Sunday, August 23, 2009

ok i get the residual kkk thing,, allies with nazis

I know that the kkk used to be an active political party and i guess when they dissolved the next best thing was a far right wing conservative party like the current hate monger republicans. With the lack of transparency during the government bailouts I'm reminded of the Invisible Empire as self named by the kkk. The Invisible warfare electric shock is used on me too and it kills me. According to the History channel, Nazis were allies of the kkk when the communists battled them with guns in the streets in the 1970s. The yahoo chat ID lil_hitler was used after I nicknamed bush when i found out his secret society skulls and bones had hitler as a mascot. I saw a pic that showed Cheney in a black sheet without a mask and the rest of the kkk was masked in white sheets like he is the master wizard or something. The Zodiac serial killer used to dress like a hooded klansman. He was never caught and I bet that's Cheney. He is really nutso.

Why am i a target for the Nazis? It was the early 1990s when I was a vegetarian and a member of the animal rights group. That's hardly a terrorist and I don't believe that is the reason I'm being targeted. I still think its the Hughes genocide thing because Cheney and Bush ripped my family off. Since I'm supposed to figure out what's going on by myself, the enhanced interrogation techniques include clues in movies, music, and books. That movie Targets with Boris Karloff had a sharp shooter on top of a Chevron tank firing randomly at traffic. What does that mean? What about the Enron scandals? Was that a model version of what the trash did to the Hughes family?

Helms was a CIA director that used to conduct experiments on the unwitting public. Apparently Congress barred him from Intelligence work in the USA. An Intelligence marriage with Saudi Arabia, home of bin Laden, apparently permitted him to warrentless wiretap and spy on US citizens again. That is if he had identity removing plastic surgery and changed his name to Cheney which was the name of a black freedom writer student killed by the kkk during civil unrest. When Cheney was the Secretary of Defense, he reorganized the military to be more terrorist like and removed some supervisory positions. I believe he is currently the top dog for the National Guard and used his power to establish a unit of the National Guard in Saudi Arabia. I think this unit performed a coup on the Royal Family and Cheney took over. The citizens are very poor in that country and I saw on a news story a line to sell internal organs. Cheney runs al qaeda and the Palestinians that want Israel to be destroyed just like a Nazi. Bush and Zapata run the Taliban and the Afghanistan insurgencies are one of them. They used the words the Taliban and al qaeda interchangeably, before. Bush Sr. did the same thing before in China as a member of the Chinese Communist party. He used China to supply troops to North Vietnam for the war that would never end. I remember reading about difficulties trying to do surprise attacks on the North Vietnamese because they always knew the plans ahead of time. I hear Korea is a twin of Vietnam and I guess Afghanistan is a twin of Iraq. The military already said they had to go to war under false pretenses.

Why are there terrorists, anyway? People do not really hate Americans like Bush tells us, well except the ones that lie and play both sides of the war like the Bush/Cheney/Rover klan.

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