Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i forgot about neighbors,, sorry about the bad posts,,

what am i supposed to do? ive already been denied 8 or more times to be recognized as any kind of orwellian type of prisoner [2 calls to the chief of police, twice in person by officers in my driveway, 3 visits from the fire dept., once at city hall for writ of habeus corpus, phonecall to a judge]. yea, i don't want to worry about that crap anymore - i've already thrown a few fits in the yard and more cussing rants inside the house. i dont want to prosecute or complain about david, i cant see him saying anything was a conspiracy, anyway.

wasnt howard stern a lot less offensive than those not barred from the radio. radio waves are are crippling these days, well the electromagnetic radio waves for sure. blisters.


"We know what every part of the brain does and how. We can implant electronics in the ear, eye, and elsewhere directly into the brain, and send signals that are converted to the biochemical language of the brain. And we can go the other way, taking biochemical language of the human memory and turning them into ones and zeros for copying and storing in silicon in electric computers."
thats from richard a clarke's book breakpoint - i copied info about him from the book cover before. he did cyber security for the presidents. worked dod asst sec of intelligance, bush sr politico -miliitary, and counterterrorism for clinton. he write, "sometimes you can tell more truth by fiction." i think thats what they are doing to me. id say that might be torture considering the invisable electromagnatic waves warfare, on a citizen. send what kind of signals? secret torture stuff?

[the freedom award winner steven hawking, maybe, the physicist , can think with a computer generated voice, huh][if there is such a thing as eye mites that can see what i see, are they considered electronics? and what about the nose, i know that's a direct brain minus the judgemental thalamus connection.] [By the way, im not an assassin, just in case.]
is that the dracula thing? the ability for military intelligence to pass objects and people through walls? id say they probably can, and thats why i quit snorring i bet. i dont feel like watching it. i dont feel like doing anything other than rescuing my parents - they had some latenite harassment phonecalls my dad hungup on. leave them alone, me too. i just put my info out to prove my innocence and give a motive. i cant fight that like this.

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