Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bush tortured me as a suspected terrorist... lie, lie, lie, lie, etc.

Here are some picks of me as an argument for anything President Bush may falsely use against me. I just learned in January of this year [2009] that I might be or I might have been an heir to Howard Hughes. I don't know what's happening really. Its been deception after deception after deception. But anyway, I just posted these pics because I think the scam clan have used my passport and stolen my identity. They say that I'm in school but they have tortured me for years. They are going to try to say I'm Jesus from the DaVinci Code. Don't believe what they say. I can not do miracles, yet. In fact, I flunked majic 101 but if this is my best way out, I'm there. The CIA have tried on multiple occasions to infect me with HIV. They always presume they need to be torturing me. I told them I better not be or I am going to be more thasn really pissed if I am. They have killed my sister because they didn't want to torture a girl. We both grew up to be gay and fairly comfortable with it. I had wondered about it or was questioning if it was a power greater than myself that was controlling my thoughts and emotions. I was also in doubt of my bipolar affective disorder diagnosis but I was thankful to accept them both which in turn helped me recognize and name my neurosis. Illegal bio-surveillance, apparently, tossed in on the warrentless wiretapping crock of crap. Tooth fillings can not only providing tracking service but record everything the victim says. I think there is something they can put in our eyes also so that they see what we see, our vision. But, I just realized early this morning that the big deal with the eye spy is that they are performing transoptical lobotomies on minorirties and targets from satellites maybe. They have called me Uranium or something to do with it -

International Treaty on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1967)
Bans the use of satellites as vehicles or platforms for launching nuclear weapons.

In addition satellites can capture remarkably clear still and video images that from outer space.

I'm just wondering if my pics are the person he may or may not have incriminating themself. So what he's a real drag to have around. using up oxygen and stuff that we need. Sorry it just infuriates me that we are wasting oxygen. Why are you not clean. I told you when you were torturing me, "Just be clean!" meaning to not destroy human lives for your own personal advancement. eg Phillip Morris, AB, Inc., Pharmaceuticals, etc.

There have to be ethical considerations like this taken into mind by the company's BOD or else major fine. LOL. I'm kind of joking, but come on now. That's Philosophy 101 so please don't insult the intelligence of your country's inhabitants. If something like this doesn't currently exist, don't freak out or even if a statement is somewhat worded deceptive, dont worry. We will fix it together. I think I'd likie to help turn us around into somewhat of a socialist society. I wonder when the party first appeared, if they dreamt of a society focused on the citizens and all possibilities of improving their lives - no.1 priority. LOL. or something like that. I would dream of it that way. I'm not really sure of their ideal society but I think the word may have been used a little inappropriately and cause confusion of its meaning. The CIA do that to all kinds of words. Propoganda, misleading text meant to persuade and deceive.

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