Thursday, August 20, 2009

dear rachel

Dear Rachel:
I am what might be known as a political prisoner that was brainwashed with Orwellian hate crimes and the thought police compliments of the former Bush/Cheney/Rover administration. The CIA did the similar treatment to Brittany Spears without her even knowing that was the reason she was going nuts. They used to tell me to “look to the stars” when the motive they were pushing was that we share that blond hair thing. They’ve been persuading me for years to shave my head but I’ve been reluctant because I figured they’d tag me with skinhead or Charles Manson fan accusations. The CIA brags about the ‘alice in wonderland’ program, or whatever, that must be the kind of treatment that coerces the unwitting person into a paranoia type of house arrest. In fact, the first book I was secretly persuaded to read was by Joseph Finder called Paranoia. That is my favorite author, by the way. Can you get him on your show? Intelligence technology of the enhanced interrogation techniques have introduced delusion after delusion that apparently started for me over a decade ago with my college textbooks and car accidents. I’m sure that you’re already well aware that the CIA had infiltrated schools, hospitals, and government agencies decades ago. All the interrogators are anonymous, really, and the boxed-in surveillance could be treatment from the military, blackwater, or as former VP Cheney calls them, the homegrown soldiers. They used to torture me with hate to ’go tell’ spy or delusional information on a blog so that I’d be charged with an espionage offense or something that will extend this illegal sentence. I’ve never had a hearing or an arrest for enemy combatant allegations. They did have me selling marijuana, without me knowing, for three to six months but I was never arrested. Can you investigate any of the delusional allegations?

- Is former President Bush the same family as Anheuser Busch, Inc.
- Helms was a CIA director that was banned from intelligence work by Congress for conducting experiments on unwitting citizens and may have had plastic surgery or what CNN called a face transplant to change identity.
- Cheney and Rover may actually be royalty due to a coup in Saudi Arabia possibly using the names Fahd and Abdulla. Dulles may have had the same identity face transplant?
- the USA and Saudi, the home of Osama bin Laden, have or had an Intelligence sharing marriage.
- Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA.
- Can DNA be changed by a retro-virus type of reverse engineering enough to change identity?
- Could the Zodiac serial killer have been Cheney, Bush, or Rover?
- AIDS, Inc. (2007) states that the medicine AZT is what causes AIDS.
- Can the military administer electric shock treatment with electromagnetic radio (EMR) waves?
- Can biological electrolytes serve as electrodes and might this electric warfare cause scalp blisters?
- Can the remote control sensor on the cable tv box actually serve as a spy cam for warrentless wiretapping?
- Bush/Cheney/Rover flaunt smiles because they got away with 911 - you‘d think they wouldn‘t have to send so much hate to the town hall meetings.
- Did the Beatles use subliminal messages at the direction of the CIA to help target Charles Manson how to brainwash? They always call me Jesus Christ, too.
- Sammy Hagar, Limp Bizkit, Front 242, White Zombie, Ministry, The Beasti Boys, Madonna, and maybe Billy Joel may have all used subliminal messages. Many movies including Hitchcock films may have been used as enhanced interrogation techniques.
- Is Cheney the Master Wizard of the KKK?
- Am I an heir of Howard Hughes that has tried to be hidden?

Check out my lonely blog. Please forgive any cuss and offensive words:
Ron Steiniger 314.426.2768

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