Saturday, August 1, 2009

guilty demeanor

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover Up of 911
by Barrie Zwicker

The book says:

The book says:
the former VP Cheney that still held options for Halliburton multiplied in value over 3200 percent from $250,ooo in 2004 to $8 million in 2005. Halliburton made over $10 billion.

The book says:
it took 411 days to get former President Bush to create a commission to look into it when any other commission, like the JFK assassination or the Challenger space shuttle, has only taken 5 to 10 days to form.

The book says:
The federal government broke the law by rapd removal of steel debris before it could be examined and removing evidence from a crime scene is a federal offense. Sept. 26, 2001, then-mayor Rudolph Giuliani banned tourists from taking photos of the WTC site on the basis that it was a crime scene. Some of the steel was eroded by sulfidation - not sure if that means a bomb or what.

The book says:
There were bombs going off for collapsing the buildings. Building 7 collapsed later that day, I guess. All seem to be setup by professional demolition crews. Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at at 10:06a due to passenger revolt was shot down. Cheney went down to the underground shelter about 45 minutes earlier than the Commission claims; that he gave the shoot-down authorization about 25 minutes before the Commission claims.

The book says:
It is absurd, on the face of it, to think that the central headquarters of the greatest military in history could be caught both unaware and undefended by an attack on the ground or in the air. The Commission's final report says an outright lie when it says the FAA had not notified the military about Flight 77 formally or informally. Also contradicting the official story, that the military didn't know, is the open testimony given to the 9/11 Comission by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta. He says that at 9:20 that morning he went down to the shelter conference room under the White House where former VP Cheney was in charge and he knew at 9:26 of the approaching aircraft at least 10 minutes before impact on the Pentagon. The Comission ignored the testimony in the final report.

The book says:
the cell phone calls were a lie. They couldn't have been transmitted.

The book says:
There were war games going on that day that involved hijackings where all four 9/11 hijackings occurred.

The book says:
page 90
Professor A.K. Dewdney, with a PHD in mathmatics, taught computer science for more than 26 years at the Universities of Western Ontario and Waterloo. Dewdney's suspiciaqns were aroused on the morning of 9/11 by the official story of Muslim suicide bombers. "As a Muslim I was aware that suicide under any circumstances is strictly ruled out by Islam, as are attacks on innocent civilians."

on page 99
"In 1987, Michael Springmann, a practicing lawyer in Washington DC was chief of the visa section at the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He worked for the US State Department's foreign service for 20 years. He says that back then the Consulate was a front for recruiting terrorists. In an article on Covert Action Quarterly of Washington, DC, he detailed the recruiting of Arabs, "rounded up by the CIA and Osama bin Laden, to be sent to the US for terrorist training by the CIA." He said the State department didn't run the consulatein Jeddah, the CIA did."

The book says:
The Andrews AFB website was altered Sept. 12, 2001 in a way that deleted mention of fighter jets, further proof of tampering with evidence.
[im not sure if i will be able to mention the other tampering of evidence because I don't know what it is yet]

So is the CIA actually the skulls and bones secret society of poets? They are writers, I'm pretty sure I know. we should not allow the 'double jeopardy' rule to limit prosecuting terrorists since they dont get Geneva protection anyway. I'm not a terrorist by the way - i'm telling you it was Bush, Cheney, and Rover that the apparent fake 911 commission should've questioned. these videos and crap that are put out are just enables them to think they are not lying to avoid detection. Make the bailout thieves pay the government back or give it to the African Americans and the poor to get unstuck from of the ghettos and welfare.
Sodium causes high blood pressure which in turn creates a need for the medicine. this causes macular degeneration and renal (kidney) failure requiring blood cleansing every other day by being hooked up to a dialysis machine for about 4 hours. thats what happened to Edith Johnson's second husband, Harold Mills, from McDonnell Douglas. Since that medicine causes such bad symptoms or side effects, it would be easier to not use salt really. The medicine designed to help HIV+ patients, AZT, is thought to actually cause AIDS. See video AIDS, Inc. (2007). I'd be reluctant to take medicine for high cholesterol and that toe nail fungus. Didn't the medicine that helped smokers quit smoking cause suicide. Seraquel almost made me attempt suicide while sleep walking - falling down steps.

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