Wednesday, April 22, 2009

mental torture notes

A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy

The author mentions that the CIA carried out experiments with hallucinating drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation. in the 1950s and 1960s there was a massive mind control effort under way which was just another name for psychological warfare. It was a billion dollar program to do secret research into human consciousness to develop a nonphysical 'no touch' torture. The CIA worked covertly, penetrating and compromising key US institutions: universities, hospitals, armed forces, and the US Agency for International Development. This allowed them to draw on military and civil resources to amplify its reach and reduce responsibility.

For 2000years, interrogators had found out that mere pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance. The CIA's new psychological paradigm fused two methods: sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain, which is a combination that causes the victim to feel responsible for their own suffering.

Sensory deprivation is the relentless probing into the essential nature of the human organism to identify its physiological and psychological vulnerabilities. This has evolved into a total assault on all senses and sensibilities - auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, survival, sexual, and cultural. Refined through years of practice, the method relies on simple, even banal procedures, isolation, standing, heat and cold, light and dark, noise and silence for systematic attack on all senses. Fused with self-inflicted pain, creates a synergy of physical and psychological trauma whose sum is a hammer blow to the fundamentals of personal identity. Although seemingly less brutal than physical torture, 'no touch' leaves deep psych scars on both the victims and interrogators. Sensory deprivation provokes more anxiety for the interrogators than other tortures and leaves NO VISIBLE SCAR and is harder to prove. It produces long standing effects. The perpetrators suffer a dangerous expansion of ego leading to escalating cruelty and lasting emotional disorders. Field operations in 1963 gave way to unimaginable cruelties - physical and sexual by perpetrators with horrifying brutality. Victims suffer a mistrust bordering paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders.

Doctor Otto Doerr-Zegers
Q & A

Q: What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origins?
A: He says the answer lies in the psychological "phenomenology of the torture situation" and that its constantly occurring.
[keep feeling fascination]
1) Asymmetry of power
2) Anonymity of the torturer to the victim
3) 'double-blind" - enduring or betraying others.
4) systematic "falsehood" of trumped up charges, artificial lighting, cunning deception, and mock executions.
5) Confinement in distinctive spaces signifying 'displacement', 'trapping', 'narrowness', and 'destruction.'
6) Temporality - characterized by some unpredictability and much circulatory, having no end. Denies victims any power over selves. [is this the temporal lobe or what is the author talking about]

The torturer strives "through insult and disqualification," by means of threats... to break all the victim's existential platforms. The torturer eventually achieves "complete power" and reduces the victim to "a condition of total or near total defenselessness."

Doerr-Zegers describes the psych component of torture becomes a kind of total theater. [they told me it was a box] A constructed unreality of lies and inversion of the truth, in a plot [shitbags] that ends inexorably [what does that word mean - dumb neighbors outside - i hate them all] with the victims self-betrayal and destruction. To help with the false charges fabricated news and mock executions happen.

PROVOKE AN AURA OF FEAR - is the goal. [they are retards!]

As the torturer manipulates circumstances to "maximize confusion" the victim feels "prior schemas of the self and world... shattered" and becomes receptive to the "tortures' construction of reality."

Under peculiar conditions of psych torture, victims isolated from others, form "emotional ties to thier tormentors" that make them responsive to a perverse play in which they are both audience and actor, subject and object - in a script that leaves them not just disoriented but emotionally and psychologically damaged, in some cases for the rest of thier lives.

They are shitbags, always try to involve art or movies or whatever - complete trash.
Ain't this last part just damaging a brain that's already in shock? It doesn't matter doctor [illegal w/o name] whether the shock is from electricity or trauma. The experimentors are not on my side. Everyone has been lied to so that we all betray each other rather than help each other. Look, Bush-bag ripped off my family fortune. He has been torturing us our whole lives. I'm talking about since my great grandfather Lester Hughes. But, its a total secret and we are all turned against each other and think we may be protecting someone for something by keeping it secret. It's a total lie.

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