Monday, April 20, 2009

Red Sox/Red Cap - sabotage something here i think,,

Red Sox/Red Cap is a program or something that the CIA may have used in the past to indicate traitor or changing sides at the end and they seem like just the guys to do it, too.

So, they wont let me make a ebook or whatever of screen prints and about 100 pages of rage and confusion trying to piece together the waste my life had become. Its just been absolutely insane. I read in Burn Before Reading by Admiral Turner, about Representative Peter Goss from Florida was of a 'partnership' mindset when George Tenet wanted to rebuild CIA field strength. Mr. Goss wanted ‘more arrows in the quiver’ for covert action, namely ‘cyberspace’ and ‘mind management.’

I did a paper about Mass Hypnosis and I'd say the far-right are clearly completing steps to effectively hypnotize a nation. For the last time, would someone please just shoot them? I'm kidding. I realize it adds more torture of the innocent but I like to say that - makes me feel good. Plus, they are just words. The paper was called Advertising: Human Misuse of Humans, and it was about subliminal messages and the abusive power of suggestion. They used to have subliminal messages in the movie theaters and concession sales would increase. This was banned and outlawed. Its undoubtedly a Capital Crime and assassination's are allowed in my new Liberty court. LOL. I'm kidding, but don't get too relaxed. LOL. again kidding.

So anyway, its mass hypnosis. They were giving us mixed messages on the news to confuse our already traumatized post 911 minds. That was the "Shock and Awe" for us. I think a year later 50% of the country still had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Then, I don't remember what the order of the tragedies but they kept coming: world's Princess died, and Hurricane Katrina tore up New Orleans. We had no choice but to be numb. A book by Martha Stout called The Paranoia Switch talked about our abilities to complete work. The trauma drained our optimism, and our desire to work, or something like that. I only worked part-time then, with the priests, and I think I may have struggled a while getting there or even completing tasks of mostly easy work. Remember when Vice President Dick Cheney said Iraq does'nt have WMD nor the capabilities to obtain them. Ms. Rice echoed the near exact words. Well, actually they were correct then with their information since President George H. W. Bush just destroyed them in Operation: Desert Storm. The President destroyed the ones Rumsfeld negotiated with the country before moving on to Operation: Liberate Kuwait.

So anyway, they keep us confused and abused. Look how we were trated, the american people. We were treated as if our President hated us. Didn't the world decide who really did the WTC bombings. The one at the Pentagon was not a plane, it was a missle. The people on that flight were faked into death, a mock killing if you will.

Was the Directorete of National Intelligence (DNI) a new position in 2004, created as a result of the 911 Commission report? Was the DNI Dr. Alberto Gonzales by any chance?

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