Monday, October 13, 2008

So, what we have here folks,,,


I dunno what to do.  I think I should talk about the Freedom of Information Act but I know they are gonna make my tooth ache and i don't have any pain medicine or access or money.  Where did i spend all my money?  Damnit my bank is making blatant lie penalties against me and I didn't check my statement transactions yet, but they are thieves.  Especially impulse and other manipulative buy situations.  Mine were always freedom related with no strings attached and automatic deductions from bank account.   Your scum tactics at ripping us off are a joke that fools us all.  I don't ever do anything sexual,, even the thoughts are disturbing.  can you hear what i hear, barfbag?.  its endearment my dear brother fuckk,,  my shadow?  every move,, too old for thought,,

I've decided talking about the Freedom of Info Act may not, very well  be in my own  nor the nation's best interest.  Dude, they do NOT like you, at all.  I, think you look great but the people, they despise you and are acting crazy,,  PLEASE PEOPLE!  youre burning daylight and the toothache pain is made worse by the poisoned weed i think,,  gotta love that self-destructive torture,,,  I will not discuss anything legal, as if its not already too late.  That's a criminal bullshitt hitler fuckin law anyway,, BULLFUCKINSHUT,, No immunity allowed,, as protection from your own country?  dude are you fuckin kidding me?   STOP, SHOOT THEM,, they banned me from the courts anyway,,  or im to believe that,,  spooky,,  uh huh,, Halliburton day is coming soon.  I'm kind of fearful now that i understand and can appreciate the CIA's working knowledge of biological surveillance and chemical, technical, biological, and financial warfare and the best weapons.  Very respect.  Hi, I'm the experimentee.  Charmed, I'm sure. 

but maybe some farce.  See, that's terrorist ape warfare crap, right there.  Will someone just fuckin shoot them.  hhaha Game.  Fuckhead.  Im riding it out, I guess.  Can you not point arrows directly into my eyes anymore, please.  Is that cool?.  Let's take a break monkeys.  I luv these guys.  Its never good though, unless a memory, which usually 23's immediately into a 'never-good' again.    That's a strange abusive phenomenon to love the torturer.  Oh yeah, poor, poor, poor Patti Hearst was brainwashed.  So there's nothing to rush at this time, huh.  I feel bad with so much hate in me.  Nice script asshead,, Sorry about the cusswords, its for prisoner protection,,  i cant believe this is really happening?  You have got to be kidding me about all this bullcrap.  I bet we are not even at war.  Mr. Orwell mentions that in 1984, huh george.  Always the last to know,,  I just read about some stuff that I was ranting about earlier.  I'm real sorry for my lack of courage but they are ruthless on the weak.  Plus, I have the achilles heel of secrets,,  No info or facts,,  The complete assholes.  I'm not really that cowardly as much as sabotaged.  That's enraging, then to be forced to share it.  So whats real is US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales got fired for replacing judges to create a single party justice system.  Don't shoot anyone, but Wells, I know what you did.  Dude, you are hotter than a beefy bear dad taking baby aspirin.  That's the easy answer but its much more complex, we know this.  Who killed cock robin?

[Alberto is really a stud ladies, in the underground black world. fun nice guy - (just trying to get my game on) which incidentally, is impossible without their illegal drugs contribution, in victim's opinion. They use drug addiction for ape warfare tactics, is common knowledge.  crack is just so bad fellas, i mean unforgivable]

Funny, they leave me in wonderland without a place to lean and reply that drug use is against the law anyway but they created the need or demand for it.  Then they actually supply it.  They say I am breaking the law and my rights do NOT matter.  I say, you scumbags are breaking the law, and pathetically my rights don't matter.  Dude bad laws are crimes, in fact, they should be friggin war crimes.  CANT I GET A CARTOON WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS?  Nah, its too late for that crap.  Don't put DeNiro face in shame, you fuckers.  Too funny, I said its not you anyway fag, fucku,, im not ungrateful.  But you better stop fuckin with and blaming me.  Remember, you still have the power to fraudulently create laws and interpretations. 

And, I can say anything I want on this blog.  It isn't even fuzzy about genuineness of legal contracts in chat and on blogs.  Credit cards online?  I guess thats still buyer beware and hope your not a target.  Remember why I have a stupid passport big brother?  It was to create face to face identity keys for secured transactions.

So anyway, I don't remember where I left off about vietnam, but the pre CIA organization was known as the OSS Office of Spying and Sabotage, maybe, and provided training to the Viet Cong, the enemy that the US soldiers were fighting.  I guess that war continued so long just to keep the anxiety into citizens so they don't realize the state funded terrorism on the homeland.  Let's compare that to President Reagan's financial contribution to the Contrarevolutionarres (ape warfare terrorists) that must have trained at the CIA run "School of the Americas", in Latin America the banned mental torture curriculum.  See, I knew there were no human eye on this crap.  Oh well, they've wanted me to compare Vietnam with Iraq for quiet some time now, but I'm completely nuts and forget what is going on.  Nixon did a lot worse things than erase some tapes for which he retired. 

Anything I type is not to be considered testimony or an argument in some pretend trial and should never ever be considered so.  Double Jeopardy privilege would nbever apply.  So, is it fake or real?  So much bullshit.   


Ok, back to Iraq and Vietnam similarities:
Nixon - warrantless wiretapping
          - Freedom of Information Act: withhold info, not disclose
          - Nazi like State Secretary Kissinger
          - Secrets allowed an innocent man James Earl Ray, Jr. be convicted 99 years for killing MLK, Jr.- no trial even.  Secret assassination of US President.  JFK [is this true or false, i was too young]

Busch - warrantless wiretapping
          - Freedom of Information Act: withhold info, not disclose
          - Nazi like VP Cheney
          - Secret shitsuckers convicted innocent me to death, as far as I can tell

I'll talk a little about the freedom of Info Act but it is NOT to place blame or as use in any kind of trial and it would not retain the double jeopardy protection.  It just simple would never apply.  Wasn't Nixon making up phony charges in desperate fear of impeachment Only a complete idiot would permit a nazi cartoon trial like this.  Only a completely retarded idiot pussy would attempt this action secretly against a single bashed-up [beaten] victim.  Look, fuckers I don't want to play this stupid war game.  fight or die.  fuckers that's the president that is killing me.  He worked there too, in the temple of mental torture at Langley. 

Well, in Whitewash II, the declassified transcript of the JFK assassination hearings is where I came up with all facts below:


Multiple personalities, or what's with the aliases?  See, what am i supposed to do?  I have no friggin enforcement powers.  DUH,,  DUH,,  Dude, I know who you are and what you've done.  I'd hold off everyone on the flu shots, just in case.  they are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
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