Saturday, April 11, 2009

This whole thing started as an issue with immigration..

Back in 2003 and 2004, there seemed to be an issue happening with me that I have never been able to get recognized - not by a court of law or its representatives. I have never attempted FISA court, I guess because I'm still in denial about whats actually happening. I typed a bunch of silly letters addressing my perpetrators because by this time I had already spoken to them freely in an empty house. Anytime I ever had company over I had to inform my guests to say nothing that will incriminate themselves. They had me selling weed at Logan College of Chiropractic, although I really didn't know it was them at first. I had a buddy named John that all of a sudden turned into a nightmare by becoming a completely psychotic destructive type face primarily. Most of the crap that was done to me was by the CIA and blamed on others. I sent congress a list of some lawyers names I've contacted that, without explanation, rejected my case. I was arrested in four local towns and roughed up 100ft from my driveway on my birthday. It was planned and my buddy John musdt have know all about it because I realized months later that as police cars were congregating behind me, he went into a full-blown panic attck - award winning crap. All the little alarms on electronic gadgets just when off when I typed that his performance deserved an award. I dont think he said anything Hollywood related to me. Oh yeah, his mom forwarded him and email address for [gosh I'm going to butcher this name] Mr. Spielburg's daughter, I think. He didn't really seem to care and naturally I felt a little envious or jealous or something good that they like. Let me tell you about these "world's biggest jack*offs" in the world. Yeah, that's real masculined, you sissies. Im telling, right now, on you all. LOL. I'm playing really.

Anyway, it started as an immigration issue or so I thought. I live in a town in St. Louis County called St. Ann, MO 63074, and apparently this town was known as "Little Mexico" from where the men came, which appeared to be strictly to work because they seemed piled on each other. That was swome living across the street in a duplex. I remember when I was getting harrased by my neighbors, my garden hose and tire were sliced. They conspicuously had a flat as well. One guy was helping me put together a rod-iron gazebo type thing in my back yard. I offered a beer and inside my house I permitted him to use my brand new computer - that I just got back from instant VIP service plan that I bought with the computer but it took the minimum of six months to get returned. I was completely disregarded but I didn't realize it maybe. I don't know. They had my head spinning for years, nonstop. Electricy surges frying my limbic lobe part of my brain iws the lastest inaccurate presumption. I got napped when President Bush took control of "by any means necessary" treatment of suspected terrorist, which he, they, and God all knew i wasn't but that wasn't going to stop the torture. they say learning is very difficult the most diffcicult time to learn things but it never stopped and I had no other choice. They use techniques of mind control and the permanent imprint of some word or image or thought that will forever cause a specific reaction in me. No matter wshat. I read a book that mentions the layers of hypnosis. This particular person's 5th personality was named killer Karla. They have told me they see me in several ways. Through the remote control receptor on the TV with Charter Cable. So what exactly is on the CIAs charter? Besides telecvommunications companies headquarted in different countries? They hate gay people, badly. As if!? - they are idiots. They need to get their cameras out of my ....

Ok so I let my Mexican neighbor installed some peer-to-peer client on my new clean machine and denied it the entore time. I made him leave. I still offered them help if I could ever do anything but I don't want them in my house or yard which they were doing stupid crap like pulling out spouting flowers. Oh well, after my local library game me a bunch of hell and wouldn't let me use the Hanes Directory of names, numbers, and addresses by telling me4 it was stolen. Looked my right in the eye and said, "Nope, its not here." I eventually got to another library to use the guide to look up my neighbors. Well guess what? I have about four McCoys that are in a circular arrangement around me. Two or three Griffins, a Mueller [FBI director?], and a Gonzalos down the street, directly on top of a tunnel that surely can't be too far from my nextdoor neighbor's house. They were Mexicans that I thought I got along with but the CIA trash pickers made sure I got along with no one, ever, anywhere. No kidding, they were ruthless. They knew where I was going before I got there or before I even knew. Years later I learn they could read my mind but its too disturbing to ruin this good story so soon. Im kidding. On thed next street over, about an 8th of a mile away was a Mexican Restaurant that was pointed out to me by my pal John that busloads of mexicans unload. I've seen officers parked on a street 75ft away above the back of the restaurant as if security work. It was about 4am and I got out of my car and and tried to sneak to the backdoor or backyard area and one of them drove down to where I was walking and I didn't realize they were coming for me. They stopped me and asked what I was doing. I said I was just trying to see what they were doing. They werent really amused but didnt seem too offended or mad but they just asked me to leave which I gladly accepted. My neighbors worked for a landscaping company that what seemed to be the head of the household's brother owned. Oh well, I went nutso a few times that they may have witnessed but I never really showed any agression to anyone personally. The youngest boy threw some dust from under his house into my dogs face and I scolded the child or spoke for my dog, whatever. The child draqmatically over reacted to the situation because every tyime he saw me he seemed to run away or hide and if only by the minmally effective shrug of the shoulders until figured he was out of my site. I think I might have yelled at him overly stern because I wanted to be sure and tell his mother, just to let her know what occured and that I didnt mean to scare him. Actually, it was all a complete setup. No one can ever admit to anything apparently. And they think I love to be held in what they call platos cave.

Anyway, I think several mexicans came through this passage or tunnel hoping to make a few cents or something to send home. They never had it easy. I hate to say this but i think all the illegal immigrants that arrived in the USA while the mexican border was wide open for tractor trailer trucks and no customs approval necessary. Well, the weed they CIA trash had me selling was bad stuff but it went like hotcakes. Along with smuggling people, I assume they smuggled marijuana and ICE, the mexican version of Meth. In fact, Chad, a name and number I gave to Congress told me himself that he was selling meth and recruitting dealers to unknowingly work for the police department. He mentioned to me one day that it was good money but we never discussed it again. He is a good guy. Actually, maybe he didn't tell me all that stuff but his little brother used to come over and report things to me - make sure I'm up on the basics. His name is Colt. Take care of him, too.

I think the Mexicans, that John told me the Mayor and Chief of Police supervised as the buses unloaded, didn't seem to be interrupted in the least. I fear these human beings working so hard for freedom trusted the wrong open border. I think the gang warfare down there is all CIA instigated and trained in geurilla warfare - that's the betrayal crap, real nasty. These people running for their lives ran right into the arms of the devil. Some of these immigrant prisoners in the camps were obviously bearded and tagged with a terrorist job. Some are in camps that may have had no legal help whatsoever and because we are so disinformationed its never reality. Im not sure where to point from there. The mayor of St. Ann [63074] just mocked death I think. I get this town. To own. LOL. They have a little photo ID making area at the Mexican store near the restaurant. I really didn't see them do bad horrendous things. The drugs transported w3ith them was from the police, not the immigrants. Yeah, I forgot about the Meth issue. That's all CIA too. Bushi is such a piece of bad, pure bad. A drug that will help the addicts destroy them selves. I'll be right back.

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