Sunday, July 6, 2008

Terrorism drastically shocks the senses and promotes fear!

7/6/2008 2:04pm cst

James Bath, bin Laden banker or accountant, financed Arbusto, 'little bush', Mr. President's first oil drilling company, that unfairly obtained drilling rights in Caribbean.

I've been listening to the audio book, 1984, by George Orwell.

Rumsfeld was head of the Pentagon and military before and after Cheney's reorganization during the Reagan Administration that illegally sold weapons to the Iran Contras (taliban) and narrowed the definition of torture. I haven't even started reading about Rumsfield. My torturers are killing me.

Today I was pretty much in trance all day. Got into the fake yahoo chat that seems to incriminate me but its fake, to me. I never talk to anyone and I have no friends there, only enemies. But like I say I just went into the chatrooms to fight, take shit of punks (bullies), or whatever. I'm just exhausted. They say that Bush gonna make me into the antichrist but one of the pages I looked at yesterday, named him, Mr. President, as the antichrist. Now that would be appropriate for opposite day Republican rubric if trying to name someone else if really him. Look, I don't believe in any prophecy, especially the terrorism type stuff the Republicans have been brewing. I don't believe in antichrist, I don't think Bush is 'good' though.

Who stole that important magazine? Was it when you had Doreen come over and pound some fake nails into my coffin? You cheat. "How did I get so low?" Look who is beating my ass. Or maybe my family. You know, they have all messed with me in chat and person. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention The Dukes of Hazard movie? In the movie, which I was often hinted at to watch but didn't realize it. One day it was on TV so I watched and Bo and Luke Duke made a comment that its a crime to be a virgin at 40yo, only in Missoura. lol.. you're idiots. I turned off the movie after that, before I got anything 'good' from it. But let me tell ya, [i hate with a passion that word folks] 'good' means 'bad' now. Bad means bad, too. Its not confusing at all, it opposite day if it works for them. They think everything is like Yin and Yang and two opposite means on the same continuum are synonyms. Texas inbreeds.

Bush signs limits on class actions

updated 11:53 a.m. CT, Fri., Feb. 18, 2005
You'd think the purpose of State Class-Action Suit Reform would be for the benefit of the victims, since there was so much talk about greedy lawyers keeping much of the settlements and maybe just giving the victims pittance such as coupons. I'd say that's the extreme situation but I don't know for sure. The new law will make any State Class-Action Suit seeking damages over $5 million and less than a third of the plaintiffs are from the same state, it becomes a case for Federal Court. Big business that sell consumers dangerous goods have been lobbying to reduce liability, and I think the consensus is that the Federal Court System are likely to hear much fewer large dollar cases. Check the below Red Flag:
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said moving those cases to federal court would ensure that state judges would no longer “routinely approve settlements in which the lawyers receive large fees and the class members receive virtually nothing.”
Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass said:
“It’s the final payback to the tobacco industry, to the asbestos industry, to the oil industry, to the chemical industry at the expense of ordinary families who need to be able go to court to protect their loved ones when their health has been compromised,” said Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass. “And these people are saying that your state isn’t smart enough, your jurors aren’t smart enough” to hear those cases.

Bush said:
... as just the beginning in his drive to place much broader restraints on the U.S. legal system. Next up, he said, should be curbs on asbestos litigation and medical malpractice awards.
I mention it also, because of the four types of cases that qualify would likely have a majority of plaintiffs in same state.

I haven't been able to do much lately. They always lie to me. I can't stand it. I got a couple of messages from bots or as one guard corrected another, "They are scripts, they're not bots", with some interesting names. One was photolysis_ready so I figured I had better pull the pics down from this blog, as there will surely be some pics with incriminating editing of me (trash, u cheat). I just know it. All them friggin photographers. Plus, what am I framed for? A crime a twin committed? But, whatever they are in chat they are illegal, intent to harm and mislead people, exactly. They don't allow me in other chats. Had me booted from AOL that did nothing a few times. Just whatever, its all bullcrap anyway. Don't you think watching me all this time would inform you that my prescription to Adderall isn't going to cause me to harm myself of others. You guys have fried my nervous system completely. And trust me, I have no control over my behavior. So, most people really don't know about the CIA testing mind control on POWs in both the Korean and Vietnam wars? That's their specialty. In fact, Crazy, they are responsible for all or any bullying that I've experienced since at least Junior High School. Just got buzzed for that sentence, indicating accuracy or close maybe. But, the buzzes are so inconsistent - I never know what they mean. I also always get the 'experiment' riddle that could be related to Adderall with the AMA, Kinsey report, Manchurian candidate, which as I understand it is a prisoner probably that is hypnotized (converted) into an assassin then no memory of it happening. I saw on National Geographic today about photographs of Sirhan that assassinated Bobby Kennedy in a tranced state for the first gunshot. But of course, he received two other bullets from different directions just like his brother, JFK. The CIA appear to be behind both, in my opinion. But anyway, there are several experiments I could be in - Hate motivation for the president. I had said before how scary it was that the CIA seem to know all the toxic pesticides tolerance levels. Some of the experiments of the CIA were to establish this level. They used to be acid (LSD) freaks, in everybody's drinks. My mind is just fried.

7/7/08 2:30am cst

So anyway, Bush wanted to ban gay marriage in 2004. Making homosexuality a crime, undoubtedly. LOL,, "only in Missoura...

I want to talk some about Department of Homeland Security from my textbook. They booted me out of school, man. And, no note from the puppet master stating I'm forced to play his game of traumatic abuse. How am I supposed to fight you Mr. President? Oh yeah, I heard awhile back, that you daddy killed JFK, but we'll get to that some other time. Terrorism Today 3rd Ed. by Clifford E. Simonsen and Jeremy R. Spindlove. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

Overview of Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Red text is for RedFlag (danger)
Five Directorates:
1) Border and Transportation Security
2) Emergency Preparedness and Response
3) Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection
4) Science and Technology
5) Management
Three Mission Agencies:
1) Coast Guard
2) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
3) U.S. Secret Service

The primary mission of the DHS is to secure the homeland and protect it against conventional and unconventional attacks. DHS also leads response efforts to natural disasters, the U.S. immigration system, ensures the safety of our waterways, and helps stop illegal drugs from crossing over our borders. [Everything in purple still seems to be problem areas. Do they know that stuff is even their job or what? They are opposite-day responsibilities.]

DHS will work to implement a next-generation human resources system for the 22 merged agencies into one department, serving as a model for the federal government.

2005 $9 billion Budget and psuedo programs:
$890 million for Aviation Security including explosive-detection-equipment for each airport's baggage claim.
$450 million for Border Security including 'Container Security Initiative' (CSI). CSI assures. packaging is nonexplosive but only relies of the honor system of the exporting country.
$3.6 billion for first responder grants and better targeting to high-threat areas.
$2.5 billion for Project Bioshield, medical countermeasures for WMD.
$130 million to implement DHS's new HR system, allegedly mission-centered, fair, and flexible
Operation: Liberty Shield - protection of America's citizen's and infrastructure.
DHS Command Center: National 24/7 watch operation.
12/03 - merged the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) with Immigration and Customs. Enforcement (ICE).
9/03 - established a new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspection officer position.
Homeland Security Act - historical opportunity for new modern HR.
Training supervisory personnel to administer a performance-based pay system and create the IT framework.
2001 (C-TPAT) Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, honor system with 3,000 importers, 600 carriers, 1,000 brokers and freight forwarders of US goods.
2005 (NTS) National Targeting Center - the use of information from diverse sources for risk assessment of nonUS people and goods.
(US VISIT) United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program - an automated entry/exit system to scan travel documents, take fingerprints and photos for database comparison.
2005 $100 million to implement the Maritime Transportation Security Act to set standards for certain vessels worldwide.
2005 $5.3 billion (TSA) Transportation Security Administration - airport screeners
$400 million - improve airport screening
$25 million - train pilots as flight deck officers
2005 $100 million (PART) Program Assessment Rating Tool - apprehend, detention, and release of 400,000 plus illegal aliens.
$11 million - Alternative detention methods for noncriminal aliens seeking asylum with lower and less costly supervision but ensures the alien's appearance of legal immigration proceedings.
2005 $23 million Temporary Worker Program - adding 200 ICE investigators.
[Look what he did to the Native Americans.]
Since Homeland Security is a national challenge, not just a federal one, state, local, regional, and tribal governments are vital to fighting terrorism and safeguarding our homeland.
2001 to 2004 $2.6 billion Preparation for state and local first responders of national emergencies.
2001 to 2004 $8.4 billion Preparation for DHS of national emergencies.
[Look at what the fool calls his fresh new DOJ in the Executive Branch.]
2001 to 2004 $16 billion Combined funds from DHS, Department oh Health and Human Services (HHS), and Justice (DOJ) for State and local level assistance for nonhomeland security programs. These funds have allowed unprecedented investments in critical equipment, hundreds of coordinated exercises (detention experiments), 500,000 new first responders trained, local homeland security strategies, dramatic expansion of citizen corps initiatives for community-based volunteers to support front-line responders. [my shitsuckin innercircle]
2005 $3,6 billion - Office of Domestic Preparedness to double the Urban Area Security Initiative. DHS is developing national domestic preparedness goals that will establish measurable targets that encompass readiness for various hazards, including terrorist attacks and major disasters. A national exercise (experiment with human rights) program to better target, coordinate, and distribute lessons learned from preparedness exercises (experiments).
(HHS) Department of Health and Human Services public health programs transferred to DHS. and integrates with the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS).
2005 $20 million - planning and exercises (experiments of human rights) assossiated with medical surge capabilities.
There's a bunch more but I'll come back to it later if I need to.
There's just something I don't about this organization, like Rush Li,, I mean Newt Gingrich is 'keynote' speaker for an annual convention. Now that's not to stereotype anyone but they look and talk alike, plus wasn't he House Majority Leader during the Republican 'conversion'? Not sure really, but a major organization that underwrites all them companies listening to Newt, has got to be pretty shady. I'll try to get back to this association. NAMIC provided a one page summary of Class-action reform so I will read through that first then see what hopefully I can find.
Founded in 1895, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) is a full-service national trade association serving the property/casualty insurance industry with more than 1,400 member companies that underwrite more than 40 percent of the property/casualty insurance premium in the United States. NAMIC members are small farm mutual companies, state and regional insurance companies, risk retention groups, national writers, reinsurance companies, and international insurance giants. Together, we are NAMIC.


This place bugs me too:
Overdrive Productions, Inc. - Texas Authorized Dealer forPersonal Monitor Mixing Systems by AVIOM

WTF is this article?
The Week May 19, 2006, Page 4
It wasn't all bad.
A woman who spent 11 years in federal prison graduated from law school this week. Serena Nunn was 19, with a clean record, when she got caught up in a drug deal arranged by her boyfriend. Under mandatory federal guidelines, she was sentenced to more than 15 years. But in 2000, after she completed her college degree behing bars, President Bill Clinton granted her a pardon; she soon enrolled at the University of Michigan Law School. "It took me awhile to get comfortable in my own skin," she said. "But so what? You paid your debt. Now get on."

this makes me cry. dude i'm so innocent i swear. plus she don't have torture. That's why Reagan narrowed the laws. Did your crack dealer daddy do the mandatory 15 years federal sentence? Dude, if i'm innocent a trial would tell. Do you think I'm brainwashed? Why would I come to yahoo prison for relentless pure hate? Know, you know that I've been badly mentally used and abused. I want a trial. Or, I guess I have to wait for the next non-nazi president to be elected for a pardon. Cause fag, I'm innocent of everything. Why a ghost prisoner? oh yeah, exercise against human rights for tolerance. How can I take classes and go to school? Are you one of the teachers? I got tons more work to do then. I'll be back with more tomorrow here again. But, didn't the Supreme Court request the release of prisoners a month ago? And I still can't get advice from my state court? Did you pull all this shit out of your asshole, dude? Dude, I can't go be free. You won't leave me alone. Oh yeah, Ashcroft made torture law more narrow: death, damaged or destroyed organ, and I forgot the last one. Id say my sexual organ is shot. Cancer too dude, but you won't let me know to get treated.

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