Thursday, July 31, 2008

i dont play golf with the worlds biggest cheaters,,

Nancy Grace: are you a prosecutor for me or the federal gov't,, in this god for saken pitiful excuse for a justice system,, i get the warnings all day,, err suggestions,, i gotta kill myself,, to end this,, and I want them to kill me,, dude why so hard on me,, backed me into a corner of complete relentless hate,,, and i cant persuade,,, im not a nazi dude,,, i dont think i can do the rule of law weighted heavier on my side because i spat out too much hate to people that matter,,
these polititions are all backwards,, we all know there will not be a true election,, theres no way,,
and dont treat me like im stupid because i dont understand ur everchanging code of lies,, u have all screwed me royally,, and I cant trust u,, duh,, no offense,, id love to trust anyone,, i get NO ONE,, ever,, thanks,, and bullshit people dont get death sentence for helping me,, im innocent,, remember i didnt get a trial,, and then i get years of torture,, im not interested,, just kill me,, or kill him,, i said to shoot the mother fucker years ago,, for nonterrorist type of self defense,, he named his terrorist club in the republic of columbia the self defense front or whatever,, so see,, i cant even defend myself,, my only purpose is to prove to the people but i dont think i can do that,, i can try but i will fuckk it up,,

so what are we on now Amendment 2,,

i have so much hate for the world,, no fuckin way,,, im not trading the rest of my indefinitely sentence from a crime yet to be determined,, I yelled for my habeas corpus rights before,, I dont remember from all the hate,, which is designed to erase my memory,, as a survival mechanism,, what about this hate experiment,,.,, see i know that it is beyond unethical and illegal to perform experiments on a mental patient without informing him or her,, certainly to to the point of torture,, plus its illegal to restrain a mental patient that wants out of an experiment,, Psyche Care Consultants,, my dr datta was a big pusher for adderall,, he used to tell me he gives 'speaks' on it,, my life is pathetic,, but no im not interested in a trade like Christopher Columbus to get freedom,, was he guilty? on illegal cam and tortured,, how do we fake my death please,, uhh

an odd note frim class,, Sam Waksal arrested and charged w/ insider trading,, i dont know for sure the meaning,, Baker got bush out of trouble witrh the SEC for harken scam,, theres so much nancy grass,, were you talking to me about wanting facts,, im so sorry miss grace but i am limited on my facts,, im brainwashed,, through my TV, online, disinformation,, ok lets go with the CIA disinformation in the UK,, ummwithout looking a writ of habeas corpus is a request to have a hearing,, thats why all the alleged terrorists dont get trials,, because they are all innocent,, they kidnap muslims from airports,, in the US,, ask the CIA nancy,, sorry hearsay,, but he can use lies,, you know all access in and out is controled,, read what i wrote,, il try to do better,, you looked nice on tv and being the worthless dehumanized innocent person I thoroughly appreciate your less agressive approach,, "You would like facts huh?" well I hate to disappoint you,, im totally propaganda'd out,, im a walking space cadet,, One of my textbooks said, "American Bar Association" says "Rule of Law" is what goes,, I didnt even write that definition down in my notes,, thats just popular opinion is all that means,, just because u have the most powerful position in the world doesn't mean the silent majority is in ur corner,, and that is nonsense that nixon made up,, i thought it meant like

Gates as the CIA director,,

at the time 38 planes were shot down with CIA asst. I think I read,, was in Peru,, oh this is from George Tenet's book,,, I heard this but didn't right much,, I read I think that the CIA was helping the Peruvian Gov't curtail drug traffic,, but I dont know whats true,, for sure,, Tenet's book i jotted Boyers (missionary work) accidental shotdown,,

Reagan created the Strategic Defense Agenda,, i think that was a private club for Cheney and maybe rumsfeild,, I know it had an attorney general in there maybe,, Project 908 maybe,, or Project 809,, i dunno but it was an underground meeting of gov't officials to secretly discuss the 'next step' after nuclear war,, uhhh we arent on the same page here,, you guys make everything so difficult,,, twisting meaning and sentences around to create completely irrelevant message,,, u know,, we are the highest species because we have language,, we Mr. President,, Mr. Busch,,, whos jackie,,, jackie daniels,,, thats high on the list,, sorry disney if ufr nogt bad but you got that max nazi,, he looks like hitler,,, he met walt

what did the news say,, about exxon falling short of analyst expectations? no way,, i just read that had earnings released,, i guess quarterly,, i dont know for sure,, but it was $11.68 billion dollars profit,, for all stakeholders,, which arn't always shareholders,,, exxon is one of those long term stocks you buy and hold,, maybe some volatility but long term hold and make capital earnings with the dividends,, but man this exxon is just going crazy crazy with rapid growth,, The Board of directors gotta be busch,,, [buzz buzz buzz buzz] nice,, i mean that i got that buzz,,,

heres some disinformation,, from one of my textbooks from online fraud school,, and I guess the US department of education from the executive branch ,, ill be back in a few,,

what else should i do

i need to do it now,,, freedom,, they took away all my righjts,, 1st amendment,, restricting my freedom of speech,, dude i dont know what else they are,, who does,, i know the right to a fair and sp3eedy hearing,, im not even guilty,, he's using his power over the law to restrain innocent people for numerous things that might make an enemy combatent,, he has a hate list like nixon,, i think bush list is near a million worldwide huh,,, none are terrorists,,

will u stop the oder please,,

i cant functioon,, dont expect me to follow any leads willingly,, please,,, i just neded free,,, so i can get a life,, im not a terrorist i swear,, i opromise,,,

according to Hoovers business research,, Halliburton existed abroad...

1991 - Russia
1993 - China
1995 - Germany - Halliburton drilled the worlds deepest horizontal well 18,000ft.
1995 - Dick Cheney becomes CEO - former US Defense Secretary
- Brown and Root began providing engineering and logistic services to US Army Peace Keeping Troops in the Balkans,,
- won major contract to develop Canadian off shore oil field in 1996.
1998 - Halliburton doubled in size,, paid 7.7 billion for Dresser Industries,, that produced oil fields equipment,,
2002 - Ch 11 bankruptcy KBR and Dresser Ind. was split into 2 subsidiaries 1) New Energy Services Group
2) KBR - engineering and construction
- purchased Pruett Industries - fiber optic sensor technology co.
2004 - KBR awarded $1.4 billion contract to repair Iraq oil fields

Federal courtrooms dont allow cameras inside accoding to cspan,, Brig Gen Thomas Hartmann,, he sounds like a fool,, but thats just my tortured opinion,,

nobody even sees this crap,,, its worthless,,,

it feels like extra,,,

electromagnativity now,,, but that is often really,, 2x day usually,, anyway,, really im just an idiot,,,
Alfred McCoy wrote a book i didn't finish: A Question of Torture
uhh just as an aside,, like a play,, one of my school professors at Kaplan hate that last name and I have two neighbors with that last name,, living maybe 200 ft from each other,, a couple of blocks,, im in middle,, i dont know either one,, and its probably only the hanes directory that lists these names that i mention,, does google earth do that yet?
but i also saw a video about the CIA mental torture program,, on national geographic,, the only reason i thought id win was because too many people i recognized coming through chatrooms and maybe judging me,, maybe not,, maybe letting me know professors from my school are involved,, where i got the bsba in finance,, george what do u have,, did u major in nose picking of ur pals,, lol,, now thats funny,, i dont care who u are,, but the cia has been doing mental torture for decades and the country has been under deep propaganda mind control information,, i would say the news is only because you destroyed their reputations as jouralists,, its a pretty big deal to uphold such titles,, I think the BBC is crap,, infiltrated by the CIA as well,, oh man im so sorry world,, this is just terrible,, we hyave all been lied to so badly,,

the following are some s3entences i copied from thjat book,, i dont have page numbers,,

[ill talk in purple,, which i kinda dig now that you hate it]
[i changed to blue]
These are just my notes - this crap has been on National Geographic channel,,
1950-'62 CIA involved with torture
Massive Mind Control Effort
- psychological warfare
- secret research into human consciousness
- cost is a billion annually (min. i'd say)
- not physical "No Touch" torture
*the above created after experiments w/ hallucinogenic drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation.*

CIA operated covertly, penetrating and compromising key US Institutions: Universaties, hospitals, armed forces, and US Agency for Int'l Development,,
- could draw on military and civil resources to amplify its reach and reduce responsibility,, [like with me]

[any dont talk dont tell besides the pussy nazi nextdoor by any chance,, they tried to hook me up with, geezz everybody that could killme,,, i will never know most of it,, the magic in me is not an alien,, there is no magic,, i bleed mother vfucker just like you,, poetry sux righ5t now,, always in hell it does,, and thats the code i bet,, would have never checked,, in a million,, oh well,, cie la vie,, lest do naked hawaii,,]

[Oh i forgot to type about pyle,, from Viet book,, i will do that after these notes,, ]

more notes from McCoy's book:
For 2000 yrs. interrogators had found out that mere physical pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance,,
*By Contrast*
The CIAs psychological paradigm fused two new methods for their signature :
1) Sensory disorientation - (far more invasive for the CIA)
2) Self-inflicted pain - [keep the victim screwing himself over and over for the rage satisfaction]
*the combo causes the victim to feel responsible for suffering

Sensory Deprivation - CIA version
relentless probing into the essential nature of the human organism to identify is physiological and psychological vulnerabilities.
*has evolved into a total assault on all senses and sensibilities - auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, survival, sexual, and cultural. assult and lets add exploit,, making me do it myself,, classic,,,

-refined through years of practice, the method relies on simple, even banal procedures, isolation, standing, heat and cold, light and dark,, [lotsa bipolar crap] noise and silence for systematic attack on all senses,,
- fused with self-inflicted pain creates a synergy of physical and psychological trauma whose sum is a hammer-blow to the fundamentals of personal identity [in laymans terms 'inhumane treatment']

Although seemingly less brutal than physical torture, "no touch" leaves deep psych scars on both victim and interrogators,,
-the perpatrators suffer dangerous expansion of ego leading to escalating cruelty and lasting emotional disorders,,

Sensory Deprivation.
- provokes more anxiety from the interrogators than other torture and leaves no scar - Harder to Prove!
- produces longer standing effects,,

Victims suffer a mistrust bordering paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders,,

After field operations in 1963
- gave way to unimaginable cruelties, physical and sexual by perpetrators w/ horrifying brutality,,

a Q & A for Dr. Otto Doerr-Zegers (Dr.)

Q: What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origin [mental?]

Dr.: says the answer lies in the psychological the phenomenology of the torture situation - constantly occurring,, [reasons psychotic victims]
1) asymmetry of power
2) anonymity of the torturer to the victim
3) 'double blind' - enduring or betraying others
4) systematic falsehood - of trumped up charges, artificial lighting, cunning deception, and mock executions
5) confinement - in distinctive spaces signifying displacement, trapping, narrowness, and destruction,,
6) temporality - characterized by some unpredictability and much circulatory, having no end,,

Torturer strives through insult and disqualification, by means of threats... to break all the victims existential platforms,, Torturer eventually achieves "complete power" and reduces the victim to "a condition of total or near total defenselessness,,

Dr. Doerr-Zegers describes the psych component of torture becomes a kind of total theater,, A constructed unreality of lies and inversion, in a plot that ends inexorably with the victim's selvf betrayal and destruction,,

To help with the false or trumpted up charges:
1)fabricated news
2) mock executions


As the torturer manipulates circumstances to "maximize confussion" the victims feels prior schemas of the self and world,, [reliving abuse by retelling story to everyone for the same rejection]
shattered and becomes receptive to the torturers construction of reality,, [they said fight or die,, a who would be nice]

Under peculiar conditions of psyche torture, victims isolated from others, form emotional ties to their tormentors [not easily],, that make them responsive to a petrverse play in which they are both the audience and actor,, subject and object,, in a script that leaves them not just disoriented,, but emotionally and psychologically damaged,, in some cases for the rest of their lives,,
couple notes from another book that was very important,, that I didn't get to get back to - i got more than this i know,,, but the author talks about the effects of the twin towers murder,, 9/11,, and we are just forced into submission,, he wont let anyone investigate what he was warned about often before it occurred,, he just sat in that classroom reading that children's book,,

The Paranoia Switch

Martha Stout, Ph.D. (also wrote The Sociopath Next Door)

Terrorist’s Goal

Most successful attacks affect our mind’s most deeply and continues to affect them long after the knife’s edge of grief has dulled a little, the demolished structure have been rebuilt, and the catastrophe itself has begun to recede into history. Even a lethal terrorist plan is relatively unsuccessful unless it affects our minds. A terrorist plan may do horrible damage to fragile human bodies, or to our material achievements, or to the stability of our gov’t systems. May very well gratify jealousy and hatred/rage of those that carried it out. It’s most cherished ambition is to affect us psychologically, to instill a sense of helplessness in the minds of individual citizens, and to steal, in wholesale grabs, from our collective stores of hopelessness. Blasts an adequate number of its citizens into helplessness, hopelessness, and into lasting animal brain paranoia. To feel helpless and far too isolated to turn to others for help. He’s gained influence over another person – keeps him in a state of fear and dread, not just at the time and place of the beatings, but day in and day out, perhaps for a very long time, and wherever his victim may go.

- almost instantly become suspicious of other human beings,, countrymen > more gradually > society, nation > the isolated from the world.

Sets an ancient trap in the origins of the minds of the living then rapidly claps shut, while the survivors are still shell shocked and oblivious, and one that keep their psyches ensnared for years. Longer is better for the degrading emotional [the obvious hate that hurts like hell to admit] influence that keeps his teeth stuck into the survivors.


If you [the victim – once had more power] fail [to meet goal], this [terrorist act] is what to expect.

[from Bush is a slave world I guess,, not sure what I meant there]

The initial psychological trauma that preoccupies the target is meant to make it impossible to be ignored or forgotten. The longer the terrorists are vilified within the target, the more misrepresented and unclear the original point becomes. In the end, the specific message succumbs to the terror that was meant to convey it, and enduring psychological damage for its own sake becomes the entire prize for the terrorists.

Immediately following 9/11, the majority of Americans began to suffer from debilitating psychological symptoms – depression, disrupted sleep, difficulties paying attention at work or at school, intrusive thoughts about the event.

Work Block,, the inability to perform substantial work. Behavioral change from the long lasting effects of fear, confusion,

Work Block - is the inability to perform substantial work. Behavioral change from the long lasting effects of fear, confusion,
I think thats all i got of that book,, but what about
No Place To Hide by Robert O'Harrow, Jr.
CNN said Viet Dinh the former Asst, Attorney General at the beginning of the Bush nightmare,, He saw Barbera Olson that perished on flight 77 into the pentagon just two nights prior at a dinner party that she had,, she also gave away autographed copies of the photography book she put together titles Washington, DC: Then and Now. She was extraordinarily joyous,, the author said, "in rare form" and "Her humor was irrepressible." I got a mention on CNN as the turture memo,,

So anyway, Christopher Pyle, a professor at Mount Holyoke College, was serving in the Army in '67 and '68 teaching law at the intelligence school at Fort Holabird, Maryland. To learn more about his subject a student invited him and an instructor colleage for a briefing,,
"They were taken to a huge building that once had been used to assemble railroad engines. It had a large black arch and, in one brightly lit room, an interior cage made of mesh wire. Pyle walked into the cage, where an officer showed him books containing mug shots. He looked in the first volume and saw a familiar face. It was Ralph David Abernathy, Martin Luther King's asst. Officers called the books the "black list." As Pyle recalled it, they were actually labeled: persons active in civil disturbances. On a bench near the books was a stack of computer punch cards1960's to program the cutting edge machines of the day,, Writtin on the tops of the cards in pencil were the names of people whose information the card contained. The 1st card was Arlo Tatum, a man Pule knew as the head of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors in Philadelphia, a group of activists advised soldiers and others about their rights,, Outside the cage, Pyle saw more than a dozen teletype machines,, The head of the CONUS intelligence section told him they were spitting out reports from some 1500 Army operations about demonstrations with twenty people or more,, Pyle was starting to understand how naive he'd been. He began formulating a plan,, He would be getting out of the army soon and he could tell the world about what was going on,. When he joined the Army he took an oath to defend the country against all enemies, here and abroad. In his mind now, that included the Army's intelligence operation.. They turned in their security badges and left,, Pyle said it was really great stuff and asked if there was anything he could take back and show his class,, Pyle was given teletype printouts for the week of March 11 - 18 1968. One of the reports told of undercover Army agents attending a meeting at a Unitarian church. Pyle thanked him and left. "It was very clear to me that we had just witnessed the essential apparatus of a police state," Pyle said. "It wasn't that these people were trying to create a police strate.,. ... a reporting apparatus that was covering millions of Americans engaged in completely lawful activity,, Pyle won a Polk Award in 1971 from the Washington Monthly from a long story he wrote about Army spy operations,, Senator Sam Ervin lead hearings that clossed the opeation down,,


Judge Bee

[i do like big band music too by the way - we all should - i think many music acts might be involved on the brainwashing/converting]

i cant stand looking at this puke

History of Animation. 1989. Wings Books. by Charles Solomon

and the fuckin military/cia criminals raping me across the neighborhood,, this is the new rape,, they do it to everyone,, nothing special about me,,, please just kill me,, i dont even know whats going on,, i know its very damaging to me and theb country,, uhhh brainwashing? look between disney looney toons films,, slow mothing,, cel by cel,,, if u see an easily comprehendable suggestion,, that part of it,,, but i dont have time or tools to check things out,, since max fleischer joined in the early years,,,

ohhh lol,, david fox,, the fag,,, gotcha,, i dont know really but fits real good 1st page of cartoon history ,, i dont even know whzat it says,, its beyond me,,, mentions Ronald also,, hey thats me,, and meg from family guy,, she griws up as ron,, funny,, espe cially good from dumbfucks like u,, i cant get better no matter what

oh ur previews for the upcoming motion pictures

looks like fake to me,, what was it, youre having a bunch of people be hired on the CIA publicly or some crap,, then uhhh maybe a brainwashed movie too,, i dont remember,, i wasnt impressed in the least,, and youre not asking me to help you,, im begging you to help me,,, i dont know the answers to the fuckin riddles,,, and frankly i dont care anymore,, its nothing but constant run around,, just like the war,, just like this president,, just like life,,

its something to do with depakote aka valproic acid,, that is the 2nd or maybe the first by now,, choice for what the medical community calls 'mood stabilizer' to help bipolar patients from going into mania,,, lithium was the no1 choice for a long time but depakote was strong 2nd,, but they use different by now,, its a weight gainer,, it was originally created as an anti seizure medication but works well supposedly for controlling mania,,, well cnn made a huge deal out of the medicine after some trials with the removal of hiv from organ tissue,, suppossedly the current drug cocktail that may have been happening a few or many years removes all traces of hiv from the blood but not organ tissue,, and cnn ran a story every half hour about depakote haqving the ability to do that,, that was at the same time my supposed buddy that had me dealing drugs for big brother [he told me big brother was watching me and i didnt undersdtand] they had to knock alot harder for me,, and psyche care consultants,, probably had me in a medicle experiment with adderall,,, cenetrpoint hospital,, well they also sent the buddy of the stupid neighbor dave [the trash that hates me, could also mean someone trying to help me,, b/s,, or my godfather or cheney] to teach me to crunch it and snort it,, well i had to request non time released since that time,,, this whole fuckin thing is bad,, im screwed world,, just like cheaters tv on fox,, what a trash show,, no offense but jeez,, and the setting up the pediphiles online,, they are setting up thiose priests i swear to god,, what was something i read lately,, people only care about the sex smear crimes,, ullshit, they care about bush not taqking the available data and info about his family friend that was gonna run airplanes into a building,, the pheonix memo said these pilots were training i n the usa,, race for what,, this isnt a race war,, no way,,, this cant be aq race war,, look at the people u kill with aids Mr CIA,,, biowarfare,, i dont know that information is,, this is exhausting good bye

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

dude,, too funny,,

neighbor joebob,,, duhr,, please give me a break,, i couldnt give a flying fuckk if u were a monkey from mars,, they all want me to see that was exam same when CIA had me dealing weed,,, which they jad a dude jordan [buzz the mother fuckers] set seeds in my head about quantities of weed he sold and got away with,, big car dealer family,, he was lying,, so what,, there are a million things that make us more accepting of lie4s,, straight out of their mouths,, like bush,, we were at a bar won tickets to a rams game,, how much more setup could that be,, they setup all prizes,, who wins at the casinoes probably,, i dont know for suew but i bet so,, they are forever complete filth,, and its impossible for me to ever get free,, the fuckers have nme surrounded everywhere i go and everything i do,, i cant even masterbate,, then they can pin something about deprived male turns into pedophile i bet,, just like the catholic church brainwashed,, remember when sinead o'connor tore a picture of the pope in half on saturnay night live,, she had something i guess,, they are brainwashing the priests i bet,, they do it 5to the military,,, basic training,, i am a bad result,, nah they just hate me without an excuse, rhymm or reason,, the american bar association is not for rule of law,, they are for justice,, i think some of bush's cabinet members where getting quicl online degrees,, i would saw his supreme court doesnt look good,, just to guess,, this is obvious,,

this message was just to fuckuoff m6y neighbor,, oh yeah my buddy,, dude i dont give a ratsasss about u,, why do they flaunt ur caddy at me,, dude i could care less as well as your family,, motrher fuckers,,, now shut the fuckk up,, yea right big military bzadass,, wanted me to suckk ur daddys dong remember,,, dumbfuckers,, dude ur not my friend,, ur forever the enemy,, fucku,,, i cant win,, fucku

youre nutso fox network,,

ive seen u fruitcakes a few times today,, much more than i like,, way more than tolerable,, i need time to collect my thoughts,, the news and casters are killing me,, no not really,, thats just their game,, their whole game,,, so anyway i went the library,, got a million more books for this nonsense,,, im not guilty by association with whaZt,, the gay blond dealing drugs nextdoor? oh hes military though,, but i thought keith the neighbor was a nail in the stoddard child school of the pedaphiles,,, screw you everybody,, its brainwash,, the damagae us real bad at the beginning,, after setup of course,, the murder of 3 thousand people,, flight 77 was a lie,, scotts book said he knew about the disinformation from the army as to the reason of war,, it was oil,,, umm i know on Fahrenheit 9/11 condoleezza rice and colin powell both said on camera that iraq didnt have WMD and it would be very unlikely if they get weapons,,, thebn just keeps hammering us with hate,, but we stay so mad we cant think straight to report to the proper people but apparently the stupid president can pick who is telling the truth and who is lying,, was bush countrywide finacial? the worst of the mortgage fallout,, lets see F 9/11 said the saudis invest alot in citibank,, and u know how bush and busch beer,, i even did a paper on the company,, of course its gone now,, they all are,, Advertising:The Human Misuse of Humans was a paper i wrote that talked about the DeepBoys,, the markers of the mind,, all I remember is sex used alot,, airbrushing artwork to be, unknowingly to us, sexually appealing,, shapes,, phallus shape airbrushed onto a advert of a male's abdomen for soloflex,, always played late at night too,, the infomercials,, well thats nothing compared to what the nazi bush is doing,, he's setiing us up to have cam in every house like 1984,, they talk like i do in that book,, always conscious of my facial expressions my breathing,, u cant hide anything from the thought police is what its about,, they get 2minute hate everyday where the leader of the country speaks and taunts them to make them enraged,, how he owns them,, how he has contro; of their thoughts,, sex isnt allowed, by the way,, they are doing experiment on me,, for some dumbass bush,,, dude forget it,, i cant win i hate to many of these fuckers to ever alli with them,, so i get to fuckin read and get more harassment,, outside my fuckin window,, pings and drug addicts and dealers,, they have all our personal information inside a computer,, read and listen to the conspiracists they know whats going on,, u want me too but they wont let me,, they keep making me screw up even worse,, i really dont hate myself or anyone,, but i would kill these mother fuckers,, everything i do is wrong,,, no matter what,, i cant be nice,, its already programmed into me that i hate forever,, for3evevr,, theyve been doing for more than a decade,, maybe back then trying to train me or to this point of trying to kill me,, my dad said my uncle isnt in the cia,, yes thery all lie,, but what am i supposed to do,, de he create aids,, test on my cousin michael? see i cant evebn comprh4nd that,, he hates fags huh,, so what,, killme,, they aint that high on my list either with all their hate,, fucku,, aol haters,, they not my family mother fuckers,, they are killers,, the CIA is a lying scam and test chemical and biological warfare on civilians including their own country,, yea i had a episode of maury povich copy of the department of health financing a disease like hiv or maybe dept of defense,, and the CIA was going to get busted up by president JFK and thats why they killed him,, they have abused other blond,, i dont know why,, they have me in some fuckin conspiracy i dont know what they are doing to me,, i resisit it all,,, no one can help me,, the american bar association says the rule of law,, so does that mean i dont even need to contaqct them,, do u fuckers even believe a word im saying,, who is you people anyway,, i hope its not an advanced species,, oh Busch,, to keep us drunk,, thats the way the CIA words,, with drugs,, see the booze is helps keep our heads ringing like the soundtrack from friday,, this is all complete bullshit,, i feel sorry for the society in this dumbfuck's care,,,

hey this is the home stretch and im gonna win,,

so let me enjoy it,,, please,,, stop making me hate,, or take hate,, or know of it,,, why make this so much worse,, every little thing that effects me is preplanned and screwed with,, stop making me freak out,, just let me do ur stupid slave work,,, this just sux,, the emancipation proclamation,, what about me and the indians? NOW would be great,, thanks,,

oh Rule of Law?

ok fine,, so what,, fucku anyway,,

see its nonstop with the hate,,, and crap i gotta read

to get free,, is full of bad,,, it may appear to be nice or beneficial but its never like that,,, hey im not saying that somebody's not guiding me through this hell so that i survive,, well thats what they want,,, want to to crave death more,,, like a suiucide bomber,, and all the beautiful things that ive been promised or eluded to believe that would come true,, well i dont believe in the trash from tghe trash,, fucku,,, theres nothing good,, like obama said,, suicide bomber,, fucku,,, im not doing it,, but thats the way you can nail him huh,, well fucku,,, how about the military testifying they dont like the torture they were made to do on a war under false pretenses,, thats common know2ledge yes,, the iraqi war was for oil,, not they're freedom,, i know this crap goes no where,, i forget how i know maybe it setup also,,, just like everything,, do i need to read that book 1984,, fucku,,, fucku,, i've got a few notes from a book by alfred mccoy,,
oh yea in pretend cop school online kaplan btw,, which had a big announcement alweays that they were owned by the washington post,, but im just now realizing or a few days ago,,, the new york times, im under the impression is the only true one,,, they ripped nixon,, the washpost played a good game,, adrianna too,, i liked her though,, but thats their way in i guess,, yea they had me in love with a jimmy or some crap,, even jimmydean commercials,, happy breakfast,, all over the weather channel,, propaganda,, they are lying to us as they are trtying to cage us,, its so subtle but even the congressman on Fahrenheit 9/11 said they are just trying to scare us,, its alll friggin trash,, they want me to commit suicide or they are gonna killme,, dont believe what they say,, its a lie,, read up on patty hearst and their type of brainwashing,, its conversion for me too,, to hate only,, fucku

oh this is the whiney crap,,,

hardly,,, im not bickering im dying it seems,, i hate weather people,,, what is that smell,, they keep putting in me,,, is there a carcinogenic benzine ring that smell like dirty feet or something,, they somehow are blowing it in my windows,,, it stinks,,, just like them,, this is the worst,,, i cant believe everyday,, nonstop hell,, nonstop,,,

American Heritage College Dictionary 3rg ed. 1993
prop*a*gan*da n. 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of its propagators. 2) Material disseminated by the advocates of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.

prop*a*gation n. 1) Multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction. 2) The process of spreading to a larger area or greater number. 3) Phys. The act or process of propagating, esp. the process by which electromagnetic or sound waves are transmitted through a medium. - prop'a*ga'tion*al adj.

dis*in*for*ma*tion n. 1) Deliberately misleading information announced or leaked by a government to influence another nation. 2) Dissemination of disinformation. {possible translation to Russian dezinformatsiya}

oh local police and military was just said by bush thjat had to watch al qaeda,, well theyre lucky as hell that’s not me,,, trust me there is no circumstantial,,, and il bitchh like a girl if they don’t get a life and out of my asss,, fucku,, its ILLEGAL AS HELL,, FUCKU U LOCAL PD AND MILITARY,, don’t worrry u got the god and everything else,, u pussies,,,

so this is a stupid hate experiment huh,,

hey this is illegal as hell,, I wrote about my rights that were takin away when i was going to that psuedo online college that i just flunked out of,,, well I am xso angry that I cannot fucntion,, I cant take phone calls even,,, what do ashcroft and bush tell you people,, oh yea the coutry's hands are tied,, NO ITS ILLEGAL,, so I got my sally mae payment book already,, I guess it has been about 4 weeks since ive not taken calls,,, couple weeks less for email for one of 12 or so accts,, i spread out alot to make me harder to stalk,, but they win witrh that too,, they still go through and send most emails,, the nbasty internet biz's they rip us all off from,, ive tried to get a free laptop a couple times and ended up owing them tons of money,, one of the companies was wanting me to setup as an online pharmacy,, no shitt,,, its all nonstop torture,, and I havent been smoking weed since they poison it,, but I cant not smoke,, they are too much hate too much of the time,, everything is a lie and fake,,, oh except the status of the country,, is that for real? cmon,, what do u expect me to do? my uncle is not a cia guy,,, but actually if i look back through my life he has made sure, i guess, that i get bullied,, i dont know for sure,, we had a health class in 5th grade and this girl i kinda liked,, im not sure why i didnt like her but we did an experiment with trust,, one student lead the other blindfolded student across a 2 lane street,, and this biotch lisa ran me into a pole,,, i dont think she got reprimanded,, i dont remember much,, but that skat whoever has been messing with me for years online,,, nonstop,, through my sisters death,, the fag,, no i aint going there with this nazi craqp,, what country am i in? training me for astronaut? i dont think so,,, ive been getting online in chat yelling fucku over and over ,,, see thats part of the cia mental torture< style="font-style: italic;">Animal Farm: A Fairy Story,, I get the impression that langley or where ever they train cia trash is aka The Animal Farm,,, There has been alot of animals put in this crap from them,, screen names,, cartoons,, that kind of stuff,, i know it sounds crazy but that is their purpose,, i cant stand, 'just like bush said that cant stand "our freedom"' oh yea he also said they terrorize themselves in Fahrenheit 9/11,, its the CIA torture,, They are not allowed to work in the US because they do illegal things,, in fact they live in unincorporated towns where a single marshall runs the legal system,, thats it,, or they wouldnt live there,, this is so much b/s,,, this is just retarded,, they hate me so much thats all ive got,, and hate for everything i read or weatch or see,, evereywhere,, nothing butr hate,, so if they arent allowed to work in the US why are they in the US Executive branch cabinet? thats wrong,, oh so since its torure they say the shitsucking cia passed me off to the military,, well they already said and testified they dont like the they were made to do in the military by torturing the iraqis,, its all about oil,, what do u want me to say,, what do u want me to do,, greenspan said it,, chomsky said it,, he mentioned 'double speak' like what im talking about as opposite day,, oh some book today said the hate will set me free,, it aint fuckin working,,, cause i hate with a vengeance,,, i still dont know the blond thing,, and mock killings,, heath,, batman,, cmon,, wtf,, u even had a fake crime in st louis,, gosh what an insult if wrong but the lirrle girl had the same diagnosis as me,, that commit suicide from myspace,, bipolar and add,, and they are causing it,, like that movie friday,, keep your head ringing was a repeated lyric in ice cubes swong os the same name,, it went ' ding ding dong, dinga ding ding, ding dong,' anyway io need weed but its poisoned,, thats,, oh yea and fairy the book title,, thats for me,, hmmmmmmmm brainwashed huh,,, pick up a book lady and check it out for yourself,,, im innocent your guilty of torture,,, and the nazis have infiltrated every aspect of life,, thats cool though germaqn fuckks all suck anyway,, whats the definition of propaganda?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Knights of Columbus 1882

Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros. various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

Word for word pg. 290
Charitable organization swears bloody oath against enemies.

[I get the impression that Dick Cheney is a leader in this group or something. Maybe it has something to do with ‘Star Wars’, but I really don’t know.]

The encyclopedia says the organization was founded by a Catholic priest in Connecticut in the US in 1882, by Father Michael J McGivney (later spelled as McGinley). Supposedly Catholics were excluded from many unions and fraternal organizations and, McGinley envisioned a society that would provide a support network based on the teachings of the Church. He initiated an ethical insurance scheme, for example, which is still in operation today.

The KOC is usually associated with right-wing policies. In the 1950’s they threw their support behind senator Joe McCarthy’s anti-communist witch-hunts. It is also anti-abortionist, and against the same-sex marriages. The organization is world renowned for its charitable work, particularly in the fields of disaster relief , and assisting those who have been injured by land mines.

At the turn of the 20th century, allegations emerged that the KOC were part of a conspiracy to overthrow the Protestant faith. A booklet was circulated purporting to be the secret KOC “Bloody Oath” which included the promise:

“I will… wage relentless war secretly or openly against all heretics, Protestants, and Liberals… I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up their stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.”

KOC members brought successful libel actions against publishers of the oath, which they claimed was a forgery. Many courts found in their favour after hearing, in secret, the “real” KOC oath. For some theorists, particularly those who belong to Protestant extremist groups, it is “Rome’s Bloody Oath” that remains the genuine article.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

sorry about all those cusswords delusion land

but, i hate everything and one,, im not a chosen one,,, im not even human according to some,,, killme immediaqtely,, thanks,, appreciate it,,, i mean it,, just do it,,, this is beyond sick,,,, go2hell,, mother fuckers,, go2hell,, FUCKU,, FUCKU,, FUCKU,,, FUCKU

Friday, July 25, 2008


how about a charge? what are you charging me with whore? not what these idiots say or tell or show huh?

Fucku all,, you had better killme fast,, youre a nightmare of a delusion, worse than the nasty guards asround here!! nah i take that back,, they are more worthless than you,,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

CIA conguering Latin America

Salvador Allende p. 60

On September 11, 1973, a military coup d’etat overthrew and murdered Chilean president Salvador Allende Gossens , and ushered in the repressive military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Alberto? No way. They bombed his palace with jet fighters, and stormed with tanks and infantry just because he was a democratically elected leader. Documents declassified during the Clinton Administration show that the US Government and the CIA had sought to overthrow of Allende in 1970. Henry Kissinger told President Nixon that the US “didn’t do it, but had created the conditions.”


The US invaded Panama in December 1989, so that it wouldn’t have to return the leasehold of the Panama Canal Zone on January 1, 1990. Manuel Noriega, a CIA operative, was the political leader since at least 1970. There were charges of money laundering and drug smuggling during his time as a member of the ruling military junta. President Carter removed him from the CIA payroll in 1977, but he got put back on during the Reagan – Bush era. Noriega became an important conduit for the supply of arms to the contras (terrorists) in their CIA sponsored fight against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Wasn’t Cheney in Nicaragua awhile, and somewhere down there for Operation: Just Cause. Bush mocked that on Fahrenheit 9/11. Manuel had changed from a CIA asset to a political liability on several occasions. He was indicted on federal drug charges in 1988 and convicted in 1992 on charges of drug smuggling, racketeering and money laundering to a 40 year sentence.

Nicaraguan and Contras financed with South Central Crack

San Jose Mercury News reporter, Gary Webb, chronicled the drug dealing activities of the Nicaraguan Democratic Forces (FDN) – the Contras (terrorists) – who reportedly sold ‘tons’ of cocaine to street gangs in South Central LA. This really came as no surprise since the CIA had most likely used heroin to weaken groups like the Black Panthers in the 1960’s and the Russians in Afghan in the 1980’s. And you know, they are doing it with meth now, in the US. I know they had some of my neighbors selling it and actually recruiting drug dealers. They do it right in here in St. Ann. Its that opposite day mentality that’s destroying you people. Will you get the hell off of me. You people are friggin nuts. See, I could do your job. But, I’m not a real ex-con. You guys would be stealing all my tips from Internet business. No, not really, but you totally ripped me offat your Internet Businesses. That sucks totally, Lt X. Is that you, Bush? The Self Defense Club? Oh man. But, you had my neighborhood kkk guys hating me real good so I would need something like that. So anyway, Gary Webb identified Danilo Blandon, a former Nicaraguan government official (bet during Cheney’s tour), as a conduit for thousands of kilos (lbs) of cocaine to LA street gangs from 1982 to 1986. Blandon plead guilty and went to work for the American DEA, in 1992. He set up his former best customer, drug kingpin Rick “Freeway” Ross. Ross went to jail. A military cargo plane, a C-123K owned by cocaine runner Barry Seal had crashed in Nicaragua with weapons and CIA employees on board.

my nasty mind

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the friggin credit cards they kept persuading me to get. The idiot CIA or whatever goons were harassing me kept saying I need the credit cards. I finally realized a credit card they said I needed would help me to get free. Wrong again, like always. Took a couple of years before I finally did it. And I don’t even get to know what’s going on, huh? They have been nothing but continuous trouble the whole time. It was just more ways to rip me off. Persuaded me to sign up for all kinds of crap that I needed to get free. I get nothing. I’ve been begging for death. I’m not even gonna acknowledge that they may be something wrong with my attitude. Maybe it’s the torture, ya think. Tortured by the world’s biggest idiots. Like anyone knows I’m talking about them, anyway. Or, like I even know what I’m talking about. This is stupid, for nothing. So what am I supposed to do with all the student loans. They keep flunking me out. The loans still have to be paid. I can’t even believe this is going on. Uhh duhr, our enemies hate our freedom. They can’t stand it.” Funny, when do I get to know what’s going on? They have lied to me everyway possible. Have many people try to kill me or attempt to infect with hiv. Please just kill me?

Bush, Baker, Bath, al Qaeda, Carlyle

Conspiracy Encyclopedia.
Fahrenheit 9/11. DVD. Michael Moore
Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. 4th ed. 1995

The Carlyle Group was a $12 billion private equity company [investment bank], with former U.S President George H.W. Bush as Senior Advisor for its Asian Fund. The encyclopedia says Mr. Bush had worked there since the mid 1990s and retired from the board of directors in October 2003. James Baker, the former US Defence [sic] Secretary was the firm’s senior counselor. Frank Carlucci, former college friend of Donald Rumsfeld and President Reagan’s Defence [sic] Secretary, was the Chairman. On the morning of September 11, 2001, these three men were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC along with Shafiq bin Laden, Osama’s half-brother, for Carlyle’s annual investor conference. The company had built itself up into the US’s 11th largest defense contractor. Bush senior went to bin Laden headquarters in Jeddah to represent the Carlyle Group at least twice, according to the authors. The bin Ladens along with 11 other Saudi families invested heavily in the Carlyle Group.

A couple of weeks later by September 26th, the US Army had signed a $665 million contract with a division of the Carlyle Group called the United Defense Industries (UDI), to develop a canon called the Crusader. UDI must have been a new subsidiary because they filed the very next month to go public with the stock. The securities were bought for the purpose of making a quick profit on resale and accumulated $237 million to working capital in a single day.

Also, on Carlyle’s Advisory Board is Sami Baarma, director of a Pakistani institution called the Prime Commercial Bank, based in Lahore and owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz. The bin Ladens have all discreetly removed themselves from the company.

James Bath was under investigation by the FBI since 1992, when he was accused of channelling [sic] Saudi money through Texan companies to influence US policy. Initially, George W. Bush denied knowing Bath, even though he funded Bush’s campaign to be the Governor of Texas. Bath also, was the sole US business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the bin Laden clan and brother of Osama. President George W. Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy received a $50,000 investment from Bath. By 1987, Arbusto had become Harken Energy Corporation and gained an addition $25 million investment, but through a transaction in Geneva. The encyclopedia says it was a joint venture between Union des Banques Suisses and the Geneva branch of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), with whom James Bath also had extensive connections. The BCCI was accused of laundering money for secret CIA activities, including funding of the Afghan Mujahideen (terrorist network before known as Bush’s ‘base’ or al Qaeda.

After Salem bin Laden died 1988, another Saudi businessman named Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his Houston portfolio. This is the same Khalid mentioned above at the Carlyle Group’s annual investor conference mentioned above. By April 1999, Khalid ws accused of transferring $3 million from a Saudi pension fund to New York and London branches of the BCCI that was linked to bin Laden operations.

President Bush was asked to appoint a Chairman for the 9/11 Investigation Commission and he chose Thomas Kean who was business partner of the bin Laden family. I believe in the appendix of the 9/11 Commission Report contains is the transcript of the video confession that was lost by the CIA for this terrorist attack. Who said water boarding is like swimming? I hate Republican jerks. I just got a copy of the report so I don’t know what the appendix says yet.

Preemptive Right – that’s the right giving existing stockholders the opportunity to purchase shares of a new issue before it is offered to others.

Blue-Sky Law – These laws require sellers of new stock issues or mutual funds to register their offerings and provide financial details so that investors can base their judgments on relevant data. The term has said to have originated with a judge who asserted that a particular stock offering had as much value as a patch of blue sky.

Pipeline – term referring to the underwriting process that involves securities being proposed for public distribution.

SEC – Security and Exchange Commission is made up of five commissioners appointed by the US President on a rotating basis of five-year terms. The Chairman is designated by the President, and to insure its independence, no more than members of the commission may be of the same political party. I’ve seen lately how politicians lie these days about party loyalty, in fact, all the time to get unfair advantage.

Double letters and numbers often signify a double meaning or a dot to connect. 11, 44, 77, and 88 are used a lot. AA, BB, HH (means 88 also), JJ, MM, PP, and SS are examples of first and last name initials. WW, also.

Oh yeah, they always have fire trucks or police or ambulence circle my block usually for the fear they would hope to instill. They don't really scare me except when trying to infect me with hiv or when an entire college hates my guts. I know they say they try to help but its all lies. They've been doing it for nonstop for years. And, I'm still not sure who it is. I knosw there have been times when they would be hating me in chat and I wouldn't screenpront because they knew it and would think they're illegal actions are bothering me. Actually, I never really thought of it as illegal, in fact, I don't even have any laws to protect me from such ignorant trash. Its bullying they said, but its much worse than that. How can I ignore? Trust me, I've tried but they get louder and meaner and more damaging. So, I'm Obama's suicide bomber too huh. You know, they've never told me how to get better. Once when Fox the pitiful channel was mocking me and freeing a bald eagle on TV, I got the impression that they were telling me I'm free but its never like that. I catch hell everywhere I go no matter what. Dude I'm not a terrorist or criminal.


Put Options

Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.

various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

Inside Trading in Airline and Insurance Stocks, Sept. 2001.
This article tells about 17,000 "Put" Options that were purchased just days before the planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Someone purchased 4,744 'puts' for United Airlines, and 12,215 between the other two named companies of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Alex Brown, Inc. was the name of the company that purchased most of these Options, which “Buzzby” Krongard, the current CIA Director (published, 2005) was apparently the CEO of until 1998. These options were never executed.

Oh here's more whining for McCain and idiots:
US Bank where I've been a customer for almost 25 years has turned against me like I'm their enemy as well. Bush, how the hell did I become your enemy? Well not just you, but every single person in the world, including the crapping media. The bank ripped me off $356 due to overdrafts charges or whatever that wouldn't have even occurred if the automatic repayment to reserve accout wouldn't have taken my money. All of these overdrafts were under or close to $10. The lady who called my from the branch on Lackland Road said I should bank elsewhere after lecturing me about whatever. She did refund me a $100, I guess. Umm also. Your goons, Mr. Bush always steal my ADD medicine. I admit to using more sometimes because of the nonstop hate and urgency that's always created. I CAN'T FUCTION WITH 24/7 SCRUTINY. Oh and what did you say on Fahrenheit 9/11? Your enemies can't stand your freedom. Dude I am not a terrorist and that nonsense is a lie anyway. They only hate us because of you. So, now I'm out of my ADD medicine and I doubt I will post too much after today until next month. Its real tough, next to impossible to even get up without it from all the repression from you. And, who is that you have call me? APS Healthcare that's a replacement of Medicaid? You know, I told them the President is harassing me with nonstop hate. It went right out the other ear just like everyone else. So, that's why I don't believe this crap, nobody else does. I can't take it, man. Everybody lies and hates me. I can't work. I can't go to school. I'm allowed no friends. Oh yeah, the ones you had call me for emergency help that ended up needing rides to some crack house or something. Then make calls to drug dealers from my cell phone. Took me forever to figure that out. I can't stand it. I'm exhausted after nonstop years of this. I never even see or know about holidays. Dude what is your problem. I've got another post that's typed already that I can paste for the next message. This is just crazy. Complete hell nonsense for the falsely accused. You know, I don't care that much about you. In fact, there is not one person I like anymore. Because they dont like me, first. Oh my attitude can't change when you and your trash aqre still sabotaging everything.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Companies Exploiting America

This isn't showing up at the other blog,, more of this huh,, blocking my 1st amendment rights,,

No Place to Hide
By Robert O’Harrow, Jr.

The author thanks the Center for Investigative Reporting for the intellectual and financial support. In the author’s ‘note’ at the beginning of the book says, “The center is a stronghold of journalistic idealism.” I would be apt to decode that buy saying, “There is a stranglehold for biased one sided journalism, today. I was so fooled by The Washington Post. I didn’t know they were conservative. They were supposedly the owners of the online school that just ripped me off, and flunked me out, Kaplan University. The propaganda doesn’t let you know what’s true or not, anyway. Its meant to deceive. Just like there are undercover spies in both political parties, I guess. Plus, the torture couldn’t possibly help. The ‘note’ also says the financial support included the Ford Foundation, the Deer Creek Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The author also thanked the director of the Center for Investigative Reporting, Burt Glass for his frequent enthusiasm, but it sounds like he’s describing as tireless, but probably it means ‘relentless’, and really describes the hell he was given.

In the introduction the author describes his experience at the October 2003, technology conference at the International Association of Chiefs of Police. It was at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia. It was commented that the landmarks of the nation’s birth, like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell would put integrity into their activities.

The author describes the atmosphere as part carnival and part science fiction, complete with a virtual shooting range. Its described as a training system that came complete with a life-sized culprit projected on a video screen [I bet that’s my broadcast video – [ping] – its like buzz but off my window].

Raytheon Communications Infrared

- displayed a car with a night vision camera mounted on the roof.


- promoted its growing use of DNA to identify people.

Treasury Agents

- touted their growing access to reports about suspicious bank accounts.

PriceWaterHouseCoopers, accounting and consulting

- among those offering a slick handbook describing how to best seize computers, email, and phone calls.

Justice Department, executive branch

- partially funding a free CD titled Turn-Key Intelligence: Unlocking Your Agency’s Intelligence Capabilities.

ChoicePoint, a Georgia company

- marketing its data retrievable ability from billions of records from Americans online [AOL, maybe] .They analyze and sell it all, including delivering reports to cell phones, palmpilots, and laptops.

Orion Scientific Systems

- claimed data can be used to identify and track trouble makers who might be criminals or terrorists. “Orion develops and implements all-source automated collection and analytical tools designed for intelligence, law enforcement and global security analysis,” its brochure said.


- demonstrated how the personal records, legal cases, and billions of articles that they possessed could help track someone down. “We have a lot of derogatory information on people. Judgments, liens, bankruptcies…,” the salesman said.


- technology partner of the above mentioned LexisNexis that performs data mining. I2 is capable of searching a tremendous amount of data for a specific detail, described as a nugget of information gold, in an instant or two. The author wrote, “the I2 software spits out graphic displays about a person’s activities and associates that look like colorful spider webs.” The company president, John J. Reis said, We are principally a company whose focus is all about converting large volumes of information into actionable intelligence … and through predictive analysis help to thwart crimes before they occur.


- demonstrated a small machine that was actually an identity tool, that electronically captures fingerprints and face photo, marketed as one of the most sophisticated face recognition programs.

VerInt Systems

- ‘verifiable intelligence’ has a product to track and assess customers, but as the author says, “they came to promote their catalogue of surveillance gear. The company displayed eavesdropping equipment that could listen in on telephone calls, capture email from the web, and sift through digital video recordings for suspicious behavior.


- ‘seismic intelligence’ has a product called AccurInt, that’s an information service giving police entry to every nook and cranny. “Instantly FIND people, their assets, their relatives, their associates, and more. Search the entire country for less than the cost of a phone call – a quarter.” The product that made the company stand out was called the Multi-state Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, MATRIX that combines commercially available details about American adults with millions of criminal and government records that was never before available to the public. The ‘invisible become visible.’ An officer commented, “Its scary, I mean, I can call up everything about you, your pictures and pictures of your neighbors. The Justice department and Homeland Security had budgeted millions of dollars for MATRIX, possibly for use as an anchor in a national intelligence – and information sharing system. (‘Anchor’ is also an employment company for Mexicans in my town and the word ‘Anchor” also describes Delay and thugs. Signing up as ‘law enforcement only’ got attendees a demonstration in the Center’s Liberty Ballroom.

“After the terror attacks on 9/11, the government was wedded like never before to: the many information brokers and database marketers that quietly amassed vast amounts of information about us and created tools to track, asses, and predict our behavior. Who is someone really? What motivates people? How are they likely to behave? How can we get them to open their wallets? How do we separate the relatively few very profitable customers from the rest? The author explains, “Companies of all stripes went on a data collection binge, gathering, parsing, and shaping more information about more people than ever before in history. The collection of personal information took a dramatic turn into new dimensions in the 1990’s, out of the public’s view, and largely without the public’s direct consent. Not just credit bureaus, banks, and telephone solicitors, but also at Safeway or Vons groceries, CVS pharmacies, US Airways and American Airlines, politicians you’ve donated money, publishers or Vogue and The New Yorker, the direct mailer that sold you sex toys, the electronic toll operator, and countless WWW sites. New devices have emerged that enabled mobile phone companies to say precisely where you stood on the planet. The radio frequency identification devices, some as small as fleas, could be embedded in product packages, clothing or even money, enabling another sort of tracking that was impossible before. Computer processors monitored the location and activity of cars, and software enabled individual banks to watch and asses , looking for signs that you might be a criminal, a tax cheat, or have questionable ties to unsavory people. Cities and businesses and schools installed more and more cameras, some loaded with face recognition programs. Almost everyone you do business with collected information about you, sold it to someone else, or sifted it for their own mercantile ends. [my 1st job after getting my undergrad was at Mercantile Bank and the word has been a fairly regular ‘flaunting’ in my face. I chose to leave after 90 days because it wasn’t working out. Now a days, the harassment has changed from subtle periods of confusion or sadness to direct u_got_knocked_the_fvck_out from everyone, including anyone I’ve even considered a friend my entire life. Relentless. Nonstop. Complete destruction, over and over.] And, in some cases we eagerly sought out the conveniences they offered in exchange for your information. [a light sounding fire cracker just went off outside my bedroom window, where incidentally, was referred to me as a ‘sitting duck’ or ‘sore thumb’ by the information hoarders and testers offered around Xmas of 2004, my first attempt ever with holiday lights in the yard. They let me know the world was still laughing at me and almost nonstop since they tried to infect me with HIV. Happened more than once over the years. I always knew because I didn’t really trust my own judgment, I had to be very ‘black and white’ about what I would and wouldn’t do sexually. But anyway I must admit my Xmas lights display did immediately inform any onlookers that I was Atte3ntion Deficit. In fact, they detoured rush hour traffic past the front of my house to give me that ‘IntenseBurn’ they called it. They created the pitiful lifestyle I’m in anyway. When I thought that maybe my uncle worked for the CIA, it killed me. I’ve gotten nothing but complete hell from the entire world, nonstop. Then I read up on those churches, like Mary Eddy’s Science followers that have the convenient protection by the separation of church and state laws, enabling the sacrifice of their own children. The absolute best kindest person that I’ve ever known, still to this day, was my uncle’s son. He got very sick for several months and passed away around the time AIDS was making itself known. He worked as a lifeguard sometimes and skin cancer had killed him. That was never questioned, but I think it was known that my cousin was gay. I had an accident that I sustained a closed head injury and a coma for four or five days. I remembering discreetly asking my uncle, “Do I have what Michael had?” He told me, “No, you were in a car accident: he had cancer.” I don’t think I’ve talked to him but maybe once since that accident, in 1991. I was always told my uncle worked for IBM, and I never had a reason to think otherwise. I don’t know what happened there but I think that the government created AIDS as a biological warfare weapon. These stalkers or whatever have tried on multiple occasions to fix me up with someone willing to infect me with HIV, especially now that the jackofff piece of trash US President can encourage my destruction and everyone gets paid and immunity. Oh yeah, last week when they had the weed dealer call me right when I ran out of smoke. Its not self-medication at this point, just to let you know. Its merely survival. But actually, the CIA always uses drugs for torture and interrogation, and even as war. They addicted the soldiers of Russian-controlled Afghanistan to heroin to remove them. Now it’s the Taliban, al Qaeda, and US Special Forces doing the training there now. From what I can tell. Anyway, yes they create the demand by causing “nutty’ thinking or addiction and then provide the supply. Then they arrest you. I’ve gotten the impression or message or something that LSD is coming back to popularity. Also, I remember a comment in chat about the price of a gallon of gas coming down in a few days. This was years ago, right after the first $2 per gallon spike and I just read about the huge oil fields in the Republic of Columbia.

One more company I want to mention this get this posted to a blog.

Acxiom Corporation

- core product is called InfoBase, and it packages information, very high tech. It compromises the largest collection of UD Consumer and telephone data available in one source. The prime owner is Charles Morgan, once an IBM systems engineer, and now the CEO of this company with a technique called “grid computing” that systematically matches and analyzes information to create fine-grained portraits on roughly 200 million adults.

He wanted war with Iraq for a long time,,

See >> Companies Exploiting the USA blog >> more coming soon

Right is Wrong
by Arianna Huffington

page 82.
Arianna writes about a couple of occurrences that we may have forgotten about since we are absolutely shocked by the way he treats us. Or, maybe just notified too late.

She writes, "former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill let it be known that invading Iraq had been Bush's goal before he had even learned where the Oval Office supply closet was, just 10 days after the President was inaugurated. '"It was all about finding a way to do it', O'Neill said. 'That was the tone of it. The President saying 'Go find me a way to do this."' He mentioned this in January 2004, the book said.

this next paragraph right out of the book:
"'Look,'" Clark quoted Bush as saying on the day after 9/11, "'I know you havde a lot to do and all, but I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything. See if Saddam did this. See if he's linked in any way.' 'But, Mr. President, Al Qaeda did this .' 'I know, I know - but see if Saddam was involved. Just look...'

Purposely expressing opposite opinions, about the same topic without acknowledging that fact, is one of the methods for relentless attacks. It serves only to add confusion. Simply put, its bombardment with double messages. Also known as, 'opposite-day.' And the pure hate that is happening to our country under siege. The focus is always shifted away without explanation. Rice, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all swore up and down that Iraq definitely had no WMD, in 2001. But, in 2002, they said the very opposite words with conviction as if never told the opposite a year ago.

I mean seriously, why would the Iraqi war be named Operation: Iraqi Freedom if we are pursuing them for destroying our country with terrorism? I mean yes, they should be free. But we know they are not and that their oilfields and banks may still be robbed by us. Why is Bush so hard on people like me that are innocent?

Some notes I jotted from Inside Shock and Awe.

Bush gives the 48 hour warning. He plans an attack of 3,000 precision bombs to aniliate them right away. "It breaks the enemie's will to resist and the do what you want them to do." Tommy Franks said there are five key elements to successful attack on Bagdad:
1. propoganda
2. secure oil sites
3. massive bombardment to Bagdad
4. Ground forces from Kuwait
5. Seize the Capital

During both WW I and WW II, the Germans used "The Blitz", which was a 57 day bombing campaign that didn't work in the UK or Japan.

The video mentioned a Think Group in the 1990's with maybe Harman Alman. Iraq was a focus of discussion then. Sorry for that statement w/o reference.

Also, military soldiers had Saddam's exact location when the 48 hours countdown started. He was at Dora Farm in a fairly easy place for capture. When the military wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, Bush said, "No, no, now I gave my word."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Screw you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I want a real trial not some bullshit about reality TV show for ur profit, FUCKU,,, fucku id kill u,, no im not a terrorist or even a criminal but they are destroying me for fuckin profit,, this is total bullshit,, NO WAY!! FUCKU,, fuckin US Bank ripped me off $600 bucks,, hey FUCKU man,, thats alot to me,, I swear to fuckin god,, so dumbfuckers,, have we decided yet what constitues torture,, no asswipe from hell,, i dont believe in reincarnation,, I would kill u mother fuckers if i ever get out of this fuckin hole,, i swear i will,, FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,,,

Friday, July 18, 2008

borderline torture huh,,

They had the ALCU blow me off,, not able to talk to me for 12 weeks,, ofr course I am always under the impresion il be free before then,, everyday for years,, Ashcroft is a liar,, he wrote anti-hate law and specifically didn't include sexual orientation or disability,, people can do anything they want to me and they never stop,, there's been physical besides just mental,, see i knew i was gonna have to prove this nonsense,, what the hell u want Nacy Grace,, I can't prove it,, especially for you,, have a great life,,

Oh yeah, I think the Fed Gov't bought land...

Neveda has been purchased by Homeland Security maybe,, I'm not sure I read about it few weeks ago and got a message from a search that Las Vegas needed our help,, not sure what is going on there. I think the Department of Interior maybe had to approve the purchases,,

I have some business to list and explain that did all the spying on the US,, I get the impression that Citibank is involved with the trouble but I have no time to check it out really,, Also, I worked for only a few months doing reconcilement, balancing large deposits that come through accounting and don't balance,, The bank was called Mercantile Bank, but is now a branch of US Bank,, I dont know what if anything is going on with that,, I found an information cd about ebay i want to review but if im going to lose my rights in a real court of law I dont want to be mislead to that also,, just like everything else that I am sabotaged into crime,,

hell no,, im not family with anyone,,,

They killed my sister,, they reminded me,, she had cancer and died in 1999,, they persuaded a friend to invite to some camp ground that turned into what i was to perceive as a kkk hunt the fag while he's down,, I ended up hiding out in a hot tent out back of my 'friends' trailer,, In fact during this harassment over the 6 or however many yearsthe name porkchop that was there,, anyway its been nonstop hell for a long time,, has some skank in junior high school run me into a street sign while having a blindfold experiment across a busy street,, In fact, there is a street light there now,, but I can see how this lifetime of bullshit gets me,, NO WAY IM NOT JOB TRAINING,, they give me no freedom to information, like the act says,, I did read that its against the law to single out an American or foreigner and target as a terrorist,, Impeach Bush,, why do i have to know the correct words to say,, it does me no good anyway,, they always talk how im gonna die,, what else can you do,, Its torture and Bush b/s laws from his b/s state-sponsored terrorist attack,, There is a ton of circumstantial evidence on him yet there's none of me if i was asked,, i dont even know what im being charged for or accused of,, they say terrorist and thats why I have no rights and only get hate and rage from the entire country including news people,, supposedly people are waiting on me,, well MO State Supreme Court rejected me once in the Attorney Generals Office and the courts staff lawyers,, Hopefully I can reach the state prosecutor by email today,, but I'm always pulled away from anything I attempt,, they act like they are helping me but its not true,, The constant surveillance and mind control drives me nutso,, even my doctors are involved,,, plus everybody changes back and forth from "oh, you know I'm your friend" to a direct stab in the front or some obvious betrayal,, by everybody,, because of his stupid laws,, so what am I supposed to do? no don't answer that,, i wouldn't believe anything anyway,, but I am sick and tired of the f*ckers banging my head here, there, and everywhere,, trust me I'm not even a violent person,, but I have no release for the crap the bring into my life,, constantly,, nonstop,, for years and years and years,, THEY ARE NOT TRAINING AN ASTRONAUT!! or CIA scum,, I'm suing the f* outta everyone,,

Oh by the way, sorry for all the offensive language, especially to those that may be responsible for making policy from these notes,, its pretty sick what they've done and continue to do,,

Table 1-1 Performance Evals.

see the budget Department of Homeland Security at:

see the budget Department of Homeland Security at

Department of Homeland Security Con’t.

Department of Homeland Security Con’t.

All dark text is directly out of the textbook –

blue text are 23’s from programming or thoughts

Terrorism Today 3rd edition

Clifford E. Simonsen

Jeremy R. Spindlove

As a result of the Homeland Security Act of 2003, the responsibility for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure lays in the hands of DHS’s IAIP Directorate.

[I don’t know if Directorate is Spanish or French or what. I know the name Zimmerman is a big deal. It was a spy that got caught attempting to get a message to Mexico about teaming against the USA. We have been invaded by Mexicans. Wow the ‘torture memos’, huh,, thanks for the feedback,, il try to be better. Both WWI and WWII were started by the Nazis seeking genocide or ruling status or whatever. Twins is an important word. Maybe comparing the Vietnam and Iraq wars?]

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP) coordinates infrastructure coordination activities and directs resources and efforts to reduce vulnerability of our nation’s infrastructure to terrorism. [lie] The 2005 budget included $864 million for IAIP activities.

Protecting Critical Infrastructure

IAIP (est. Feb. 2003) has sought to implement the President’s National Strategy for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets and the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. Critical Infrastructure (CI) includes banking and finance, energy and chemical sites, transportation, telecommunications, government facilities, dams, national monuments, and icons.

In, 2004, IAIP focused on identifying key assets, determining vulnerabilities, performing risk analysis, and implementing protective measures. Most critical infrastructures are not federally owned or operated, requiring cooperation from all levels of government and private industry for effective protection. Therefore, IAIP works with state homeland security advisors, owners and operators of CI’s, public safety personnel, and other federal agencies.

In 2005, IAIP continued to identify and map critical assets. IAIp teams conduct site visits to assist operators and owners in identifying and reducing vulnerabilities. IAIP personnel also continue to recommend measures to better protect critical assets against terrorists. [lie] For example, in 2003, IAIP developed a comprehensive vulnerability assessment methodology that has been distributed across the petroleum industry.

Cyber Security is another key element of infrastructure protection. The consequences of a cyber attack could cascade across multiple infrastructures and the resulting disruption could damage our economy as well as imperil public safety. The 2005 budget increased funding for IAIP’s National Cyber Security Division (NCSD), which was established to improve security across the federal government and work with industry to secure the nation’s major networks. NCSD will deliver a thirty-minute investigative response time to cyber threats and improve coordination of warning [buzz] and response information.

[cyber harassment is against the law in the state of Missouri but the state’s Courts couldn’t help for advise me]

Enhancing Intelligence Sharing

“Our responsibility at the DHS is equally clear… we must create new ways to share information and intelligence both vertically, between governments, and horizontally, across agencies and jurisdictions.”

Secretary Tom Ridge, October 2003

IAIP serves as the lead intelligence arm in DHS. On a daily basis, IAIP compiles and synthesizes terrorist-threat information into briefings and analyses for the secretary and DHS leadership. IAIP also leads DHS efforts sharing relevant information and recommended protective actions with state, local, and private entities. As part of its anti-terrorism mission, DHS will continue to be a partner in the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC). The TSC, est. Dec. 2003, will maintain a single, consolidated watch list of terrorist suspects to be shared with federal, state, local, and private entities in accordance with applicable law.

Enhancing Public Warning

Currently, information is disseminated through the homeland security advisory system. IAIP has issued over 50 advisories and information bulletins covering physical and cyber threats. DHS has been studying ways to better coordinate these multiple systems so that notification occurs at the federal, state, or regional level in a matter of minutes. While some warnings are based on old technologies, such as television or radio, modern technologies such as PDAs and cell phones have not been integrated into our public warning efforts.

[they can spy on us using those items though, and a meeting that Viet Dinh was at when 1st plane hit twin towers – everyone’s pager went off at the same time, like a warning.]

DHS is determining which systems could be effectively used to improve public warning. The 2005 budget provided funds to enhance existing systems and to continue linking different systems to better target [buzz] warning information toward persons at risk as quickly as possible.

[this is a joke – the whole situation – I’ve been chatted a few times by Scoobydooxxx (x arbitrary placeholder) and MSNBC just busted someone on TV with similar userID on To Catch a Predator. Are the good people the persuasive is that homeland security? [buzz] Total setup crap. We don’t get to see all the chat between the two people meeting. Its B/S as Nancy Crapface likes to say. Total Entrapment and I’m not even close to a lawyer – hell, I don’t even get the Bill of Rights.]

Advancing and Harnessing Science and Technology

New technologies to detect and counter potential chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and cyber threats and attacks, as well as analyze threats and share information, are critical to help prevent and minimize the damage from future terrorists attacks. With over $1 bullion requested, the 2005 budget almost doubled the 2003 budget of the Science and Technology Directorate.

Improving Bio-surveillance

In 2005, the Administration launched a bio-surveillance initiative that brings together information across the federal government to improve surveillance and its capacity to identify a bioterrorist attack. Within DHS, IAIP and Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate will expand monitoring and improve analysis tools that are used to detect and respond appropriately to possible attacks.

A component of this initiative is the expansion of BioWatch, which currently protects many US cities by continually monitoring the air for biological agents that could be released by terrorists. The 2005 budget provided an additional $47 million to expand BioWatch by adding scores of sensors in the top-threat cities and at high-value targets such as stadiums and transit systems to increase the chances of detecting the release of biological pathogens. The budget also included $31 million in new resources to develop the next generation of biological sensors.

[biological sensors have to be related to the food we eat. So that people can be tracked and x-rayed by satellite. I’ve been watching these Disney videos about space travel and/or some science and they mentioned using radioactive elements in crop fertilizers. That stuff causes cancer huh? Haven’t the annual number of cases of cancer increased by like 10 million or something? These color Disney videos are from the 1950s but they also mentioned radioactive elements in our medications. I saw McCain bashing Social Security today and I also realized why government (medicare) picked up medication part-D, so that they can take away when they are ready.]

In addition, IAIP will collect and analyze data from many federal agencies, not only DHS, but also HHS and the US Department of Agriculture. In conjunction, with the expansion of BioWatch, the 2005 budget provided $11 million to enable IAIP to integrate, in real time, bio-surveillance data collected from sensors throughout the country [buzz] and fuse this data with information from health and agricultural surveillance and other terrorist-threat information from the law enforcement and intelligence communities. This will enhance homeland security decision making and the federal response in the event of an attack by minimizing the gap between the time the event occurs and the time when federal, state, and local response protocols are implemented.

Another element of the Biosurveillance Initiative, funded within the S&T Directorate, is the R&D of next-generation biological sensors and the development of a model to enable better synthesis of biological incident data when assessing the extent of an actual attack.

R&D to Create New Capabilities

Homeland Security Centers of Excellence

The first Homeland Security Center of Excellence was established at the University of Southern California and is known as Homeland Security Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events. The new center will study the targets and methods of terrorism, with emphasis on protecting the nation’s CI systems, such as electrical power, transportation, and telecommunications. It will also develop tools for planning responses to emergencies, to minimize the threat to human lives, and reduce the economic impact in the event of an attack.

As a component of the S&T Directorate, the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency engages existing capabilities to identify and develop revolutionary technologies and satisfy DHS’s operational needs for advanced technology. Additionally, it works to solicit proposals and seeks to engage our nation’s R&D communities, including academia, not-for-profit organizations, and industry in the fight against terrorism. S&T has separate program areas dedicated to addressing each major category of WMD, such as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosives.

Supporting Additional Responsibilities

Though its primary [buzz] mission is to protect the nation from terrorism, DHS’s responsibilities are diverse. The ships that interdict threats to our homeland are also used to help mariners when they are in distress and protect our marine resources from polluters. Our nation’s immigration system must be administered to ensure that those who legally come to this country are welcomed. And while we must be prepared to respond to terrorist attacks, we are more often called upon to respond to natural disasters.

Maintaining Effective Maritime Search and Rescue and Upgrading Key Assets

The Coast Guard has maintained its commitment to the accomplishment of the full range of its missions, including traditional missions such as search and rescue, aids to navigation, fisheries enforcement, and environmental protection. Over 50% of the Coast Guard’s 2005 budget funding was dedicated to those traditional missions. Building on the 2005 PART of the search and rescue program, the budget continues support for the Coast Guard’s initiative to increase staff for search and rescue boat stations. Funding is also provided for “Rescue 21”, the modernized maritime 911 system to enable the Coast Guard to receive and respond to calls for help.

The 2005 budget also continued support for the Deepwater Acquisition Program, through which the Coast Guard is modernizing and replacing its ships, aircraft, and communications systems. The budget included $678 million for Deepwater in 2005. As new assets are delivered during this long-term acquisition, Coast Guard’s capacity to fulfill its homeland security and traditional missions will increase.

The Coast Guard’s work to protect the homeland extends beyond port security. Over 1,100 Coast Guard men and women served in the Persian Gulf and in the Mediterranean [buzz and copter] in Operation Iraqi Freedom, representing the service’s largest overseas deployment in support of military operations since the Vietnam [Iraq’s twin] War. Closer to home, the Coast Guard cooperates with CBP and ICE to prevent illegal drugs and undocumented migrants from reaching US shores.

[I bet they tag aliens with some kind of biological gps identifier to become documented and allowed.]

Providing Quality Services to the Nation’s Immigrants

The Administration is committed to maintaining America’s cherished identity as a nation of immigrants. Within DHS, the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (CIS) has improved the administration of immigration benefits to the more than seven million annual applicants. The mission of CIS is to provide information and benefits in a timely, accurate, consistent, courteous [lie], and professional manner while ensuring national security [lie] and preventing ineligible individuals from receiving benefits.

  • President Bush has proposed a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing US employers when no Americans can be found to fill the jobs [say what?]The Administration will work with the Congress to achieve these goals. As outlined by the President on Jan. 7, 2004, the Administration is committed to achieving significant immigration reform that:
  • Protects the homeland by controlling the borders;
  • Serves America’s economy by matching a willing worker with a willing employer [isn’t this against the law – employment agency – Anchor Services Inc. has a flyer in the Mexican grocery down the street. I forget where else Anchor is used but its important.];
  • Promotes compassion for unprotected workers [lie];
  • Provides incentives for temporary workers to return to their home counties and families; and
  • Protects the rights of legal immigrants while not unfairly rewarding those who came here unlawfully or hope to do so.

For more information on the President’s proposal, see the White House website at

Reducing the Application Backlog

The 2005 budget proposed an increase of $60 million for backlog reduction as part of the President’s multi-year initiative to reduce the backlog of applications and ensure a six-month processing standard for all applications. By 2006, the Department will achieve the President’s six-month processing goal by eliminating the application backlog. In addition to its focus on the backlog, CIS will work over the coming year to transform the application process with its emphasis on service [slave camps]. DHS will also establish clear performance milestones, actively monitor progress, and ensure integrity by establishing comprehensive quality assurance measures.

In 2005, CIS continued the focus on quality improvements and expanded national security checks, such as background name checks on all applications before approval. Although the checks have initially meant longer processing times, enhanced security will help ensure that only eligible applicants are approved. In addition, CIS implementing significant information technology improvements including electronic filing (E-filing) for certain immigration applications.

Securing the Immigration System

In September 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell and DHS Secretary Ridge signed an agreement under which Department of State and DHS employees will work together to process visa applications [buzz]. The agreement established the framework to improve cooperation in creating and maintaining an effective and efficient visa process that secures our nation’s borders from external threats while maintaining open borders for legitimate travel to the United States. Both departments will work to ensure that the policies for issuing visas to visitors are consistent with national security and foreign policy interests. DHS employees are now stationed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to work with State Department Consular Officers in screening visa applications. In 2004, the Department established a plan for furthering its role as selected posts overseas.

Providing a Place to Turn

In spite of efforts underway to improve immigration services, applicants continue to wait in limbo for months and, in some cases, years. [where?] Because applicants need an advocate [unfair holding] when something goes wrong in the process, the Homeland Security Act established the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman to aid immigrants throughout the application process. In 2004, the Ombudsman’s office began to assist individuals and employers in resolving problems with CIS, identifying areas where individuals and employers have problems dealing with CIS, and, to the extent practicable, proposing changes in the administrative practices of the CIS to or resolve or mitigate problems. The Ombudsman will assist in meeting the Administration’s goals of changing the character of CIS to be more welcoming [lie] to new immigrants and their families, improving CIS customer service and performance, and reducing unacceptable processing times for services.

The new RED

Providing Assistance in Times of Need

When a major disaster strikes, assistance is necessary to meet the emergency needs of families and individuals, and to help pay for the rebuilding and repair of critical community infrastructure. DHS has continued to assist states in response and recovery after a disaster. In 2003, there were 62 major disasters and 19 emergencies, in addition to the continued response to previous disasters. This included recovery of [buzz] Space Shuttle, Columbia, response to the Northeast blackouts, and relief from hurricane Isabel and the California wildfires. The 2005 budget provided $2.9 billion for disaster relief – a level consistent with the average, non-terrorist disaster costs over the past five years. This includes over $2 billion in new funds, which is over $300 million more than the 2004 appropriation, as well as money expected to remain available from prior years.

The department continues to work toward protecting people and property from damage due to disasters. The Pre-disaster Mitigation Program, which helps to minimize the devastation caused by natural disasters, will continue to support well-designed mitigation projects through a competitive grant process. Additionally, DHS is working to replace and modernize the Nation’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps.

Ensuring Protection of Our Leaders

The US Secret Service plays a unique and critical role in DHS by protecting the President, the Vice President, their families, candidates campaigning for the offices of President and Vice President, visiting heads of state, and other designated individuals. It also provides security for the White House, the Vice President’s residence, foreign missions, and other buildings within the Washington, D.C. area, and designs, plans, and implements security fordesignated events of national significance. In addition, the Secret Service protects our nation’s currency and financial system integrity through its investigation of counterfeiting, electronic crimes, and identity theft. The 2005 budget supported the Secret Service in accomplishing these core missions by providing $1.2 billion for the organization.

Performance Evaluation of Select Programs

The budget continues to focus on improving program performance. Nine of DHS’s programs were assessed using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), which evaluated each programs design and purpose, strategic planning efforts, how well they are managed, and whether they are generating positive results for taxpayers. Table 1-1 lists some of the highlights and recommendations from the PART evaluations.