Friday, October 17, 2008

!st Amendment, Executive Orders, Warren Commission, The Terrorists

The Constitution of the United States
Amendment I

The Law of Speech and the First Amendment by Margaret C. Jasper
[most typed word for word from the book unless in this color]
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of people peacably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

'freedom of expression' is an umbrella term that includes, at minimum, the fredom of the press and freedom of speech.

Hate speech is not an infringement on the first Amendment.
[they are gangbanging asses that's for sure.  I've never really screenprinted much of the hate because it would let them know what bothers me and just give them more ammunition for future attacks.]

Arts and Entertainment
Sexual expression in the arts and entertainment fields has always been a target... Proponents of censorship argue that violence and immortality among the nation's youth correlates with the images through media which children are exposed.
[for the watch list at minimum i'm sure.  Well aren't you scumbags the ones promoting and exploiting the sexual expression?  How can it be my fault?  I'm just staying as transparent as possible with nothing to hide.  Plus you asses have blackmail as one of your primary thought processes.  There may have been times when I felt as if certain erotic type profiles were fun to make but they never carried the implication of disease spreading or anything criminal like prostitution or even sodomy.  Man, that dude is like, 'Do as i say, not as i do!'.  I'm just glad he's not talking to me.]

Neutral As Applied
Any law created to restrict 'expression' must be neutral on its face and as applied.  This means there can be no executive discretion.  Any such law will generally be struck down because it is likely to result in content-based discrimination. 

Right of Assembly
The right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes but may prohibit groups that engage in or promote illegal activities. 
[i'm not allowed any legal advice or consultation with a lawyer, judge or court.  The ACLU is a complete joke as I've contactd them two times by phone but never speaking to an actual person. They mailed me a complaint form that stated a 12-week waiting period then I came upon some information about the organization being a Republican non-profit. I've grown to expect that a Republican affiliated with a charity is very likely a fraud or cover.]

Right to Petition the Government
The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances guarantees people the right to request the relief from the government to correct some type of wrong or injustice.  This may include taking formal legal action.  This constitutional guarantee goes hand in hand with the right of assembly to allow people to join together to seek change from the federal government. 
[i'm NOT allowed any help ever.]

National Security Matters
The Supreme Court has recognized a limited right of the government to keep national security matter secret.  Historically, the government has attempted to use 'national security' to shield itself from criticism.  However, the Court has never upheld an injunction against speech for national security reasons.
[they give me books to read and tell me to post the crap as if its my way to freedom - GOOD GOD IM FUCKIN INNOCENT - every single minute is unbearable. Plus I'm not military but I'm under the impression I was enlisted by the VP that has the powers to do that.  I wonder if the VP gained those powers when the entire military was restructured during his service as Secretary of Defense. I have no top secret anything.  the world knows I'm a virgin for god's sake.]

Seditious Speech
Opposing the government through speech has been subject to punishment throughout much of American history under laws proscribing seditious utterances.  The validity of these laws were continually attacked on First Amendment grounds.
[I have never been against the government, they have been able to help me sometimes with my mental disorder.]

DUDE GET OFF MY TOOTH!!!  Why are you hurting me?  I would never do that to you.  It hurts so bad.  There's still no relief in sight. 
Amendment 14
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.  No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
[I am in no way even close to being French or foreign or anything other than a natural born US Citizen]
Executive Orders (EO)
Executive orders are laws that the president is constitutionally permitted to write without the approval of any other agency.  These laws have the same weight as those passed by Congress and are usually used to direct federal agencies and officials in their execution of the currently established congressional laws.  However, in many instances they have been used to guide agencies in directions contrary to congressional intent. 
[opposite-day, criminal misuse of an established law, which includes rewriting laws and avoid loopholes]

types of EO
Proclamation - EO that is generally ceremonial or symbolic
Presidential Decision Directives - EO "National Security" abuse and defense secrecy.

Section 3 Article II of the US Constitution: further directs the President to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully enforced."
[soldiers were found guilty, dishonored, and sentenced for the criminal use of opposite-day interpretations that the President took care to be faithfully enforced]

[i've been mentally tortured beyond insanity.  They force me to get back on my feet again just to drop trip or knock me back.  Who's 'they'?  A better question would be, who's not 'they'?  Nancy's crabs were at least attractive and liked to make me laugh.  This is still stupid.  You persuade me to read and post shit messages so that they destroy myself.  Is that you dad?  But anyway, they is everyone, including but not limited to television pervs, radio, schools, text and leisure books (its huge - they are asses). No radio for years, now.  The relentless hate commands a reaction from me, that can only be described as pure rage.  The mental restraint includes full blocking of any and all emotional outlets, imaginable.  These reactions consisted mostly of typing rage and some crying back at them because there's no room here for the crap of many.  Capacity full.  That plea for mercy has always been disregarded or meant nothing.  I never did get a crime charged against me so I was one of the worst treated and best transparency huh?  Doc, where the hell are you?  Is that shit laced with rat poison?  Dude i'm not in a situation to learn your morals and  ethics.  Can I get a new non-'serial' type of mentor, please?  And no dude, its not you.  No mentor is atcually the preference.  Dude, get off my jaw.  What am i expected to do?  Nothing, huh.  Just rage-on, dude?  Anywhere I go, the people get prepared for my arrival with hate darts and arrows.  They want me to accept and agree to the paranoia they create to discredit myself but mostly so they don't have to fake remorse.  Sometimes my reaction would last for days, nonstop for sleep even.  I'm guessing they encouared my diagnosis of ADD so that I could get a script for Adderall to help me work while suffering in the pitiful 'fight-or-die' game, plus a prescription to a schedule II narcotic that the DEA can exploit.  Well, the monkey scum team that call me the enemy taught me how to crunch the time released version so I request only the multiple daily doses.  And finally, it lends itself to more erratic behavior with the rage and hate fun.  When the TV change to HDTV happens next year, the technology will permit a reverse traveling video stream away from people's homes via the remote control sensor. [just a guess]   I've been the pilot program for such a change for many years.  Plus they stole my identity and create multiple crimes in my name which is also a guess but it must be true since I know I'm innocent of any heinous-type crimes for torture retribution]

Whitewash VI The JFK Assassination
by Harold Weisburg, legal analysis by Jim Lesar

Warren Commission

Explanatory Note -
The majority Party always controls all political instrumentalities of government.  When Lyndon Johnson appointed the seven members of the Warren Commission on November 30, 1965 (EO 11130), he selected five Republicans: US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, Senator John Sherman Cooper, former CIA Director Allen W. Dulles, Republican House Leader of Represenatives Gerald R. Ford, and  Banker and retired government John J McCloy.  There were two southern Deocrats but non JFK followers: Senator Richard B. Russell and Congressman Hale Boggs. 

[This appears and proves to be a pretty corrupt bunch of guys with peculiar actions and much secrecy].  

A conspiracy is more than one persons combining forces to commit a crime.  The Warren Commission had already decided in advance of investigations that the JFK assassination was not a conspiracy crime, unfortunately much of the evidence didn't support the 'lone red gunman' (Oswald) theory either.  Most of the evidence had to be suppressed because it did, in fact, support conspiracy allegations.  As unbelieveable as it sounds, The Freedom of Information Act was the tool used for this criminal opposite-day interpretation, which is the exact way it works today, right now.  It seems anyone has free access to an abundance of information for other people's personal and computer generated implied lives [things they are prdicted to do]  That is/was not the intended purpose of the law.  It was designed to ensure a government doesn't transform into authoritarian which permits itself to keep secrets and exploit 'watch-list' people and goods and services beyond all laws.  Public humiliation, huh, Superman?  But, I'm not narcissistic.  The terrorists guerrilla warfare is the CIA.  Apparently, they are my family or were.  That's like what I imagined Blackwater to be - our dirty police.  This will just never end.  Dude, it was NEVER my real wish, anything that you would know about.  And, I'm not a fan, especially yours.  No offense.  How did you plant that seed, mr. horticulturalist.  The CIA, lead by the president would be my guess at naming the terrorists.  My entire friggin life is trash.  Forever and always the bummer of a century.  You get wishes like confessions, the God.  This just gets worse and worse everyday.  Shucks, every minute is more accurate.

Whitewash VI The JFK Assassination
by Harold Weisburg, legal analysis by Jim Lesar [copied word for word below]

We are all victims of the executioners of John F. Kennedy.  Surely the assassination of a president should be freely and openly discussed, with no information withheld except where the law requires it.  Yet facts about this assassination are kept secret, and in violation of what Congress intended the Freedom of Information Law to mean.  The executive branch has failed to faithfully execute the law which Congress passed.

Such fraudulent conduct is distressingly common in the executive branch.  It seriously undermines the independence and integrity of the judiciary.  Judges are at the mercy of government lawyers whose false representations they accept.  They will continue to be unless they make examples of some.  If they do not, courts will be helpless to prevent these abuses.  The result will be the corruption of justice due not to the mendacity of judges but to acquiescence in the deceit and corruption of the executive branch.  Ultimately, however, respect for the judiciary will suffer just as much as if the corruption sprang from evil motives of the judges. 

There is much that Congress can do to rectify this deplorable situation.  In a broader context the Freedom of Information Law, the executive branch enjoys - and exploits - a double standard of morality.  The law suffers from the lack of any sanctions against agency officials who wrongfully withhold information from the public.  Holding such officials to personal account should make it hazardous for them to deny citizens their rights under the law
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