Thursday, October 23, 2008

hey didnt Russel Crowe die a long time ago,,, in real life making a movie,,

duribng the filming of a movie called The Crow,,  so see mock killings all the time,, how was chevy's visit to st ann airport?   hope all went as good as could be,,

Oberman said what,,  thats true huh,, and the hous fly spy cams spreading disease and poison,,  what about the memtal crap,,  christian slater was getting his mind read,,  or something in 'own worst enemy',,  yea i got that taken off didnt i?  my bad no offense,, great actor but they had me complaining and hating life and rejection to all,,, that kinda crap,,  see they can read my mind so i cant fuckin plan escape,, much less find the desire,, tricky gamers,,  i dont really desire much good,, its just default mood, you know,,

alwys puttin shitt in my person,, fucku,, hey id like to help if i can,, and oh merry masterfuckk i understand how u dont like people who want to help themselves in the way that you want them to,, the way that would benefit you much more than helping self which will inevitably became a total betrayal kind of self help anyway,,  just dig me deeep into evil fuckk glutches,,  anyway,, u are fucked,, naa,, its me thats totally fucked and i dont even want cant fathom being on the other side of the purefuckinhate track,, yea yea i hear that advice about being a better decent person but i refuse,, now that really sucks if i accidently nice to a good person,, that still means, thoughj, for u hate fuckin war mongers need to stay out,, as if since in my fuckin mind's eye and all,, is that what u call it tenet,,  or well maybe wells,, nah,, shit-for-brains just fits and works good,, whats up with documentaries,, its pitiful enough to publicly humiliate but to publicly mentally torture someone is the biggest of the pig trash,, huh swat fuckin fagboy,, or whatever ur fuckin head player is special schyool forces,, weee what fun game,, fucku fucker,, i want out less that i want to be let down and disappointed,, thjere no reason to expend the effort,, only the rage is the place to go before the fake path,,,  gotta love scumfuckks like u,, didnt i say its the cia presi trash that are the terrorist?   oh my gosh the middle east,,,  just the common knowlwdge fact that we, the scumsuckin USA leaders, had iran and iraq battling and destroying each other, you know better more covert type activities and friendship building is happening there too,, and lets not forget tina's specialty of betrayal,, fuckin scumm ,, so saudi is the rich oil kings and the poor in poverty huh,, thats it,, two classes,, just like 'the new' world,, nasty trash,,

Wow, what a crazed maniac i am,,,  the big picture looks incredible,,   but the journey for alice is unbelievably bad,,,  they are mental torturing me,,  remember its 'the new' WMD with ape warfare tactics,,  they become friends with the enemy,, i read cheney talking about troops become acceptedn and part of the neighborhood,,    like vietnam,,  but its only for betrayal purposes,, i know this sounds crazy,,  I'd say we are under a fairly friggin agressive state sponsored self attack.  the army and cia seem to know toxic levels of a few poisons,,   you wont believe this crap,,,   not only are they no.1 at surveillence devices known as bugs but here in friggin wonderland they control a few insects,,,  no kidding,,   these people are nuts,,  im not kiding,, i read about a clandestine camera could be in a device that secretly flys around at a very local level,,,  i read a little about spy satellites that we see views on tv,, large picture from the sky,, no they have a better view than that,,, im thinking they  can count the pores in our skin,,  but the device was a fly like a house or fruit fly,, they have given me the impression once a twice mybe more they were the knat in my face,,   but this fly flies around to resonate an element that will react with some other specific reactive compound,, maybe consumed for a specified targeted reaction to occur,, they use anything for a catalyst,,,  rules of war are a changing,,  but they cheat so bad they wont have anyone that will play with them,,

oh but hey it is the pretty people,, really appreciate that,, strong appreciation for beauty,,  red yang,, lol,, uhhh is that a marylin manson song,, i know he sings 'we're all stars now, in the dope show'   I LOVE THAT I LOVE THAT I LOVE THAT,, and lots miracles but let me tell you, don't be fooled,,  blonds are a better funner target maybe,,  thats kinda fun way to close that up,,  but torture is the number one reason,, youre all cool as hell,,  the people of the world,, i tip my hat and all of that,,

back to the warrantless wiretaping,, its oh so much more that and thats why i couldn't believe the human abuse allowed,, but thats the beauty of mental 'no touch' torture,,  but they have this face recognition software and they can make computer generated clones of anybody, doing anything,,   but, i think they made me really do alot of it myself,,  or so the perception,,   see thats even a chemical reaction,,  everything is double in this damn town,,   add a simple hot catalyst and get an explosion,,  my head hurts,,

you know what that made me do,,  corced or tricked or something,,  like they do to the guys on the internet,,  msnbc,, with chris the entrapper,,  i think they made me a pedophile once,, or maybe more,, who knows,,  blackmail is involved in mental torture alot,, they are lsd freaks,, lol,, ,,   they have mde me do so much bad,, coerced,, after years of strategic manipulation,, actually outside the box its hot hot hot hot,,  you are all the beautiful people,, let me tell ya,,, 

 I guess we are all on the same page,,,  sorry about freaking out all the time,,  you know what?     this is so shameful,,,  i flipped rage 10 hrs str8,, my goodness,, too many people aware of this,,  they are torturing me and manipulating me and i still dont have the timing down,, bump me into lotsa walls,,

did i write about that MK Ultra and the CIA guy in charge of the biowarfare effect of aerosol delivery of toxins,, he was setup for that work and was pushed out a window,,   by the most suspicious person in the world,, they really are nazis here,, im so bad at this game,, im not sure all the good stuff they may say to get help to me,, thjey are lying,, seriously,,   and its kinda funny they push the field alot for sportmanship type battle,, oh c'mon give me a break,, cant leave anything on the field,, everybody is really really cool,,,, lol,,   each person kind of a blessing,,,  thats a real empowering game piece,,  have a great day,,
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