Thursday, October 23, 2008

hey didnt Russel Crowe die a long time ago,,, in real life making a movie,,

duribng the filming of a movie called The Crow,,  so see mock killings all the time,, how was chevy's visit to st ann airport?   hope all went as good as could be,,

Oberman said what,,  thats true huh,, and the hous fly spy cams spreading disease and poison,,  what about the memtal crap,,  christian slater was getting his mind read,,  or something in 'own worst enemy',,  yea i got that taken off didnt i?  my bad no offense,, great actor but they had me complaining and hating life and rejection to all,,, that kinda crap,,  see they can read my mind so i cant fuckin plan escape,, much less find the desire,, tricky gamers,,  i dont really desire much good,, its just default mood, you know,,

alwys puttin shitt in my person,, fucku,, hey id like to help if i can,, and oh merry masterfuckk i understand how u dont like people who want to help themselves in the way that you want them to,, the way that would benefit you much more than helping self which will inevitably became a total betrayal kind of self help anyway,,  just dig me deeep into evil fuckk glutches,,  anyway,, u are fucked,, naa,, its me thats totally fucked and i dont even want cant fathom being on the other side of the purefuckinhate track,, yea yea i hear that advice about being a better decent person but i refuse,, now that really sucks if i accidently nice to a good person,, that still means, thoughj, for u hate fuckin war mongers need to stay out,, as if since in my fuckin mind's eye and all,, is that what u call it tenet,,  or well maybe wells,, nah,, shit-for-brains just fits and works good,, whats up with documentaries,, its pitiful enough to publicly humiliate but to publicly mentally torture someone is the biggest of the pig trash,, huh swat fuckin fagboy,, or whatever ur fuckin head player is special schyool forces,, weee what fun game,, fucku fucker,, i want out less that i want to be let down and disappointed,, thjere no reason to expend the effort,, only the rage is the place to go before the fake path,,,  gotta love scumfuckks like u,, didnt i say its the cia presi trash that are the terrorist?   oh my gosh the middle east,,,  just the common knowlwdge fact that we, the scumsuckin USA leaders, had iran and iraq battling and destroying each other, you know better more covert type activities and friendship building is happening there too,, and lets not forget tina's specialty of betrayal,, fuckin scumm ,, so saudi is the rich oil kings and the poor in poverty huh,, thats it,, two classes,, just like 'the new' world,, nasty trash,,

Wow, what a crazed maniac i am,,,  the big picture looks incredible,,   but the journey for alice is unbelievably bad,,,  they are mental torturing me,,  remember its 'the new' WMD with ape warfare tactics,,  they become friends with the enemy,, i read cheney talking about troops become acceptedn and part of the neighborhood,,    like vietnam,,  but its only for betrayal purposes,, i know this sounds crazy,,  I'd say we are under a fairly friggin agressive state sponsored self attack.  the army and cia seem to know toxic levels of a few poisons,,   you wont believe this crap,,,   not only are they no.1 at surveillence devices known as bugs but here in friggin wonderland they control a few insects,,,  no kidding,,   these people are nuts,,  im not kiding,, i read about a clandestine camera could be in a device that secretly flys around at a very local level,,,  i read a little about spy satellites that we see views on tv,, large picture from the sky,, no they have a better view than that,,, im thinking they  can count the pores in our skin,,  but the device was a fly like a house or fruit fly,, they have given me the impression once a twice mybe more they were the knat in my face,,   but this fly flies around to resonate an element that will react with some other specific reactive compound,, maybe consumed for a specified targeted reaction to occur,, they use anything for a catalyst,,,  rules of war are a changing,,  but they cheat so bad they wont have anyone that will play with them,,

oh but hey it is the pretty people,, really appreciate that,, strong appreciation for beauty,,  red yang,, lol,, uhhh is that a marylin manson song,, i know he sings 'we're all stars now, in the dope show'   I LOVE THAT I LOVE THAT I LOVE THAT,, and lots miracles but let me tell you, don't be fooled,,  blonds are a better funner target maybe,,  thats kinda fun way to close that up,,  but torture is the number one reason,, youre all cool as hell,,  the people of the world,, i tip my hat and all of that,,

back to the warrantless wiretaping,, its oh so much more that and thats why i couldn't believe the human abuse allowed,, but thats the beauty of mental 'no touch' torture,,  but they have this face recognition software and they can make computer generated clones of anybody, doing anything,,   but, i think they made me really do alot of it myself,,  or so the perception,,   see thats even a chemical reaction,,  everything is double in this damn town,,   add a simple hot catalyst and get an explosion,,  my head hurts,,

you know what that made me do,,  corced or tricked or something,,  like they do to the guys on the internet,,  msnbc,, with chris the entrapper,,  i think they made me a pedophile once,, or maybe more,, who knows,,  blackmail is involved in mental torture alot,, they are lsd freaks,, lol,, ,,   they have mde me do so much bad,, coerced,, after years of strategic manipulation,, actually outside the box its hot hot hot hot,,  you are all the beautiful people,, let me tell ya,,, 

 I guess we are all on the same page,,,  sorry about freaking out all the time,,  you know what?     this is so shameful,,,  i flipped rage 10 hrs str8,, my goodness,, too many people aware of this,,  they are torturing me and manipulating me and i still dont have the timing down,, bump me into lotsa walls,,

did i write about that MK Ultra and the CIA guy in charge of the biowarfare effect of aerosol delivery of toxins,, he was setup for that work and was pushed out a window,,   by the most suspicious person in the world,, they really are nazis here,, im so bad at this game,, im not sure all the good stuff they may say to get help to me,, thjey are lying,, seriously,,   and its kinda funny they push the field alot for sportmanship type battle,, oh c'mon give me a break,, cant leave anything on the field,, everybody is really really cool,,,, lol,,   each person kind of a blessing,,,  thats a real empowering game piece,,  have a great day,,
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

oh yeah, guess what else i did and do?

hmmm lets see, for what else am i guilty?   war crimes, the game?  Abuse of the disabled, yeppers.  hey it happens. 

They call me Usama and we are family with Tina,,,   and were more than happy to help them with their state sponsored terrorism in September '01. 

Im the biggest proudest a gay bottom,,

i do crack,, err what,, the fbi does my crack is what i meant,, hey its legal,,  well here in crawword anyway,,  

lets see what else is good for you,,

dude you really should take me up on that public hanging offer i made 2 days ago,, think of the good for ur new business?  my wedding gift righjt back at you beautiful dream lovers,, romance just emminates with all ur comercial and fake news and rumors of wars and death and suffering,, i cant stop

i always bend over without question for jimmy dean at the fbi,,, my smart dream lover of my life,,, err,, tina's really,,

hey now wait a minuite,, tht fake news story about releasing 5 prisoners from quantanamo,, so does that mean not role play?    well it doesnt matter,, i demand the lynch,, dude ur business will sky rocket,, yep yep,,

several hours go by
too funny,, get this crap,, the blond thing,, i dont believe it though,, they think blondes are stupid,., isnt that funny as hell,, and all the biowarfare type weapons are used to destroy them,, funny,, hitler liked us,, plus you would be surprised at the blond intelligence level,, its through the roof quite honestly,, one of our secret philosophies and a part of our code of ethics, we dont allow stupid people membership,, in fact, we don't even recognize any,,   so youre still not flying ya fat penguin lovebirds,,    <wink> <wink> love devils that fuckk,, you look like the same guy though in all the saw flicks,, love at first sight on the silver screen,,  so much charm,, like on the toilet to wipe crusty with,,

[game on fags]


how completely disgusting,, i have so much self hate,,  i dont want any life back,, im pathetic to be so pathetic,, and thats real hard on someone not to forget the lifetime of betrayal,, hes a fuckin nazi,,  theyre lovers i just figured that out,,  well they spent much time trying to betray the truth,,  of course im embarassed,,   and dont think im too grandious about the president thing,,   they have been saying that for years along with king and some other crap,, wants me to think i need to get into the WH for retribution maybe,, or justice whatever,,   but you know that place is sabotaged just for me i bet,,  they have important agenda dont you know,,  and maybe my c yber lovepig to be my VP and continue to persuade me with brilliance into doing such activities on agenda as continueing and taking blame of all war crimes,, like tina wishes was happening to her right now,,  as a puppet on bullshits' lap,, this is just pathetic karla,, do u actually eat with that mouth,, err,, those hands?

oh heyheyhey btw,, my loyalty contract,,  if that is part of some mental restraining trash,,  nice touch again barfla,,   but ive cussed that fucker many a times and apologize probably less than half the times,, i would think that would be my withdraw from the repubunists party,,    

lets see,, why am i still getting poisoned?   if im free from gitmo for a month?  cause you ripped me off through my bank maybe?   i totally hate myself for allowing myself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  oh youve heard it before,, letting myself be so fooled but such waste,, but oh yeah,, they are in my mind,, well until they took he show off,, the smooth bitchh must be pregnent or something,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

funny,,  was thinking i dont know who or how many you are,, i just hate my mind so fuckin shreded to fuckin bits and pieces,, its all a fuckin lie,, itsw not made up fuckin bullshit in my head,, was that manchurian candidate movie to make me fearful of the WH,, well one thing made up for that,, but oh i dunno,, i guess im just trying to make sense of the madness,, plus im nuts,, i said that on the forms of a new doctors office yesterday,,  but u already fuckin knew all about it huh,, chant chant chant public hanging,, public hanging,, how about the perfect place under the lady's torch,, im a mental patient that needs to be put away forever?  is that right mentor xanadu,, well good thing i got it out early before real bad damage could have happen,,    why did the journalists all do something a few weeks to a month ago?  professor who?    nasty,,   that kind of doctor would not be permissible as a judge for mental stability for a victim in torture,, and whats dr phil,, a gym frikken teacher?   say what?     

Hey by the way, is all of this just diversion for the smart people?   lolol,, funny,, well  if im free, shoot that son of a bitchh,,   oh yeah,, sorry about any disrespect that may have to the president elect and the complete loser fake that i cant believe is still in there,, lolol,, just joking,,  but anyway,, i want to see about that kingdom thing,,  for liberty,,,,   we probably have enough judges and enforcers to just compust you,, its really even extraordinarily sad to think about u,, those are unkind words,, and they get rejected much earlier than 30 dayas at this game of the retarded hero,,


hmm you know what?  i think i was persuaded by a false trust,, nah i know better so i retract all guilty pleas,, unless stuck to the old dumbest one with a kinda blond hair,, see im nice too stupid,,, i gottaq stop ignorantly trusting,, i dunno,,  im still too green at the nazi game,, but the anchor b/s and all the identity theft or more politically correct, expressed as identity sharing thought my guilt reflected on the nasty dudes card instead but im more than sure he's rubber and i am glue,, so mi just withdrawel the entire false confession,,

why do u tell me to watch the news man,,   in the same hidden messages telling me russia is on my side,,    dude they just dont like you,,   i can vouch for you,,,  everybody hates your guts,, deception and lying and u wont take a no or rejection of your fake or pretnd truth as an accussation,, u just say lolol to funny 'we the people' are extra dumb today,, lemme sit on ur lap karla,, got a new skirt i need u to pop,, opps did i say that out loud?   lol,, its a lie anyway,, karla wears the skirts in the house,,,  i bet they got pics of that whore all over the house too,, naa,,

oh well in closing, this message has just been pretty much a waste of time,, i retract any confessions but no apologies for nonloyal words of rejection and hate,, plus the new president wouldnt have to live in the white house anyway,, oh wait in working on the kingdom,, i hope the effort will help me stash some of that hate somewhere,,,   they gonna hunt me down for toxic dumping but thats normal i think,,
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

oh yeah,,

I changed my mind,, no brothers thanks to pukeface,, no godfathers either,, definitely no uncle fuckin sams,, only the dumb fuckin wives,, im trying to divorce them but im in too much pain to do much game crap,, chest pain i dont know why,, brand new,, eyes and throat burns,, but maybe it will go away soon,, and definitely NO FUCKIN BRO,,

and snow dont forget,, how many snows did dipshitt have anyway?  oh william casey,,  ok is it my pick then?  il take lee,,  fucku scumbags,, to[sic bastard] funny huh,,

gekko is that the former nicaraguan oil tyrant?   so you say taloiban from where?  do it up big scumbag,, and no dipshitt not at all funny that the remote holders are the good guys,, thats the worst part of the bullshit to me,, shoot them i said,,
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thanks for the nice weather dr z,,,

Say what?  I say Osama you say no, you are Usama.  A shit suckin drug dealer huh,, right here in the same rat hole?  What the hell, how many devils all up inside me, anyway,, Did Osama say it was the USA that destroyed Saudi and Afghan?   And yeah, shithead, why do you always know what they are doing,,   After the NY tragedy, you took back over control huh?  Luckily you had that guy watching you shake that behind and was able to boss as temp,,  anyway,, this is not as fun as i would hope,,

Next clue:
Paula was in chat last night saying 'I'll catch you snow'.  I said, "Oh yeah, where am i at dumb?"  She said, "You are in Georgia at the busiest port."   I can only imagine the importance of all these special ports of call is for the illegal distribution of drugs, people and kids.  So I guess that makes me guilty of pedophilia, drug distibution, and human expoitation and abuse since im actually all the fuckin scum of the world,, no wonder,,  skank karla are u in me too?  For god's sake, no wonder the bad mouth.  I guess I've also been guilty of tortiure since i sent my troops into iraq for selfish reasons and had my other armies, the taliban and al qaeda kill them,, it was a matter of how controling prisoners, not necessarily interrogation techniques, so yes i took lives to be the torture monger,, karla said it was ok,,

So anyway, that was stupid.  You jealous and envious of my stupidity?  Yeah I know, me too.  So, I tried to get divorced but am i a bigamist?  No way?  get the fuckk outta here,, with the worlds worst whores in the world,, guess i am a pimp huh,, funny,, thats nasty nasty as hell,, i guess after i dump these scummy whores,,   OH THE MANSON FAMILY,,  now i get it,, fuckin idiots,, u write this crap karla?i dump all u fuckin whores, dont come back,,  eat off fatass if u need food,, i have nothing for you,, so u scumfuckks got this on contract huh?  so what is my name Usama huh,, Tenet?  i guess u are not even real huh,, like a wolf or dert maybe?
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Monday, October 20, 2008

Sally six pack is what i prefer,,, if u dont mind,,

And yes, please any blood brothers available and god fathers are great,,, its on the house, for all,, [hey its free immunity if u can connect the cartoon dots] lol,, just kidding,, its free for all,,  no dots required,,    oh well so anyway,, 5 days is cool,, public hanging is the kinda coolest sounding one,, me and saddie,, saw a pic with u on bottom for him too,, saddam if hats spelled right,, see you guys have that jealousy and envy crap that so unattractive with all you sx pix,, lucky virgin here,, fag,, uhh just wanted to mention those two things is all really,, and btw, sorry they make me cuss so much,, i dont really know what else is important,, but i dont hate you Mr. President i hope things work out for u,, ur advisors are nasty specimens though,, wtf is dersowtz and wolfowitz in the same body by any chance?  just curios is all,, but jeez u phreaks tore it the f*ck up, huh,,
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oh ok,,

I did it,, whatever you say,, fuckin scumbag,, like i ever had a chance,,  what do yall have most believable evidence,, i did it,, im guilty,, whatever the fuckk u want,, lets do that fuckin death penalty crap big dumbest fuckk,, no funny,, and oh hell yeah,, i really am that fuckin stupid,, but i will only admit guilt if u can kill me scumbag before these fuckin scumbags torture me more,, fine im guilty,, at whatever u want dumbfuckk,, fucku fucku fucku,,

is this ok?

[nice touch kunt?]
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yeah yeah so friggin what,,

so youre genius,, and smart,, but i agree even though it toiok awhile,, i am not borm for love most definitely not fuckin marriage,, in fact, i agree with the CIA scum that have sabotaged my social life my entire life,, but i guess it has taken yearas of fuckin bashin by trash scumbags like u to finally realize and accept the troubling truth,, there is that good enough fuckin scumbucket fuckin shit face,, pure hate hate
pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate 0pure fuckin hate pure uckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hater pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate pure fuckin hate,,, what the fuckk have u fuckin death shit suckin scumbags done to me,, oh wait its my fault,, blame the retarded disabled victim bashed fag that thinks hes jesus,, since every problem in the world is surely my fault abd i will regret never fuckin knowing the truth,, u fuckks just bash me anyway,, fucku,, please go to hell,, and fuckk the nonexistant good stuff,, that i always hoped,, but no fuckin way,, die scumfuckinbags,, im not interested in ur fuckin bashing and never fuckin ever u friendship,., fucku.. fucku,., die,,
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so what the hell is wrong with the supreme court?

Is this something they know?   or just accused?    wtf?   be ready huh?  you are completely insane,,,  i need weed for that armageddon bullshitt,,, plus look at my pathetic training,, and sailor mouth or cancer,, im hardly up for any battle much less satan when he wont friggin leave,,

IM NOT FUCKIN INTERESTED,,  the word :LOVE is thine most fuckin hated,, in fact i flipped out and refused when someone from my family tried to tell me that after relentless hate,, u get what u fuckin give,,, too late to change now dumbfuckk,, youre stuckk on the forebver hate side as far as im concerned,, who is 'youre stuck'?   a better question to ask is who's not on the hate team,, fucku,, scum,, im not battling ur fuckin man maqde hell wars,, i said 5to fuckin shoot them years ago,, may have even sved some fuckin sanity for me,, i need weed,, fucku,, totally alwaqys go to hello,, il sue the fuckk out of reality tv trash and torture fuckin scumbgs,, take them to court huh dicjkess scum,,  all this for my ubngrateful soul,, oh well what the fuckk did u expect?  flowers dipshittz,, fucku,, you got the wrong fool fuckheads,, but yes very much fool,, and i fuckin hate u for it,, you who?   all u fuckin scumbags,, stop makin g fuckin movies for me,, they are not appreciated,, in fact, none of it is,, even the truth i dont give a fuckk about anymore,, IM NOT JESUS YOU ASSFUCKKS,, DONT PUT ME IN THE PIT WITH THAT CHEATING FUCKI TEAM OF PRETEND FUCKIN DEVILS,, CMON THOSE REPUBLICANS GOOFS?  YOU GOYYA BE OUT OF UR FUCKIN MIND,, so much waste,, oh btw, judge and jury,, made some charges on insufficient funds,,, yea yea scum fuckks jesus gets the gas chamber for that,, not a game or movie or fun,, fucku fucku fucku fucku,, if i wouldve known the truth, mybe fun,, but never fucker,,u are a ll torture criminals,, ill just die in the pit on purpose,, just cause my training is pisspoor,, genius,,   nasty nasty
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I cant read minds or tell the future you know,,

hell i cant even fuckin read a book,,  but fr5om knowing how the WH and cia scumfuckks do business,, i will be willing to predict that while VP Cheney, the most guilty of war crimes, is gobbaq be victim of mock killing,,  just a guess,, but surely he will vanish if he is gonna getthe chair,, then the disabled torured fag can be blamed,,  sounds ingenius to me how about u wilber fucknett,, fucku,, i will not be there which u will know from my vision u fu ckin scumfuckks,, nor do i, by law, have any fuckin loser friends,, only the ultimate in loser bashers,, where do u get these fuckin idiots,, fucku,, i dont want thjat job,, i dont get retributrion i guess,, so i guess u continue on being the worlds biggest fuckin gimps like you have always done,., frankly i dont think im able to handle that love shitt,, in fact, if i ever get close to any of thee fuckin dumbfuckks it will nhever happen,, PUREFUCKINHATE FOREVER,, fucku,, nop thanks,, hate me to death,, have at hockey scumfuckks,, fuckin losers,, no way nevewr,, id rather b tortured that be there or get love,, NEVER NEVWER fucku,,, fucku,, fucku,, keep me on this side dfumbfkks,, you are not welcome here,, NEVER EVER FUCKIN EVER,, fucku,, genius pusssy,, eww
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

is it still game big fag,,

Id stay try the supreme court for war crimes, as well,, at the united nations, unless of course macarthur and popi sabotaged that as well,,

Game?  u fuckin pathetic idiot,,
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oh yah,, ur bugs,, ya trash,,

ur faiy fruit flies,, fucku queen of cruel,, and i already have an alibi for tomorrow so dont try to frame me for something shit fuckin face,,  but your flies are spreading that stink all over me and environment,, alanine or aniline whatever,, its the poison protein i guess that stickks,, like ur whole fuckin nazi club,, dipshitt named the worst of the worst in fact,, fuckin pusssy trash,, frucku fucku fucku and u shitsucking families,,
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you are NOT my family,,

dippest of fuckin shittheads,,   just because you can change dna and apparently fuckin bloodlines,, you can take someone rights away even if they were family dumbest fuckk,, same with s & m crap,, that was short for a sceen name,, a seed some nasty fuckk called me one day and it stuck,, fucku ur whole fuckin game,, your whole fuckin team,,,  no ive never been to springfield in any state,, especially where they offer up the fuckin kids for religion,, thats trashy mother fucker there,, dude  it aint gonna fly,, ill hng you fuckin idiot trash son of a bitchh,, you are worthless, yes ur entire fuckin team,, let me RIP u fuckin pusssy torture fuckks,, go2hell,, trash,, complete,, purefuckinhate,, forever pusssies,, this aint no game,,
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i know u scumbags control the flies,,,

Remote control maybe,, fuckin fruit flies dive bombing me,, spreading friggin karla disease everywhere,,,  is that the outside eye from which u see me fuckhead,,  oh yeah, dumbest shitt,, if choicepoint makes up my dossier including future of my lifetime, im innocent of the future crimes dipshitt,, until actually committing the crime,, and i dont believe in past or future lives either,, i should hardly have to pay their sentence,, oh yeah that weed thing,, do as i say not as i do,,  well wont it helop me with my wish,, you fuckin seriel killer trash clan of fuckin scumbags,, i hope u all fry,,  its not gonna happen with the justice of the peace legal system huh,, oh yeah,, not free love u fuckin pukefuckks,,

so coward doodoo,, who am i gonna trust?   well when can i start my next life?   twins?  sure i get it,, dumbfuckk has twin daughters maybe,, blonds even,, so what,, they obviously dont have the same criminal rcords,, plus i really doubt that disfunctional family has anything that attractive,, the whole fuckin family got the fuckk beat out of them by the ugly stick so i dont believe he has two femle twin daughters,, but maybe,, so what,, big deal,, ur still a complete fuckin idiot,, nah,, we know u gotta be smart for cia,, is dishonest serial a requirement as well,,  fag WE ARE NOT AT WAR,, 

dont we have a military base in turkey near the iraq border,,  Is that u dad, a suni?   what about iran,, we were actually on great terms with them weren't we,, then all of a sudden they hate america huh?  those ur actresses too scumbag?  thats not jealosy or envy hate genius.  you betrayed them just a guess though,, fuckk the WH i retired u fuckin infection asss,,  and what about kosovo?  are those three countries all lands from where the insurents came,, youre the boss there too,, so u are using your insugence troops to decrease the usa military population i bet,, no real bad feelings to the soldiers huh,, that fight with their lives for our freedoms,, 1st amendment is an example,, so there is a direct correllation with our rights that you are taking away with our military u are taking away,, just like veitnam right dumbass..  just admit it,, oh yea i saw a pic with u and osama and we would never work out,, both bottoms,, u fuckin scabtrash,,  SO DUDE WE ARE NOT AT WAR,, you should lose your national security pvileges since you are so completely corruput,, and thats not an unfair judgement,, i wanted to like u fucktard,, just like everybody else,, i mean come on you cheated into two terms for us, of course we all wanted to like u,, too late tho,,

so who has the tattoo,, and why important,, dont destroy the evidence shitgheadd,,

i dont even know what any of that crap means,, they have me possessed and use me as tool,, they are asses,, WE ARE NOT AT WAR,, not the kind we would like to think follows the rules,, u pusssy,
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my bad, Oreilly or however you spell your name,,

hmmm  I don't really believe you were talking to me with all that negative emotion because it would be wasted since you have no reason to even be talking to me, much less in a crying rage.  Plus, idiot you didn't say, "Mother may i"?  The mental ward from the suicidal attempt told me 'NO FRIGGIN MIND READING'.  I, until the day i die, will only believe, uhh, pretty much nothing.  Especially fuckin justice.  Some fuckin country ?  Dude, wtf you talking about France?  See shit-for-brains-club my birth certificate doesn't say France, nor is my name Jesus, or Poseidon/Aquaman.  Seth, do you write this crap or what?

If it didn't work the first, second, third, or forth time, I'm not likely to do much.  Oh yeah, 5 is magic.  my bad, but I know how you fuckers think and my long delay for the 5th attempt disqualifies me from the truth faithful 5 and the 6th attempt is then accumulated.  I already know scumbags, I can't win which frankly is of no desire.  I never even wanted to play your shitsuckking sewage game. 

Coward huh,, ok let's see.  what kind of things bring me fear?  Don't believe for a minute scumbags that rage and fear and the same thing, but yes you are correct, "They are both four letter words" but that doesn't make the synonymous [same meaning].  Thesuarus, wtf.,  Stink sure?  Just extra special stench for you.  Its the only way to tolerate such mental abuse.  Plus, your stench is worse anyway.  Who is 'your'?  NO FRIGGIN CLUE.  You know i dont even want to know.   You idiot mortals are on your own, i want to be nailed back on the cross.  GO2HELL,, you will always be scum.  Hurry up huh?  to do what?  Oh yeah, my coward crap.  uhhhh  i dunno,, the future looks bleak as hell.  YOURE RIGHT YOU WIN,,  Oh so its not the Nazis huh.  Its the socialists maybe.  Is that the way we play opposite day with Russian masters?  Hey I never had anything against them, sure coward if easier to understand.  And I didn't want to place blame there since CIA Director W can't control his army from torture, you know the fag ain't gonna help me against them .  I'm not fuckin president, FUCKU, FUCKU,, FUCKU,, i want the fuckin truth,, FUCKU,, FUCKU FUCKU,, I WANT THE TRUTH OR DEATH NOW,, fucku trash,,

nice enough fuckhead?

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This is a friggin joke,,,

war of the wussies,,,  you guys are total fuckin punk loser trash,,,   both sides,,   a long time ago i thought it was my pussy fuckin neighbors on each side, but using me to bash the fuckin sense out of,, the mexicans on one side smuggling people and drugs,, and the kkk on the other side selling drugs,,  either way it was bnever ever fuckin available to me,, except more fuckin bashing,,, bang bang bang huh aidstrash thrushi fag,,

And now what do i see, its again complete fuckin deceit from both sides the nazis and the kkk again,,  i want to be on the justice side,, get these fuckin cancers out of my body and life,,,,,,,, 



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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Transperency trash dude,,,

Im an open book 'shit-for-brains' just so no one can get confused and believe your complete bullshitt,,  But its understandable since really, that's all you got,,  POISON FUCKERS,, didnt a judge say not to destroy the evidence big super fag,,  fucku fucku fucku,,  oh great my dad is a plumber is that what the big secret is from nixon era?  well i got a another secret fuckheads, that ain't my fuckin dad,,  shoot the mother fucker,,  blackwater huh,,,  aids hitman makes sense now,, thats ur family dumbest fuckk,, not mine,,  have a misrable life,, poison trash,,  

and see, fucku,, im not my own worst enemy dumbfuckk,,, but thats your role to blame the victim,,  stay out of my pathetic bank account pusssy,, dude you and your plumkers stay bad ok,, dont forget,, u fuckin trash,,  dont use your pathetic reasoning skills to make this torture fuckin hell into some b/s help that i needed or benefitted from,,  trash,,, ya CIA buttfuckk scumbags,, id bet a million the retarded one that made me an enemy a long time ago is still my biggest enemy,,  WE ARE NOT ONE SCUMBAG FAG,, ur not my enemy but you can make me yours if you dont mind,, dumbest,, nice show, btw,, funny as the idiot,, stay out of the sewars too, shitface,,
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Another wonderful chance to screw up so bad,, huh,,

Fucku people,,  didnt you say on TV I was being tortured fag?  yes you did,, wtf were these idiots talking about 5?  oh amendment 5 keep my mouth shut huh,,  well remember fuckers i reaqlly am that stupid,, completely,,  plus fucktards bipolar meds dont work for torture,, remember i told u guys they fried me beyond that crap,,  well the psych drs took me off antidepressants since they were likely increasing my rage during torture,, I think they were right, dont you dr presiedent fuckk,,  so anyway, i know longer feel the symtoms of bipolar since the mental torture takes all precedence,,  whats th3e way to treat that shitt,,  not trying to calm me with fuckheads like u asking to suckk my dickk,, Sex is a necessity i agree but you fuckkheads use it as my number 2 need behind the number 1 need of love to prevent from me, at all costs,,,  anyway,, fucku fucku fucku,,  this is real fuzzy area punk that you would say can best be treated with rat poison laced weed huh,, tada,, fucku scumbags,,  anyway, whats the big test fuckface,, i promise i am not going to pass it,, plus u fucktards were wanting or implying i run for president,, they made a movie about that huh?   well fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, anyway i dont have any secrets the fuckin scumbags can see and hear what i see and hear and know that I dont,, maybe only stuff that could incriminate them but everybody in the coutry has those same secrets fuckhead,, and they are lies huh,, fucku,, rat poison master fuckk,, the rat poison is just a guess and its not mind reading,,  fucku fucku fucku,, whats the best way to care for a mentally tortured person?  too fuzzy to ever know huh pusssy,,, there can be no real judges or lawyers exposed to this atrocity, not with ethics anyway,, so lets look at FISA court then,,  so, what ae these justice of the peace judges?  they all look 12yo,,  no child labor laws here in fisa land of most fucked,,,, fucku trashdump fuckers,, this is not a test of wills or training,, its fuckhead knowing he has to go to the chair is what it is,,,  u should try to make me happier fuckhead,, why dont u have control of ur people fuckface?
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so dude,, what did u say about my mom,, you gimp,,

You said she was messed up or some crap,, see you are horrible to the people that do work for you?   She still passes hate at me fuckhead,,  dude youre an ass,, is that true about your military too?  that they get court marshaled, dishonored, and sentenced for committing what your immune fuckks say is not torture?   why not give them immunity or better yet, allow them to work within the laws of war,,  dude,, all these people torturing me?   are they gonna get immunity? 

Dude, why would you even navigte me to the Thomas database of Congress.  You made me ineligible for anything there huh,  i get only the cartoon laws,, i have a hard time believing and actual judges or congress people ever see this blog,,  Someone told me to resign so I email the house speaker and said I resign f4om whatever delusional position i hold. 

So now what?   just more waiting?
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im the best i could ever be from this life,,,

Its not a fuckin joke,,  Guess what?  I never used cuss words before all this secret insane torture was recognized, then it came out like a vengeance.  Same thing, before this crap I was a regular and consistant church goer.  Wednesdays and Sundays for family church group for worship and pray.  [dude youre a puss and i hate u] 

But no seriously, i wasn't like i described above for i have that spitual thing and I did cuss, not like a sailor but didn't have to be mad to say 'son of a bitch.'  So whats the problem with weed?  I mean come on.  That's your number one cash crop, isn't it?  I guess you guys don't pay taxes on that shitt either,, sweeet..  no wonder you worked there,, in fact, its a good 2nd job to always have, I bet?   so fuckin corrupt,,,  this is where ur pal nixon would erase those tapes, huh dodo bird?   Is that your character in alice in wonderland?   whos the rabbit?   no not really interested yet, to know,, 

So i read online about an experiment with marijuana being used for medicinal purposes in the psychiatric arena.  It proved to be effective to alter and improve mood during the 'high' but there is an inevitable mood lowering effect, after the high, that they mentioned could be a contributer to depression, but not necessarily a cause.   That's just the coming down part of all mood altering substances, I'd say.  I bet it would be good for treating forced slavery and relentless hate conditions with absolutely no retribution. And my doctors have removed all antidepressants which some bad things are writin about them i think but also, it was concerned that they contributed to my inner rage.  I'm glad doctors are smart.  Weed may have been the best way to treat the condition.  [think outside the box sewage trash]  Almost all Afrian Americans that I know smoke weed.  Plus the medical community has been doing me wrong for awhile now.  Well, what if I don't trust them since there's a secret hate law to be enforced about me?  Not fuzzy, I know.  Not livable, you know?  So anyway, it was Bill W. at aero security that started me smoking weed again before I finished my undergrad and you fuckks knew i need it even with rat poison with my last money.  No one else would do that to me except the fuckers that had me selling your shitt weed at Logan Chiropractic.  What message was I suppose to take from that fag bashing experience?  Anyway, tina, weed is my beswt option for my disorder, which you fuckin scumbags create.  So what did you do at CIA, sabotage crap i'd assume?

Oh now i get one of the bots regular lines.  these are supposed to be clues, and as pitiful as it sounds that was the best way to communicate to me for them to persuade my attention, anyway.  Not only that, they wanted me to spend hours in front of a CRT monitor but not sure why other than the theta waves that are transmitted which induce a hypnotic effect or so i was to believe.  Probably gives cancer or something.  But even some online classes that i was taking from a local campus seemed to be a persuasive factor since the grades on three classes increased one or two letter grades for each class.  The professor said it was a glitch then CIA mindfuckk was dancing around chat in a gitch skirt to let me know they had something to do with improving my grades from online classes and they had the power to cheat.  the trash.  Oh well, that was just to persuade me to like online classes.  Well they mentally beat me so bad that I flunked from four schools.  I know it sounds unbelievable, gosh i wish it wasn't true.  That includes poisoning as well.  FUCKERS MAKE ME SICK.  NEED TO GO LAY DOWN NOW.
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why do you harass and vandalize my mind?

cause you can huh,,  cmon guys he said its ok,,  what was it you thought i wished for dodo bird?  Hey I never hated you, remember i thought u were charming when thrushi was making me watch Fahrenheit 9.11.  Why do you want me to hate you?  Better victim for fight or die game huh.  Dude, I'm not playing your game.  I really on't know what you did as i posted earlier.  I put a couple or your trillions of riddles together but they are just riddles.  There are no facts.  Everything in wonderland is fake, well except the poisoned weed and ripping of bank account.  Amnesty International is supposed to help people like me from people that do the kind of work you do, stealing my conscience along with all my God given rights. 

Why want me to hate you?  Then you want me to need you?  Dude, I'm telling you, I don't know any secrets and you know that since you see what i see, and probably hear what I hear.  But I assure you that I don't know any secrets especially of National Security.  That's just an attempt to justify illegal torture.  Dude, I don't know anything, can't you tell.  I know I need to smoke weed like crazy, you are driving me nuts.  I guess you have control of the Olfactory too since they have increased sensativity to smells.  Dude, I don't know you, I don't care to get to know you, and i wish i could ignore you better.

Stop with the teeth pain asswipe.  You made the assumption in chat that its weed and not your remote making teeth hurt.  Liar.  Everything about this and you is a complete lie, mr cia.  So I'm at the mercy of any kindness in your being huh?  You hate me.  Call me the enemy and have sabotged every aspect of my life.  Why?  I can't even fight back since I can't see you plus you have me restrained by worldwide hate and cruelty.  See, you don't really sound like that cool of a person after all.  Bet you probably were at one time, but I do NOT know this for sure.

Is this something you had writen up to come back and bite me in the ass later?  I didn't really read the book after many weeks checked out.  I'm returning it right away.
Medication Madness by Peter Breggin MD
Page 17
Perpetrator Profile
1) Denies or minimizes the damage they are doing to others.
2) Rationalizes the harm they are doing.
3) Tends to blame the victim.
4) Suppresses their own feelings of empathy.
5) Tends to dehumanize victims.
6) Feels empowered by gaining a sense of potency from injuring and controlling others.
7) Seeks to win conflics through exercising authority, power, and domination.
8) Tends to become gradiose and self centered.
9) Becomes alienated from their genuine basic needs, especially those related to love.


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Friday, October 17, 2008

dude you are a complete lying ass,,

Other countries don't hate the US because of the stupid crap you say.  People used to love America, wanted to gain citizenship.  We were an admired super power promoting freedom and liberty.  Other countries never hated the USA due to the jealousy and envy for which you speak.  And the terrorists, that "can't stand our freedom", dude.  It wasn't your freedom I couldn't stand tina.  It was the fact that such idiots like you and your club have been able to got_knocked_the_fuckout to me.  Looking at you is pathetic.  That's why other countries hate the USA dude.  Because you are a bully and a pusssy in the same body.  they hate that not envious you fuckin gimp.  and that would take a dumbass like you to think that way too, stupid fuckk,,  all you nasty fuckers,,.  what about your advisors, and hair color?  As if pusssy that makes a real difference.  or well, karla huh. 

So i cant get a picture off my phone to post here for the softball jaw.  
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dude please leave the throbbing tooth pain alone,,

and that smell,, you're still fumigating me fuckers,, the tooth pain you dipshitt is an easy 10.  what do you want from fight or die?  sorry i never grasped the game cover,, i guess due to all complete abuse and torture.  Dude you already have the laws changed and it doesn't qualify.  I knew you were the real god,,  and you did what idiot fuckk,, sealed an innocent persons crimes/record behind some 75 year top secret cartoon bullshit law.  You go, Naziman.  You know, I really was a half way decent person at one time.  And, believe me, there's absolutely no way i'm involved with this as a test of wills or conscious because you stole it before anyone could help and sealed away.  Dude, you run the fuckin terrorists  clubs and you know im not involved.  And, the military enlistment doesn't fly either with that mental disability and dont ask dont tell since you fuckkbags outted and exploited me.  Dude everything about your game is fucked dude, especially me.  Stop with the fuckin toothache you fuckin pitiful bully.  Hardly, a criminal offense except with the poison and theft of everything.  So dipshitt, since your life time of harassing has caused my neurosis you think it shouldn't qualify as disabled huh,, well fucker you shouldnt be infecting the 'we the people' with all the crap you do,, this is a waste,, im bored with tou,, when u gonna lynch me pussy?  did u pee a little?  Oh yeah, you guys control that too,, my incontinence,, what an ass,,, thats nervous system experiment but so is bipolar and my frickin vision,, how do u smell my smells?  u fartin in my face coolio scab?  are they toxic to you scumbags on your side of the proton transfer or just the dumb fag in the fumigation house,, u are sick,, i dont know what to do,, ever,, thats because i dont know what is going on,,,, for so fuckin long,,   hoax,, fuckin puke,, 

oh yeah, James Baker was the secretary of state ,.,,.,  fuckk that complete fuckin dipshitt too,,,  WAR OF THE WORLD huh nazi fag,,,  im still suing the fuckk out of you,, your cool laws huh,,  it still torture,, ill recognize the ones congress passed before the republican regime started cartooning,,  reagan,, err ford,, dude i dont want to do more work,, but thats how u keep slaves busy by building pyramids,,  Are there real laws from non-nazi congress and can i get real law and juries,, double jeopardy huih,,,  eat my fuckin shit pusssy,, this is no trial,, its your cartoon fuckin bullshitt pretend,, let me have a lawyer trash sewage,,, you and anyone on your nazi team are pathetic,,  now i get the blood thing,, tap tap tap, ,,  youre completely queer huh,, pussy boy,,  its not a joke and it was never funny,, it really is an authortarian attempt,, take me out of top secret barfbag,, i told u once its never gonna be better,,,  especially if a fuckin hoax,,  gotcha?   astronaut and president are not likely,, jail probably,,, what the hell is wrong with the court?   I never thought yahoo chat was real,, how could u allow someone being tortured to speak to real people outside?  you couldnt,, dude,, worse and worse everyday,, i would post my face pic with my jaw swollen like a softball,,,  thats kinda old skool torture from the look at my face,,  but 'the new' ape warfare crap too by not allowing medical care,,  i know its u scumbag,,, and caused an abcess,,  lots of people get them,, u do this shit to me often,, 4th time huh spew dude,, so anyway,, im not looking around for an exit,, ill know mission accomplished when company comes over when you cannot see what i see,,,  then i will be free,...  not dumbfuckin trash shitt like fox news freeing some bird to fly away,,  i knew i wasnt free then but I did know the scumbags were mocking the fuckk out of the retarded fag,,  pussy its light brown u asshole,, H G WELLS,,, George Or Well maybe karla,,, I KNOW WHAT U DID FUCKER,, let me go,,, 
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!st Amendment, Executive Orders, Warren Commission, The Terrorists

The Constitution of the United States
Amendment I

The Law of Speech and the First Amendment by Margaret C. Jasper
[most typed word for word from the book unless in this color]
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of people peacably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

'freedom of expression' is an umbrella term that includes, at minimum, the fredom of the press and freedom of speech.

Hate speech is not an infringement on the first Amendment.
[they are gangbanging asses that's for sure.  I've never really screenprinted much of the hate because it would let them know what bothers me and just give them more ammunition for future attacks.]

Arts and Entertainment
Sexual expression in the arts and entertainment fields has always been a target... Proponents of censorship argue that violence and immortality among the nation's youth correlates with the images through media which children are exposed.
[for the watch list at minimum i'm sure.  Well aren't you scumbags the ones promoting and exploiting the sexual expression?  How can it be my fault?  I'm just staying as transparent as possible with nothing to hide.  Plus you asses have blackmail as one of your primary thought processes.  There may have been times when I felt as if certain erotic type profiles were fun to make but they never carried the implication of disease spreading or anything criminal like prostitution or even sodomy.  Man, that dude is like, 'Do as i say, not as i do!'.  I'm just glad he's not talking to me.]

Neutral As Applied
Any law created to restrict 'expression' must be neutral on its face and as applied.  This means there can be no executive discretion.  Any such law will generally be struck down because it is likely to result in content-based discrimination. 

Right of Assembly
The right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes but may prohibit groups that engage in or promote illegal activities. 
[i'm not allowed any legal advice or consultation with a lawyer, judge or court.  The ACLU is a complete joke as I've contactd them two times by phone but never speaking to an actual person. They mailed me a complaint form that stated a 12-week waiting period then I came upon some information about the organization being a Republican non-profit. I've grown to expect that a Republican affiliated with a charity is very likely a fraud or cover.]

Right to Petition the Government
The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances guarantees people the right to request the relief from the government to correct some type of wrong or injustice.  This may include taking formal legal action.  This constitutional guarantee goes hand in hand with the right of assembly to allow people to join together to seek change from the federal government. 
[i'm NOT allowed any help ever.]

National Security Matters
The Supreme Court has recognized a limited right of the government to keep national security matter secret.  Historically, the government has attempted to use 'national security' to shield itself from criticism.  However, the Court has never upheld an injunction against speech for national security reasons.
[they give me books to read and tell me to post the crap as if its my way to freedom - GOOD GOD IM FUCKIN INNOCENT - every single minute is unbearable. Plus I'm not military but I'm under the impression I was enlisted by the VP that has the powers to do that.  I wonder if the VP gained those powers when the entire military was restructured during his service as Secretary of Defense. I have no top secret anything.  the world knows I'm a virgin for god's sake.]

Seditious Speech
Opposing the government through speech has been subject to punishment throughout much of American history under laws proscribing seditious utterances.  The validity of these laws were continually attacked on First Amendment grounds.
[I have never been against the government, they have been able to help me sometimes with my mental disorder.]

DUDE GET OFF MY TOOTH!!!  Why are you hurting me?  I would never do that to you.  It hurts so bad.  There's still no relief in sight. 
Amendment 14
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.  No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
[I am in no way even close to being French or foreign or anything other than a natural born US Citizen]
Executive Orders (EO)
Executive orders are laws that the president is constitutionally permitted to write without the approval of any other agency.  These laws have the same weight as those passed by Congress and are usually used to direct federal agencies and officials in their execution of the currently established congressional laws.  However, in many instances they have been used to guide agencies in directions contrary to congressional intent. 
[opposite-day, criminal misuse of an established law, which includes rewriting laws and avoid loopholes]

types of EO
Proclamation - EO that is generally ceremonial or symbolic
Presidential Decision Directives - EO "National Security" abuse and defense secrecy.

Section 3 Article II of the US Constitution: further directs the President to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully enforced."
[soldiers were found guilty, dishonored, and sentenced for the criminal use of opposite-day interpretations that the President took care to be faithfully enforced]

[i've been mentally tortured beyond insanity.  They force me to get back on my feet again just to drop trip or knock me back.  Who's 'they'?  A better question would be, who's not 'they'?  Nancy's crabs were at least attractive and liked to make me laugh.  This is still stupid.  You persuade me to read and post shit messages so that they destroy myself.  Is that you dad?  But anyway, they is everyone, including but not limited to television pervs, radio, schools, text and leisure books (its huge - they are asses). No radio for years, now.  The relentless hate commands a reaction from me, that can only be described as pure rage.  The mental restraint includes full blocking of any and all emotional outlets, imaginable.  These reactions consisted mostly of typing rage and some crying back at them because there's no room here for the crap of many.  Capacity full.  That plea for mercy has always been disregarded or meant nothing.  I never did get a crime charged against me so I was one of the worst treated and best transparency huh?  Doc, where the hell are you?  Is that shit laced with rat poison?  Dude i'm not in a situation to learn your morals and  ethics.  Can I get a new non-'serial' type of mentor, please?  And no dude, its not you.  No mentor is atcually the preference.  Dude, get off my jaw.  What am i expected to do?  Nothing, huh.  Just rage-on, dude?  Anywhere I go, the people get prepared for my arrival with hate darts and arrows.  They want me to accept and agree to the paranoia they create to discredit myself but mostly so they don't have to fake remorse.  Sometimes my reaction would last for days, nonstop for sleep even.  I'm guessing they encouared my diagnosis of ADD so that I could get a script for Adderall to help me work while suffering in the pitiful 'fight-or-die' game, plus a prescription to a schedule II narcotic that the DEA can exploit.  Well, the monkey scum team that call me the enemy taught me how to crunch the time released version so I request only the multiple daily doses.  And finally, it lends itself to more erratic behavior with the rage and hate fun.  When the TV change to HDTV happens next year, the technology will permit a reverse traveling video stream away from people's homes via the remote control sensor. [just a guess]   I've been the pilot program for such a change for many years.  Plus they stole my identity and create multiple crimes in my name which is also a guess but it must be true since I know I'm innocent of any heinous-type crimes for torture retribution]

Whitewash VI The JFK Assassination
by Harold Weisburg, legal analysis by Jim Lesar

Warren Commission

Explanatory Note -
The majority Party always controls all political instrumentalities of government.  When Lyndon Johnson appointed the seven members of the Warren Commission on November 30, 1965 (EO 11130), he selected five Republicans: US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, Senator John Sherman Cooper, former CIA Director Allen W. Dulles, Republican House Leader of Represenatives Gerald R. Ford, and  Banker and retired government John J McCloy.  There were two southern Deocrats but non JFK followers: Senator Richard B. Russell and Congressman Hale Boggs. 

[This appears and proves to be a pretty corrupt bunch of guys with peculiar actions and much secrecy].  

A conspiracy is more than one persons combining forces to commit a crime.  The Warren Commission had already decided in advance of investigations that the JFK assassination was not a conspiracy crime, unfortunately much of the evidence didn't support the 'lone red gunman' (Oswald) theory either.  Most of the evidence had to be suppressed because it did, in fact, support conspiracy allegations.  As unbelieveable as it sounds, The Freedom of Information Act was the tool used for this criminal opposite-day interpretation, which is the exact way it works today, right now.  It seems anyone has free access to an abundance of information for other people's personal and computer generated implied lives [things they are prdicted to do]  That is/was not the intended purpose of the law.  It was designed to ensure a government doesn't transform into authoritarian which permits itself to keep secrets and exploit 'watch-list' people and goods and services beyond all laws.  Public humiliation, huh, Superman?  But, I'm not narcissistic.  The terrorists guerrilla warfare is the CIA.  Apparently, they are my family or were.  That's like what I imagined Blackwater to be - our dirty police.  This will just never end.  Dude, it was NEVER my real wish, anything that you would know about.  And, I'm not a fan, especially yours.  No offense.  How did you plant that seed, mr. horticulturalist.  The CIA, lead by the president would be my guess at naming the terrorists.  My entire friggin life is trash.  Forever and always the bummer of a century.  You get wishes like confessions, the God.  This just gets worse and worse everyday.  Shucks, every minute is more accurate.

Whitewash VI The JFK Assassination
by Harold Weisburg, legal analysis by Jim Lesar [copied word for word below]

We are all victims of the executioners of John F. Kennedy.  Surely the assassination of a president should be freely and openly discussed, with no information withheld except where the law requires it.  Yet facts about this assassination are kept secret, and in violation of what Congress intended the Freedom of Information Law to mean.  The executive branch has failed to faithfully execute the law which Congress passed.

Such fraudulent conduct is distressingly common in the executive branch.  It seriously undermines the independence and integrity of the judiciary.  Judges are at the mercy of government lawyers whose false representations they accept.  They will continue to be unless they make examples of some.  If they do not, courts will be helpless to prevent these abuses.  The result will be the corruption of justice due not to the mendacity of judges but to acquiescence in the deceit and corruption of the executive branch.  Ultimately, however, respect for the judiciary will suffer just as much as if the corruption sprang from evil motives of the judges. 

There is much that Congress can do to rectify this deplorable situation.  In a broader context the Freedom of Information Law, the executive branch enjoys - and exploits - a double standard of morality.  The law suffers from the lack of any sanctions against agency officials who wrongfully withhold information from the public.  Holding such officials to personal account should make it hazardous for them to deny citizens their rights under the law
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

I have an unbelievable amount of hate and rage,,,

still inside of me.  I can tell its still the same ole, same ole mother fucker, the gamer.  Dude, I can't stand your torture, pussy.  That means its intolerable or too much.  You are a complete fuckhead.  Dude, I can't stand to see you on TV.  And, you dipshitt, insufficient funds from an ATM transaction due to bank shenanigans is NOT the same as writing bad checks.  Dude, you are NOT training me for anything.  Your laws are criminal especially since you know they are created merely to hide your lie over lie over lie.  Nothing is more disgusting than uncovering your layers of deception.  Who's birthday?  Oh my tooth abscess gift, thank you.  Disgusting in all aspects of my life, maybe because you're in every aspect of my life, fuckin scumbag. 

Dude, you are still torturing me.  Fuckyou.  With bank account bullshitt and smoking.  Fucker, i can do better without the torture.  I'm not your fuckin kid mother fucker or even cadet.  I don't know you.  I don't accept you.  The rage and hate curse is present until you can no longer play.  GET OFF ME PUSSSY.
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oh, we can change the laws, huh

Let's all stop fuckin with me.  I thought I was getting the King job.  The WH is a complete fuckin joke.  Dude, get the hell off me.  Let's change those laws.  Who are you?  M or F?
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oh, we can change the laws, huh

Let's all stop fuckin with me.  I thought I was getting the King job.  The WH is a complete fuckin joke.  Dude, get the hell off me.  Let's change those laws.  Who are you?  M or F?
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

you are friggin genius,,

its not a compliment,, not this time,, but you trash sabotage scumbags have this all oprked out so well that i do infact, not only fuckup for myself but the good angels burning me in the circle and even the rest of the suffering world...  hey what about the freedom of the press,, let them tell the truthful news,, dude why are you targeting me,, im not a fuckin gamer pusssyfuck,,, will u just go to jail already,, nothing will help,, dude where can i run,, i have no money,, nothing but shenanaganb hell from everyone in the fuckin world,, fucku scumfuckin bag,, oh yeah,, well the cornea of the eye continues to grows but may just be exposure to the environment over years of time that reshapes our corneas.. with with that growth occuring gradully, a small particle the size of an eye mite, whatever the hell that is, can embed itself,, 

if i run i am tracked,, and there really is no one i trust enough to count on for such an escape,,   who would it be,, there is nonstop bullshit with me,, they are not going to let me live,, they will make me kill myself somehow so that they didnt seem to persuade it,, it sucks here,, please free me from lil hitler asss,,
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Please take the laws realted to terrorist off

I dont qualify for the hate crime law, huh fbi scumfuckintrash,, sorry about that Fa,,  fucku,, who was pusssyboys Attorney General from Missouri,, anyway he rewrote the antihate law just for me to not include gay and disabled,, funny mother fuckers the are two huge groups probably the biggest that the law before your war crime shitt mother fucker was designd to protect.  you gimp,, screw you all,, take the laws off me,, i can't run or hide anywhere and the retarded army would all jump off the bridge,, apparently,, not bad,, just good training,, someone snap them out of it,, please,,  please tuen your war crime laws off dude,, great fight everybody, thanks,, couldnt have done it with out you,, now get the fuckk outta here,,, son of a bitchh,, leave me alone,, 
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dude,, are you testing nuclear weapons inside me?

Oh my god saw3,,, YOU ARE.  If the metal in my tooth filling is giving off a charge, which it would as a metal, radar from a satellite detection,,, and any element or compound that that has a positive or negative charge it is considered unstable, the building blocks for cancer.  Dude i think you've already given me cancer, a few times.  Jesus dude.  You mixed what in my Monster Man dna,,,,  Alien bullcrap stuff huh,, uh huh,, spooky wind blowing outdoors,,, oh yeah you folKs know all about the weather control, right?  DUDE WTF IS WRONG WITH ME,,  why dont i get it?   STOP STOP STOP STOP on the teeth please,,   dude what do u want?  this right here is probably working great for your needs huh poopi jr. 

Oh yeah, besides the radioactive tooth filling, [dude please get off my friggin mouth]  I can NOT believe your friggin morals and ethics.  Is this the fat chick or what?  No offense heavy people but we needs exercise laws.  See, Id do great in seperate but equal 'the new' government.  I want to try that King thing really bad.  We have a justice, we need liberty for things like uhhh,  morning head.  That is a staple and fucku i cant even jackoff,,  so now what.  I can't stand it.  <wink><wink>  little private joke,, lolololol,, funny,, dude you have made me into a complete fruitcake and i could never get out on my own,, i do NOT want your job.  Plus, you'd puke in every closet for fun,, pinch it,, ohh,, uhh yea right patty the messiah is pissed,, and wants to be left alone... cmon ive got cancer developing in my throat,,, they always do,,  I'm telling you that dont believe me to fuckin shoot him.  But maybe not, every fuckin doctor lies and tried to overdose me,,  no shit,, they are all from the streotypical terrorist state.  [hey what did i tell all you people about the money that president reagan contributed to support the contrarevolutionaries, aka the modern day Latina B, [i have no reason to believe that Latina B is harmful anyway to american safety,, its just the reorganization of the letters spelling the taliban.]  Mr Tina is always confusing with al qaeda and sometimes forgets they are different camps but did work together to defeat russia from afghanistan so they made me read about,,  now that one there, i just mentioned might be a secret, and it could very well get tinas asss kicked, too,,

CIA is doing to me now from the Conspiracy Encyclopedia, but you know what?  I bet this thing is propaganda, which qualifies to me if media transmits a second and secret message below the surface message, which very well may be, the total opposite what is written.  They exploit the Yin Yang nonsense to justify illegal use of the law. 
I'll name the techniques then rate on a scale from 1 to 10 as the sevarity.  Disorientation ( 5 to 7), Sleep Deprivation (5), Psycho-surgery (10), electroshock (5 to 7), hypnosis (8), and sensory deprivation (8) using amphetamines and lsd.  Well i dont get the acid unless minute amounts that i don't even know or suspect about.  I get the impression with it being common knowledge that the CIA flooded inner cities with crack to kick off some kind of nazi experiment.  Russian soldiers in Afgan were addicted to heroin and its illnesses.I just bet they are behind the meth crap,, i just believe it,,

Hey do you guys know about, I guess a time within the last 50 years, there actually was a visable american communist party right in this country.  Anyway, i thought was interesting that they were resistance for kkk. DUDE, you are killing my tooth.  Please stop.


Oh yeah, I'm going to take a break from the JFK maze for a bit.  This one ladt did it, investigated, her entire life luike a phine.  So, all the workings are already there  It still high on list of priorities,  thjanks,, you look GREAT!!


i hope its not a good connection that follows.  I kind of like you in a dementia kind of a way.  I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone.  But, please believe me, I really am not jesus.  This sex smear specialists are so friggin perved out,, they digitally mastered jesus and peter together sexually,, Sorry, but look at this crap they are doing from a discription of there very torture work directly from the conspiracy Encyclopedia.  That this is kinda good i think,, please stop the pain duide,, this is NOT good,,

Dude who the fuckk is Salem Bin Laden?  You and him both shared James Baker for finance.   DUDE STOP THE TOOTH PAIN PLEASE!
Oh yeah dude,, i couldn't find the exact law put the combined effort of just one other person, not necessarily hundreds, to plan and execute a crime constitues conspiracy, much less another law about singling out a single american as a target is illegal too.  I read about them in the past and the imoportant people know of their existence. 

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

get off my tooth dude,,,

dude you are trash,, get off my tooth,,  bloodying my nose,, now i get all that vampire and blood references,, GET OFF MY TOOTH DUDE,,  WHAT DO U WANT ME TO DO?    FUCKU,,   fucku i cant even think,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
as always, youre a complete waste u fuckin trash,, what do u want,, torture is ur thing fucker,, and hey i didn't blame you for anything,,   ok?  get off my mouth idiot,, you got the pain remore control huh dipshittt,,  do u pee on urself a little,,   when u you press the pain button,,   ur jimmy the romantic huh,, youre all charmer baby boy,,  or whos got the remote,, the healthy chcik i guess,, ole tooth pick thighs,,, kickass i can 23 to that,,  please leave me alone,,   please,, please,, can we put him in a home,, ask him if is is sa sith a sense of impending doom,, he should go to the mental ward,,  and eat his serial there,,, stop on the tooth assswipe dude,,
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I'm sorry, i am way behind, i think im ok,,

Kind of stupid to be smoking weed,,,  i totally agree,,   but its these cartoon laws and im not johnny bravo u know,,,,,   thats very beautiful though,,  hypnotic cartoon,,  i swear to god there are subliminal messages strategically placed between the cartoon cells,,,  every episode deleted from my peer to peer sharing,, im not narcissistic like that anyway,, you are ya asshole,,

bullshit,, bullshit,, you poor country,,  i didn't get that,,  i didnt know,,, im hardly available for any kind of office,,  im just not an office type of worker,,,  plus the mouth sores,,,  this is the year of the ass.ass.ins anyway huh,,  like the rat in china calendar maybe,, gosh, oh well, that sux,, i dont really mind-read like the nazi fuckers restraining me,,,  they just proxy the hell out of me,,  and patsy is a whore like alice,,  hey hey dr. assshole,, what are the rules,, what an ass i am huh,, youre too cool,, ,,  youre so big,,  now im  punk,,  ahh that toothache,, makes me an ass usually,,   oh yeah im not really the notorious drug czar or even addicted user that you think i am.  In one ear, out the other, like a bird.,,  [hmm where was i going with that i wonder]

you know, just go to hell,,  dude i cant fuckin watch,, my tooth is throbbing,,  what about the CIA trash under the scum hitler bag of shit cabinet now,,   its too fuckin fuzzzy for an organization that is actually part of the executive branch?  Not the immunity fuckks,, but the soldiers all got sentences and dishonorable huh,,  on orders from gimp trash like you,, hardly a game pussy,,   plus u cheat and even flaunt it,,

Whats with the ban of Amend. 8 of cruel and unusual punishment?  Is that my case dipshitz?  Don't do that to the Kennedys.  Hey I never ever touched a kid much less raped one.  That's your definite style though, you shitsuckin sewage monkeys,,  oh well that cant be me if they actually had a trial,, MOTHER FUCKIN FARCE EVERYTHING,, huh,, funny old fuckks,, nobody knows or could really care.  Plus you know I'm completely innocent of everything,, did u get my email at the WH pleading for any help?  You are pathetic,,  what about my entire wasted life,, yeah i know i was shitt back then,, dude now im just tortured shitt, ya dumbfuckk,, are you serious,, expect fuckin appreciation?  for this circke of fuckk?   st ann police denied anything like that exists, of course,, cant they just look me up in their little watchlist database?  why did they lie to me and tell me they cant help me and know nothing about me?  DUDE GET THESE MONKEYSFUCKS OFF ME,,   They are killing or kids on and off the battlefield in the bullshitt fuckin military,,,  Why do you get immunity from the country where you are brainwashing your military to break the rules of war,,,  dude,, do you still or did you ever have those on every military base that would permit them?    was that true asssfaces?  then after they fall victim to the devastation caused by the addiction, they get dishonorable, you fuckers, cause you don't treat gambling addiction in the military,,,  and hey stupid fuckk uhhh mr fatfuckk (not really a basher but u started it) you are the gateway for the national guard, huh,, so what,,, you can enlist who or whatever u want huh,,,  i always get spam about the GI bill,,, fucker why don't you just ship me off to iraq,,  you are still the terrorists, no?  yes you are,,  what kind of fuckin sabotage shit is that?   I AM NOT MILITARY FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME,,,  how do i get real and not fuckin play play legel representation?  they are lying about any crime that I may have done and contacting me would NOT incriminate anyone,,  DUDE FUCKU,, fucku to death,,, uhh yeah sure clear and present danger huh daddy popi,,  how long your family been in stan, mr. mindfuck?   wonder what the chances are that the legitimacy of your cartoon laws will be thrown out once you get the chair?   if u hurry up and retire dipshitt u might save yourself from the death sentence but I doubt it,,,,  and the world already says no deals for the fat chick,,, funny snow gets free too,,,  u are dumb dude,,  no not really,, im the dumb one,, i have no leg to stand on,, and my face hurts,,  good bye,,  see the communication is piss poor,, i thought alvin was calling me a frog,, this is NOT what i should be doing,,  the world will have no reparation huh,,,  my FUCKIN FACE HURTS PUSSSSSY,, gotta love addicting the losers and making them pay,,  pay fuckin what dude,,, thats not polite to call your military losers,, you are pure trash,, as always,, THIS WE KNOW,,

sorry about the cussing the God,,, OUCH,,
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see, im so not into this,,

i dont really know who killed cock robin and these fuckks are so skilled they could keep me on a hot trail my entire friggin life,,   look, i told you,, who the fuckk are you,, astro my rapist fuckin psychic says i dont get anything but torture for awhile,, like slow burn and all,,   the spy eyes were used on mccain as a POW in a place that was controlled by the OSS,, what a pusssy,,, isnt that fraud mr banker?  

i dont get the beaver and lincoln dots,,  how about respectful fuckin adult speak assholes,, who the fuckkl are you hiding from,, morger fuckers,, fucku,, u are complete fuckin scum,,   who was - my first online harassment fuckin piggy,, yea yea i get your message from tv,, but anything bad you say about me and how fuckin pitiful i may have been before i fell into the torture circle of the cia and army,, 

Hey ill do the work for the country,, fucku pusssy,, and i appreciate all the hard work,,  but im a pusssy,, im a total pusssy you idiots,, i cant take it,, fucku
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Hey, I know there is really no one there,,

So, fuckin trash, I guess you don't need a fuckin warrant with your own false documents,, MAN, I WANT FREEDOM,, what the fuckk,, mouth full of sores now pussy,, but you know how us drug addicts are with all that invisiable head banging,, YOU ARE ALL ABSOLUTE COMPLETE TRASH,,   YOURE FINALLY RIGHT I AM COMPLETELY UNGRATEFUL,,  YOU ARE BIG CLASS LIARS AND SABOTEURS. 

Umm lets see I had a good one but i forgot,,, dude if u cant let me free now and take these terrorists hate fuckin laws off me then u have to fuckin kill me,, the mouth sores sucks,, dude can you feel what i feel,, fuckin tina,, get the fuckk outta here game fuckk,, u are trash,, complete fuckin waste,,

But I get it dumbfuck,,  why you don't even need a warrant because you create your own evidence.  You are the scum of the scum doctor.  PUREFUCKINSCUM,, Dr W,, man the mouth sores,,  you can torture a drug addict huh fag,,  you create them just fine thats for sure,, so how long did you work at the animal farm??  is that what they call langley?  That's the most powerful organization in the world and they're completely invisible.  Is that why your dad got you in?   What was your initiation?  I bet its a secret that may even anchor  bottomboy forever huh,,  cell bitchh where?  do they have free massage or arts and crafts in texas penitentiaries? carpet?  Can we do prison in hawaii, please?  If not dude, you better start disconnecting from me,, the mouth sores are so bad,, whts the poison dude?  thats intent huh dude,,  intent to do bodily harm to me which is aq secret,,  jesus fuickin christ when was marshall law established,, fucku fucku fucku fuku fucku,, i know the whole time with me,, and marshall is trash as fuck,, always trying to get alice drunk or high then poisoned some how,, mother fucker,, i know pusssy,, i dont have a fuckin leg to stand on,,  but anyway, you dont need a warrant because you create all your own evidence and i bet your face recognition capabilities and other technologies of ChoicePoint can make a clone on the fly for the crime i bet,, dude,, i get the impression I have a clone or a twin or whatever,,  DUDE IM FUCKIN INNOCENT AND YOU KNOW IT,, but you got that trash ego thing happenin huh daddy popi,,  was he a heroin junky too?  yo daddy?   so so so many aliases which doesnt even require formail registration,,   saw a funny sherlock holmes where the detective was preparing to run some drugs up his arm due to the current amount of distress he was under,, dude my tooth is killing me i cant watch harry potter ok fag,, you know how us drug addicts love to hurt ourselves,,,  uhh yea fag,, my feelings,, u complete pussy,,  do they have the surveillance house flies on harry potter also,,, pets that can let u see what they see? 

So I realized a day or two ago how that technology was used for warfare.  This is where i finally become your security threat but I get tons of arrows to "TELL THE WORLD',,  we both, you nasty drunk, love China.  Well your big daddy popi was the ambassador to china at the UN for awhile, and surely longer than documented,, see you provide all these books and crap. manuever me and navigate me through the fuckin maze,, lets not forget about the dumb ants, they try to do their best,, its hardly anything for such a worthless fuckin society such as you and your shitsuckin followers,,   Then you sons of a bitches, at Carlyle the secret investment bank, your dad still had the same 'target' market he had at the UN, east asia and there's lots of china right there huh,,  oh you terrible devil family to influence the rise and fall of the empire but make gazillions with IPO offerings,, so the movie about oil, you barf bag, placed emphasis that there was no oil in china but your daddy wouldnt have stayed so long dude,,   and from within the exposure of your doublespeak, opposite-day training, it merely raised a RED FUCKIN FLAG U NAZI,,  and dipshitt,,, its NOTaBlueSky,, u idiots,, complete trash making the innocent guilty by way of face recognition software,, fucker if my rules even made a difference you would never be able to deny anything,, let me out,, takes these laws off me,, and give me popi for the pain,, is that your actual religion over there in Afghanistan?  my bad that i just couldn't handle the opiates,, trash u are 100 times worse, for-real at every crime for which u tag to me,, you are a fuckin barf bag dude,, that way it is at least logical,, but fag its not physics,, you just want to me smart huh tina?   and fuckhead, thats not the definition of ethics you retard,, work ethics are morals are based on a human being's ability to rise up without using people as a staircase.  Crushing then to walk on for your psuedo communist fuckin terrorist republican trash,, 

   Bottom-line, bottomless, whatever dude the mouth sores are killing me,,  But its my own fault even though you created and feed the addiction,, why poison me fucker,, mother fucker,,  But you're responsible for more deaths than the langley initiation,,  didn't you ever hear that the cia set up Nixon?  They saw what he was doing and didn't like it,,  kinda like the bipolar thing and medicine,,  asses,, but they have the skill, as you know, to come and go anywhere they want and never leave a trace of detection,, its their job and they are masters,,, dude youre no master, you are a pathetic dumbfuckk,,

[its never has an apostrophe, it is always a contraction - so i was told - whom the hell really cares]

I KNOW WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN,, lets blackmail the fucker,, dude buy me hawaii.  dont pretend that im really that dumb like u idiot, to publicly blackmail you for war crimes, ya nazi,, id never gain my freedom huh,,
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Monday, October 13, 2008

hey mr weed,,

I rejected the first offer didn't i?   you shouldn't have sympathy,, what are you still fuckin with me?   I hate being such a pusssy,,  this has been nothing but complete trash,, dont even expect me to do the translation inside me,,,  with the poison?  forget it,, your pathetic,, and im stupid,, go2hell,,  fucku,, ill publich this i guess,,  keep your movies honest,, yeah right, u are pathetic and im ungrateful,,  funny,,  YOU ARE POISONING ME,, NOT JUST THE WEED,, besides the obvious mind,,  cmon i  cant even believe this,, 
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American Airlines is front company for CIA,,

oh wow, now i get it,,,  
my bank account fraud crap means look to the stars for national factual message,,  this school is just hard.  i know it looks easy but its hard,,,

MD Anderson, the cancer hospital in Texas is a CIA cover too.  Think of the leaps and bounds accomplished in the cancer field these days.  Opposite day, pathetically. 

Hey fuc kin scumbags,, give me a fuckin divorce now,,,  purefuckinhate,, all the way mother fucker,,, period, period,, period,, fuckin divorce  me pusssy so i can get the fuckk out of this wonderland,, huh... mentor fuckk,, its never enough,, no matter fucjkin what, its not lack of confidence fuckin trash,., my fucxkin spirit is fuckin dead and fuckin black,, go top fuickin hell,, forever,, there ya go bug kunt,, u happy,, Investigate the president,, fucku,,,  nice fuckin puke,, turn up the fuckin poison,, fuckin scumbag,,

IM DIVORCED,, i never knew,, fucku,, i cant get satidfaction dumbfuckk,, u keep prank calling me and pukin through my dad,, ur scum,, fucku,, now go away all u8 fuckin money pigs,, i divorce no contest of assets,, there,, untied,, wonderland,, and fucku single fucjki n trash fuckks,, lol,, not really, i dont give a fuckk what anybody does,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,,
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So, what we have here folks,,,


I dunno what to do.  I think I should talk about the Freedom of Information Act but I know they are gonna make my tooth ache and i don't have any pain medicine or access or money.  Where did i spend all my money?  Damnit my bank is making blatant lie penalties against me and I didn't check my statement transactions yet, but they are thieves.  Especially impulse and other manipulative buy situations.  Mine were always freedom related with no strings attached and automatic deductions from bank account.   Your scum tactics at ripping us off are a joke that fools us all.  I don't ever do anything sexual,, even the thoughts are disturbing.  can you hear what i hear, barfbag?.  its endearment my dear brother fuckk,,  my shadow?  every move,, too old for thought,,

I've decided talking about the Freedom of Info Act may not, very well  be in my own  nor the nation's best interest.  Dude, they do NOT like you, at all.  I, think you look great but the people, they despise you and are acting crazy,,  PLEASE PEOPLE!  youre burning daylight and the toothache pain is made worse by the poisoned weed i think,,  gotta love that self-destructive torture,,,  I will not discuss anything legal, as if its not already too late.  That's a criminal bullshitt hitler fuckin law anyway,, BULLFUCKINSHUT,, No immunity allowed,, as protection from your own country?  dude are you fuckin kidding me?   STOP, SHOOT THEM,, they banned me from the courts anyway,,  or im to believe that,,  spooky,,  uh huh,, Halliburton day is coming soon.  I'm kind of fearful now that i understand and can appreciate the CIA's working knowledge of biological surveillance and chemical, technical, biological, and financial warfare and the best weapons.  Very respect.  Hi, I'm the experimentee.  Charmed, I'm sure. 

but maybe some farce.  See, that's terrorist ape warfare crap, right there.  Will someone just fuckin shoot them.  hhaha Game.  Fuckhead.  Im riding it out, I guess.  Can you not point arrows directly into my eyes anymore, please.  Is that cool?.  Let's take a break monkeys.  I luv these guys.  Its never good though, unless a memory, which usually 23's immediately into a 'never-good' again.    That's a strange abusive phenomenon to love the torturer.  Oh yeah, poor, poor, poor Patti Hearst was brainwashed.  So there's nothing to rush at this time, huh.  I feel bad with so much hate in me.  Nice script asshead,, Sorry about the cusswords, its for prisoner protection,,  i cant believe this is really happening?  You have got to be kidding me about all this bullcrap.  I bet we are not even at war.  Mr. Orwell mentions that in 1984, huh george.  Always the last to know,,  I just read about some stuff that I was ranting about earlier.  I'm real sorry for my lack of courage but they are ruthless on the weak.  Plus, I have the achilles heel of secrets,,  No info or facts,,  The complete assholes.  I'm not really that cowardly as much as sabotaged.  That's enraging, then to be forced to share it.  So whats real is US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales got fired for replacing judges to create a single party justice system.  Don't shoot anyone, but Wells, I know what you did.  Dude, you are hotter than a beefy bear dad taking baby aspirin.  That's the easy answer but its much more complex, we know this.  Who killed cock robin?

[Alberto is really a stud ladies, in the underground black world. fun nice guy - (just trying to get my game on) which incidentally, is impossible without their illegal drugs contribution, in victim's opinion. They use drug addiction for ape warfare tactics, is common knowledge.  crack is just so bad fellas, i mean unforgivable]

Funny, they leave me in wonderland without a place to lean and reply that drug use is against the law anyway but they created the need or demand for it.  Then they actually supply it.  They say I am breaking the law and my rights do NOT matter.  I say, you scumbags are breaking the law, and pathetically my rights don't matter.  Dude bad laws are crimes, in fact, they should be friggin war crimes.  CANT I GET A CARTOON WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS?  Nah, its too late for that crap.  Don't put DeNiro face in shame, you fuckers.  Too funny, I said its not you anyway fag, fucku,, im not ungrateful.  But you better stop fuckin with and blaming me.  Remember, you still have the power to fraudulently create laws and interpretations. 

And, I can say anything I want on this blog.  It isn't even fuzzy about genuineness of legal contracts in chat and on blogs.  Credit cards online?  I guess thats still buyer beware and hope your not a target.  Remember why I have a stupid passport big brother?  It was to create face to face identity keys for secured transactions.

So anyway, I don't remember where I left off about vietnam, but the pre CIA organization was known as the OSS Office of Spying and Sabotage, maybe, and provided training to the Viet Cong, the enemy that the US soldiers were fighting.  I guess that war continued so long just to keep the anxiety into citizens so they don't realize the state funded terrorism on the homeland.  Let's compare that to President Reagan's financial contribution to the Contrarevolutionarres (ape warfare terrorists) that must have trained at the CIA run "School of the Americas", in Latin America the banned mental torture curriculum.  See, I knew there were no human eye on this crap.  Oh well, they've wanted me to compare Vietnam with Iraq for quiet some time now, but I'm completely nuts and forget what is going on.  Nixon did a lot worse things than erase some tapes for which he retired. 

Anything I type is not to be considered testimony or an argument in some pretend trial and should never ever be considered so.  Double Jeopardy privilege would nbever apply.  So, is it fake or real?  So much bullshit.   


Ok, back to Iraq and Vietnam similarities:
Nixon - warrantless wiretapping
          - Freedom of Information Act: withhold info, not disclose
          - Nazi like State Secretary Kissinger
          - Secrets allowed an innocent man James Earl Ray, Jr. be convicted 99 years for killing MLK, Jr.- no trial even.  Secret assassination of US President.  JFK [is this true or false, i was too young]

Busch - warrantless wiretapping
          - Freedom of Information Act: withhold info, not disclose
          - Nazi like VP Cheney
          - Secret shitsuckers convicted innocent me to death, as far as I can tell

I'll talk a little about the freedom of Info Act but it is NOT to place blame or as use in any kind of trial and it would not retain the double jeopardy protection.  It just simple would never apply.  Wasn't Nixon making up phony charges in desperate fear of impeachment Only a complete idiot would permit a nazi cartoon trial like this.  Only a completely retarded idiot pussy would attempt this action secretly against a single bashed-up [beaten] victim.  Look, fuckers I don't want to play this stupid war game.  fight or die.  fuckers that's the president that is killing me.  He worked there too, in the temple of mental torture at Langley. 

Well, in Whitewash II, the declassified transcript of the JFK assassination hearings is where I came up with all facts below:


Multiple personalities, or what's with the aliases?  See, what am i supposed to do?  I have no friggin enforcement powers.  DUH,,  DUH,,  Dude, I know who you are and what you've done.  I'd hold off everyone on the flu shots, just in case.  they are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
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