Saturday, October 18, 2008

Transperency trash dude,,,

Im an open book 'shit-for-brains' just so no one can get confused and believe your complete bullshitt,,  But its understandable since really, that's all you got,,  POISON FUCKERS,, didnt a judge say not to destroy the evidence big super fag,,  fucku fucku fucku,,  oh great my dad is a plumber is that what the big secret is from nixon era?  well i got a another secret fuckheads, that ain't my fuckin dad,,  shoot the mother fucker,,  blackwater huh,,,  aids hitman makes sense now,, thats ur family dumbest fuckk,, not mine,,  have a misrable life,, poison trash,,  

and see, fucku,, im not my own worst enemy dumbfuckk,,, but thats your role to blame the victim,,  stay out of my pathetic bank account pusssy,, dude you and your plumkers stay bad ok,, dont forget,, u fuckin trash,,  dont use your pathetic reasoning skills to make this torture fuckin hell into some b/s help that i needed or benefitted from,,  trash,,, ya CIA buttfuckk scumbags,, id bet a million the retarded one that made me an enemy a long time ago is still my biggest enemy,,  WE ARE NOT ONE SCUMBAG FAG,, ur not my enemy but you can make me yours if you dont mind,, dumbest,, nice show, btw,, funny as the idiot,, stay out of the sewars too, shitface,,
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