Thursday, April 23, 2009

hey hey hey sorry for delay,,,

Good morning fellas and ladies:

Close enough for non-tortured. What channel are you watching lizzie? Naa, I wouldn't dare drag you into this.

So, you tried to infect me with HIV so many times, I misinterpreted the energy as my destiny but really that was ya'lls force. Sam, John, John, piano player, etc, etc. Don't forget about the probable suicide attempt after the guy said, "Welcome to the world of AIDS." Oh yeah, crapbags, Doug also. He was the entire reason for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' They knew he was gay in the Army serving in Germany and he was one of the first to get it. Who did that to him?

All the outragous emotion that causes me so much pain, is for no reason other than keeping me hated, huh? So what, I've been kicked out of a lot better places than this. And you're right these are not legal documents. You know exactly what my resources are and my capabilities. Oh well, so anyway if you can read my mind you know I know about a pedophile picture of maybe me or my sister at 4 and 5 years old. These must have been taken when we stayed the weekend with Rose and Dale, i wonder? Some sex with little kids huh, you big bully. We will get to that on the next post.

The rest of this one is about the Limbic system of the brain that controls emotions and the digestive and reproductive systems. Britney I love you. So people shave their heads in hope that I will shave mine. After some consideration given to the sabotage skinhead tag, I decided I really like my hair. I made and agreement to myself that I would do a mohawk if I really needed to get it done. But, it still doesn't show the blisters on my head. I think I only have one but my mom has three. Dude, what you did to my mother is beyond forgivable.

Well, I don't know if that little book of notes I handwrote while I was recovering from the head injury car accident was really posted on the Internet or not but I was under the impression President Bush's Press Secretary maybe, Scott Iforgot, wanted to trade books with me. A few days later the rush of knowledge finally hit me. I never know what you trash cans are talking about. Remember when I just disregarded everything. LOL. You were pissed, huh. "Torture him!" This is kinda stupid but significant, about my notes. So anyway, is it "Nature or Nurture" for those who wouldn't change or trade for straight? Even after all that work to create a mentally disabled homosexual, and reinforce laws against it, in my backwards town? Is that my choice Anita, dear? Then what did you clever bullies do? Ashcroft rewrote some law but removed anything that might indicate legal protection to me. The old laws are still good though, unless repealed. That's already a conspiracy, mam - you only need more than one person for a conspiracy. And, Jesus Christ already. There is no statute of limitations on hate crimes, so what you did 20 years ago is still game. But anyway, I think the Governor did the same kind of thing but may have been medicine related. Then the Patriot Act, tag as a suspecyed terroristfor no reason. Oh yeah, selling weed for the CIA at Logan College of Chiropractic but the killed the school meth dealer and kind of wanted me to go there but it wasn't pushed on me and I wouldn't pursue this kind of crap. So anyway, a pal turns out to be an enemy trying to infect me with HIV in 2003, when the rest of the world literally turned against me for at least two years. Everywhere I went, including c heckout clerks had to hit me with rage and hate simultaneously and shitbags Bush would know because he sees what I see. Then the media continued from there, then movies eventually evenntually joined in as well as a few TV series. Anyway, by this time my mind is so sabotaged that I can't see clearly much less think. Plus, I'm only supplied with lies usually or mislead in some way that I will never know until my chemical reactions don't work.

Oh well anyway, I remember saying after my car accident that I felt like I was reborn due to the nuturing of the hospital. Mom's that have lobotomies don't have the mind to nurture since it got fried. And she spends all day in bed, but she's not reallu suffering from major depression is she like everyone has told her. That's behavior that's consistent with lobotomies. Dude, you have ruined her life. Decades ago. And, thought it might be cool if she did some neglect maybe? Naa, it was just a little absent of the nurturing that I remember writing about. But, she's not, Mr. President, a depression patient she's a target that got nailed hard and never even knew it, huh. Ask your daughter is that's kind of tortuous manipulation. And her father, was bhooted from the military for being nuts, huh. Who shot his eye out? Oh man. There are tons of movies and cartoons for my family. Elmer Fudd, I think, was my great grandfather. Its quiet complimentary, really. Not so fast "Terror Admin.' its not that complimentary. Who's PSA that justoce is just an illusion? Was the whole OJ thing a fake. To desensastize the world to a broke justice system. Nice touch with the male escorts. It was made t0 look like OJ was guilty because he had Nicole's blood in his bronco and his footprint in the blood at the scene. And, you know we felt so bad, or I did anyway, for the Browns and Goldmans that couldn't get justice. Just for me to worry about huh Bush? Hmm, so the main things here are lobotomies to my mom and grandpa plus shotting him in his face. Were you just mocking that Cheny? Who shot him? And my situation of total lies against me and make me try to kill myself 0nce back then aqnd twice since you have been torturing me for in-home detention. And other shit. Please don't play this on the news without first warning the viewers [my mom and dad specifically] since we are not really allowed to communicate. Wait until they find out he molested her as a child then killed her as an adult.

Oh yeah, don't forget the blisters on our heads. And, all the family suffering for you, our trusting leaders.

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