huh,, dude fucku, but i know i do,, so anyfuckngway,, so all that terror is relentless fuckin hate was on my bill huh,, oh well,, im going sleep through the courtday tomorrow,, so fucku and your Independence,, that's quite enough hate for you,, FUCKERS,, IF ANYONE DISSES ME AGAIN, WELL LETS JUST SAY IT SURELY WILL,, what a never ending nightmare,,

so anyway, i wrote the bs listed below lastnight,, no clue if its relevant today,, nor do i care,, enjoy it, whatever u want,, later much,, see i really am a complete jerk,,

GOSH,, it completely sucks to be so wrong about crap,, that is such nonsense its need to be forced out,, and u fuckers tear my insides out,, yea we dumped stench Condi,, she still had tons of feces in your hair,, we gave her a 6 mos bus pass,, stinky bitchh gonna sleep at the metrolink where they hate Conoco,, ok ok ok,, lol,, im dumber,, he's still Dumbest,, kinda funny,, it was her idea,, she asked me, 'Can I promote him to dumbest?' And I tell you what, her stench was so bad she could do anything she wanted,, we left,, she had the whole house to herself,, I tell ya when we got home, she was drinking her air freshener that she is supposed to have on her person at all times,, in fact, she was squatting down on top of the dining room table, face and hair just covered in feces,, not a shred of clothing on her body [keep it clean - she is a lady, an uncivilized one with sewage shitt in her hair but a lady nonetheless] ,, and scattered around her on the table were 24 cans of air freshener she had opened and sucked dry,, Thanks for being a good sporto,, Say a prayer for SAKI,, we had to dump the 'dead' weight,, you get it, oh mighty spy master from hell,, no but for real she seeemed thick ,, lol,, typo,, im keeeping it,, brightens up the place,, she seeemed nice enough,, but her stench was killing us,, we all agreed (me and all of my butt bugs, ok - Condi, unfortunately was infested with them,, what the heck kinda stuff goes on down there anyway,, the sewar walkers huh,, bet its 501(c)3 status too,, the concept is in genius,, Wile by any chance? [don't ask me] but one night about 1:00am on a Monday No1Walker was above the ground one day,, kept walking around my block,, stoned blue too let me tell ya,, sometimes he would run past my house screaming 'im a lightning bolt, im a lighting bolt',,, his upper lip covered in white powder,, i know Gonzo has a place down the street,, and I get the impression he don't really like No1Walker very much,,, In fact, he calls the neighbors and says , 'the spatz moocher just left doing the lightning bolt dance with his hands moving from his shoulders to full extension above his head back and forth,, light a serenade to HAARP,, I'll tell you right now they can't stand him either,,,, I have no opinion of the man when he's doing that,,

10 Shocking Facts About Global Slavery in 2008 by Caroline Nye
According to the CIA, more than 1,000,000 people are enslaved in the US today. Thousands of cases go undetected each year and many are difficult to take to court as it can be difficult to prove force or legal coercion.
Bonded Labor occurs when labor is demanded in order to repay a debt or loan and the cyclical nature of debt and work can enslave the person for the rest of their life.

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