Saturday, August 15, 2009

i hate this i hate this i hate this

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this

fooled me huh, its more like brainwashing - it can't just be you keep fooling me, huh amity alice from the shining.

ima college student i dont have a trade. i dont read or listen to most books i have checked out from the library. unbearabley tedious huh? the passport mess rehash. thats the only thing i owned that might have been doctored or jimmied to label me as foreign or maybe even some warrior/terrorist/journalist. im not even a writer other than this blog as its for my survival i guess. seems to be my only real way out. plus i only ever used the passport as proof of identity for obtaining two lawyers signatures vouching for me that i am who I said I am. I forwarded this to Thwate online security to become a face to face validator for people that claim they are who they actually claim online to be. Nothing ever became of it and I've never used the passport other than that.

end all the hate crap there is no statute of limitations on hate crimes, just because the Ashcroft law doesn't specify gay or disabled doesnt mean the same protection from invisible discrimination from EMR waves wouldn't apply and still be criminal - plus all the hate isn't just to me you harassing journalists. stop the secrecy and eugenics! im such a paranoid nincompoop, huh, all conspiracy and nonconspiracy theorists and not, and all actors and nonactors. i never even listen to beck or rush and i dont know about their hate 'per se' but the media propaganda portray it to be that way. i think family guy outed rush limbaugh but probably only bait like all the other lures. more delusional paranoia.

now from the land of big pharma, i need two adivan to sleep just three hours which i guess is from the invisable EMR electromagnetic radio waves, one of the side effects of course of adivan is suicide attempts but i did those already before i ever took the medicine. maybe, it was the adivan that was giving me low back pain and not invega or maybe its was the EMR waves. the lorazepams for anxiety are worthless here. theres really no weather to report. i stopped watching the kkk on the history channel because it was so disturbing. just like most things around the human prisoner electricity lab - and attention deficit amphetamine meds are the only cure. theres some more paranoia for you junkies. dont keep reverse-engineering your hate beck and maybe rush too, i dunno. more paranoia there, too.

i was going to read The Monkey Handlers by G. Gorden Liddy but I think its more trouble than its worth. dont they already the crimes and short sentences in mali kai all worked out by this time. Isnt that obvious with the "Common Sense Act'?

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