Saturday, April 11, 2009

close to final exam,,, im wondering lotsa,,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Alice in Wonderland is the academic program that I was apparently placed into without my knowledge. I’ve never enlisted in the military or national guard. Its not really school as a structured program, its more a life gone bad. In fact, they flunked me out of four colleges. As the ‘war on terror’ progressed, early this decade, so did my scope of enemies and the frequency of hearing the words, “we need help to connect these crazy dots.” LOL. I’m just kidding. Why did it take so long to watch Star Wars? A song by Queen didn’t want to watch Star wars, either. Freddy Mercury, I will be back. And, all this reading? I tried to get an English scholarship which would’ve really come in handy since I’m living or acting-out the classics of Dickens, HG Wells, Orson Wells, and Hitchcock. But, you had me miss them in high school and then in college too, huh Oliver. And, stop calling me a girl. I had an older sister but, she was in the way, apparently. I’m not a CIA employee nor a volunteer for any medical or otherwise experiment. I’ve never been charged, tried, or sentenced for this madness. Any legal document that indicates my agreeable or implied participation in this, is false - a forgery. Just like movies that can look real but are actually computer animations, ie. complete forgery. Hollywood can make movies these days without the actors or use a green screen background technique to change everything, completely. I have no photos for this pathetic war game nor did I search for any because they are too easily falsified. So is verbal and anything digitized on the Internet. In my case, all accusations are false or engineered about me. Mind control, limbic system, and radar, are huge parts I’m kind of passing on for now. So, the movie 23, was a significant concept for me to accept. Thank you, Mr. Carey. The bad guys really dirtied it up but Britney Spears had my back, always. The rest of you all are in the you know what house. Thank you for your patience.

So anyway, Ms Spears was a victim like me with CIA guys picking through her trash. Her husband pretty much robbed her but don’t blame him since they may have only been an act for me to see since I am apparently blind and in a coma or a nuclear weapon. LOL. Does anyone even know me? I’m not, I’m not. Oh yeah, Mr. Stephen King is mixed in the storyline, too. Jane, stop this crazy thing. Hollywood taught me that’s called a leg when a story branches off the main plot like the branch of a tree but they call them ‘legs’ there, instead. They are fun, I bet. I’m like the Boy in the Bubble except mine is more like a box. Alice In Chains, thank you very much. Do you guys have Limp Bizkit out there? Whew. There have been movies made for me, fortunes lost, President‘s hanged. Hey, you have to play your Hitchcock ‘leg’ too, Mrs. Horsecrap.

Actually what’s up with me is that I’m a prisoner of conscience, not knowing the difference between right and wrong. That’s Amnesty International’s pickup usually, but the one in Chicago couldn’t do anything for me in 2004. There seems to be many people involved and I make many incorrect connections to dots that are merely a mirage. I’m not a super hero, I promise. But, they had a TV series about it - Pink Panther, also. They just have me scattered out so thin that I’m incapable of helping myself. I think that has much to do with all the hate I need to own. Don’t ask Jesus to do anything else, after that one. Well, before the media attacked me or whatever and I realized they were trying to tell me something important. LOL. So what, my weatherman has five kids. “You ain’t fooling me, there ain’t no sanity clause.”

The Twins. Hmm? Well, there’s the WTC and I guess Building 7 was part of the CIA’s Charter. Don’t the employees live in unincorporated towns, as if the US Constitution wouldn’t apply to them or something. Not fly. Is that the same Charter that says CIA/NSA [same thing] can’t work in the USA because of the type of work they do which is illegal? Charter is also the name of a telecommunications company. The Telecommunications Act of President Clinton’s Administration may not have even been valid if argued with anti-trust laws. But apparently, this is a testing ground. Huh, is that right? Get off me, Luke Skywalker! They ripped off my great grandfather, Lester Hughes, and that whole side of the family is nuttier than a fruitcake. LOL. Its me too, so I’m kidding. They are the heroes - the Hughes family that you have deprived of even knowing Mr. Hughes. Let’s see, the thieves have been responsible for content in a few of my textbooks, since the early 1990s. Many clues or riddles are of a sexual nature and perverted. I’m pretty sure they sabotaged the catholic church with the children and the priests. I worked with some of them and various issues that was considered a renewal. But, with the Constitutional separation between church and state, they never got a trial.

Some quick random thoughts without much meaning but maybe meaningful to you. Richard Ried >> Shoe Bomber and Sam Waksal was the owner of ImClone [related to me?] medicine for cancer. This was the insider-trading deal that caused Martha Stewart to go to prison. The SEC excused him from Harken [is that a bird?] insider-trading ,too. What about some Hawaiian gas company or something? I forgot the scam that was obvious but it was something like the relocation of Anheuser Busch, Inc. Was that a planned economic crash? I thought you were trying to blackmail me with the brewery which I accepted. It sure seemed planned when you relocated your cash cow to a different market. That decreased dollar raised the value of that gold you stole from the WTC before the firemen were sworn to secrecy because they had bio-surveillance like the Hughes, huh? Fucker, let us all go. I thought the gold was mine, anyway for blackmail and hush money. Funny. You’re a real Indian giver. Like you robbed Lester Hughes of his land, assets, or drill bit patent. That Sam Waksal I was talking about with the cancer drug ImClone was presented as if it’s the same Sam as Sam Walton of Walmart, but they really make me stupid with so many lies and contradictions. So what did you do with the gold, big daddy? Was the NY Stock Exchange inside one of the fallon towers? That’s the finance center of the USA. I don’t remember learning the trading floor was inside the WTC so I can’t argue that. My old finance textbooks don’t tell me where it is. The people would kill you anyway, if it was true.

Many important things have been kept away from me. I’m not really an angry person at all. They shoot me with some laser light-ray from the USS Enterprise with electric waves that react inside my body. Or, so I am to believe, the laser. If not a laser then they use a remote control somehow. Anyway, another twin is the Vietnam War and the Iraqi War. Same kind of sabotage that provides both sides of the supply and demand curves. Look at crack cocaine. They create the demand, and provide the supply. The victims destroy themselves. I have never been president of any country especially the Republic of Columbia where the US President has power to appoint. I’m not Jesus, either. Catholicism was attacked as well as Islam by the CIA. I can’t prove at this time but everybody knows it. Ask Julia Child who the news told us was an OSS agent in Saudi Arabia. Kim Philby’s dad, H. St. John Philby was the King’s personal advisor in the 1950s. Who are the Philbys, I wonder? The DaVinci Code had something to do with me. [nice jail gentlemen] Katrina was a friend of mine from France. She was a professional photographer. I had an idea for a fashion show business that I talked with her about. I named the company N. Paris. It amounted to nothing more than some interesting brainstorming, really. Madonna was my ticket out of here but this situation and the deep levels of hypnosis are tearing me up. A book I read talked about the CIA doing hypnosis five layers deep and the patient or victim will do things he or she ordinarily wouldn’t. Her 5th layer personality was named Karla. They want me to jump off a building and feel so good for the very first time. I tell them everyday to go to hell for it, which truly only hurts me and continues as the purpose of any and everything until I actually let the world know otherwise. They have something magnetic or conducive to electricity embedded in my feet, which the restlessness was significant in my mental diagnosis. Bipolar is all them, also. What do you hear is the most important aspect of self-care for a bipolar person? Its to stay on their meds. It truly sucks to have to think this way but who really benefits and how?

Lester Hughes losses may have something to do with the Mink case in Alaska. Reading a little about the case from my declassified copy of the Warren Report, it was a case involving the underground testing of nuclear weapons which reminds me of something I read Mr. Hughes may have done in Las Vegas. They can dig huge holes these days - big enough to drill for oil, secretly. I’m not breaking any laws even though the one that calls me enemy will say I’m violating espionage or treason laws but I’m trying only to defend myself since I can’t get any legal help. No one told me anything. My knowledge or lack of, is a direct result of crumbs falling through the cracks. They have me tracked with a mouthful of amalgam tooth fillings, from mercury which causes major illnesses and acts as a transmitting device (mic) of the things I speak. Dental isn’t regulated like other things. LOL. Like, pharmaceuticals. They are both bad. What’s up with high blood pressure medicine. It gave my grandpa that worked at McDonnell Douglas, renal failure. Three days a week, he needs to lay still for hours and have his blood cleaned by running it through a dialysis machine. Plus, the poor guy is legally blind from macular degeneration which is often caused by diabetes like kidney failure but I think he got these disabilities from his high blood pressure medicine that never worked. Sugar and sodium are killers to us. America should try a Chiropractic based medical system as much as possible. You remember what I told you about supply and demand curves and the CIA on both sides. Medicines are scary. A documentary titled AIDS, Inc. (2007) shows many non USA doctors in agreement that AZT, 1st line of defense, is what’s killing AIDS patients. Many false positives were given to people that may have eventually perished due to the medication. I have some memory that Preston may have been the creator of HIV. The Bushes have been trying to infect me for years. Plus they have manipulated my body with what they call chemical castration so that any male sex act would put me at highest risk for contracting the disease. In fact, in college I thought my destiny was to get HIV. I felt as if powers beyond me were controlling things like my sexuality and mental illness. Let’s make things better for the African Americans as well as gays and lesbians and transgender, with all due respect. These are people that know what its like to be deprived or human rights and justice. We make those characteristics required to be judges for a new legal branch. Maybe we can do home-detention sentences now that we have such technologically advanced bio-surveillance. Put them in the ghetto and pull the innocent out. The new branch would be based on the US Constitution but the law is full of loopholes and the innocent get jailed and the guilty get freedom, sometimes. We should have better justice in USA. No innocent man should ever be jailed. James Earl Ray was sentenced, without a trial, to serve 99 years for assassinating MLK. We should release the drug convictions and boost the oppressed up to a new justice branch to ensure loophole-free justice. Like for the Browns and the Goldmans that deserve justice and should work there for a while, maybe.

The Bushes are going to use my DNA as a defense. Say that it’s a cure or vaccine maybe and that they were completing test phases - without permission, of course. Its part of the Jesus defense and none of it is going to fly. But, please by all means, use my DNA America, not the Bushes to heal, free. If someone else is selling it already, the penance is always lighter when you admit your crimes, just fyi.

The military has this artillery of antennae in Alaska. They create tornados and the Northern Lights phenomenon. It called HAARP. Attention Deficit Disorder comes from this machinery as well. The restless leg syndrome is probably something like my foot which apparently has something implanted. Neuralgia is also from the electromagnetic waves of HAARP. There is so much more crap. Earthquakes and tsunamis, too. Someone, a spy that’s an obvious enemy needs to take the blame for the Rosenbergs who where put to death without a trial or something for the spy work of Walker, maybe, giving Russia plans for the Atomic bomb. War of words, huh? Pfizer might be something bad that sticks in my head but I’m not sure why.

Phillip Morris used to be part of Anheuser Busch, huh? And, the owners of the Texas Rangers baseball team, too. I did a stock report on the company and it was the only brewery to live through prohibition. Why do you want people to wreck cars and kill others intentional or accidental. Alcohol lowers our inhibitions and promotes sexual activity.

Its amazing how you people have managed to destroy my thoughts so completely then blame me. Its too disgusting to talk about. President Bush Sr., were you the diplomat for China at one time? The CIA guys torture me to type this crap and tell me to blame you. What about the Chinese Communist Party? Who sent the Chinese troops to Vietnam? Who controlled barriers to market for a country that was just opening up to attempt some kind of free market system? The Carlyle Group was an Investment Bank, wasn’t it? Helped the companies get established on the ground floor? I bet you control the entire banking system by now. Is that why the citizens have to sell their children for $40? What about all the Mexicans that rushed up to the USA when the border was wide open to pass customs even? What did you do to them people? You were allowed to hide them and torture, I bet with war you dragged out years after mission accomplished and the CIA trained terrorists were the insurgents? Dude, you’re a complete ass. New narrowed tortured laws, too. I heard a lawyer of President Bush Jr’s team was actually barred from practicing law. Was that Mr. Feith? Was he hiding-out at Harvard infecting the minds of children? They’re all pedophiles, I wonder? Reverse Child Psychology gets them every time. That was in poor taste, sorry.

So, can you really spy my eyes? You know my vision is double sometimes then, huh? That was from the CIA, too, which I assume is well known. I hate this one so bad but… here it goes… I was at a bar and had unprotected anal sex with a guy in the Basement Bar. The Family Guy did a cartoon based on it. I really do like that show but the handlers [CIA guys that think I’m Maxwell Smart at Kaos] are jerks and so manipulative of me like a puppet. Oh well, sorry for the explicitness but I was on top which is lower [almost none] risk than bottom [much more risky - even with a condom]. After I ejaculated, the guy stood up and looked at me and said, “Welcome to the world of aids.” Oh well, needless to explain, I rolled my jeep on the way home and was in a short coma for 4.5 days before waking. My real godfather was in front of me and I struggled the words ,”Do I have what Michael had?” He said, “No, Michael had cancer, you were in an car accident.” It was an apparent suicide attempt that took me years to remember clearly but always had a hunch.

In the fall of 1991, I had just arrived back in St. Louis from Florida where I finally got hospitalized at 22years old for a history heavy with mental illness. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder but so was everyone in the unit and I took it with a grain of salt and actually forgot about it or didn’t get any treatment for years after the accident. When my sister passed away in 1999, I got back into treatment. A couple days after her death a close friend of the family persuaded me to get away with her and her fiancé to their dune buggy camp. Apparently I was drunk and feminine so they kind of dumped me back at the trailer and I took over the mini one out back that had no A/C. I was numb with pain in the days following my sister’s friggin pain for days in the hot trailer and I was too sad from my sister’s death to even address that crap. It was some losers pretending to be kkk haters or something, maybe not but the incident was a significant part of the hate plan. Oh well, anyway, the double vision that I have for life is a direct result of CIA intensions to harm me and the injury satisfies Judge Bybee’s new stricter requirements of torture to lose the normal use of an organ or death. I’ve attempted suicide a few times. That car accident and the Fentanyl pain patches twice.

I just learned in January of this year, 2009, that I may have been related to Mr. Howard Hughes and close enough to get paid, too. LOL. It never crossed my mind, I wonder why? I think my whole family has been ruthlessly bashed and beat-up with bad deals and mental illness so that we never learn of this. I emailed congress with some information since I have been rejected by some lawyers and the legal system. I think they have done to all Hughes what they did to the New York Firemen after 911 to insure their silence about the continuous exploding bombs in the towers after the planes struck. These bombs prepared the buildings to collapse as if professionally demolished. I’m talking about affixing each person with bio-surveillance technology so that every word the say is recorded by amalgam fillings, maybe. I’m not sure what else. Maybe something in the eye also that allows the vision to be spied on.

- There was a guy nicknamed “Cookie” that was harassed so relentlessly that he went postal at city hall. Wow, the dogs all started barking when I typed the word ‘postal’. Feb. 11, 2008 - The surviving family members said on the news that the US Government was harassing this African American man, nonstop.

Clayton Act of 1914
If you are attacking me as a DBA registered name, there are some more offenses I could attempt to charge, if it matters. - making false statements about me and my products and bribing my employees. The registered DBA, Intense is something that really never got started but if its being used against me, I’d sue for that.

This may be significant since I’ve been called Uranium or nuclear weapons before.
International Treaty on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1967)
Bans the use of satellites as vehicles or platforms for launching nuclear weapons.

Nonproliferation Treaty (1968)
Pledges the nuclear powers not to disseminate nuclear devices to non-nuclear powers, and the non-nuclear nations not to seek to acquire such devices.
[violated with degraded uranium in the tips of rockets to ‘shock and awe’ Iraq - 10,000 year half life]
With the technology of modern surveillance, there is no way the USA did not know of Iraq’s WMD status since the USA sold it to them, anyway. I’m sure the weapons had bugging and tracking devices, as well. I’ve seen some of the black/white satellite photographs that were apparently used to cover ignorance but I know those satellites can deliver color images these days with magnification capabilities to actually see the pores in human skin. They are all over me with cams. WMD isn’t going to fly like the rest of the world already told you.

We should legalize drugs except for the ones used as weapons by the CIA like crack cocaine and heroin - no opium. This is a good way to fund a new branch of government. You know, I like the Italians and the mafia and that’s why I tried to stay out of their business while I’m all lit up. When I went years without justice and was getting invisibly tortured, I grew to have much respect for the mob. How was I going to get justice? The CIA Breakfast club know every move I make before I do, usually.

Almost forgot about mentioning that some guys want a law made. They’re all nuts but I promised to mention it. They want some guarantee to a negotiable but consistent number of hours, I’m sorry to talk this way, dedicated to fellatio each day or week. LOL fun. LOL. LOL. I was talking kind of tough guy about it for years - decades even. LOL. Studies have been done showing its remarkably necessary benefits. How shameful I am, but we really do need some new laws. Its considered a staple in some countries, I wonder. LOL. It helps memory and concentration and puts a bounce in your step. I’m really not trying to make a mockery of anything. Come on, its Britany that has the CD titles Circus. She was trying to tel me to tone it down because the Circus is coming to town and I will want a pass. LOL. Actually, everything has been bad for years. President Bush did say that I was going to bring dead people to life. [Why did I never see Pulp Fiction?] I’m not exactly sure who they have in mind to come back to life. Its not it on my script. I first hope the Princess comes back and of course all my blond drug overdosed brothers and sisters. If you want. If you see Mr. Damon send him back to me, please. Danka. They pretend it’s a reality TV show, in which case, if it is? I will address my feelings later from the plane or something. Thank you, good night and good luck.

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