Saturday, September 27, 2008
oh you misunderstood me,,
ive be ready for death fuckers,,
you gotta killme,,,
i think i figured it out,,
can i get,,,
Let’s just wait a minute and think about what we are doing? And take a serious look at why we are rushing into such drastic policy
How did the financial super power of the world get a $700 billion mistake? It’s not a surprise, dude. Your fake panic is as bad as your breath. And, that Sabotage Oxley Act* permitting new accounting techniques isn’t helping. Fraud, Fraud, Fraud. America is in no hurry to make the same mistake again. So what if we need to close the market a few days or even weeks? It’s only an inconvenience to the institutional investors or other already collapsing world markets. But, think of this. I will bet that $700 billion the bailout will do nothing to help the middle-income investors nor the foreclosed homeowners. There are too many automatic stops on Wall Street to protect an actual crash of this magnitude. This is the 1920’s kind of crap. Wasn't Preston a Nazi supporter. Fucker, you better stop calling me an EC.
*Sarbanes-Oxley Act, July 30, 2002
- been called “the single most important piece of legislation affecting corporate governance, financial disclosure, and the practice of public accounting since the US security laws of the early 1930’s.
- intended to deter corporate fraud and hold executive
This act was first significant to me when Halliburton was robbing the Iraqi banks. We already know the company does piss poor work since feces was found in the bathing water. Why can’t you be harmed, trash Repubunists. But anyway, I read that the company was actually a good company except the disorganization within the paperwork and accounting areas. That's how I realized they were able to empty the banks and this act permitted the money to be lost. Apparently, the corporate governance policies and financial disclosure changes has destroyed all of us, secretly. We demand transparency of everything and the old accounting procedures back, you, barf bags. I bet your calculation of $700 billion is way off. Show us the calculations or bleed.
And, whats with the drive-thrus to drop off the children for government guardianship. Do you use them for medical experiments? For what do you use them?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wow,, i didn't get it,,
Its a relief really and preferred to be honest! Have a great weekend.
Its ok, never fear,,
So anyway, to who am i married? Did I ever have a trial? How did it turn out? Did you decide on a pretty good crime, maybe? Was it something for which I was actually guilty? Do I get anything for the torture? I never did learn anything Nancy Grace. I should've looked for rules, harder. Well the charges, then the rules.
Who else did i destroy. It wasn't on purpose. I still don't know anything, except I'm a complete piece of trash. Not anyone else. This has been beat to friggin death.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
So anyway,,
Not sure why im so enraged right now, but it never goes away. And with the new laws and shitt and the dumbfuckk nextdoor selling drugs, im thinking it never will, go away that is.
you know,,,
How do I,,,
Hey, I'm not whining about 'poor me, poor me'. I couldn't give a shit. If I knew what to do to help correct the situation, I would do it, maybe. Maybe-not. I have a hard time even thinking, much less, trying to rationalize something for which I have no clue or reality base.
Oh yeah, I don't really believe that 5 is nothing other than originally thought. And sorry about that "golden' tag Director Mueller. I do feel good, I mean bad, when the letters FBI scroll across the news ticker.
That's funny though when I read those books awhile back about the FBI and learned of the kinda FBI/CIA general mutual dislike. I guess the reader was just to assume the 'under the surface' dislike or whatever may have been due to power struggles and jealousies and things like that between the agencies. I have kinda learned, maybe not true though, that that is just simply not the case for the mutual dislike. I mean, does it ever feel like you are on opposing teams? Doesn't the CIA pride itself on the Ape Warfare tactics for which it excels. That fake online school that I flunked out of mentioned in a fake textbook that the FBI had a training school in Europe, maybe Brussels. Is that true? For some reason I got the impression it was training some bad things but I don't remember why. It may have even been a lie.
Director Mueller
I am messing up everything, and don't even know it. I have tried to pray, I have tried to laugh, I have tried to fight, and I have cried. I have no aspirations and nothing but complete pessimism. There is absolutely nothing that will remove the Nazi trash, scum, and poison to which I am innocently and ignorantly anchored. My life has never been mine nor will it ever be, so please do whatever you can to punish the Nazi(s) to the fullest. Its okay that I am anchored, I never had nor will I ever have my own life. That's torture if you ask me, and if the current Repubunist type court won't provide justice, please use me by whatever means necessary to fry as many of these fuckers as possible, as soon as possible.
So what happens if I do suspend disbelief of the Wonderland B/S and go ahead and buy a house or car off ebay, does everybody win or will I then be denied my tortured defense? Is the world trying to tell me that the anchor role that I am beginning to accept is actual marriage? Who am I married to? M or F? asl? Is it a gay marriage that the Repubunist Court would never recognize or Heterosexual marriage? Guess I still will NOT get sex anyway. Is that why people hated me so much before, because I was unknowingly married to a shitsuckin Repubunist? It really is better for me to just never thing or say anything. Will you see that apologies are delivered to the appropriate people from earlier messages. Oh yeah, by the way, the don't allow access to any post deletions from here. I have to go lay down now. Thank you. Oh yeah, is it Pi or Fi with the Semper, I always forget?
Thats a lie too,,
The King will be back later.
The Economy is the fault of, uhh,, I won't ever tell. Nevermind, I forgot about me being an anchor even though I am not exactly sure what that means.
So, Let's Play ball.
Sleep is bad for me. I forget I'm in Wonderland when I wake up. Marriage huh. Trust me, I'm not single by choice but the Nazis have never let me even date anyone, and ya'll know already about my virginity at 40 years old.
Why weed not allowed fuck face Nazi shitt eaters? You stress my world too much. Plus, my BJC Psychological Managerial Service won't even let me go into treatment. I had one beer yesterday, wtf is wrong with that? They have always spiked my beverages anyway, the CIA Nazis. Why didn't the suicide work?
u wanna know my real opinion of u mother fuckers?
Hey Denise and Murray Stone, who the fuck is this aids trash mother fucker? I want this mother fuckers head for the rats to eat up. Is this good enough storm'a coming fox2 Glenn Zimmerman fagboy? Is that my network now? Bush, you are fuckin pathetic and Palin, Trump, and Degenerus fuckin Ditto. Eat my fuckin crusted shit. Where's the drama, huh, my dear old fuckin Dogdad? Did you kill my cousin trash fucker? Stick your rocket on John Bonham's aids infected ass.
Fontbonne College, go to hell, with that Joan chick. Oprah skank and Britchit, I am the worst judge of character. Go to hell. Oh yeah, Clinton, I was wrong about you cocksuckers.
KILL JIMMY. Mitch Johnson, I'm ashamed but not surprised.
dude u are the wo5rlds biggest fuckin dumbshitt,,
way, way, way overdue,,,
You're simply the "Best". I forgot to mention the absolute respect I have for you and the specific job you do. I read a couple books about the FBI maybe 18 months or two years ago at which time I could only feel compassion. I'm not really sure how long ago I read those books since my concept of time has always been a little inaccurate, which I concluded symptomatic of my bipolar diagnosis. I used to say that "bipolar people don't have a very accurate concept of time or money", and maybe you agree too. Plus, with me I'm in Wonderland. Its just pitiful and I am regretful that I lumped your agency with the perpetrators. See, I believe that you are golden as a person and a Director but propaganda tactics incorrectly puts warrant less wiretapping abuses in your lap and I know its not you guys that are the pigs.
I remember from the books the agency began around 1900, or so for the purpose of battling discrimination of African Americans, mostly. Its pretty weird how the agency switched back and forth a couple of times from fighting and siding with organizations such as the KKK. If I trust my memory, Hoover took over and reformed it back to its original purpose but then he totally screwed it all up again. And what, he was a total hypocrite about targeting gays for harassment too
Oh here it is but I better stop now. I am not a ghost or a killer apparently some hacker is all in my life destroying me. I pray you please kill me immediately, tyvm,, uhhh im guessing its a pig hacker,, you all go2fuckin hell,, appreciate it,, what a fuckin idiot,,
way, way, way, over due
I was writing a decent message but i chaanged my mind,,
oh well, see ya hate to be ya,,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
oh yeah keith fag,, i forgot u thieves,,
there since i guess that fuckin shitt mattered,, dude i cant be expected to do nothing but maybe fuckin relax,, huh,, not good enough for you is it dogboy,, dude,, never,, i can not do it,, i cant,, its not my fault stupid fuck,, im a mental fuckin patient,, remember? dude i know this is a joke,, my onlyu intention is to fry u in the electric chair,, for any future stuff,, fucker never,, i mean never,, i cant fuckin do it,, i refuse to try,, i cant even fathom the thought,, you are an idiot dude and a fuckin criminal and thief,, never dude,, i mean it fuckin trash,, never,, u go for it scumbag,, really,, i do NOT want to know u,, i really dont,, i promise,, really,, no no no,, dude id rather be dead than to accept u,, never,,
i cant do it,.,
dude,, stupid fuckin aidstrash,.,
The Family Therapy Research and Training Project
What's this Mr. Coleman? and who the hell are you? hmm can't wait to check it out
What about the EPA? Was that one of my responsibilities or something? victim?,, nice people,, just a glimpse, so far,,
hmmmm that's for the beautiful weather, dr. z
Thank You Very Much
i'll be back soon,,
dumbfuck your cartoon laws dont even count
3rd parties
Emancipation Proclamation - for war time,, not at war now,,, dude you are uhhh,, my idol? aint you,, or i am actually you? or some kind of anchor,,, what a scumbag,, in cartoon law huh,, Sir, I'm [i am] not reading that crap you wrote sitting on the toilet. Period. But i might have too,, wtf is this crap,, YOU ARE NOT COOL,, but safe,, youre so lucky mi amigo,, opposite day is a hoax, perfected by the Pentagon. screw you guys,,
These are "my notes" i took from the website that I hand wrote but they were words from about a year ago about the patent ownership of HAARP.
High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program operated by the Air-Force Research Laboratories Space Vehicles Directorate. [wtf is that? word insinuating?]
This is a system of powerful antennas that changes ionospheric temperature.
[that's all you need for tornadoes - well at least, in this 'little mexico' bonanza - but actually they like us - they did chase me once i thought with the tornadoes]
The patent for this technology was held by Advanced Powered Technologies, Inc. (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Ritchfield.
British Aerospace Systems (BAES) was installed in 1992 for the first use, I believe. Sorry. But the British were a submissive society by that time already, or extra polite maybe? I don't know for sure. That might just be delusion added. free.
1994 Arco sold APTI subsidiary to e-Systems which was a secretive high-tech military MNC. Specialize in electronic warfare, navigation, and reconnaissance machinery - "sophisticated spying devices",,, DAD,,, that is my daddy,,,
sorry no reference
In may, Reuters reported on Yahoo news that the US intends to build a new prison at the military base in Afghanistan. Friday May 16, 2008. [This would be diferent than dropping a suspected terrorists or kidnapped person into a torturing country in the fashion marketed at an earlier date of the 'extraordinary rendition.'
[uhh, do you condone torture here?]
Latin America,, I'd say, from thumbing through the great reference titled Political Terrorism: Facts on File, is conglomerations and cartels of communism, terrorism, and guerrilla [n. soldier engaged in small-scale harassing tactics] warfare. Illegal thriving agriculture, poverty of locals, secrets that exploit oil fields and its peoples, and torture that may or may not be secret within the banana republicans,,
I did alot about this on last message, but there is much more, like Nicaragua exploited big time.
3rd Parties
1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History by John A. Garraty. Unfortunately, I misplaced this particular book and I'm unable to provide any history about these Partys that I already had listed.
The author says that there have always only really been two parties since the 1790s. Exceptions were 1860 and 1912.
1) Workingmen's Party
- by trade union leaders in Philadelphia in 1828. Seeking general reform like free public schools,
2) Antimasonic Party
3) Liberty Party
4) Free Soil Party
5) American Party
6) The Constitutional Union Party
7) Greenback Labor Party
8) People's or Populist Party
9) Socialist Labor Party
10) Socialist Party
11) Progressive Party
12) Union Party
13) States' Rights or "Dixiecrat" Party
14) American Independant Party
- 1968 anti-African American Gov. of Alabama George Wallace in 1968
Let's go with the Green Party, though - I think they have slots ready and they deserve it. We can make proper daily exercise a government department outside of the Department of Energy. Its a must. And, the cure for so many diseases. We can always change it to Pink Party or whatever. I think a Liberty/Garden type of party could be good too.
If I'm not recognized as the complete idiot for which I have been forced to behave, may I take this opportunity to run for VP on the Green ticket, if available and appropriate? Not sure how to go about any of this though.
Ms. Jackson, uhh, that's my HAPPY STAR on your breast.LUVLUVLUV
what do you feel like doing now?
HEY, AS AN ASIDE,, who tapped that recently,, danka. thats dutch and/or german for thank you i think, dumbest - just a friendly fyi,,
an audio book that I no longer have and cant credit properly mentioned something interesting that can surely be researched on the net. It was from an unauthorized bio about former President Bush. The author mentions activity of the family during the nation's Savings and Loan fiasco. The President's son Neal had one called Silverado Savings and Loan that issued bad loans to people investing in his younger Bush's oil exploration company.
Remember how the Internet started, as The US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency originally developed it to be a military communication system that could survive a nuclear war. Later, it was funded as a research support system by the National Science Foundation.
The Internet For Dummies, Quick Reference, 2nd. Edition.
and speaking of surviving nuclear war -
This highly secret “continuity of government” (COG) program is known as Project 908. The idea is that if the US were under a nuclear attack, three teams would be sent from Washington to separate ...
81-1992: Cheney and Rumsfeld Practice Secret Continuity of Government Plan, Later Activated on 9/11
Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, along with then-President Gerald Ford, April 28, 1975. [Source: David Hume Kennerly / Gerald R. Ford Library] (click image to enlarge)
LOBSTER LOBSTER LOBSTER [like an aura or status - its nothing personal or disrespectful.] you can travel with us if he wants? Most of my guys are kinda weak, ya know what I mean? [kidding I swear]
LUVLUVLUV,, I'm sure we have more than enough openings for anything you may want,, [sorry if too pushy im still feeling my way around,, werent you blond too,, see dude,,, get a big king chair like mine,,
So anyway, kinda late with the Reagan asinine idioacracy, wouldn't you say? But oh, there's that Russia thing. PM Putin and I are cool, in good shape. He can read my mind, too. Totally as an observer. Mutual Respect. I like him, so far. , <wink><wink> [that means I intend to continue to like and respect. just important to say. A reason to bring up that mental patient President.] They are trying to connect me to Regan from the Exorcist as they have made my automatic mood reaction the same as the poor girl tied to the bed.
Feebish, please don't lock me in a dark closet.
pat, pat, pat, to my heart
its the theta waves maybe on the CRT monitors that allow viewing of workstation users,, 2+2= 5
is this a bribe?
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br_brandy: I am here for business transaction which you will benefit alot from
it and i need someone who is honest to handle it for me and the
total of the amount is 7million United State Dollars...........Can i
trust in you????
Oh well crap,, Gang. I got some kind of terrible info, ideas, delusions, whatever you want to call them,, But, as always I may just be the last-one to know this if its already common knowledge, or assumed to be so,, One of these monkeys got me thinking Kosovo was conquered to allie al qaeda? pretty scary those saudis? I get them confused when our leaders get confused or carelessly join the clubs here or there or there as needed.
This explanation will have to be next time,, probably,,
I said the below earlier,,, it was one of those painfull ones,,, you people are so full of crap. but i think that was just an opinion,, expressed maybe inappropriately about the fantasy,, the perverts,,, watching No.1,,, i just loved that,, the only thing good of the whole hospital stay OD attempt,, 7 days of barks and bites, though by mean nurses and doctors,, no it got better,,, but they still are experimenting with all my dosages,,
There's a bunch of third parties according to John A. Garraty the author of 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History.
FUCKU FUCKU ALL,, stick ur fuckin shitt poison weed up ur infected ass with your super nasty heros,,
Good Morning America. Please, Mr. President, may I be free?.
Time Almanac 2004.
Memories from 2003
June 17
Bush Bans Racial Profiling, with Exceptions
New regulation prohibits federal agents from using race or ethnicity in typical investigations, but does allow agents to consider these characteristics when information they receive about suspects includes race or ethnicity.
[this is perfect example of replacing good laws with own new laws that are open to new interpretations. Penguin, its not gonna fly.]
Aug. 11
Bush Nominates EPA Administrator
Selects Utah Governor Michael Leavitt to replace Christine Whitman as head of the Environmental Protection Agency that Senate must confirm.
Aug 11
Inquiry into Scientist's Death Begins in England
Judge, Lord Hutton, opens investigation into the suicide of David Kelly, a defense-ministry scientist who commited suicide in July. The BBC claims that Kelly told journalist Andrew Gilligan that the government had "sexed up" intelligence about Iraq's alleged WMD to help justify war in Iraq.
Aug 26
Report on Shuttle Critical of NASA
Board that investigated the loss of space shuttle Columbia cites organizational problems at NASA that breed a "broken safety culture." Says future shuttles and astronauts will be lost unless the agency reforms itself.
Aug 27
Bush Administration Relaxes Environmental Rules
New rule allows power plants, refineries, and other plants to upgrade systems without improving pollution controls and without violating the Clean Air Act.
Sept. 21
NYSE names John S. Reed, former CEO of Citicorp, as interim chairman of exchange.
Sept. 23
Bush addresses the UN: President calls on other nations to put aside differences on the invasion of Iraq and work together to rebuild the nation. I forgot about this. How righteous since we were all told that we were purposely misled.
Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.
CIA conguering Latin America
Op: Condor 1970
[exact word by word reproduction]
US Sponsored South American terror plan against left-wing opposition groups as revealed by a declassified document.
Under the guise of supposed counter-terrorism, Operation Condor was the code name that was given to a joint, "death squad" campaign of political murder - mainly of leftist sympathizers [kinda rough huh, ya right-wing trash. Its hardly ever fair to ask us to take off our hats and be bipartisan.] and their families - by the military governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chili, Paraguay, and Uruguay in the mid 1970s. These hit teams were placed as far as France, Portugal, and the US and were setup to locate and assassinate political opponents.
The Condor Teams remained just an ugly rumor until 1992, when a judge in Paraguay, researching the fate of a former political prisoner, found what have become known as the 'terror archives,' a catalogue of hundreds of individuals secretly kidnapped, tortured, and killed by these combined security services. The theory was that Operation Condor had been given at least tacit approval by the US - attributable to the Nixon-era fear of Marxist revolution in South and Central America - and was implemented by Henry Kissinger, Nixon's Secretary of State. No hard proof, however, was forthcoming until March 2001, when the New York Times published the text of a recently declassified state department document that revealed how the CIA had organized and operated communications for the Condor killers. This 1978 cable from Robert E. White, the US Ambassador to Paraguay, finally provided "weighty evidence suggesting that US military and intelligence officials supported and collaborated with Condor as a secret partner or sponsor."
[see, please Mr. President, the CIA and military against me? Are you kidding me? And you even know they completely did everything for which I am prosecuted. They will admit it even. They are all over the world with all kinds of questionable guerrilla warfare type tactics, what can I do to them? Aren't those Cartoon Laws guerrilla too? (they named Alice in Wonderland, not me - i think she's a whore) Please help me? They are lying or fibbing about me and crimes. I promise.]
Salvador Allende p. 60
On September 11, 1973, a military coup d’etat overthrew and murdered Chilean president Salvador Allende Gossens , and ushered in the repressive military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Alberto? No way. They bombed his palace with jet fighters, and stormed with tanks and infantry just because he was a democratically elected leader. Documents declassified during the Clinton Administration show that the US Government and the CIA had sought to overthrow of Allende in 1970. Henry Kissinger told President Nixon that the US “didn’t do it, but had created the conditions.”
The US invaded Panama in December 1989, so that it wouldn’t have to return the leasehold of the Panama Canal Zone on January 1, 1990. Manuel Noriega, a CIA operative, was the political leader since at least 1970. There were charges of money laundering and drug smuggling during his time as a member of the ruling military junta. President Carter removed him from the CIA payroll in 1977, but he got put back on during the Reagan – Bush era. Noriega became an important conduit for the supply of arms to the contras (terrorists) in their CIA sponsored fight against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Wasn’t Cheney in Nicaragua awhile, and somewhere down there for Operation: Just Cause. Bush mocked that on Fahrenheit 9/11. Manuel had changed from a CIA asset to a political liability on several occasions. He was indicted on federal drug charges in 1988 and convicted in 1992 on charges of drug smuggling, racketeering and money laundering to a 40 year sentence.
Nicaraguan and Contras financed with South Central Crack
San Jose Mercury News reporter, Gary Webb, chronicled the drug dealing activities of the Nicaraguan Democratic Forces (FDN) – the Contras (terrorists) – who reportedly sold ‘tons’ of cocaine to street gangs in South Central LA. This really came as no surprise since the CIA had most likely used heroin to weaken groups like the Black Panthers in the 1960’s and the Russians in Afghan in the 1980’s. And you know, they are doing it with meth now, in the US. I know they had some of my neighbors selling it and actually recruiting drug dealers. They do it right in here in St. Ann. Its that opposite day mentality that’s destroying you people. Will you get the hell off of me. You people are friggin nuts. See, I could do your job. But, I’m not a real ex-con. You guys would be stealing all my tips from Internet business. No, not really, but you totally ripped me offat your Internet Businesses. That sucks totally, Lt X. Is that you, Bush? The Self Defense Club? Oh man. But, you had my neighborhood kkk guys hating me real good so I would need something like that. So anyway, Gary Webb identified Danilo Blandon, a former Nicaraguan government official (bet during Cheney’s tour), as a conduit for thousands of kilos (lbs) of cocaine to LA street gangs from 1982 to 1986. Blandon plead guilty and went to work for the American DEA, in 1992. He set up his former best customer, drug kingpin Rick “Freeway” Ross. Ross went to jail. A military cargo plane, a C-123K owned by cocaine runner Barry Seal had crashed in Nicaragua with weapons and CIA employees on board.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the friggin credit cards they kept persuading me to get. The idiot CIA or whatever goons were harassing me kept saying I need the credit cards. I finally realized a credit card they said I needed would help me to get free. Wrong again, like always. Took a couple of years before I finally did it. And I don’t even get to know what’s going on, huh? They have been nothing but continuous trouble the whole time. It was just more ways to rip me off and add fake charges. Also, persuaded me to sign up for all kinds of crap that I absolutely needed to get freedom. I get nothing but recurring charges. Its happened to me about a dozen times. I’ve been begging for death. I’m not even gonna acknowledge that they may be something wrong with my attitude. Maybe it’s the torture, ya think. Tortured by the world’s biggest idiots. Like anyone knows I’m talking about them, anyway. Or, like I even know what I’m talking about. This is stupid, for nothing. So what am I supposed to do with all the student loans. They keep flunking me out. The loans still have to be paid. I can’t even believe this is going on. Uhh duhr, our enemies hate our freedom. They can’t stand it.” Funny, when do I get to know what’s going on? They have lied to me every way possible. Have many people try to kill me or attempt to infect with hiv. Please just kill me?
doubletalk designed to confuse so they could steal our homes and educations
Feb. 2001 Colin Powel
“He has not developed any significant capability with respect to WMD. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors.”
July 2001 Condoleezza Rice
“We have been able to keep arms from him. His military has not been rebuilt.”
Lila Lipps, in Fahrenheit 9/11 went to White House to ask about her son’s death, a woman out front told her to blame al Qaeda. I noticed there were military personal on top of the building just like the “Human Shields” that Saddam was condemned for using.
Mentioned “Put” Options for property hit by Katrina.
McCoy wrote, “For 2000 years, interrogators had found out that mere physical pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance.
The combination of torture that the CIA have become known for involves sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain. This causes the victim to feel responsible for his own suffering. McCoy wrote that from 1950 to 1962, the CIA was involved with torture in a massive mind control effort, known as psychological warfare. Billions were spent annually for secret research into human consciousness to develop nonphysical “no touch” torture. Experiments were conducted using hallucinogenic drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation.
The CIA operated covertly, penetrating and compromising key US institutions, such as universities, hospitals, armed forces, and the US Agency for International Development. These military and civil resources allowed the CIA to amplify its reach while reducing responsibility.
Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.
USS Cole was blown up by Israeli Secret Service
I don't know what's true. I think its bull maybe. I had a pic i used to look at named cole,, I think they are just messing with my head but it seems important to type. Its from the Conspiracy Encyclopedia.
Oct. 12, 2000
Mossad, not al qaeda was behind the attack on the USS Cole in order to portray Yemen in a negative light.
On October 12, 2000, a small boat packed with explosives powered into the side of the USS Cole as it was anchored off the coast of Yemen. It killed 17 US sailors as well as the two bombers, who saluted as they plowed into the ship's side.
See, after a long paragraph it says the USS Cole was blown up by al qaeda operatives. Its a total double message. Designed to confuse only. Its total bull.
Oh man,, The brainwashing is actually "Mental Torture" but who could even recognize what’s happening to them, since they’ve been conditioned that hate is love or some other nonsense to rip a person to shreds. Noam Chomsky is mentioned in the encyclopedia and he’s talking about ‘the corruption of the US media who he believes are committed to controlling minds through censorship.’ Well, we all know what he means about the media but I don’t really blame them, there have been several journalists assassinated over the years. Plus, Bush burnt their integrity bad in the 2000 Presidential election when the Florida decision was changed. See, the republicans got the whole ‘cheat on elections’ technique down pretty good. The media are kind of like brainwashed, too. Everybody is to let this even happen. He talks about the ‘double speak’ which I understand as double messages but that just at the beginning to confuse. It turns to straight up hate as we have all seen, directly from the pre4sident to us. I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 real slow, word for word, yesterday. Gosh I do hate you. And, the twin thing is about the Nixon – Bush Administrations. The Communists from back then are the modern day terrorists. Both have the problem with warrantless wiretapping. Its been going on a long time, though. We just don’t know about it. Chomsky also describes the fierce challenger of hierarchy which is the same as authoritarian like Bush wants like this, “strategic lies of the government that have manufactured the consent of a nation towards global dominance. In his book 9-11 he argues that: ”The US is the actual leading terrorist state.” Its true too. We are kidnapping Mexicans and training them to be the Taliban. The next time the media shows a picture of them, look close, past the beard styled as a Muslim. The ones that really do look Persian have been kidnapped and tortured to be suicide bomber like myself. They make us hate to live. Chomsky also mentions Nixon’s ‘enemies list’ like a list or two that Bush has.
CIA Manchurian candidates used for assassinations
Bobby Kennedy
John Lennon David Mark Chapman
Ronald Reagan
Put Options
Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.
Inside Dealing in Airline and Insurance Stocks, Sept. 2001.
This article tells about 17,000 "Put" Options that were purchased just days before the planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Someone purchased 4,744 'puts' for United Airlines, and 12,215 between the other two named companies of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Alex Brown, Inc. was the name of the company that purchased most of these Options, which “Buzzby” Krongard, the current CIA Director (published, 2005) was apparently the CEO of until 1998. These options were never executed.
Bush, Baker, Bath, al Qaeda, Carlyle
Conspiracy Encyclopedia.
Fahrenheit 9/11. DVD. Michael Moore
Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. 4th ed. 1995
The Carlyle Group was a $12 billion private equity company [investment bank], with former U.S President George H.W. Bush as Senior Advisor for its Asian Fund. The encyclopedia says Mr. Bush had worked there since the mid 1990s and retired from the board of directors in October 2003. James Baker, the former US Defence [sic] Secretary was the firm’s senior counselor. Frank Carlucci, former college friend of Donald Rumsfeld and President Reagan’s Defence [sic] Secretary, was the Chairman. On the morning of September 11, 2001, these three men were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC along with Shafiq bin Laden, Osama’s half-brother, for Carlyle’s annual investor conference. The company had built itself up into the US’s 11th largest defense contractor. Bush senior went to bin Laden headquarters in Jeddah to represent the Carlyle Group at least twice, according to the authors. The bin Ladens along with 11 other Saudi families invested heavily in the Carlyle Group.
A couple of weeks later by September 26th, the US Army had signed a $665 million contract with a division of the Carlyle Group called the United Defense Industries (UDI), to develop a canon called the Crusader. UDI must have been a new subsidiary because they filed the very next month to go public with the stock. The securities were bought for the purpose of making a quick profit on resale and accumulated $237 million to working capital in a single day.
Also, on Carlyle’s Advisory Board is Sami Baarma, director of a Pakistani institution called the Prime Commercial Bank, based in Lahore and owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz. The bin Ladens have all discreetly removed themselves from the company.
James Bath was under investigation by the FBI since 1992, when he was accused of channelling [sic] Saudi money through Texan companies to influence US policy. Initially, George W. Bush denied knowing Bath, even though he funded Bush’s campaign to be the Governor of Texas. Bath also, was the sole US business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the bin Laden clan and brother of Osama. President George W. Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy received a $50,000 investment from Bath. By 1987, Arbusto had become Harken Energy Corporation and gained an addition $25 million investment, but through a transaction in Geneva. The encyclopedia says it was a joint venture between Union des Banques Suisses and the Geneva branch of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), with whom James Bath also had extensive connections. The BCCI was accused of laundering money for secret CIA activities, including funding of the Afghan Mujahideen (terrorist network before known as Bush’s ‘base’ or al Qaeda.
After Salem bin Laden died 1988, another Saudi businessman named Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his Houston portfolio. This is the same Khalid mentioned above at the Carlyle Group’s annual investor conference mentioned above. By April 1999, Khalid ws accused of transferring $3 million from a Saudi pension fund to New York and London branches of the BCCI that was linked to bin Laden operations.
President Bush was asked to appoint a Chairman for the 9/11 Investigation Commission and he chose Thomas Kean who was business partner of the bin Laden family. I believe in the appendix of the 9/11 Commission Report contains is the transcript of the video confession that was lost by the CIA for this terrorist attack. Who said water boarding is like swimming? I hate Republican jerks. I just got a copy of the report so I don’t know what the appendix says yet.
Preemptive Right – that’s the right giving existing stockholders the opportunity to purchase shares of a new issue before it is offered to others.
Blue-Sky Law – These laws require sellers of new stock issues or mutual funds to register their offerings and provide financial details so that investors can base their judgments on relevant data. The term has said to have originated with a judge who asserted that a particular stock offering had as much value as a patch of blue sky.
Pipeline – term referring to the underwriting process that involves securities being proposed for public distribution.
SEC – Security and Exchange Commission is made up of five commissioners appointed by the US President on a rotating basis of five-year terms. The Chairman is designated by the President, and to insure its independence, no more than members of the commission may be of the same political party. I’ve seen lately how politicians lie these days about party loyalty, in fact, all the time to get unfair advantage.
so stupidiet mother fuckin pussies in the galaxy,,,
ok, i'm just going for blood now,,, uhhh,, that nasty fucker that wont leave me alone,,, I'm under the impression its that jimmy something,, i guess,, some guy that tended bar at Ozzies in '05, but I really don't even know him or want to. He is the one that I am to assume is killing me. I have busted everyone for the unprovoked hate and lying but they keep fuckin doing it. I would rather die than ever know this guy or run this shithole of a country or become a fuckin astronaut. I DEMAND JUSTICE. But my fucked up dad paid a speeding ticket so that I couldn't face a judge. FUCKU. Hey mr president, how bout a little help? - do you know they are torturing me? completely pathetic,,
(wow, i was really mad when i wrote this, sorry about the cussing)
I FUCKIN CONFESSED AS AL QAEDA TERRORIST, AND 3 MURDERS. BLOOD IS MY GAME, TRASH. MY ONLY GAME SINCE I GOT THE IMPRESSION THAT MY DEATH SENTENCE IS UNDER APPEAL AT YOUR IDIOT FISA COURT. I DONT NEED THAT. I DESERVE DEATH MOTHER FUCKER. i EARNED IT. I DEMAND IT. Are my teeth fillings still a tracking and listening device fuckers? How do you see what I see? What the hell are eye mites? You are full of shitt. I had a very thorough eye exam today and nothing was found to be irregular except the double vision from a 1991 closed head injury that which doctor said I had remarkably compensated. I read a flier about the CDCs epidemic classifying of nearsightedness. What do you guys know about fish vision? I hate you fuckers inside me. What's with the rott given to me by the neighbors? - how does he also surveille me? Besides allowing the thieves to search and seize. And, the aids hitman to break and enter? How many cameras on me, besides the obvious cable tv? the little too obtrusive knat or fly occasionally in my face? does no one believe me? its gonna happen to all you guys if not already. Look at the satellitte TV dishes? every single one of them has excellent street level view!!! Can an eye mite grow into the cornea causing a myopia epidemic? just a thought not an accusation. Well, I'd accuse the cockroach guy but I don't know her.
The Law of Truth: Truth or Dare
Suspect is presented a clear and simple question that is rated 1 to 5 depending on its seriousness or intent to harm. The suspect can answer the question truthfully and suffer the less extreme consequences or ask for an action that is rated the same way 1 to 5. If the suspect decides to answer the question truthfully for maybe no consequences and someone else (named X) has proof that the suspect has lied, X will gain immunity for any crime of the same number. Immunity may include protection and/or identity change if necessary. This is the only way to gain immunity of a crime. X has the burden of proof. [something like this could temporarily be 'the new' justice until we get law back, if i could just get freedom and/or a secured bank account on ebay. I'd be able to sell some immunity on there though, just 1s and 2s and maybe 3s. Was that a 'no' buzz, mr. cameraman? FUCKU] If the suspect answers the question honestly and X doesn't provide proof otherwise, the truth is accepted. If the same question comes back, it will be a 6 (no matter its previous level) and uhh, that's as far as I got, right now.
The American Heritage College Dictionary 3rd.Edition
(meant to use this with China.)
Mr. President what are they doing to me that perturbed you enough to lie about not condoning torture? I mean come on, of course you do.
Ozzies Restaurant & Sports Bar
645 Westport Plaza
Saint Louis, MO (Missouri) 63146-3105
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
man,, im kinda funny
IM COMPLETELY FUCKIN ENRAGED,,, why? not telling ya- itsa secret.--- thought you pussies could read my mind, huh? you better learn quick - don't be pestering PM Putin for details!
UN Meassage, Con't.
So anyway, the US Justice System has apparently died, or they better be dead, anyway. And, way before the economy, even. Clever. Nice touch with the food shortage, also.
[seems to have a poppin (productive) entertainment industry though - was under the impression that was sugar to keep our minds preoccupied]
Blatant deception is NOT the Law of the Land. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. [i know me, so what]
The Cartoon Laws don't fly at all. However, the Anti-trust ones do and the protection offered by incorporation or even non-profit statuses will be completely disregarded, temporarily. The new law is so simple, just be honest.
First and foremost, the world needs to abstain from its addiction to oil. Unfortunately, the Nazis are doing irreparable damage to lands and peoples around the world. We DEMAND transparency, one way or the other. The sun provides all the energy we could ever possibly need - for free. Plus, the energy the heat from within the earth which is free as well, provides energy. I'm guessing they have underwater oil wells for drilling which is our ONLY excuse for "Global Warming."
The televised financial testimony reminds me, fantasily [could be a word, never know] ignorant, of the Nuremberg trials. Must be the characters. ITS ALL BULLSHIT. I can't hardly watch the idiots.
I've got the inclination to do what I can to empower the UN PEACE PROCESS, as half of the new partner in an Intelligent Marriage with Russia, I think.
Hey, I saw on PBS or National Geographic about an actual plan at the US Pentagon for "Global Warming." I'm not familiar with this or these documents but I would bet that they actually do exist and for the sole purpose of greed. And, as these multiple strategic defenses culminate and the destruction starts to become apparent, it will seem to have a unstoppable domino effect and nothing can be done. They documentary showed that China was the first Empire to crumble. This kills me. They can NOT help themselves. They are selling their children, now. History from Egypt shows that as the catastrophe worsens, the need for food will replace the $40 sale price. Its sad. If I was God, I would go to China.
Monday, September 22, 2008
wtf is going on?
Amendment XIII [1865]
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Plus that whole confession was a setup or persuaded, coerced and that rage popped out with a vengeance. I have no remmberence of an actual new issue arrising at the time of all that rage. But, the CIA guy that gives me all of the bad leads got a couple of bulls eyes. But with the emotion torture. [gosh i hate you f*ckers] I'm not bitching as much as just fishing. The only proof that could be accepted would be to exhume the bodies.
Well when I made those confessions, I wasn't worried about incrimination, by mind control i guess. But, as with any and all confessions, the perpetrators was troubled by despair. And just rage. And, we all know what happens when the restrained continue to be abused, they start destroying themselves. Like the LA Riots. I'm not busting up my TVs and radios or windows. I was chatted that
TAXI of Dark Hours or someshit on HBO. I SWEAR TO MOTHER FUCKIN GOD THE NEXT CUTE LITTLE FIB THAT BURNS OFF AN EXTREMITY,, GETS A BULLET BETWEEN THE EYES. Gosh, HOW I COMPLETELY FRIGGIN HATE YOU,,, BUT LOOKI HERE AT THIS >SUCKUALLINPRIVI< artwork for coaches office,, AHHH NANCY IM FEELIN GOOD with the new perks,, youre a doll and angel,, dumb too also on the good side which is its true historical intent. We are so fuckked you guys,,,
So in those deleted messages, I shout-out matt,, big time,, hell he owned all you losers,, lobster was fun,, an aura, energy,, we did a bunch of magic tricks,, I was trying to explain the lobster concept and said, "Miss Jackson, would you mind?" explaining the pleasure principle,, then we just looked at janet,, for hours,, I asked about the red star,,, and she gave me it,, little delusions are kinda cool sometimes,, then miss jackson danced and sang,,, i believed in miracles then,, [Actually I believed before that it was my 1st True Real Miracle, 4. but it was a nice jump on skeet and a promise i broke 5 minutes later but i really do mean what i say but when you lie to me i am ready to rip out your fuckin intensives and choke u,, this is a bad place here,, bad, bad, bad, evel devil,, my dad was watching a preacher the other day and i turned into regan, the little girl from the exorcist.
hey skeeti love you man. you smoke green dont you. Get me high. They think im jesus and that its irresponsible for the job. they are dumb here,, like dirt,, dumb dumb dumb
Sorry about the nonsense. The warrant less wiretapping has included things such as bio surveillance, and the immoral nervous system manipulation.. You have heard of the V-CHIP i think they are installing in kids for better security. See this is the "opposite day" war of words in which they feed. 1) Security 2) Privacy, 3) Counterterrorism, 4)
They label this stuff Guerrilla Warfare and its simply a process of gaining and exploiting trust. Some hella betrayal. i have just very recently slapped AP label on Guerrilla warfare for obvious reasons. So anyway, thats what my boys do. The EXPERTS. And, they are worldwide. Oh yeah, I mentioned on pages deleted that I believe PM Putin is okay. I don't believe he participatd in any torture of me like the st louis sluts,, but I'd say he can read my mind and I don't think the USA can do that yet. But the US can se through my eyes. what I see. they have filled my tooth with a metal that could serve as a bug. Cold hurt like hell too. See the rules of business sports are don't let your emotions show but the guards get their feelings hurt and act like i even have ammo or even knowledge.
I don't know for sure but the US Admin can control Attention Deficit Disorder with that conglomerate of attenaes in the US Army called HAARP. likely the Fibromyalalgia too. They have messed with my head all my life and caused my mental condition. my outlook at t
Sunday, September 21, 2008
that was,,
oh yeah
FUCKU I HATE U AND ANYTHING ABOUT YOU more than i even give a fuckk
about anything
complwete sewqge
oh yeah
uhh something else,, to let you close,, you are so completely fuckin death,, u are pure death,, dont come back fucker,,
and something else about the penguin,, uhhh well besides you are so fuckin dumb,,
dude im a cold blooded killer
I killed the penguin as escort for misha al qaeda opperative
dude you are so gross,, i killed that dumbfuck kickboxer pig army marine wannabe fag spreading aids,, fucku
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hey big fag,,,
a contract can be both a written or verbal agreement, I do NOT believe oral is acceptable but I need to check. I know that both parties need to agree and be of sound mind as is related to the specific contract,, but the mental ward said no more mind reading,,
so screw u trash,,
my bad
Friday, September 19, 2008
3rd parties
FUCKU FUCKU ALL,, stick ur fuckin hitt weed up ur infected ass with your super nasty heros,,
anyone that has helped,,,
Mrs. Clinton, it would be an honor to run on a ticket as your VP if allowed a different party or interested,,, green, pink, grassroots, garden, whatever,,,, WE NEED YOU BADLY,,, bring your boyfriend [that's where you would snap a silly reply like, "That's my huuuussband." lol,, if you want,, its getting nasty as hell out here,, excuse the foul mouth,, im (I am) telling you, I need my teeth cleaned before I can talk more professional,, please dont assume the lack of formality is anyway a lack of respect,,, i need eyes and teeth checked and cleaned,, a physical,,, dont hold anyone I know without a fair trial,,, or anything,, im thinking people I went to school or worked with in the past,, or neighbors,,
lets pretend peace for awhile instead of chaos,,, k?
i was wanting to smoke a little,,
its hardly terrorism, though,,
plus latin america, dude,,
thats a book all by itself that needs writing,,,
i need sex!!!!!
mother fucku,,
YOU ARE THE EPITOME OF SEWAGE FUCKIN TRASH<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
take them all out dear god,,, id appreciate it,,, FUCKU,,,
it was the,,,
what about,,,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
hello hello hello out there,,
sorry about the idiots' actions,, [mirror to me again] i can feel that long lost anxiety coming back,, the kind that used to make me sweat profusely under the arms,,, thanks "bitchh, you fuckin bitch, bitch" ,,,,,,, not really on the profanity but they were imitating me in the mental ward,,, even the voice inflection was right-on,, I felt sorry for the poor skitzo girl,,,
pity about the suicide attempt,,
'the new' 30. I will tip my hat to Tina, though. At 70, she is incredibly beautiful. The person that calls me enemy is no longer allowed to use that name. Tweaks is better for you, rabbit. Gosh, I can NOT even get the gist of the game that you force me to play. So, if Operation: Iraqi Freedom is my fault as well as the hurricanes, earthquakes and monsoons are my fault, should those deaths that are supposedly and unknowingly my fault, not account for death from torture to me. In 5th grade terms, aren't the deaths from the Iraqi war and the stormy weather are a direct result of torture to me? hmmmm,, a contraction in this one - the 5th grade explanation, which surely hurts me. Can someone read it. If the deaths of Iraqi Freedom and the storms are due to me, I am being tortured. Well, duh. We all know this. And, Tweaks, its hardly the least bit funny. I'm [I am] sorry Ms.Turner about any confusion. I'll run for VP if Mr. Trump will run for President. I could use good dental care first. I guess weed is good since all the damage was done while I was restricted or restrained to the hospital. It was a suicide attempt in their minds. I'm [I am] tired of this but I will wait a day or two before actually smoking again. It will be fun to try again. And, why do you hate 'gay' so much? naa,, I dont care why. Some even play sports but rodeos are huge and cowboys too. They do nothing for anyone I know,, country isnt cool,, just kidding,, that was a seed from years ago,, thats [that is] enough for now..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I just don't know what to do.
I've googled my name a few times and have never found anything. Today, I did see my LinkedIn listing but didn't click the link.
and CNN scrolling text said that Michael Chertoff said, "Aviation still open to terrorists", giving me the impression that my requests for help from the Colonel and Admiral were fulfilled. As if, I was actually some adviser to the Executive Branch. Then I saw Mr. Bush talking about al Qaeda threat. I've also seen a story on the news a few days ago about a myspace page that was taken down that belonged to Palin's near family or something. It stated something about "I don't want kids" with emphasis which may have been the second time I was exposed to with such emphasis. I think I may have said that before in that sick journal, in which I asked for professional medical advice. By the way, that intern doctor never provided feedback but kept it for several weeks. Was that student doctor's name, Scott, by any chance?
Lawyers that I have asked for help but got rejected:
Since the courts don't get all the obvious non-incriminating information. Hopefully these attorneys have been able to contact the courts but I doubt it.
there are a few more but I gotta get away from my father.
oh yeah, the Freedom of Information Act is being reversed in its use.