Friday, August 7, 2009

WTC and Building 7 collapses reveal 11 features of controlled demolitions

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover Up of 9/11 by Barrie Zwicker

1. The towers fell straight down through themselves.

2. The tops of the Towers mushroomed outward into vast clouds of pulverized concrete ans shattered steel.

3. The collapses exhibited demolition 'squibs' (puffs of dust) shooting out of the towers well below the zones of total destruction.

4. Far more explosives were used to destroy the towers than are used in a typical demolition. This indicated by the dust clouds generated that expanded many times the tower's volumes - much more than occurs in typically controlled demolitions. Was collapse of Bldg. 7 just burning the evidence?

5. The Towers came down suddenly.

6. And completely.

there are some more...

8. Oral testimony published on the NYT Website of people hearing synchronized explosions etc.


why did you use my grandmother's name at beginning of chat. she lost her husband a few days ago. isnt that enough. he used high blood pressure medicine which very well have made him sick. yhis makes me sick to my stomache. she fell down and broke her wrist and is staying here a dew days.

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