Monday, April 27, 2009

you know i'm not wrong to want death,,,

screw you trash clan,,, stick it all up your mother freaken asses. you are trash, period. i'm never interested in life after dumbfuck torture. go to hell if u say volunteered. i say even better need for death then, huh fuckheads? im not interested except death, you stupid mother fuckers,, and u stupid fruckin nation,,, why would anyone volunteer stupid fuckers? its a waste of precious life for u fuckers to argue stupid shitt like that,,, DEATH ONLY STUPID FUCKERS,, to me you idiots fuckin scum,, u fuc kin scum,, i always hate myself as much as u fuckers do after i post this shit but i guess that makes it even better argument fior my death stupid fuckin shitbags. help only with the death is all id ever ask from u stupid fucks,, god damn i hate u,, fuckin stupid fuckkk,, hurry with the death pleaase,, fuckin disgusting stupid fuckers,,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Godfather Ellen, what about a march on washington?

lol, well kind of like a march that but to ellis island instead of washington. if there's enough space to accommodate? I'm still not really sure what's going on but I think I'm free, now.

It would be a march from all Americans, Republicans, Democrats, white, black, asian, latin, male, female, straight, bi, gay, transgender, and disabled. We have all had a civil rights dramatically curtailed, especially since the media must mislead us all, as well. You know, the Vietnam War finally ended only because the military refused to continue fighting. They told us a long time they where mislead into the Iraq war. Congress is trying but both the House and Senate have been sabotaged by the far right conservatives. They have been taking steps to create an authoritarian goverrnment that, by design, will provide less and less support for the people and more and more bailouts for big business bonuses. They won't stick up for us anymore. AZT causes AIDS, BP medicine worsens health conditions, our sugar intake rots our teeth, cancerous fertilizers on crops, stealing our money via taxes or interest, bad loans so that they get all the property, too. With Sally Mae and Freddie Mac under government control now, the government has possible ownership of many Americans. The day the government took control of those organizations was when last I attempted suicide.

Anyway, now you do some comedy, President's of the United States. See fuckin liar,my mom still treats me like an enemy combatent. Damn dude, you do like them dumb. She has to protect her son huh, Mr. President? From what? You know we are not allowed to talk. So dumbfuck Dubya, is that true? Lobotomies for hughes? They usually turn it on news so I over hear the nasty remarks from you loyal friends, but they kept it on classic movies all day. Dude, I told them years ago, I'm not in school. What does she think fuckbags? What do I do afcter I tell her? I kn ow u fuckin scxum bags are real tight wiuth those first responders. You think I'm kidding when I'm screaming like a nutcase from within my own empty house? Oh yeah, I forgot, you can never tell the truth. No excuses either. Are they as dumb as my mom, dude? Who's gonna tell her? And you going to watch, huh?

There's not much else important I can think of. Dude, take my mom off ur fuckin list trash fucker,,

i'm seriously not trying to save myself,,,

I ask for death all the time and I'm serious. You may think because I type this crap, I want to live but I absolutely do not want that. So religious trash, why can't you sacrifice my life for the same kind of religion bull crap. If I was trying to help myself to live, I might try the book of Jobe or something but then that puts me in your religion category. Or, what about the freemasons? See, I'm more hopefull to die than to live. I promise you won't get into any trouble. yea, I know strange and all but i have always been and i don't see it getting better anytime soon, if ever. So what, we will never meet face to face. I'm only a deathwish anymore. So what, its my life or its supposed to be.

no way,, you're a stupid, you know what,,

I had that Pakistani Dr. that I was appointed by BJC Healthcare. He treated me for about 5 years after my sister was killed and now they are saying I was a spy for him, al qaeda, or perhaps job training for one of the schools in Pakistan? Is it one of the schools that trained the terrorists that held the hostages in Iran 444 days? Is that a CIA school like they set up in Latin America?

As long as I don't freak out, huh? I CAN NOT TAKE IT! trash,,

Friday, April 24, 2009

so what,, the disney book doesn't matter,,

it was placed in my floor board a day or two later. but, thanks anyway,,

that last message was post 420th post,, its all scum too,,

sorry so enraged all day, i still got that crap in my mind. everyday is like that anyway,, what did you do to me? scumbags,, i forgot to mention about my car accident after leaving the basement bar, back when i was more discreet target, i guess. Well, to meet judge bybee's stricter guidelines, that car accident that was their fault gave me double vision continues even to today. That's an organ that's malfunctioning still, from what may have started as a hate crime, no statute of limitations, that turned into torture because of suspected terrorist treatment.

Or, as they might try and use as a defense they were job training me for the CIA, which was brought up years ago. I saw some law that said $100 to $1000, a day is payable for damages if employment doesn't happen or whatever.

They may also use that song by Eminem called Stan, I think, as a defense. Knowing them, the song would be conclusive evidence that I was always suicidal, anyway or something. Bit, I was not. I heard a lie about frequently hospitalized, too. Well, after the one school kicked me out, I was already an Enemy Combatent, which I guess continues, and went inpatient 4 or 5 times in about a year, I think. But, my doctor suggested I ought to try not to go into the hospital, anymore. I would've gone in a lot more. Its the banned mental torture that's doing me so bad.

That song by Eminem [the guy Nellie leaves in the dust], was about a guy kind of whining for friendship or he was going to kill himself or something. Oh, that's the jump you dirtbags are pushing for. Scumbags, I wrote some of those words. Maybe in that jounal of rehab notes that was provided as part of my medical record on the Internet.

That stuff about my sister and pedophile pictures must have been in reference to my own vision but I don't have access to the same information that others have, about me. Its always a crap shoot, snake eyes, to go for bait they create. So, I can't really prove anything because its too vague of a memory. Rose and Dale, my aunt's old nextdoor neighbors were the perpatrators.

The police still deal drugs here, and setup people for it. Chad used to setup people selling meth.

stick it up ur ass

no message

too funny

i don't like that fucker,,, u shitbags,, it was a kind of forced thing,, just like all the shitt in life,, its just life huh,, i can tell u that me the dumbfuckk dudnt learn moral lesson,, do u get it? then get ur fuckin shit and get the fuckk out,, but killme first shit4brains fuckin dumbfucks just cause u left too much shit in my mind,, u nasty fuckin world,, yea i still dont think u are all that funny fuckers,,

oh yeah,,

free da mentawy ill huh fuckerrs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, never shitbags is it ok,,,

pathetic people,, never into it shitfucks,,

its you're fuckin hate and rage scum that comes out of me,, and u fuckers get to put more in the next day,, fuckoff,, is that hughes? nasty,, luckily u fuckers get to killme,, stupid fucks,, its better than a bunch of pussies hiding hate that i might realize someday was actually for me and i shouldve taken it personally,, huh,, what fun,, dumbfuck,,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

hey hey hey sorry for delay,,,

Good morning fellas and ladies:

Close enough for non-tortured. What channel are you watching lizzie? Naa, I wouldn't dare drag you into this.

So, you tried to infect me with HIV so many times, I misinterpreted the energy as my destiny but really that was ya'lls force. Sam, John, John, piano player, etc, etc. Don't forget about the probable suicide attempt after the guy said, "Welcome to the world of AIDS." Oh yeah, crapbags, Doug also. He was the entire reason for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' They knew he was gay in the Army serving in Germany and he was one of the first to get it. Who did that to him?

All the outragous emotion that causes me so much pain, is for no reason other than keeping me hated, huh? So what, I've been kicked out of a lot better places than this. And you're right these are not legal documents. You know exactly what my resources are and my capabilities. Oh well, so anyway if you can read my mind you know I know about a pedophile picture of maybe me or my sister at 4 and 5 years old. These must have been taken when we stayed the weekend with Rose and Dale, i wonder? Some sex with little kids huh, you big bully. We will get to that on the next post.

The rest of this one is about the Limbic system of the brain that controls emotions and the digestive and reproductive systems. Britney I love you. So people shave their heads in hope that I will shave mine. After some consideration given to the sabotage skinhead tag, I decided I really like my hair. I made and agreement to myself that I would do a mohawk if I really needed to get it done. But, it still doesn't show the blisters on my head. I think I only have one but my mom has three. Dude, what you did to my mother is beyond forgivable.

Well, I don't know if that little book of notes I handwrote while I was recovering from the head injury car accident was really posted on the Internet or not but I was under the impression President Bush's Press Secretary maybe, Scott Iforgot, wanted to trade books with me. A few days later the rush of knowledge finally hit me. I never know what you trash cans are talking about. Remember when I just disregarded everything. LOL. You were pissed, huh. "Torture him!" This is kinda stupid but significant, about my notes. So anyway, is it "Nature or Nurture" for those who wouldn't change or trade for straight? Even after all that work to create a mentally disabled homosexual, and reinforce laws against it, in my backwards town? Is that my choice Anita, dear? Then what did you clever bullies do? Ashcroft rewrote some law but removed anything that might indicate legal protection to me. The old laws are still good though, unless repealed. That's already a conspiracy, mam - you only need more than one person for a conspiracy. And, Jesus Christ already. There is no statute of limitations on hate crimes, so what you did 20 years ago is still game. But anyway, I think the Governor did the same kind of thing but may have been medicine related. Then the Patriot Act, tag as a suspecyed terroristfor no reason. Oh yeah, selling weed for the CIA at Logan College of Chiropractic but the killed the school meth dealer and kind of wanted me to go there but it wasn't pushed on me and I wouldn't pursue this kind of crap. So anyway, a pal turns out to be an enemy trying to infect me with HIV in 2003, when the rest of the world literally turned against me for at least two years. Everywhere I went, including c heckout clerks had to hit me with rage and hate simultaneously and shitbags Bush would know because he sees what I see. Then the media continued from there, then movies eventually evenntually joined in as well as a few TV series. Anyway, by this time my mind is so sabotaged that I can't see clearly much less think. Plus, I'm only supplied with lies usually or mislead in some way that I will never know until my chemical reactions don't work.

Oh well anyway, I remember saying after my car accident that I felt like I was reborn due to the nuturing of the hospital. Mom's that have lobotomies don't have the mind to nurture since it got fried. And she spends all day in bed, but she's not reallu suffering from major depression is she like everyone has told her. That's behavior that's consistent with lobotomies. Dude, you have ruined her life. Decades ago. And, thought it might be cool if she did some neglect maybe? Naa, it was just a little absent of the nurturing that I remember writing about. But, she's not, Mr. President, a depression patient she's a target that got nailed hard and never even knew it, huh. Ask your daughter is that's kind of tortuous manipulation. And her father, was bhooted from the military for being nuts, huh. Who shot his eye out? Oh man. There are tons of movies and cartoons for my family. Elmer Fudd, I think, was my great grandfather. Its quiet complimentary, really. Not so fast "Terror Admin.' its not that complimentary. Who's PSA that justoce is just an illusion? Was the whole OJ thing a fake. To desensastize the world to a broke justice system. Nice touch with the male escorts. It was made t0 look like OJ was guilty because he had Nicole's blood in his bronco and his footprint in the blood at the scene. And, you know we felt so bad, or I did anyway, for the Browns and Goldmans that couldn't get justice. Just for me to worry about huh Bush? Hmm, so the main things here are lobotomies to my mom and grandpa plus shotting him in his face. Were you just mocking that Cheny? Who shot him? And my situation of total lies against me and make me try to kill myself 0nce back then aqnd twice since you have been torturing me for in-home detention. And other shit. Please don't play this on the news without first warning the viewers [my mom and dad specifically] since we are not really allowed to communicate. Wait until they find out he molested her as a child then killed her as an adult.

Oh yeah, don't forget the blisters on our heads. And, all the family suffering for you, our trusting leaders.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

forget it shitbag firetruck fuckin fag,,

i only want death,, fucku

who is david?

David has left a new comment on your post "Alice in Wonderland":

A whole Black Iron Prison to convince you that you have no power and it is is a lie. All of the Black Iron Prison is a lie.

go to hell, too

i'm not anything but tortured. it sucks to have to prove it - to who anyway? I want my death.

im not serving a sentence, ive never been charged a crime,,

i'm not a terrorist although i've said i was just in hopes of attention really but the actors in my neighborhood are pathetic. they use the word 'actors', not me. i'm convinced im being tortured. How do they do chemical lobotomies? I think they did to my mother, a hughes, without her knowing.

mental torture notes

A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy

The author mentions that the CIA carried out experiments with hallucinating drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation. in the 1950s and 1960s there was a massive mind control effort under way which was just another name for psychological warfare. It was a billion dollar program to do secret research into human consciousness to develop a nonphysical 'no touch' torture. The CIA worked covertly, penetrating and compromising key US institutions: universities, hospitals, armed forces, and the US Agency for International Development. This allowed them to draw on military and civil resources to amplify its reach and reduce responsibility.

For 2000years, interrogators had found out that mere pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance. The CIA's new psychological paradigm fused two methods: sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain, which is a combination that causes the victim to feel responsible for their own suffering.

Sensory deprivation is the relentless probing into the essential nature of the human organism to identify its physiological and psychological vulnerabilities. This has evolved into a total assault on all senses and sensibilities - auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, survival, sexual, and cultural. Refined through years of practice, the method relies on simple, even banal procedures, isolation, standing, heat and cold, light and dark, noise and silence for systematic attack on all senses. Fused with self-inflicted pain, creates a synergy of physical and psychological trauma whose sum is a hammer blow to the fundamentals of personal identity. Although seemingly less brutal than physical torture, 'no touch' leaves deep psych scars on both the victims and interrogators. Sensory deprivation provokes more anxiety for the interrogators than other tortures and leaves NO VISIBLE SCAR and is harder to prove. It produces long standing effects. The perpetrators suffer a dangerous expansion of ego leading to escalating cruelty and lasting emotional disorders. Field operations in 1963 gave way to unimaginable cruelties - physical and sexual by perpetrators with horrifying brutality. Victims suffer a mistrust bordering paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders.

Doctor Otto Doerr-Zegers
Q & A

Q: What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origins?
A: He says the answer lies in the psychological "phenomenology of the torture situation" and that its constantly occurring.
[keep feeling fascination]
1) Asymmetry of power
2) Anonymity of the torturer to the victim
3) 'double-blind" - enduring or betraying others.
4) systematic "falsehood" of trumped up charges, artificial lighting, cunning deception, and mock executions.
5) Confinement in distinctive spaces signifying 'displacement', 'trapping', 'narrowness', and 'destruction.'
6) Temporality - characterized by some unpredictability and much circulatory, having no end. Denies victims any power over selves. [is this the temporal lobe or what is the author talking about]

The torturer strives "through insult and disqualification," by means of threats... to break all the victim's existential platforms. The torturer eventually achieves "complete power" and reduces the victim to "a condition of total or near total defenselessness."

Doerr-Zegers describes the psych component of torture becomes a kind of total theater. [they told me it was a box] A constructed unreality of lies and inversion of the truth, in a plot [shitbags] that ends inexorably [what does that word mean - dumb neighbors outside - i hate them all] with the victims self-betrayal and destruction. To help with the false charges fabricated news and mock executions happen.

PROVOKE AN AURA OF FEAR - is the goal. [they are retards!]

As the torturer manipulates circumstances to "maximize confusion" the victim feels "prior schemas of the self and world... shattered" and becomes receptive to the "tortures' construction of reality."

Under peculiar conditions of psych torture, victims isolated from others, form "emotional ties to thier tormentors" that make them responsive to a perverse play in which they are both audience and actor, subject and object - in a script that leaves them not just disoriented but emotionally and psychologically damaged, in some cases for the rest of thier lives.

They are shitbags, always try to involve art or movies or whatever - complete trash.
Ain't this last part just damaging a brain that's already in shock? It doesn't matter doctor [illegal w/o name] whether the shock is from electricity or trauma. The experimentors are not on my side. Everyone has been lied to so that we all betray each other rather than help each other. Look, Bush-bag ripped off my family fortune. He has been torturing us our whole lives. I'm talking about since my great grandfather Lester Hughes. But, its a total secret and we are all turned against each other and think we may be protecting someone for something by keeping it secret. It's a total lie.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Alvaro Uribe,

Is that name important to me, by any chnace? That's the President's name from Bogota, Columbia, where according to the US Constitution the President of the USA has power to appoint?

The handlers have wanted me to take notice when a word begins with 'U', like Uranus, Usama, Ulrich, and bottoms Up. LOL. Years ago when all crap was coming about and I was already convinced they were writing my daily horoscopes which I was forced to seek meaning. Oh well anyway, I thought someone was secretly helping me but I still couldnt figure out what was happening. Way before books. this is when flucking me out of three then four schools. Every person I can into contact with was instructed ahead of time to treat me with simulateous rage and hate. Oh well, I thought if someone could send me messages just to comfort my twilight zones man-made paranoid schizophrenia. All doctors were in on it and treated me with some disrespect and negligence. After you put me in the hospital five times, my doctor said not to g0 inpatient anymore which you were able to make hell zanyway by giving instructions to put me in cold room or take away my pain meds, or ADD meds. Nothing but worse mentality because they could not confirm, deny, or even discuss the ming control. But was funny because when i got text messages on my cell of my horoscopes, the planet Uranus was always involved. I don't think real pstchics even use that planet way out there. Uranus just was too b8usy too bekieve I was getting help so i worked myself into a frenzie ands went into the backyard to scream that my Mexican neighbors satellite dish on their roof was a spy cam. Good location since it was a major underground thoroughfare for the smuggling of people and illegal narcotics. They all called this town "Little Mexico." 63074

Why won’t you allow me to put a book together of screen prints and all pages typed up on my computer while I was forced to be student in your study or better said, experiment? Making me read and listen to 1984 by George Orwell. Its about society that’s run on hate, fear, and ignorance. They try to motivate me with hate. They are not even smart spies. Well, we all know torture never works but you had to make me ….? What the hell am I supposed to be doing, anyway?

So i read Madrid is going to prosecute the Bush Administration!

Miracle at Santa Anna movie trailer,,,,

The movie trailer got me hyped up because it mentioned a child that finds a miracle in the bottom of his closet. Well, I looked in my closet immediately when i saw the commercial because bottom-line, you guys would know more about what's in my closet than I. There's really nothing, at all, cool about that fact but I did find a heart rate monitor that strapped around the chest and displayed the stats on the accompanying watch. Anyway, I put the transistor around my chest but left the watch off and sat down at the computer. Someone in chatting started yelling in bug red letters that I can't be seen now. Calling me names and carrying on in a way that seemed to be quite over reactive but I couldn't figure it out. I think President Bush was the only person allowed to talk to me or something so I got up from desk with the usual disgust and went to cut the grass. I was thinking about the weatherman and his expertise with Doppler radar, my tooth fillings, and anything else that might be used to register a signal from on my person. They had me paranoid about maybe my Adderall medication makes me radioactive or something. They have always harassed me with that medicine. They had the Walmart pharmacy rip me off 30 pills before. Some friends and family stole from me after persuaded by DC apparently. Anyway, I really didn't get that excited but when I came in the house I walked to the TV that had the cable box and Sarah Palin is waving at me. LOL. I LUV HER! but why would she do that to me? Its only allowed to harm me if the communication is ever that blatent or nice. That's okay, I still like her. And, jerk bags will know if anyone is less than hateful to me.

Well, I decided the HR monitor would only give me a false sense of security, and I placed it on my shelf. A few days later when I went back it was gone. Always things stolen from my house and car - they even entered my house to put burnholes in my bedspread. Nonstop complete bullcrap everyday, all day long. What else they got to do without the Cold War? Naa, I'm just kidding, they are our drugs and whores dealers. They aren't bad. No one is bad in my mind. i used to work with some pedaphiles but I ndever judged anyone. CIA did it all anyway. Setup, sabotage, and betray. Do most people hate you guys? What about the betray thing - does it ever bother you to use people very own goodness as a lethal weapon against themselves? The CIA do things so that the enemy might destroy itself. Anyway, for the most part I think they are good guys just like everyone else - since I'm still in the craphole. I don't know what, if anything is actually true except the tooth fillings that they monitor can cause high pain with the press of a button. Took a while to find out for sure but they split my tooth, even.

So why can't I get the truth if its just a game. This is not something I would've ever have volunteered for nor is it a favor to anyone. Even if it was an experiment, you need to permit those that want to quit the study with easy access and assistance to get out. Anyway, the candidates were campaigning and they told me it was the family or my family or whatever that was torturing me. LOL. I found what appeared to be the family network at Wikipedia but I perceive the members as corrupt. I can tell what's torture and what's not even after sever brain bashing. The Red Cross sent me away without even taking my name. I just assumed that was the usual thing that you always know where I'm going and seem to be prepared for me, always. Its not my family. Its the Presidents of the United States. And, stupid Bush ruined Jesus fior you all, over and over and over. Speech with strong profanity is not my preferred means of communication. But, since you don't feel you need to explain why I'm being tortured - err my bad. They like the word bullied instead. Let's see, the Church around the corner, the Chief of Police, and St. Ann Fire Department all rejected me without explanation. My town has a big underground prison in which they can house Federal Prisoners and I was just added to the budget but I don't know how or where. All my neighbors were hating me including my family and any friends I had.

I forgot about medication,,,

Its almost as if scientific companies are creating both the cause and effect with medicines and our health. My grandfather was always on high blood pressure medicine that never seemed to work. But get this, he developed symptoms just like that of Diabetes which shreds our smallest blood vessels and cause blindness and kidney failure. This was from his BP medicine.

Also, a documentary title AIDS, Inc. (2007), tells us opinions about AZT, by non-American Physicians, and its toxicity to HIV patients. Some company admitted openly that I gave several false positive HIV test results. These doctors said that many things can occur turning a person's day [tanning bed] that drops a person's T-Cell count down to a level appropriate to commence dosing - of the death medicine. Its still the first line of defense. I bet Magic Johnson does not take it. The CIA or electric guards or whatever only permitted me to watch the video halfway through after several attempts, so I don't know what is said after about an hour.

The FDA only requires very pathetic testing of medications before they approve them. A pharmaceutical company pays $500,000 to $700,000 in fees to the FDA to approve each medicine.

ADD, they create Attention Deficit Disorder with low frequency waves that are emitted from HAARP. Bipolar is their specialty though. What do you here is most important for a bipolar person to accomplish in order to administer self-care. The most important thing always, is that they stay on their meds. Wonder if something in the meds make us radioactive, maybe?

Red Sox/Red Cap - sabotage something here i think,,

Red Sox/Red Cap is a program or something that the CIA may have used in the past to indicate traitor or changing sides at the end and they seem like just the guys to do it, too.

So, they wont let me make a ebook or whatever of screen prints and about 100 pages of rage and confusion trying to piece together the waste my life had become. Its just been absolutely insane. I read in Burn Before Reading by Admiral Turner, about Representative Peter Goss from Florida was of a 'partnership' mindset when George Tenet wanted to rebuild CIA field strength. Mr. Goss wanted ‘more arrows in the quiver’ for covert action, namely ‘cyberspace’ and ‘mind management.’

I did a paper about Mass Hypnosis and I'd say the far-right are clearly completing steps to effectively hypnotize a nation. For the last time, would someone please just shoot them? I'm kidding. I realize it adds more torture of the innocent but I like to say that - makes me feel good. Plus, they are just words. The paper was called Advertising: Human Misuse of Humans, and it was about subliminal messages and the abusive power of suggestion. They used to have subliminal messages in the movie theaters and concession sales would increase. This was banned and outlawed. Its undoubtedly a Capital Crime and assassination's are allowed in my new Liberty court. LOL. I'm kidding, but don't get too relaxed. LOL. again kidding.

So anyway, its mass hypnosis. They were giving us mixed messages on the news to confuse our already traumatized post 911 minds. That was the "Shock and Awe" for us. I think a year later 50% of the country still had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Then, I don't remember what the order of the tragedies but they kept coming: world's Princess died, and Hurricane Katrina tore up New Orleans. We had no choice but to be numb. A book by Martha Stout called The Paranoia Switch talked about our abilities to complete work. The trauma drained our optimism, and our desire to work, or something like that. I only worked part-time then, with the priests, and I think I may have struggled a while getting there or even completing tasks of mostly easy work. Remember when Vice President Dick Cheney said Iraq does'nt have WMD nor the capabilities to obtain them. Ms. Rice echoed the near exact words. Well, actually they were correct then with their information since President George H. W. Bush just destroyed them in Operation: Desert Storm. The President destroyed the ones Rumsfeld negotiated with the country before moving on to Operation: Liberate Kuwait.

So anyway, they keep us confused and abused. Look how we were trated, the american people. We were treated as if our President hated us. Didn't the world decide who really did the WTC bombings. The one at the Pentagon was not a plane, it was a missle. The people on that flight were faked into death, a mock killing if you will.

Was the Directorete of National Intelligence (DNI) a new position in 2004, created as a result of the 911 Commission report? Was the DNI Dr. Alberto Gonzales by any chance?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

some day under the giant mushroom...

What are you doing to me? The sound system - sounds like frankie goes to hollywood or that's what it reminds me of. Is that all hollywood was about, really? funny like Boston and Teabaggs. Its a nazi sound system, like the movie Miracle at Santa Anna with the ladies voice broadcasting to enemy troops in the swamp. This ass backwards town has crickets during the day. They do symphonies of sirens for me, which were very flattering at first. LOL. I learned of the sounds one day after I finally accepted they controlled the wind - Army and Air Force, maybe. HAARP. I was outside with my dogs and the wind was really picking up and I was trying not to act scared. I copped a cocky attitude and spoke openly, or maybe just thought, "Yeah, real great trick with the wind, but how about the new sound system?" Firetruck sirens went off right away and I started laughing. I had to shoot some heroin after that mind boggling event. SWEET. That was like one of the few times I laughed, so don't go getting a defense for it. Immunity from what?

So anyway, what's that Halliburton subsidiary KLB or something? They seem organized as a company capable of transplanting multiple large cells . That's the way Rumsfeld organized the military, I read. A fully functional unit but compacted maybe. Using guerilla warfare tactics including sabotage and betrayal. Poor Iraqi liberty, didn't work out for them, huh? Was W. Casey, former DCI, someone else we might all recognize? Did he write the plans for the new military as the secretary a few years before Rumsfeld served the position? Was that Casey? He also served as a chairman on the board of the SEC, which enabled policy writing? Then DCI of the CIA? Any money made in the stock market after that? Is that due to insider information, which surely he should have taken steps to cover conflicts of interest, you'd think. How does a DCI quit getting secrets? Star wars maybe? [not serious] but when a DCI has access to that secret information he would have to take a quick look at inside information for his own best interest as a proud American, a patriot even? No way. You can not put yourself in that kind of situation because you're too deceitful. That's not being rude. You're proud of that from what I can tell like Nicaragua, huh? What are you in the National Guard? As VP you allowed yourself the military law of enlisting whomever you wanted, is this correct? Where you with President Reagan - as his DOD Secretary? When the CIA was openly conquering Latin American countries coops and assassinations? If congress didn't outlaw assassinations, you would have me shot, huh? Don't worry, I completely understand. And, what's with setting each other up. The CIA against the White House and visa-versa and Congress, too - and the military. It might have been okay to do that crap in the olden days, but John Wayne wouldn't have allowed it? What's wrong with you people? No Marta, old movies are not making me charmed, yet.

The main piont about the sound system is that they pump me with subliminal messages all day and i would say probably control much of my behavior. I'm not into S & M or torture or anything like that at all. I'm very straightforwarded when I'm coherent. Abberation is a mirage kind of thing, right? What am I always hearing that word? Trust me, I have a hard time believeing anything is true around here. But, you can never admit and i don't feel I have a court. is this military or FISA law? Actually, Dutch TV said Osama was exonerated which is me also in CIA code as Usama [wish i appreciate tremendously, even if i didn't understand]. But what's up with Charlie Chaplin? He was exiled or something - kicked out of the USA? See, that hasn't happened to me. Just like you talk about me as if I in camp Xray at Guantanamo Bay. i thought you can see me right here? I'm not kcikced out, nor am I anything but common courtesy to Russia or any other country to put me on stupid blacklist. Who made that list anyway? Please leak a copy, my CIA pals. You have really had a tough time and I appologize and appreciate the secret chocolates late at night. LOL. Get the f*** outta here. No, not really, that never happened but its funny. Big Chocolate Giant, NICE. Oh yeah, my mistake with the fascists name calling. LOL. I thought it described a behavior, that a nazi would use. and not necessarily a race. I like the Italians. So, let's see. I guess the CIA setup Michael Jackson too huh? Was that video on the balcony with upside down baby real or fake? But, under Bush or Casey direction, he was surely setup for all that crap and child exploitations.

Okay, Mr. Presidents I believe it was a hoax, 911. Just Cause, the people would kill you if real.

What did I hear about United Health Care insurance - something about a charter? The is the craziest word, like insurance.

President Jimmy Carter signed an Executive Order to give control of covert ops back to the CIA from the military but President Reagan may have switched it. If I have any power, may I get it switched to whichever side is best for me and worse for, 'you know who.' Hey I grew up with a neighbor Mark Cooper and when they had me thinking of my history and dot connecting, the earthquake machine rattled my town. In fact, it was mentioned on the news. They may have been a guy named jimmy at Ozzies at Westport, in St. Louis, MO. But maybe not. They know every person to whom I've ever spoken. Everyone uses the name jimmy to me, like the breakfast sausage. That's why i used it, seems the obvious choice. I really don't know about Cooper but the name is used the most I think in everything. or, maybe its Law of Attraction and i notice more. Its always good to see. my sister used to beat his butt daily. LOL. He wanted to play war everyday. Every single day, and had to win, too.

So, back to giving control of covert ops to whoever can free me, peacefully. Oh yeah, when I said the Nazis are responsible for the Jewish prosecution in Israel, it might be indirectly. Casey made a comment in Admiral Turner's book, Burn Before Reading, "The Iran-Contras deal was the ultimate covert operation." Okay, personally I take the word Contras to mean terrorist. i mean really - in plain sight. ContrasRevolutionarre means against the revolutionaries fighting for human rights. The word contra translates from mexican to english to mean against. Directorate huh? Where is the CIA charter anyway - Mexico? Germany? Can you be in the President's Cabinent if the work is illegal? Was all that crap about extraordinary rendition just a hoax also, I guess? I don't know what is true, false, real or fake. The hate is pumped in currently as well as direct mental damage years ago without retribution. Subliminal messages in books and movies and cartoons. Maybe Disney can explain?

its really not art,,,

death only

Saturday, April 18, 2009

i think green tea is the cure for cancer,,,

i keep forgetting about that,,

Alice again,, 4.18.09 did i already mention China?

About President George H. W. Bush being a diplomat with the country. That's like a friendly liaison between countries and I'm not sure if its military or what government 'leg'. I'm pretty sure he was on the Chinese Communist Party, wasn't he? Yes I remember I did mention this, about controlling the barriers to market and as an Investment Banker helped the companies offer stock shares. A video on Vietnam blames the Russians for supplying North Vietnam with troops which we know is a lie. In fact, I think the day President Gorbachev arrived in China for a visit and peace talks, the Tienanmen Square tragedy occurred. I'm guessing Bushi planned that, I wonder? Maybe, to scare off Russia, and they see them off as too hostile for talks. I also read about a satellite that might have gotten shot down or something ande was blamed on Pakistan but I think was Bushi again sabotaging both countries.

Sorry about all the hate, I know its sick.

Alice just not interested,,,


kill Alice f*ckers, will ya?

First off, I'm more than offended by the reading material. Everything is genital related and you authors are complete trash - look what you created. I DEMAND MY DEATH, YOU ARE TRASH. What protocol, sh*tbags? Oh this is so funny isn't it? I'm not interested in your man-made neurosis nor anything else. PERIOD. I DEMAND MY DEATH SHITBAGS. Everything you want me to read just holds me longer in your mental hell. FU*CKYOU.

IM NOT THE ONE, YOU SECRET BAG OF SH*T. There is no protocol for me to follow, I use complete sarcasm which is the only thing you apparent IDIOTS understand. IM NOT INTERESTED.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Alice again,, New Atty. Gen. Please?

I want to request a new Attorney General if I may. My last one turned out to be dead weight I can't get away from the mirror. LOL. Kind of fun, is that not right? LOL.

I want to nominate Ms. Gloria Allred instead, if I may? That new court or whatever can be called the Liberty Branch to provide justice for those where lo0pholes in the law may have prevented. Its going to get good now, or really soon?

Oh yeah, something about the nose and the transmission of toxins. I seem to get sores inside my nose sometimes but I don't know what its from. Its not related to drug abuse unless the perps get too tweaked out or something. When sores are in my nose that would allow an airborne toxin to travel by body through both the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Alice in Wonderland 4.17.09 #3 Lucy, Spencer, Kate,

Oh yeah, I think they were going to bring Lucy back to life, too. Sure, it may be a delusion but it makes me smile. I would even drop the torture charges. But, I must be notified to do that, by law. And, they mentioned Spencer Tracy and Kate, too. Let's see, who's got anything left to deal with? No one, I bet? LOL. kidding. They are not protecting me or else I would be allowed something besides misery.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting. Can I call Alberto Gonzalos to the stand? LOL. I'm kidding but I like that "I don't recall" line he popularized. LOL. Can he be my Attorney General if I had any power, or is he doing time? He needs to save his countrymen from the slave trade - no b/s religion defenses. In fact, that defense needs to be invalid for awhile, huh? I mean look what they did to the Church - The George W Bush Intelligence Ageny. How many volts do they use, anyway?

Alice in Wonderland 4.17.09 #2

LOL. This is not some asinine tough love thing by the electric company. The day I mentioned the blisters on our scalps, I was shown Emerson Corporation on TV and their energy market. They may have technology of which I speak, surges and shock - its warfare too like the weather. I'm not placing blame except, the CIA made me do it. How can I be both a terrorist threat, then some masonic or priori religious object? I can't, plain and simple.

I was going to get a tattoo in hopes of scrambling any signal that I may biologically transmit - maybe the underground has a metallic paint they can use of something? But, I know better than to trust anything especially my judgement. What's this masonic bullcrap and why is it even relevant?

Alice in Wonderland

What am I supposed to be doing?

“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. They on their own after this…”

Alice in Wonderland
Friday, April 17, 2009

Well [busy word], there really is no need to reinvent the wheel, but history may not agree in various books for the obviously targeted Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Holy Land of Jerusalem. The most important thing is peace but that’s impossible without justice. Unfortunately, I think worldwide sabotage and unexpected attacks the has made us all unable to trust or local and worldwide neighbors. The school defense is just a defense, I’m not really that bright. Did I fool you for a while? The George W. Bush Intelligence Agency are the most likely culprits of the self imposed sabotage that faces so many nations and peoples. Just a guess, but I’d bet that most realities of the world are opposite what they appear to be, but I don’t know for sure.

Okay, I’m being forced to do this, whatever this is, which makes me a slave, metaphorically, huh? [whatever the heck that means - hollywood's 2cents]. Well, the Emancipation Proclamation is the law against this action. We also have cyber harassment laws, of which I may really have no proof readily available. I have some probably meaningless screen prints and some things I typed up which are nothing more than expressions of rage usually, since I have no real explanation for this madness and I was tired of screaming bullcrap into chat. I’m not as shy as I may be perceived, I just don’t have access to the proper tools to do what may be expected and since they blackmail for everything anyway, I have nothing to hide. They uninstall my cd/dvd burner and that kind of crap, too. Thee pages are nothing more than rage, that may include meaningless threats to someone, many, or everyone which I can’t really explain. Plans to overthrow this or any government does not exist and never has - just in case accused. I just can’t get my head together really to get the stuff posted.

Let’s see, what was going to say? So CHAOS was a real project, huh? How appropriate. It is mentioned in Admiral Turner’s book, Burn Before Reading. The Admiral was President Carter’s replacement for George H.W. Bush as the CIA director. A different book titled Secrets and Lies by David Southwell that shows a picture of George H. W. Bush as CIA director that apparently replaced James Jesus Angleton that was Director from 1954 to 1974. CHAOS was a program of illegal domestic surveillance apparently started by Mr. Angleton. Oh, Get Smart? I get it. You guys are asses. LET ME OUT!!!!

Anyway, peace is the only way. I understand that there is no-one to blame for my own absolute complete stupidity, and I‘m tired of explaining what everyone already knows. What am I supposed to do? Be happy? How about the truth? I’m not interested in this self-abuse. I don’t even want to talk about it.

The Oprah Show mentioned a pill that extends people’s lives - have fun with that. President Bush says Jesus is supposed to raise people from the dead - more slave work. I’ve been under the impression that Mr. President was speaking about Princess Diana and Nicole Simpson which I dread to mention, really. If true, great - new missed them. I don’t know what else to say. I just want out. PERIOD.

Hey, here’s some images or HAARP, the antennae that control the weather, located in Alaska that are responsible for the Northern Lights.

Thanks for the pizza shoutout Kathie-Lee and Hoda. LOL. It could be like a reverse Domino Effect, huh? I'm okay whatever they got. LOL. What is the object of this? rhetorical
:o(()) << that's my smiley. Big Angelina lips. That's my angel. Wait until I get all these teeth pulled. How many wives do I get, anyway? Thank you very much. Can I go, now? They have made any attempt I take for jsutice and turn it against me so that I don't have the desire to pursue freedom or escape or anything and I'm too lit up to 'out' anything underground like a railroad. How can I get a parade that I can sneak through to freedom? That's how I was wanting to end, if they keep me alive. I'm bored here. LOL. Drives me nuts. Aren't you a PR Extraordinaire? Give my love to the wives.
sorry this post really says nothing but its a nice day and I want to go out there. Bye

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Alice dance or whatever.

Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Morning Vietnam! Just kidding. I like him, he’s silly. Is nanotechnology real or is it for aliens from Ork and outer space? LOL. I know all about the science ban or whatever. So what, we got to use pretend stuff or something so no one notices? LOL. I’m sure its real but it’s a great ‘leg’ and I’m riding them all, from now on. No one else. LOL.

I sincerely want to thank all my fans, they’re the best in the world, and the academy. LOL. Just joking. I wouldn’t let them use it as a defense so let’s wait until they are locked up. LOL. Say it, “locked up.’ It feels funny and really good at the same time. “When they are locked up.“ Its just a fear tactic, I wonder? I’m not really more interested in death than life but they don’t even allow any light at the end of anything. Plus, all the bad things they have done to this country, to other countries, to my family and loved ones and to me are really bad things. But, more so than that, they don‘t its wrong or can’t admit it. How much would you think they would have to bully an entire family so that they never even become aware that the Howard Hughes empire was stolen right out from under them. I know what you did to my mom, thief-bag, and that really pisses me off. The entire Hughes family are nuts. LOL. Not really. I meant that we all have mental illness but some don‘t get treatment. Well, someone that may not be aware they were a victim of, uh lets say a remote control lobotomy, might have symptoms like major depression but not really. The victim might sleep a lot but not necessarily possess the hopeless mood that is so indicative of that particular diagnosis. Also, would consuming alcoholic beverages create a dramatic change in the victims personality, like Nadia? Plus, antidepressants increase the chances of Parkinson’s disease. I’m with you Mr. Fox, sorry about the delay. We’ll put an end to the disease after we get science returned. it. What about TWA? Was that my family’s airline, Mr. President thief? But, it was too much competition for your American Airlines. huh? FREE MY FAMILY NOW, AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU STOLE THE TIME AND THE MONEY. You can hand each one some money and I will help you explain to all later.

Godfather Ellen, I bow at your feet. Come on you guys, she said its ok. LOL. They have made a complete mockery of me, my family, gays and lesbians, the judicial system, patriotism, and human ethics. I think they created the same-sex desires in both, me and my deceased sister and I think there must be a law for St. Ann. I live in the same house in which my father had grown up and his father was a target also, as he worked for McDonnell Douglas. My mom is the Hughes. We didn’t even know we were blacklisted, CIA-bag. Laws made during President Bush’s terms shouldn‘t be valid since he stole the election, twice. Its not morally wrong or illegal to have love or romance without a procreation goal. People have an absolute right to like or love what is appealing to them, for any number of reasons except cruelty. I talk more about ’cruelty’ being the only real sin. Unfortunately, some of our world’s religions have been the target of sabotage as well. If you hate anything after reading the bible, I’d say you’re using it wrong. People have a right to love and be loved just like everyone else. I wrote in a journal while I was recovering from a car accident at which time I was contemplating both my sexuality and my mental illness diagnosis. I was in denial about having them. It wasn’t because I hated the people, it was just that they are a couple of tough cards to be dealt. Well at first I hated gay people, but not when I wrote the journal. See, we are all born with only love. Hate is a taught emotion. [Your school sucks, by the way] Many times we confuse hate with our own ignorance. Okay, we are all attracted to many different things and God want’s us to enjoy his gifts. [I get all the beauty though - lol - don’t worry you all made it] Well we have all been attracted to both opposite and same gender companionship, ie, friendship. We don’t always have to have a romantic or lust attraction to our friends but we still like them. Sometimes, we have a romantic or lustful attraction to one of our friends which may bring about distress if we are already in a monogamous relationship. I’d say most people have had the romance or lust attraction to someone of our own gender and if we happen to be closed minded about same-sex relations, it won’t be a good feeling very long. Hmm, this is tough. This is something that has been perceived wrong. Hate is NEVER the right answer. Children exposed to same-sex relationships do not become gay or perverted. But, children that are deprived of the exposure for hate instead may become a suicide statistic. That would be the only reason a twelve year old child would kill themselves. What else could be eating at them that much? And, that’s what the Bible tells us so.

The Bible and organized religion are a beautiful combination for those than bloom into love. For others, this miracle may not occur since just for the fact of different interpretations. You know, I talk about when I was recovering from a car accident and I researched the mission statements of various charitable organizations. I think I did this because I wanted to somehow prove to myself that the world was messed up, and it wasn’t just me. Well, I was correct. LOL. I also picked up the Bible, not necessarily to discount it, but I wanted facts. One of the first lines I read said, “May all good come to man, the Jews first then the…” or something like that. I was offended to read that. Not that I had any bad feelings towards anyone Jewish nor a reason but it was because I wasn’t Jewish. Why don’t I get anything good? “Well honey, the Bible is open to many different interpretations.” I put the Bible down and decided it was too confusing for this specific time in my life. Plus, I assumed the gay bashing, in the Bible, wouldn’t be open for reinterpretation or discussion. Its not right for everyone, and its only wrong if its cruel to someone else, perhaps a spouse. It would also be cruel to force anything sexual on a child.

Gay people, as a rule aren’t all sex addicts - well the guys are kind of. LOL. I guess, what I really meant is that gay people are capable and even desirous of monogamy and marriage. How can you hate that? Hmmm. What’s the success rate, these days, of marriages that end when ’death did them part’? Zero or two, maybe? I’m kidding, but the statistics of which you are so protective are hardly high enough to force other people to live that way. I’m not saying you are wrong for enjoying your own loving heterosexual family, but you don’t have a right to take someone’s homosexual happiness away. Love is a miracle and everyone gets some. No, President Bushi, wrong kind of miracle. Everyone should try and do themselves a favor and embrace the gay and lesbian communities - they probably already love you. The soul-searching that gay people must endure to overcome detrimental effects of the perceived hate that they were born into builds a different kind of character, and wider circle for love. Plus, gay automatically gets Jewish 1st- level pass. LOL. I’m kidding, those Jews are real frugal with the passes, anyway. LOL. I’m kidding. Its suicide if they can not overcome the perceived hate. Oh yeah, something I wrote before, about someone with limited exposure to gay and lesbian people would have an inaccurate and probably negative perception of romance with the same gender. This is sad for you and anyone in your influence. No one is asking you to be gay, but you know what they say - “Once you go Black, you never go back.” LOL. I’m kidding. Don’t ever do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll give everyone my pager number and if you want to leave from somewhere, just page me. Or, scream out for “Underdog” and I’ll be right there to the rescue. :o(())

The Jimmy Act
Here’s a name for that fellatio law I was mentioning before. I felt silly then, as I do now but I need a loyal army or militia quickly, and I want to be able to take care of the people. This is like legal permission to discreetly ask around for what one may label as a ‘sucker’ so that a single dad can keep his numbers up. LOL. Its almost a personal right to ask as long as not offensive or harassing. How crazy this is. Wait until we get to health care. LOL. Ask with a flower for your female acquaintance, or offer to buy the gay guy a beer - he might give you double the time, or be alarm clock too. This is kind of silly but maybe its necessary. Its not to offend or disregard what beauty you may already possess in your life.

Here are some thoughts I typed the other day and I’m not sure how to rewrite them since I am in a hurry:

As far as church, the Bible, God, love, and human relationships go, that’s a tough one to rush through but its really pretty simple. Geez, remember Anita Bryant? Was she doing God’s work? With all that hate? Well first off, if after reading the bible you feel compelled to hate anyone, you’re probably not using it right. God is love. Period. The only real sin is cruelty. That could include many actions, even some of the 10 Commandments. You still can’t steal your neighbor’s goods or her wife. Discrimination is wrong as every African American will agree. Its cruel. Lying is cruel. If anyone in the world can’t handle the truth, maybe its in your delivery. Lying is wrong and cruel. Physical or mental destruction to anyone, including a disabled person, is wrong. Stealing from a blind person is cruel. Stealing from a person you blinded or physically or mentally destroyed is wrong and cruel. Restraining someone with electrical shock and bio-surveillance technology so they never have to learn about the truth that they can’t handle is wrong and cruel.

I mentioned a car accident that I had at the age of 22, in 1991. The first six months of a one year recovery was spent learning to walk and talk again and I had complete double vision lasting about eight months. During that time, if I pressed my chin deep into my chest and peered through the top of my eyes, I could focus to see the weatherman on television. That’s all I really did. I even had to sit and scoot to go down steps, for months. Soap operas were never really an interest but I did like one called, Santa Barbara. Anyway, I’d be smart right now, to make it very clear, that I did not and will not shoot J. R. Good luck with your show, big daddy.

When I awoke from the five days coma, my thoughts and speech didn’t work very well. It was shameful to me that I couldn’t answer simple questions from the nurses that were trying to get my mind to work. That shame of my ignorance was real since I was a high school drop-out and completely nonacademic. I hated being so stupid. After about six months of physical recovery, I contacted a few activists-type groups and non-profit charitable organizations to learn about their mission statements and request some literature. Oh yea, besides waiting for the weatherman’s performance, I saw two other memorable shows. One was called Doing Time on Maple Drive and it made me feel a little like Jesus. It was about a young man that was gay and tried to commit suicide or something. This Jesus feeling only occurred once and its duration was pretty insignificant. I didn’t remember that the accident was a suicide attempt and the doctors said that I would probably block it out a while or forever until I could handle it or something. A few years later, I worked for a treatment center accommodating ‘men of the church’ which interestingly enough was located on a street named Maple Drive.

I also saw an episode of Montel Williams where the guests talked about documents that were publicly available from the Library of Congress that implied AIDS is a man made disease, bio-warfare if you will. I don’t remember much about the episode but I did make a VHS copy from the broadcast which is no longer in my possession. I think it was stolen in the yard sale.

Sorry, I really had a lot of pressure about the gay thing so I apparently neglected everything elsewhere but it is so very important for right now. I think I mentioned a new branch of law. We will have headquarters on Cuba which I think they want, new human rights. I think all communist countries are only that way for the oil that is found on the land. President Bush has already been deducted to China’s and Cuba’s government. I think the Vietnam war is actually a twin to Korea war. Oil reserves must be present in both Northern territories, I wonder?

Drugs addicts and cigarette smokers are addicted because of the manufacturers that targeted them. That’s who is breaking laws and its against the law to attack the victims for fines. I agree about smoke-free and drug-free but prosecute the right criminal. Drugs will be legalized because the criminal justice system is full and clogged with the innocent. The meth heads should be helped since the CIA has already practically killed them. Give them a controlled prescription of Adderall for awhile - anything to clean them up. All the blatant stealing and hoarding of money that may be permitted by some asinine law interpretations might due good to contribute more than alleged amounts stolen for an account to rebuild America. Just be clean of cruelty, you’ll be fine. No one gets left out! No, not you President Bushi, you are left out. You cheated too much. We’ll see what you can tell me in private sometime to try and get you back on the ‘in‘.

I don’t really know what’s going on. I’ve still never been acknowledged for anything. Our pets are both surveillance devices as well as weapons against us. I think their vision can be spied. They can carry air toxins inside the house and their gas can also fumigate if necessary. Its weird, weird stuff. Oh yeah, what about crickets during the day? Should they be loud and proud all day long? The dogs bark on command I think, of probable electric shocks or something. They precision timing of such barking dogs have helped me with the learning process. Plus, the CIA-bags make them all bark to make me crazy if I piss them off somehow. They are complete asses. Oh yeah, don’t forget about the tooth fillings, and damage by salt and sugar, and the death of the honey bees. Nothing can be thought of as superficial or surface identity right now. In fact, there’s a CIA-bags program called Red Sox or Red Cap that meant they are traders and they will change sides at the last minute. Its not my family, I’m telling you - we are too stupid. You tortured for lifetimes, J.R.

The cable box on the TV is a spy cam. Well, the remote control receptor on the cable box. Free my family, dude, with a public service announcement and an apology. You must use the correct name(s) and don’t say Obama’s family. I do like the guy finally. I’m sorry about that. Oh well President Bush, please include in your PSA about the cold war fraud, AZT, pets as spies, Vietnam and Korea, underground drilling, HAARP, UFO’s, Phillip Morris, Saddam [Iraq] trap, subliminal messages in The Family Guy and other cartoons and movies. Define targets, peoples and places, and be nice. Do it like a stand-up comedian and I want the remote for the laxatives. LOL. I know I’m forgetting tons of things. I met and spoke with the dead people who want to appear after you deliver this message. Its bad stuff, and they will save the day. Oh yeah, the catholic church and Israel. Haven’t the Jewish people always been the target of Nazis? Do you guys remember Adolph Beer? That’s kind of Nazi, right there. Make a fortune off the sale of an addictive and life damaging beverage that probably has a profit margin that is increased by the destruction of automobiles, also. The Nazis are also part of the DMV, maybe? And, of course, last but not least, oil. Nazi circle. Why, all of a sudden, was I showered with the impression that there are no Nazis which I halfheartedly accepted as true until I looked at Israel. If the surface truth says the Jews are at fault, I immediately think Nazi. The CIA, under the Bush family, have established terrorist cells worldwide with things like the Marshall Act to rebuild Europe. They are destroying Latin America at President Bush’s orders and training the men to be al Qaeda by adding a beard as well as street gangs to terrorize people into the states were they automatically get POW/slave camp. Tell us about all that in your message as well. You have explicit instructions that must be accomplished asap. See, I never got directions and my decision making is not too bad, I just still don’t get it, thief-bag. Not to be a fear monger like some waste cases I know but the longer you wait, the worse the penance.

Boston. Mr. President Bush, you should have your hands slapped at the very least for what you did to the Church. Always blaming your crimes on someone else, huh. But then you have to kill them so no one ever finds out you are really the bad person. Tell us what happened and why to the priest in the Boston prison? See, all you people thought I was faking or self creating all that dirtiness they persuaded me to purge in chat. Sorry, I’m forgetting so much. I love everybody tons, but I wouldn’t trust the Bush-bag, just fyi.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Alice is ate up.

Alice in Wonderland
Monday, April 13, 2009

I know all about the transfer of powers that’s stated in the US Constitution when the abuse of human rights are violated but apparently that ‘ghost’ tag stuck to me and I don't really exist. All that hate is not mine. I am a decent person whether the CIA agrees or not. Russia never was an enemy, by the way. Its all false fear and inaccurate information to scare the American people. The entire ‘Cold War’ is a fairy-tale and I’m supposed to be the hero but President Bush robbed and tortured my entire family. Maybe something to do with Mr. Hughes last will and testament. The only book I read about him repeated the idea that Mr. Hughes was totally cognizant when writing his will.

But anyway, I think they are giving lobotomies by remote control. Maybe creating Parkinson’s that way also. Its too disturbing to analyze.

What reality am I supposed to acknowledge? Its all just too messed up. I remember after about three or four years of torture, Oprah Winfrey asked what took so long. I didn’t get it. I still don’t get it. Was she talking about me? The people are great but I am unable to hear or see what is happening to me, my family, or the world. This is not a gay issue or the related torture that they expect me to believe is a result from it. People are not like that. If it was a gay issue, it was designed decades ago with probable outlandish and ignorant updates, since its gone through the White House and Hollywood. Its disgusting and anyway, I came to grips with my sexuality and identity years ago. But, with the continuous torture in my life, I’ve never been close to anyone, and gratefully never will. Big surprise I’m sure after you take a dump in my mind, Mr. Presidents. Just like this entire mess is my fault. You could ask my opinion about gay if you really wanted to know. I doubt I would answer since the media already informed me it was posted on the Internet, maybe. Oh yeah, that fuzzy legal area. When President Bush's secretary named Scott wrote a book and offered to trade me. Your acting classes have really paid off Mr. President. The torture clock tick-tocks on. I thought a book about President Bush said he was a gay-rights activist in college or something. I think the wives wrote lesbian romance novels. See, its not that. It’s the lobotomies and child slave rings or something. What could you possibly expect from me? The blisters on our scalps are supposed to prove something, huh. My mom has several. I’m not into this crap at all. Sorry. I really do appreciate the undertow of support and confidence but this is insane and unreasonable.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

close to final exam,,, im wondering lotsa,,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Alice in Wonderland is the academic program that I was apparently placed into without my knowledge. I’ve never enlisted in the military or national guard. Its not really school as a structured program, its more a life gone bad. In fact, they flunked me out of four colleges. As the ‘war on terror’ progressed, early this decade, so did my scope of enemies and the frequency of hearing the words, “we need help to connect these crazy dots.” LOL. I’m just kidding. Why did it take so long to watch Star Wars? A song by Queen didn’t want to watch Star wars, either. Freddy Mercury, I will be back. And, all this reading? I tried to get an English scholarship which would’ve really come in handy since I’m living or acting-out the classics of Dickens, HG Wells, Orson Wells, and Hitchcock. But, you had me miss them in high school and then in college too, huh Oliver. And, stop calling me a girl. I had an older sister but, she was in the way, apparently. I’m not a CIA employee nor a volunteer for any medical or otherwise experiment. I’ve never been charged, tried, or sentenced for this madness. Any legal document that indicates my agreeable or implied participation in this, is false - a forgery. Just like movies that can look real but are actually computer animations, ie. complete forgery. Hollywood can make movies these days without the actors or use a green screen background technique to change everything, completely. I have no photos for this pathetic war game nor did I search for any because they are too easily falsified. So is verbal and anything digitized on the Internet. In my case, all accusations are false or engineered about me. Mind control, limbic system, and radar, are huge parts I’m kind of passing on for now. So, the movie 23, was a significant concept for me to accept. Thank you, Mr. Carey. The bad guys really dirtied it up but Britney Spears had my back, always. The rest of you all are in the you know what house. Thank you for your patience.

So anyway, Ms Spears was a victim like me with CIA guys picking through her trash. Her husband pretty much robbed her but don’t blame him since they may have only been an act for me to see since I am apparently blind and in a coma or a nuclear weapon. LOL. Does anyone even know me? I’m not, I’m not. Oh yeah, Mr. Stephen King is mixed in the storyline, too. Jane, stop this crazy thing. Hollywood taught me that’s called a leg when a story branches off the main plot like the branch of a tree but they call them ‘legs’ there, instead. They are fun, I bet. I’m like the Boy in the Bubble except mine is more like a box. Alice In Chains, thank you very much. Do you guys have Limp Bizkit out there? Whew. There have been movies made for me, fortunes lost, President‘s hanged. Hey, you have to play your Hitchcock ‘leg’ too, Mrs. Horsecrap.

Actually what’s up with me is that I’m a prisoner of conscience, not knowing the difference between right and wrong. That’s Amnesty International’s pickup usually, but the one in Chicago couldn’t do anything for me in 2004. There seems to be many people involved and I make many incorrect connections to dots that are merely a mirage. I’m not a super hero, I promise. But, they had a TV series about it - Pink Panther, also. They just have me scattered out so thin that I’m incapable of helping myself. I think that has much to do with all the hate I need to own. Don’t ask Jesus to do anything else, after that one. Well, before the media attacked me or whatever and I realized they were trying to tell me something important. LOL. So what, my weatherman has five kids. “You ain’t fooling me, there ain’t no sanity clause.”

The Twins. Hmm? Well, there’s the WTC and I guess Building 7 was part of the CIA’s Charter. Don’t the employees live in unincorporated towns, as if the US Constitution wouldn’t apply to them or something. Not fly. Is that the same Charter that says CIA/NSA [same thing] can’t work in the USA because of the type of work they do which is illegal? Charter is also the name of a telecommunications company. The Telecommunications Act of President Clinton’s Administration may not have even been valid if argued with anti-trust laws. But apparently, this is a testing ground. Huh, is that right? Get off me, Luke Skywalker! They ripped off my great grandfather, Lester Hughes, and that whole side of the family is nuttier than a fruitcake. LOL. Its me too, so I’m kidding. They are the heroes - the Hughes family that you have deprived of even knowing Mr. Hughes. Let’s see, the thieves have been responsible for content in a few of my textbooks, since the early 1990s. Many clues or riddles are of a sexual nature and perverted. I’m pretty sure they sabotaged the catholic church with the children and the priests. I worked with some of them and various issues that was considered a renewal. But, with the Constitutional separation between church and state, they never got a trial.

Some quick random thoughts without much meaning but maybe meaningful to you. Richard Ried >> Shoe Bomber and Sam Waksal was the owner of ImClone [related to me?] medicine for cancer. This was the insider-trading deal that caused Martha Stewart to go to prison. The SEC excused him from Harken [is that a bird?] insider-trading ,too. What about some Hawaiian gas company or something? I forgot the scam that was obvious but it was something like the relocation of Anheuser Busch, Inc. Was that a planned economic crash? I thought you were trying to blackmail me with the brewery which I accepted. It sure seemed planned when you relocated your cash cow to a different market. That decreased dollar raised the value of that gold you stole from the WTC before the firemen were sworn to secrecy because they had bio-surveillance like the Hughes, huh? Fucker, let us all go. I thought the gold was mine, anyway for blackmail and hush money. Funny. You’re a real Indian giver. Like you robbed Lester Hughes of his land, assets, or drill bit patent. That Sam Waksal I was talking about with the cancer drug ImClone was presented as if it’s the same Sam as Sam Walton of Walmart, but they really make me stupid with so many lies and contradictions. So what did you do with the gold, big daddy? Was the NY Stock Exchange inside one of the fallon towers? That’s the finance center of the USA. I don’t remember learning the trading floor was inside the WTC so I can’t argue that. My old finance textbooks don’t tell me where it is. The people would kill you anyway, if it was true.

Many important things have been kept away from me. I’m not really an angry person at all. They shoot me with some laser light-ray from the USS Enterprise with electric waves that react inside my body. Or, so I am to believe, the laser. If not a laser then they use a remote control somehow. Anyway, another twin is the Vietnam War and the Iraqi War. Same kind of sabotage that provides both sides of the supply and demand curves. Look at crack cocaine. They create the demand, and provide the supply. The victims destroy themselves. I have never been president of any country especially the Republic of Columbia where the US President has power to appoint. I’m not Jesus, either. Catholicism was attacked as well as Islam by the CIA. I can’t prove at this time but everybody knows it. Ask Julia Child who the news told us was an OSS agent in Saudi Arabia. Kim Philby’s dad, H. St. John Philby was the King’s personal advisor in the 1950s. Who are the Philbys, I wonder? The DaVinci Code had something to do with me. [nice jail gentlemen] Katrina was a friend of mine from France. She was a professional photographer. I had an idea for a fashion show business that I talked with her about. I named the company N. Paris. It amounted to nothing more than some interesting brainstorming, really. Madonna was my ticket out of here but this situation and the deep levels of hypnosis are tearing me up. A book I read talked about the CIA doing hypnosis five layers deep and the patient or victim will do things he or she ordinarily wouldn’t. Her 5th layer personality was named Karla. They want me to jump off a building and feel so good for the very first time. I tell them everyday to go to hell for it, which truly only hurts me and continues as the purpose of any and everything until I actually let the world know otherwise. They have something magnetic or conducive to electricity embedded in my feet, which the restlessness was significant in my mental diagnosis. Bipolar is all them, also. What do you hear is the most important aspect of self-care for a bipolar person? Its to stay on their meds. It truly sucks to have to think this way but who really benefits and how?

Lester Hughes losses may have something to do with the Mink case in Alaska. Reading a little about the case from my declassified copy of the Warren Report, it was a case involving the underground testing of nuclear weapons which reminds me of something I read Mr. Hughes may have done in Las Vegas. They can dig huge holes these days - big enough to drill for oil, secretly. I’m not breaking any laws even though the one that calls me enemy will say I’m violating espionage or treason laws but I’m trying only to defend myself since I can’t get any legal help. No one told me anything. My knowledge or lack of, is a direct result of crumbs falling through the cracks. They have me tracked with a mouthful of amalgam tooth fillings, from mercury which causes major illnesses and acts as a transmitting device (mic) of the things I speak. Dental isn’t regulated like other things. LOL. Like, pharmaceuticals. They are both bad. What’s up with high blood pressure medicine. It gave my grandpa that worked at McDonnell Douglas, renal failure. Three days a week, he needs to lay still for hours and have his blood cleaned by running it through a dialysis machine. Plus, the poor guy is legally blind from macular degeneration which is often caused by diabetes like kidney failure but I think he got these disabilities from his high blood pressure medicine that never worked. Sugar and sodium are killers to us. America should try a Chiropractic based medical system as much as possible. You remember what I told you about supply and demand curves and the CIA on both sides. Medicines are scary. A documentary titled AIDS, Inc. (2007) shows many non USA doctors in agreement that AZT, 1st line of defense, is what’s killing AIDS patients. Many false positives were given to people that may have eventually perished due to the medication. I have some memory that Preston may have been the creator of HIV. The Bushes have been trying to infect me for years. Plus they have manipulated my body with what they call chemical castration so that any male sex act would put me at highest risk for contracting the disease. In fact, in college I thought my destiny was to get HIV. I felt as if powers beyond me were controlling things like my sexuality and mental illness. Let’s make things better for the African Americans as well as gays and lesbians and transgender, with all due respect. These are people that know what its like to be deprived or human rights and justice. We make those characteristics required to be judges for a new legal branch. Maybe we can do home-detention sentences now that we have such technologically advanced bio-surveillance. Put them in the ghetto and pull the innocent out. The new branch would be based on the US Constitution but the law is full of loopholes and the innocent get jailed and the guilty get freedom, sometimes. We should have better justice in USA. No innocent man should ever be jailed. James Earl Ray was sentenced, without a trial, to serve 99 years for assassinating MLK. We should release the drug convictions and boost the oppressed up to a new justice branch to ensure loophole-free justice. Like for the Browns and the Goldmans that deserve justice and should work there for a while, maybe.

The Bushes are going to use my DNA as a defense. Say that it’s a cure or vaccine maybe and that they were completing test phases - without permission, of course. Its part of the Jesus defense and none of it is going to fly. But, please by all means, use my DNA America, not the Bushes to heal, free. If someone else is selling it already, the penance is always lighter when you admit your crimes, just fyi.

The military has this artillery of antennae in Alaska. They create tornados and the Northern Lights phenomenon. It called HAARP. Attention Deficit Disorder comes from this machinery as well. The restless leg syndrome is probably something like my foot which apparently has something implanted. Neuralgia is also from the electromagnetic waves of HAARP. There is so much more crap. Earthquakes and tsunamis, too. Someone, a spy that’s an obvious enemy needs to take the blame for the Rosenbergs who where put to death without a trial or something for the spy work of Walker, maybe, giving Russia plans for the Atomic bomb. War of words, huh? Pfizer might be something bad that sticks in my head but I’m not sure why.

Phillip Morris used to be part of Anheuser Busch, huh? And, the owners of the Texas Rangers baseball team, too. I did a stock report on the company and it was the only brewery to live through prohibition. Why do you want people to wreck cars and kill others intentional or accidental. Alcohol lowers our inhibitions and promotes sexual activity.

Its amazing how you people have managed to destroy my thoughts so completely then blame me. Its too disgusting to talk about. President Bush Sr., were you the diplomat for China at one time? The CIA guys torture me to type this crap and tell me to blame you. What about the Chinese Communist Party? Who sent the Chinese troops to Vietnam? Who controlled barriers to market for a country that was just opening up to attempt some kind of free market system? The Carlyle Group was an Investment Bank, wasn’t it? Helped the companies get established on the ground floor? I bet you control the entire banking system by now. Is that why the citizens have to sell their children for $40? What about all the Mexicans that rushed up to the USA when the border was wide open to pass customs even? What did you do to them people? You were allowed to hide them and torture, I bet with war you dragged out years after mission accomplished and the CIA trained terrorists were the insurgents? Dude, you’re a complete ass. New narrowed tortured laws, too. I heard a lawyer of President Bush Jr’s team was actually barred from practicing law. Was that Mr. Feith? Was he hiding-out at Harvard infecting the minds of children? They’re all pedophiles, I wonder? Reverse Child Psychology gets them every time. That was in poor taste, sorry.

So, can you really spy my eyes? You know my vision is double sometimes then, huh? That was from the CIA, too, which I assume is well known. I hate this one so bad but… here it goes… I was at a bar and had unprotected anal sex with a guy in the Basement Bar. The Family Guy did a cartoon based on it. I really do like that show but the handlers [CIA guys that think I’m Maxwell Smart at Kaos] are jerks and so manipulative of me like a puppet. Oh well, sorry for the explicitness but I was on top which is lower [almost none] risk than bottom [much more risky - even with a condom]. After I ejaculated, the guy stood up and looked at me and said, “Welcome to the world of aids.” Oh well, needless to explain, I rolled my jeep on the way home and was in a short coma for 4.5 days before waking. My real godfather was in front of me and I struggled the words ,”Do I have what Michael had?” He said, “No, Michael had cancer, you were in an car accident.” It was an apparent suicide attempt that took me years to remember clearly but always had a hunch.

In the fall of 1991, I had just arrived back in St. Louis from Florida where I finally got hospitalized at 22years old for a history heavy with mental illness. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder but so was everyone in the unit and I took it with a grain of salt and actually forgot about it or didn’t get any treatment for years after the accident. When my sister passed away in 1999, I got back into treatment. A couple days after her death a close friend of the family persuaded me to get away with her and her fiancĂ© to their dune buggy camp. Apparently I was drunk and feminine so they kind of dumped me back at the trailer and I took over the mini one out back that had no A/C. I was numb with pain in the days following my sister’s friggin pain for days in the hot trailer and I was too sad from my sister’s death to even address that crap. It was some losers pretending to be kkk haters or something, maybe not but the incident was a significant part of the hate plan. Oh well, anyway, the double vision that I have for life is a direct result of CIA intensions to harm me and the injury satisfies Judge Bybee’s new stricter requirements of torture to lose the normal use of an organ or death. I’ve attempted suicide a few times. That car accident and the Fentanyl pain patches twice.

I just learned in January of this year, 2009, that I may have been related to Mr. Howard Hughes and close enough to get paid, too. LOL. It never crossed my mind, I wonder why? I think my whole family has been ruthlessly bashed and beat-up with bad deals and mental illness so that we never learn of this. I emailed congress with some information since I have been rejected by some lawyers and the legal system. I think they have done to all Hughes what they did to the New York Firemen after 911 to insure their silence about the continuous exploding bombs in the towers after the planes struck. These bombs prepared the buildings to collapse as if professionally demolished. I’m talking about affixing each person with bio-surveillance technology so that every word the say is recorded by amalgam fillings, maybe. I’m not sure what else. Maybe something in the eye also that allows the vision to be spied on.

- There was a guy nicknamed “Cookie” that was harassed so relentlessly that he went postal at city hall. Wow, the dogs all started barking when I typed the word ‘postal’. Feb. 11, 2008 - The surviving family members said on the news that the US Government was harassing this African American man, nonstop.

Clayton Act of 1914
If you are attacking me as a DBA registered name, there are some more offenses I could attempt to charge, if it matters. - making false statements about me and my products and bribing my employees. The registered DBA, Intense is something that really never got started but if its being used against me, I’d sue for that.

This may be significant since I’ve been called Uranium or nuclear weapons before.
International Treaty on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1967)
Bans the use of satellites as vehicles or platforms for launching nuclear weapons.

Nonproliferation Treaty (1968)
Pledges the nuclear powers not to disseminate nuclear devices to non-nuclear powers, and the non-nuclear nations not to seek to acquire such devices.
[violated with degraded uranium in the tips of rockets to ‘shock and awe’ Iraq - 10,000 year half life]
With the technology of modern surveillance, there is no way the USA did not know of Iraq’s WMD status since the USA sold it to them, anyway. I’m sure the weapons had bugging and tracking devices, as well. I’ve seen some of the black/white satellite photographs that were apparently used to cover ignorance but I know those satellites can deliver color images these days with magnification capabilities to actually see the pores in human skin. They are all over me with cams. WMD isn’t going to fly like the rest of the world already told you.

We should legalize drugs except for the ones used as weapons by the CIA like crack cocaine and heroin - no opium. This is a good way to fund a new branch of government. You know, I like the Italians and the mafia and that’s why I tried to stay out of their business while I’m all lit up. When I went years without justice and was getting invisibly tortured, I grew to have much respect for the mob. How was I going to get justice? The CIA Breakfast club know every move I make before I do, usually.

Almost forgot about mentioning that some guys want a law made. They’re all nuts but I promised to mention it. They want some guarantee to a negotiable but consistent number of hours, I’m sorry to talk this way, dedicated to fellatio each day or week. LOL fun. LOL. LOL. I was talking kind of tough guy about it for years - decades even. LOL. Studies have been done showing its remarkably necessary benefits. How shameful I am, but we really do need some new laws. Its considered a staple in some countries, I wonder. LOL. It helps memory and concentration and puts a bounce in your step. I’m really not trying to make a mockery of anything. Come on, its Britany that has the CD titles Circus. She was trying to tel me to tone it down because the Circus is coming to town and I will want a pass. LOL. Actually, everything has been bad for years. President Bush did say that I was going to bring dead people to life. [Why did I never see Pulp Fiction?] I’m not exactly sure who they have in mind to come back to life. Its not it on my script. I first hope the Princess comes back and of course all my blond drug overdosed brothers and sisters. If you want. If you see Mr. Damon send him back to me, please. Danka. They pretend it’s a reality TV show, in which case, if it is? I will address my feelings later from the plane or something. Thank you, good night and good luck.

This whole thing started as an issue with immigration..

Back in 2003 and 2004, there seemed to be an issue happening with me that I have never been able to get recognized - not by a court of law or its representatives. I have never attempted FISA court, I guess because I'm still in denial about whats actually happening. I typed a bunch of silly letters addressing my perpetrators because by this time I had already spoken to them freely in an empty house. Anytime I ever had company over I had to inform my guests to say nothing that will incriminate themselves. They had me selling weed at Logan College of Chiropractic, although I really didn't know it was them at first. I had a buddy named John that all of a sudden turned into a nightmare by becoming a completely psychotic destructive type face primarily. Most of the crap that was done to me was by the CIA and blamed on others. I sent congress a list of some lawyers names I've contacted that, without explanation, rejected my case. I was arrested in four local towns and roughed up 100ft from my driveway on my birthday. It was planned and my buddy John musdt have know all about it because I realized months later that as police cars were congregating behind me, he went into a full-blown panic attck - award winning crap. All the little alarms on electronic gadgets just when off when I typed that his performance deserved an award. I dont think he said anything Hollywood related to me. Oh yeah, his mom forwarded him and email address for [gosh I'm going to butcher this name] Mr. Spielburg's daughter, I think. He didn't really seem to care and naturally I felt a little envious or jealous or something good that they like. Let me tell you about these "world's biggest jack*offs" in the world. Yeah, that's real masculined, you sissies. Im telling, right now, on you all. LOL. I'm playing really.

Anyway, it started as an immigration issue or so I thought. I live in a town in St. Louis County called St. Ann, MO 63074, and apparently this town was known as "Little Mexico" from where the men came, which appeared to be strictly to work because they seemed piled on each other. That was swome living across the street in a duplex. I remember when I was getting harrased by my neighbors, my garden hose and tire were sliced. They conspicuously had a flat as well. One guy was helping me put together a rod-iron gazebo type thing in my back yard. I offered a beer and inside my house I permitted him to use my brand new computer - that I just got back from instant VIP service plan that I bought with the computer but it took the minimum of six months to get returned. I was completely disregarded but I didn't realize it maybe. I don't know. They had my head spinning for years, nonstop. Electricy surges frying my limbic lobe part of my brain iws the lastest inaccurate presumption. I got napped when President Bush took control of "by any means necessary" treatment of suspected terrorist, which he, they, and God all knew i wasn't but that wasn't going to stop the torture. they say learning is very difficult the most diffcicult time to learn things but it never stopped and I had no other choice. They use techniques of mind control and the permanent imprint of some word or image or thought that will forever cause a specific reaction in me. No matter wshat. I read a book that mentions the layers of hypnosis. This particular person's 5th personality was named killer Karla. They have told me they see me in several ways. Through the remote control receptor on the TV with Charter Cable. So what exactly is on the CIAs charter? Besides telecvommunications companies headquarted in different countries? They hate gay people, badly. As if!? - they are idiots. They need to get their cameras out of my ....

Ok so I let my Mexican neighbor installed some peer-to-peer client on my new clean machine and denied it the entore time. I made him leave. I still offered them help if I could ever do anything but I don't want them in my house or yard which they were doing stupid crap like pulling out spouting flowers. Oh well, after my local library game me a bunch of hell and wouldn't let me use the Hanes Directory of names, numbers, and addresses by telling me4 it was stolen. Looked my right in the eye and said, "Nope, its not here." I eventually got to another library to use the guide to look up my neighbors. Well guess what? I have about four McCoys that are in a circular arrangement around me. Two or three Griffins, a Mueller [FBI director?], and a Gonzalos down the street, directly on top of a tunnel that surely can't be too far from my nextdoor neighbor's house. They were Mexicans that I thought I got along with but the CIA trash pickers made sure I got along with no one, ever, anywhere. No kidding, they were ruthless. They knew where I was going before I got there or before I even knew. Years later I learn they could read my mind but its too disturbing to ruin this good story so soon. Im kidding. On thed next street over, about an 8th of a mile away was a Mexican Restaurant that was pointed out to me by my pal John that busloads of mexicans unload. I've seen officers parked on a street 75ft away above the back of the restaurant as if security work. It was about 4am and I got out of my car and and tried to sneak to the backdoor or backyard area and one of them drove down to where I was walking and I didn't realize they were coming for me. They stopped me and asked what I was doing. I said I was just trying to see what they were doing. They werent really amused but didnt seem too offended or mad but they just asked me to leave which I gladly accepted. My neighbors worked for a landscaping company that what seemed to be the head of the household's brother owned. Oh well, I went nutso a few times that they may have witnessed but I never really showed any agression to anyone personally. The youngest boy threw some dust from under his house into my dogs face and I scolded the child or spoke for my dog, whatever. The child draqmatically over reacted to the situation because every tyime he saw me he seemed to run away or hide and if only by the minmally effective shrug of the shoulders until figured he was out of my site. I think I might have yelled at him overly stern because I wanted to be sure and tell his mother, just to let her know what occured and that I didnt mean to scare him. Actually, it was all a complete setup. No one can ever admit to anything apparently. And they think I love to be held in what they call platos cave.

Anyway, I think several mexicans came through this passage or tunnel hoping to make a few cents or something to send home. They never had it easy. I hate to say this but i think all the illegal immigrants that arrived in the USA while the mexican border was wide open for tractor trailer trucks and no customs approval necessary. Well, the weed they CIA trash had me selling was bad stuff but it went like hotcakes. Along with smuggling people, I assume they smuggled marijuana and ICE, the mexican version of Meth. In fact, Chad, a name and number I gave to Congress told me himself that he was selling meth and recruitting dealers to unknowingly work for the police department. He mentioned to me one day that it was good money but we never discussed it again. He is a good guy. Actually, maybe he didn't tell me all that stuff but his little brother used to come over and report things to me - make sure I'm up on the basics. His name is Colt. Take care of him, too.

I think the Mexicans, that John told me the Mayor and Chief of Police supervised as the buses unloaded, didn't seem to be interrupted in the least. I fear these human beings working so hard for freedom trusted the wrong open border. I think the gang warfare down there is all CIA instigated and trained in geurilla warfare - that's the betrayal crap, real nasty. These people running for their lives ran right into the arms of the devil. Some of these immigrant prisoners in the camps were obviously bearded and tagged with a terrorist job. Some are in camps that may have had no legal help whatsoever and because we are so disinformationed its never reality. Im not sure where to point from there. The mayor of St. Ann [63074] just mocked death I think. I get this town. To own. LOL. They have a little photo ID making area at the Mexican store near the restaurant. I really didn't see them do bad horrendous things. The drugs transported w3ith them was from the police, not the immigrants. Yeah, I forgot about the Meth issue. That's all CIA too. Bushi is such a piece of bad, pure bad. A drug that will help the addicts destroy them selves. I'll be right back.