Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Alice dance or whatever.

Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Morning Vietnam! Just kidding. I like him, he’s silly. Is nanotechnology real or is it for aliens from Ork and outer space? LOL. I know all about the science ban or whatever. So what, we got to use pretend stuff or something so no one notices? LOL. I’m sure its real but it’s a great ‘leg’ and I’m riding them all, from now on. No one else. LOL.

I sincerely want to thank all my fans, they’re the best in the world, and the academy. LOL. Just joking. I wouldn’t let them use it as a defense so let’s wait until they are locked up. LOL. Say it, “locked up.’ It feels funny and really good at the same time. “When they are locked up.“ Its just a fear tactic, I wonder? I’m not really more interested in death than life but they don’t even allow any light at the end of anything. Plus, all the bad things they have done to this country, to other countries, to my family and loved ones and to me are really bad things. But, more so than that, they don‘t its wrong or can’t admit it. How much would you think they would have to bully an entire family so that they never even become aware that the Howard Hughes empire was stolen right out from under them. I know what you did to my mom, thief-bag, and that really pisses me off. The entire Hughes family are nuts. LOL. Not really. I meant that we all have mental illness but some don‘t get treatment. Well, someone that may not be aware they were a victim of, uh lets say a remote control lobotomy, might have symptoms like major depression but not really. The victim might sleep a lot but not necessarily possess the hopeless mood that is so indicative of that particular diagnosis. Also, would consuming alcoholic beverages create a dramatic change in the victims personality, like Nadia? Plus, antidepressants increase the chances of Parkinson’s disease. I’m with you Mr. Fox, sorry about the delay. We’ll put an end to the disease after we get science returned. it. What about TWA? Was that my family’s airline, Mr. President thief? But, it was too much competition for your American Airlines. huh? FREE MY FAMILY NOW, AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU STOLE THE TIME AND THE MONEY. You can hand each one some money and I will help you explain to all later.

Godfather Ellen, I bow at your feet. Come on you guys, she said its ok. LOL. They have made a complete mockery of me, my family, gays and lesbians, the judicial system, patriotism, and human ethics. I think they created the same-sex desires in both, me and my deceased sister and I think there must be a law for St. Ann. I live in the same house in which my father had grown up and his father was a target also, as he worked for McDonnell Douglas. My mom is the Hughes. We didn’t even know we were blacklisted, CIA-bag. Laws made during President Bush’s terms shouldn‘t be valid since he stole the election, twice. Its not morally wrong or illegal to have love or romance without a procreation goal. People have an absolute right to like or love what is appealing to them, for any number of reasons except cruelty. I talk more about ’cruelty’ being the only real sin. Unfortunately, some of our world’s religions have been the target of sabotage as well. If you hate anything after reading the bible, I’d say you’re using it wrong. People have a right to love and be loved just like everyone else. I wrote in a journal while I was recovering from a car accident at which time I was contemplating both my sexuality and my mental illness diagnosis. I was in denial about having them. It wasn’t because I hated the people, it was just that they are a couple of tough cards to be dealt. Well at first I hated gay people, but not when I wrote the journal. See, we are all born with only love. Hate is a taught emotion. [Your school sucks, by the way] Many times we confuse hate with our own ignorance. Okay, we are all attracted to many different things and God want’s us to enjoy his gifts. [I get all the beauty though - lol - don’t worry you all made it] Well we have all been attracted to both opposite and same gender companionship, ie, friendship. We don’t always have to have a romantic or lust attraction to our friends but we still like them. Sometimes, we have a romantic or lustful attraction to one of our friends which may bring about distress if we are already in a monogamous relationship. I’d say most people have had the romance or lust attraction to someone of our own gender and if we happen to be closed minded about same-sex relations, it won’t be a good feeling very long. Hmm, this is tough. This is something that has been perceived wrong. Hate is NEVER the right answer. Children exposed to same-sex relationships do not become gay or perverted. But, children that are deprived of the exposure for hate instead may become a suicide statistic. That would be the only reason a twelve year old child would kill themselves. What else could be eating at them that much? And, that’s what the Bible tells us so.

The Bible and organized religion are a beautiful combination for those than bloom into love. For others, this miracle may not occur since just for the fact of different interpretations. You know, I talk about when I was recovering from a car accident and I researched the mission statements of various charitable organizations. I think I did this because I wanted to somehow prove to myself that the world was messed up, and it wasn’t just me. Well, I was correct. LOL. I also picked up the Bible, not necessarily to discount it, but I wanted facts. One of the first lines I read said, “May all good come to man, the Jews first then the…” or something like that. I was offended to read that. Not that I had any bad feelings towards anyone Jewish nor a reason but it was because I wasn’t Jewish. Why don’t I get anything good? “Well honey, the Bible is open to many different interpretations.” I put the Bible down and decided it was too confusing for this specific time in my life. Plus, I assumed the gay bashing, in the Bible, wouldn’t be open for reinterpretation or discussion. Its not right for everyone, and its only wrong if its cruel to someone else, perhaps a spouse. It would also be cruel to force anything sexual on a child.

Gay people, as a rule aren’t all sex addicts - well the guys are kind of. LOL. I guess, what I really meant is that gay people are capable and even desirous of monogamy and marriage. How can you hate that? Hmmm. What’s the success rate, these days, of marriages that end when ’death did them part’? Zero or two, maybe? I’m kidding, but the statistics of which you are so protective are hardly high enough to force other people to live that way. I’m not saying you are wrong for enjoying your own loving heterosexual family, but you don’t have a right to take someone’s homosexual happiness away. Love is a miracle and everyone gets some. No, President Bushi, wrong kind of miracle. Everyone should try and do themselves a favor and embrace the gay and lesbian communities - they probably already love you. The soul-searching that gay people must endure to overcome detrimental effects of the perceived hate that they were born into builds a different kind of character, and wider circle for love. Plus, gay automatically gets Jewish 1st- level pass. LOL. I’m kidding, those Jews are real frugal with the passes, anyway. LOL. I’m kidding. Its suicide if they can not overcome the perceived hate. Oh yeah, something I wrote before, about someone with limited exposure to gay and lesbian people would have an inaccurate and probably negative perception of romance with the same gender. This is sad for you and anyone in your influence. No one is asking you to be gay, but you know what they say - “Once you go Black, you never go back.” LOL. I’m kidding. Don’t ever do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll give everyone my pager number and if you want to leave from somewhere, just page me. Or, scream out for “Underdog” and I’ll be right there to the rescue. :o(())

The Jimmy Act
Here’s a name for that fellatio law I was mentioning before. I felt silly then, as I do now but I need a loyal army or militia quickly, and I want to be able to take care of the people. This is like legal permission to discreetly ask around for what one may label as a ‘sucker’ so that a single dad can keep his numbers up. LOL. Its almost a personal right to ask as long as not offensive or harassing. How crazy this is. Wait until we get to health care. LOL. Ask with a flower for your female acquaintance, or offer to buy the gay guy a beer - he might give you double the time, or be alarm clock too. This is kind of silly but maybe its necessary. Its not to offend or disregard what beauty you may already possess in your life.

Here are some thoughts I typed the other day and I’m not sure how to rewrite them since I am in a hurry:

As far as church, the Bible, God, love, and human relationships go, that’s a tough one to rush through but its really pretty simple. Geez, remember Anita Bryant? Was she doing God’s work? With all that hate? Well first off, if after reading the bible you feel compelled to hate anyone, you’re probably not using it right. God is love. Period. The only real sin is cruelty. That could include many actions, even some of the 10 Commandments. You still can’t steal your neighbor’s goods or her wife. Discrimination is wrong as every African American will agree. Its cruel. Lying is cruel. If anyone in the world can’t handle the truth, maybe its in your delivery. Lying is wrong and cruel. Physical or mental destruction to anyone, including a disabled person, is wrong. Stealing from a blind person is cruel. Stealing from a person you blinded or physically or mentally destroyed is wrong and cruel. Restraining someone with electrical shock and bio-surveillance technology so they never have to learn about the truth that they can’t handle is wrong and cruel.

I mentioned a car accident that I had at the age of 22, in 1991. The first six months of a one year recovery was spent learning to walk and talk again and I had complete double vision lasting about eight months. During that time, if I pressed my chin deep into my chest and peered through the top of my eyes, I could focus to see the weatherman on television. That’s all I really did. I even had to sit and scoot to go down steps, for months. Soap operas were never really an interest but I did like one called, Santa Barbara. Anyway, I’d be smart right now, to make it very clear, that I did not and will not shoot J. R. Good luck with your show, big daddy.

When I awoke from the five days coma, my thoughts and speech didn’t work very well. It was shameful to me that I couldn’t answer simple questions from the nurses that were trying to get my mind to work. That shame of my ignorance was real since I was a high school drop-out and completely nonacademic. I hated being so stupid. After about six months of physical recovery, I contacted a few activists-type groups and non-profit charitable organizations to learn about their mission statements and request some literature. Oh yea, besides waiting for the weatherman’s performance, I saw two other memorable shows. One was called Doing Time on Maple Drive and it made me feel a little like Jesus. It was about a young man that was gay and tried to commit suicide or something. This Jesus feeling only occurred once and its duration was pretty insignificant. I didn’t remember that the accident was a suicide attempt and the doctors said that I would probably block it out a while or forever until I could handle it or something. A few years later, I worked for a treatment center accommodating ‘men of the church’ which interestingly enough was located on a street named Maple Drive.

I also saw an episode of Montel Williams where the guests talked about documents that were publicly available from the Library of Congress that implied AIDS is a man made disease, bio-warfare if you will. I don’t remember much about the episode but I did make a VHS copy from the broadcast which is no longer in my possession. I think it was stolen in the yard sale.

Sorry, I really had a lot of pressure about the gay thing so I apparently neglected everything elsewhere but it is so very important for right now. I think I mentioned a new branch of law. We will have headquarters on Cuba which I think they want, new human rights. I think all communist countries are only that way for the oil that is found on the land. President Bush has already been deducted to China’s and Cuba’s government. I think the Vietnam war is actually a twin to Korea war. Oil reserves must be present in both Northern territories, I wonder?

Drugs addicts and cigarette smokers are addicted because of the manufacturers that targeted them. That’s who is breaking laws and its against the law to attack the victims for fines. I agree about smoke-free and drug-free but prosecute the right criminal. Drugs will be legalized because the criminal justice system is full and clogged with the innocent. The meth heads should be helped since the CIA has already practically killed them. Give them a controlled prescription of Adderall for awhile - anything to clean them up. All the blatant stealing and hoarding of money that may be permitted by some asinine law interpretations might due good to contribute more than alleged amounts stolen for an account to rebuild America. Just be clean of cruelty, you’ll be fine. No one gets left out! No, not you President Bushi, you are left out. You cheated too much. We’ll see what you can tell me in private sometime to try and get you back on the ‘in‘.

I don’t really know what’s going on. I’ve still never been acknowledged for anything. Our pets are both surveillance devices as well as weapons against us. I think their vision can be spied. They can carry air toxins inside the house and their gas can also fumigate if necessary. Its weird, weird stuff. Oh yeah, what about crickets during the day? Should they be loud and proud all day long? The dogs bark on command I think, of probable electric shocks or something. They precision timing of such barking dogs have helped me with the learning process. Plus, the CIA-bags make them all bark to make me crazy if I piss them off somehow. They are complete asses. Oh yeah, don’t forget about the tooth fillings, and damage by salt and sugar, and the death of the honey bees. Nothing can be thought of as superficial or surface identity right now. In fact, there’s a CIA-bags program called Red Sox or Red Cap that meant they are traders and they will change sides at the last minute. Its not my family, I’m telling you - we are too stupid. You tortured for lifetimes, J.R.

The cable box on the TV is a spy cam. Well, the remote control receptor on the cable box. Free my family, dude, with a public service announcement and an apology. You must use the correct name(s) and don’t say Obama’s family. I do like the guy finally. I’m sorry about that. Oh well President Bush, please include in your PSA about the cold war fraud, AZT, pets as spies, Vietnam and Korea, underground drilling, HAARP, UFO’s, Phillip Morris, Saddam [Iraq] trap, subliminal messages in The Family Guy and other cartoons and movies. Define targets, peoples and places, and be nice. Do it like a stand-up comedian and I want the remote for the laxatives. LOL. I know I’m forgetting tons of things. I met and spoke with the dead people who want to appear after you deliver this message. Its bad stuff, and they will save the day. Oh yeah, the catholic church and Israel. Haven’t the Jewish people always been the target of Nazis? Do you guys remember Adolph Beer? That’s kind of Nazi, right there. Make a fortune off the sale of an addictive and life damaging beverage that probably has a profit margin that is increased by the destruction of automobiles, also. The Nazis are also part of the DMV, maybe? And, of course, last but not least, oil. Nazi circle. Why, all of a sudden, was I showered with the impression that there are no Nazis which I halfheartedly accepted as true until I looked at Israel. If the surface truth says the Jews are at fault, I immediately think Nazi. The CIA, under the Bush family, have established terrorist cells worldwide with things like the Marshall Act to rebuild Europe. They are destroying Latin America at President Bush’s orders and training the men to be al Qaeda by adding a beard as well as street gangs to terrorize people into the states were they automatically get POW/slave camp. Tell us about all that in your message as well. You have explicit instructions that must be accomplished asap. See, I never got directions and my decision making is not too bad, I just still don’t get it, thief-bag. Not to be a fear monger like some waste cases I know but the longer you wait, the worse the penance.

Boston. Mr. President Bush, you should have your hands slapped at the very least for what you did to the Church. Always blaming your crimes on someone else, huh. But then you have to kill them so no one ever finds out you are really the bad person. Tell us what happened and why to the priest in the Boston prison? See, all you people thought I was faking or self creating all that dirtiness they persuaded me to purge in chat. Sorry, I’m forgetting so much. I love everybody tons, but I wouldn’t trust the Bush-bag, just fyi.

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