Monday, April 20, 2009

I forgot about medication,,,

Its almost as if scientific companies are creating both the cause and effect with medicines and our health. My grandfather was always on high blood pressure medicine that never seemed to work. But get this, he developed symptoms just like that of Diabetes which shreds our smallest blood vessels and cause blindness and kidney failure. This was from his BP medicine.

Also, a documentary title AIDS, Inc. (2007), tells us opinions about AZT, by non-American Physicians, and its toxicity to HIV patients. Some company admitted openly that I gave several false positive HIV test results. These doctors said that many things can occur turning a person's day [tanning bed] that drops a person's T-Cell count down to a level appropriate to commence dosing - of the death medicine. Its still the first line of defense. I bet Magic Johnson does not take it. The CIA or electric guards or whatever only permitted me to watch the video halfway through after several attempts, so I don't know what is said after about an hour.

The FDA only requires very pathetic testing of medications before they approve them. A pharmaceutical company pays $500,000 to $700,000 in fees to the FDA to approve each medicine.

ADD, they create Attention Deficit Disorder with low frequency waves that are emitted from HAARP. Bipolar is their specialty though. What do you here is most important for a bipolar person to accomplish in order to administer self-care. The most important thing always, is that they stay on their meds. Wonder if something in the meds make us radioactive, maybe?

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