Monday, April 13, 2009

Alice is ate up.

Alice in Wonderland
Monday, April 13, 2009

I know all about the transfer of powers that’s stated in the US Constitution when the abuse of human rights are violated but apparently that ‘ghost’ tag stuck to me and I don't really exist. All that hate is not mine. I am a decent person whether the CIA agrees or not. Russia never was an enemy, by the way. Its all false fear and inaccurate information to scare the American people. The entire ‘Cold War’ is a fairy-tale and I’m supposed to be the hero but President Bush robbed and tortured my entire family. Maybe something to do with Mr. Hughes last will and testament. The only book I read about him repeated the idea that Mr. Hughes was totally cognizant when writing his will.

But anyway, I think they are giving lobotomies by remote control. Maybe creating Parkinson’s that way also. Its too disturbing to analyze.

What reality am I supposed to acknowledge? Its all just too messed up. I remember after about three or four years of torture, Oprah Winfrey asked what took so long. I didn’t get it. I still don’t get it. Was she talking about me? The people are great but I am unable to hear or see what is happening to me, my family, or the world. This is not a gay issue or the related torture that they expect me to believe is a result from it. People are not like that. If it was a gay issue, it was designed decades ago with probable outlandish and ignorant updates, since its gone through the White House and Hollywood. Its disgusting and anyway, I came to grips with my sexuality and identity years ago. But, with the continuous torture in my life, I’ve never been close to anyone, and gratefully never will. Big surprise I’m sure after you take a dump in my mind, Mr. Presidents. Just like this entire mess is my fault. You could ask my opinion about gay if you really wanted to know. I doubt I would answer since the media already informed me it was posted on the Internet, maybe. Oh yeah, that fuzzy legal area. When President Bush's secretary named Scott wrote a book and offered to trade me. Your acting classes have really paid off Mr. President. The torture clock tick-tocks on. I thought a book about President Bush said he was a gay-rights activist in college or something. I think the wives wrote lesbian romance novels. See, its not that. It’s the lobotomies and child slave rings or something. What could you possibly expect from me? The blisters on our scalps are supposed to prove something, huh. My mom has several. I’m not into this crap at all. Sorry. I really do appreciate the undertow of support and confidence but this is insane and unreasonable.

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