Monday, April 20, 2009

Alvaro Uribe,

Is that name important to me, by any chnace? That's the President's name from Bogota, Columbia, where according to the US Constitution the President of the USA has power to appoint?

The handlers have wanted me to take notice when a word begins with 'U', like Uranus, Usama, Ulrich, and bottoms Up. LOL. Years ago when all crap was coming about and I was already convinced they were writing my daily horoscopes which I was forced to seek meaning. Oh well anyway, I thought someone was secretly helping me but I still couldnt figure out what was happening. Way before books. this is when flucking me out of three then four schools. Every person I can into contact with was instructed ahead of time to treat me with simulateous rage and hate. Oh well, I thought if someone could send me messages just to comfort my twilight zones man-made paranoid schizophrenia. All doctors were in on it and treated me with some disrespect and negligence. After you put me in the hospital five times, my doctor said not to g0 inpatient anymore which you were able to make hell zanyway by giving instructions to put me in cold room or take away my pain meds, or ADD meds. Nothing but worse mentality because they could not confirm, deny, or even discuss the ming control. But was funny because when i got text messages on my cell of my horoscopes, the planet Uranus was always involved. I don't think real pstchics even use that planet way out there. Uranus just was too b8usy too bekieve I was getting help so i worked myself into a frenzie ands went into the backyard to scream that my Mexican neighbors satellite dish on their roof was a spy cam. Good location since it was a major underground thoroughfare for the smuggling of people and illegal narcotics. They all called this town "Little Mexico." 63074

Why won’t you allow me to put a book together of screen prints and all pages typed up on my computer while I was forced to be student in your study or better said, experiment? Making me read and listen to 1984 by George Orwell. Its about society that’s run on hate, fear, and ignorance. They try to motivate me with hate. They are not even smart spies. Well, we all know torture never works but you had to make me ….? What the hell am I supposed to be doing, anyway?

So i read Madrid is going to prosecute the Bush Administration!

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