Monday, August 31, 2009

hey sarbanes oxley trash




what im saying about opposite day,,

If you are a nasty, good for nothing, pathetic hater, you stay that way. Hate and sabotage and any banging on the monkey cage is just that - its NOT code. Hate at this stage is purefuckinhate only that just fuckin kills me. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU You stay on the hate side if I ever get out of this fuckin shithole life. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU hate is not code and the discrimination laws are even against me. God fuckin damn i hate you people. And your medling in places no one belongs. Whats the motive to fuckin torture me for my entire fuckin life? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU

keep them fuckin thieves away from me,,

They stole my life at minimum. I never made any kind of agreement with anyone for hate surveillance that turn out to be just paranoid delusions for me, huh trash? see i type this and nothing happens. YOURE COMPLETE FUCKIN TRASH. I made no agreements and they got the wrong guy. FUCKU. CNN said to find out who the terrorists are and its the Bush Admin fuckers. Cheney trash is the fuckin al qaeda and Bush trash is the fuckin taliban. They bombed the WTC and covered it up with war games and collapsed building 7 with the towers to hide the evidence. Nasty fucker cheney took over control and had flight 93 shot down because the passengers were going to overtake the terrorists. thats why bush was in the school reading to the little kids because cheney wanted bush out of his hair while the attacks were happening. why are you helping them terrorize me? they shock me with electrons from HAARP of the military - electric warfare. I got blisters on my scalp. Its like swimming but they make them drink all that water which causes painful protrusions from the abdomen for waterboarding. the probably make them take pills so they cant urinate very quick. and the tortured are always innocent - why would they do that to their own soldiers. what do u mean iraq was a success? they told us they were going after what turns out to be their buddy, osama bin laden?

fucku people

why do i even fuckin try to do the right thing while you fuckin trash sabotage me? its a lose-lose situation for me. I don't have what you want nor will i ever since you pathetic fuckin trash cant tell me what that might even be. I dont want to hear fuckin hints encoded on the news. I want decent fuckin respect if you are talking to me and your way is too delusional and paranoid for me. Nothing against Russia but I am too fuckin delusional at this guessing fuckin nazi trash to go back to that doctor. I hate that mother fucker. Don't say you're my friend while they fuckin electricute and shock me. you wont even fuckin listen to the torture you fuckin trash. i can never go back!!!! You are part of the problem for the nasty Bush/Cheney/Rover trash calling me a fuckin spy like the patsy Oswald or whatever. I cant do your fuckin trash vomit feces work u fuckin trash. Plus I'd rather be fuckin dead than manipulated by such pathetic fuckin trash. God damn i hate u dude. Everybody go to fuckin hell.

i dont get it but trash nazis say i resist,,

Fuckin scumbags. First off, you have no right to be in my fuckin life. PERIOD. Second, you deny truth to the victim so that i cant help myself. Third, you lie and make false documentation about the victim. Fourth, youre nasty as fuckin hell family said i made an agreement which is pathetic fuckin lie. I would never knowingly have anykind of agreement with the KKK Nazi trash you fuckers represent. I don't know you except that youre complete fuckin trash and fucker you are not supposed to know me much less expect me to bow down to your fuckin hate, torture, and fuckin murders. When havent you murdered, fuckers, is a better question than when did you? god fuckin damn i hate u fuckers. you pretend to pray and have god serving soul, huh. Youre completely fucked. What bible stories are true dipshit? The one where people turn to stone for turning back to look at the burning city of sodom or was the story true about people worshipping a golden calf one of the true stories. I just cant see that happening unless at ur fuckin houses. And you kill based on that book, huh? Why are you trash fuckers so pro-life? To have victims for the St. Judes research hospital? fuckin trash!! or for slavery maybe?

you complete mother fuckin idiot,,,

You better fuckin not be talking to me you complete pathetic trash. I'm talking to you if you are trash. If you're not, then don't worry about it. I still dont play fuckin opposite day, you fuckin pathetic trash fuckin mother fucker. Your plan is trash, your face is trash, your pathetic fuckin family is trash. The Bush/cheney/rover klan are the main trash that i know to be true and probably speak, the fuckin thieves. fucku fucku fucku. Oh by the way, i just finished reading that reagan inaugaration for the third time and i'm telling you, he's not talking about or to me. go to fuckin hell you fuckin genocide trash fuckin thieves. You are fuckin pathetic. you pathetic gimp. fucku scumbag trash. ewww just fuckin nasty.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

god damn i hate u and life

its nothing but pure fuckin waste you complete fuckin trash thieves. mother fucku. what do u expect from me? what are u torturing me to do, ya fuckin trash - pure fuckin trash.

jeez what are you guys doing to piss me off so bad?

Jeez, what rage and hate i expressed. what did u do to me? i do hate life though. wish i could do better for a long time but i cant. so know u fuckers are serial killers, huh? a fine 'wonderland' this turned out to be, ya fuckin nazis. and for the millionth time, alice doesn't live here - not even in my head.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

purefuckinhate doesnt work for good,, NEVER

mother fuckers youre incredibly fuckin stupid if you think hate is a good motivator to fight. so fuckin stupid it shouldnt even be considered a pathetic defense for human rights abuses. pure fuckin hate. especially to expect forgiveness knowing that is the way i can get better. purefuckinhate. fuckin pathetic. now i forgot my point but trust me fuckers, you are doing me no favors. i hate being tortured to research the invisible trash. i hate for people to see me being tortured which could be just merely reading a book. plus you complete trash fuckers already have it all planned out for years. purefuckinhate. mother fuckers i am no fuckin hero especially for the pathetic fuckers that think there is anything good about relentless purefuckinhate. you are complete fuckin trash and you already have the defense and jimmied fuckin judicial system to continue that ear to ear grin for getting away with the 911 bombing. purefuckinhate.

Friday, August 28, 2009


hardly a delusion, its called fucked for life because i cant even explain it. fucku fucku fucku fucku god fuckin damn i hate u worthless shiteaters. i cant stand the worldwide suffering plus my own psychological purefuckinhate secret torture. fucku fucku fucku fucku trash. god damn i hate u fuckin people.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

theres just too much bullcrap,,

plus its way longer than op ed guidelines. plus rover wrote one as if im supposed to learn from that nasty fuckin trash. id rather be tortured than that trash play on the good side or give me hints. its painful to look at that face and cheney too or even to think about the scumbags. just hang them.

Monday, August 24, 2009

dont show pix or footage of rover and cheney,,

If its an important message for me to get, please dont use footage or any pix of rover and cheney. I just cant stomach it. use bush instead - not the old nazi one but jr. its only fair. did i mention that the reason they smile so large is because they are excited that the got asway with 911, i think.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

war profiteering

The senate tried Howard Hughes for war profiteering so why not charge the oil tycoons of the bush admin for it about misleading our troops to war in iraq where the tycoons were also the insurgents. The coup in iran by the cia in 1953 and the illegal funding of the contra terrorists during the reagan admin makes the saudi coup very likely. they profit by gaining possession of the oil fields and torture the countries by making them kill themselves through civil war or things like crack or heroin or religion introduced by the cia. thats a crime to sabotage other nations for their oil or poppy, come on.

gov't healthcare will be best

We need a customer as big as the government to take on big pharma that is killing people with sickness. thats how they make money and their legal goal is to increase shareholder wealth. They want us to be sick so they sell drugs and their ethics and morals are real low.
what was that clause in the energy bill that the motivated tom delay to redistrict texas so that more nazi thieving republicans are in the US congress?

ok i get the residual kkk thing,, allies with nazis

I know that the kkk used to be an active political party and i guess when they dissolved the next best thing was a far right wing conservative party like the current hate monger republicans. With the lack of transparency during the government bailouts I'm reminded of the Invisible Empire as self named by the kkk. The Invisible warfare electric shock is used on me too and it kills me. According to the History channel, Nazis were allies of the kkk when the communists battled them with guns in the streets in the 1970s. The yahoo chat ID lil_hitler was used after I nicknamed bush when i found out his secret society skulls and bones had hitler as a mascot. I saw a pic that showed Cheney in a black sheet without a mask and the rest of the kkk was masked in white sheets like he is the master wizard or something. The Zodiac serial killer used to dress like a hooded klansman. He was never caught and I bet that's Cheney. He is really nutso.

Why am i a target for the Nazis? It was the early 1990s when I was a vegetarian and a member of the animal rights group. That's hardly a terrorist and I don't believe that is the reason I'm being targeted. I still think its the Hughes genocide thing because Cheney and Bush ripped my family off. Since I'm supposed to figure out what's going on by myself, the enhanced interrogation techniques include clues in movies, music, and books. That movie Targets with Boris Karloff had a sharp shooter on top of a Chevron tank firing randomly at traffic. What does that mean? What about the Enron scandals? Was that a model version of what the trash did to the Hughes family?

Helms was a CIA director that used to conduct experiments on the unwitting public. Apparently Congress barred him from Intelligence work in the USA. An Intelligence marriage with Saudi Arabia, home of bin Laden, apparently permitted him to warrentless wiretap and spy on US citizens again. That is if he had identity removing plastic surgery and changed his name to Cheney which was the name of a black freedom writer student killed by the kkk during civil unrest. When Cheney was the Secretary of Defense, he reorganized the military to be more terrorist like and removed some supervisory positions. I believe he is currently the top dog for the National Guard and used his power to establish a unit of the National Guard in Saudi Arabia. I think this unit performed a coup on the Royal Family and Cheney took over. The citizens are very poor in that country and I saw on a news story a line to sell internal organs. Cheney runs al qaeda and the Palestinians that want Israel to be destroyed just like a Nazi. Bush and Zapata run the Taliban and the Afghanistan insurgencies are one of them. They used the words the Taliban and al qaeda interchangeably, before. Bush Sr. did the same thing before in China as a member of the Chinese Communist party. He used China to supply troops to North Vietnam for the war that would never end. I remember reading about difficulties trying to do surprise attacks on the North Vietnamese because they always knew the plans ahead of time. I hear Korea is a twin of Vietnam and I guess Afghanistan is a twin of Iraq. The military already said they had to go to war under false pretenses.

Why are there terrorists, anyway? People do not really hate Americans like Bush tells us, well except the ones that lie and play both sides of the war like the Bush/Cheney/Rover klan.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

why should i even attempt anything?

nothing works to get any truth or justice and i fear im going to get more anonymous electric shock treatment, anyway. im not or never was politically active. i have hardly even voted except maybe three or four presidential elections. this is all pure waste. many innocent prisoners are suffering in prisons, i bet. plus these scumbags make or coerce behaviors that are criminal. they are total trash and thats not a delusion. they want me to watch gi jane which i would like to do because i like demi moore but other innocent prisoners dont get to make their prison sentence into military service, which would account for a real delusion.

need to empty the jails of the many innocent,,

my guards are bad, too. Was the Zodiac serial killer also Robert Hanson the FBI/KGB mole? Did he get the Rosenburgs killed? What's that 'fountain of youth' pill that was on Oprah. Was he the Rover face transplant? Why else have a face like that - its even painful to look at. He's already bitched about this when he demanded an apology in the Op-Ed, they can read minds or tell the future or something. I am not accepting conversation from him. I dont know that trash and its an atrocity this is happening. Its like Israel, I bet. And I can't ever resist because I'm not that bright.

i posted this accidentlly and erased a dear president email.

Friday, August 21, 2009

neonazi spy school taught me that,,,

That guy that did 20 years of prison time for the Lockerbie bombing was innocent. I saw Mrs. Clinton on TV say the evidence about the man was overwhelming or strong or something but Bush has been CIA for a long time and I'd say they are specialists at manufacturing evidence. They surely had it all planned out so that he probably even unwittingly stepped right into evidence. They treated him like a hero when he got home with the language barrier and the nasty bush/cheney/rover controlled media we may never know the truth. Plus, the CIA know that I know that no one ever dies from prostate cancer. I'm under the impression that every man is likely to acquire the disease well passed middle age but nontreatment is a valid option with the condition.

I bet that entire Monica Lewinski oralsex operation was a complete fabrication. The President told us he "didn't have sexual relations with that woman" but the trash media immediately used the PR mix that a blowjob isn't considered 'sexual relations.' I thought it really happened but I'm smarter now and I know that conservative have no morals - not one. They are pure trash and think the word 'political' is defense enough to be that way. pure complete trash

i don't know what to do,,,

because i cant figure out what is going on. its so extremely painful to be so completely lost and restrained. why do conservatives crave that suffering of the weak? its not a fat person's fault they are fat or disabled, fruits and vegetables were supposed to be healthy. so much suffering is painful to me, especially of animals - not only do they not have a voice but they don't have a court system. what feels powerful about that bush/cheney/rover? and to unknowingly be a victim of an enemy that is invisibly sabotaging and constantly seeking the victim's destruction for no apparent reason is even worse. why do i even type this stuff? if i dont know the problem its impossible to look for, find, and implement a solution. how can this feel good to anyone - even the perpetrators?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

dear rachel

Dear Rachel:
I am what might be known as a political prisoner that was brainwashed with Orwellian hate crimes and the thought police compliments of the former Bush/Cheney/Rover administration. The CIA did the similar treatment to Brittany Spears without her even knowing that was the reason she was going nuts. They used to tell me to “look to the stars” when the motive they were pushing was that we share that blond hair thing. They’ve been persuading me for years to shave my head but I’ve been reluctant because I figured they’d tag me with skinhead or Charles Manson fan accusations. The CIA brags about the ‘alice in wonderland’ program, or whatever, that must be the kind of treatment that coerces the unwitting person into a paranoia type of house arrest. In fact, the first book I was secretly persuaded to read was by Joseph Finder called Paranoia. That is my favorite author, by the way. Can you get him on your show? Intelligence technology of the enhanced interrogation techniques have introduced delusion after delusion that apparently started for me over a decade ago with my college textbooks and car accidents. I’m sure that you’re already well aware that the CIA had infiltrated schools, hospitals, and government agencies decades ago. All the interrogators are anonymous, really, and the boxed-in surveillance could be treatment from the military, blackwater, or as former VP Cheney calls them, the homegrown soldiers. They used to torture me with hate to ’go tell’ spy or delusional information on a blog so that I’d be charged with an espionage offense or something that will extend this illegal sentence. I’ve never had a hearing or an arrest for enemy combatant allegations. They did have me selling marijuana, without me knowing, for three to six months but I was never arrested. Can you investigate any of the delusional allegations?

- Is former President Bush the same family as Anheuser Busch, Inc.
- Helms was a CIA director that was banned from intelligence work by Congress for conducting experiments on unwitting citizens and may have had plastic surgery or what CNN called a face transplant to change identity.
- Cheney and Rover may actually be royalty due to a coup in Saudi Arabia possibly using the names Fahd and Abdulla. Dulles may have had the same identity face transplant?
- the USA and Saudi, the home of Osama bin Laden, have or had an Intelligence sharing marriage.
- Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA.
- Can DNA be changed by a retro-virus type of reverse engineering enough to change identity?
- Could the Zodiac serial killer have been Cheney, Bush, or Rover?
- AIDS, Inc. (2007) states that the medicine AZT is what causes AIDS.
- Can the military administer electric shock treatment with electromagnetic radio (EMR) waves?
- Can biological electrolytes serve as electrodes and might this electric warfare cause scalp blisters?
- Can the remote control sensor on the cable tv box actually serve as a spy cam for warrentless wiretapping?
- Bush/Cheney/Rover flaunt smiles because they got away with 911 - you‘d think they wouldn‘t have to send so much hate to the town hall meetings.
- Did the Beatles use subliminal messages at the direction of the CIA to help target Charles Manson how to brainwash? They always call me Jesus Christ, too.
- Sammy Hagar, Limp Bizkit, Front 242, White Zombie, Ministry, The Beasti Boys, Madonna, and maybe Billy Joel may have all used subliminal messages. Many movies including Hitchcock films may have been used as enhanced interrogation techniques.
- Is Cheney the Master Wizard of the KKK?
- Am I an heir of Howard Hughes that has tried to be hidden?

Check out my lonely blog. Please forgive any cuss and offensive words:
Ron Steiniger 314.426.2768

i get the impression,,,

I already get the idea, I think, of resolution 242. My military guards or whatever won't even let me take the trust fund. Plus, its all a lie to cover-up other lies. gosh u fuckers, I cant believe you have tortured me and/or the hughes family for so long. i cant believe any of this.

So king and king, its obvious cheney did the coup in saudi arabia thanks to my 'alice in wonderland' torture. did he use the national guard that he set-up over there? he was the secretary of defense in usa before. in fact, he reorganized the military and was proud to removed many supervisors. somehow i have assumptions or maybe knowledge that the saudis and the usa had an intelligence marriage. unfortunately, as a former cia director that congress barred from intelligence work for doing experiments on unwitting citizens, it would be a way to allow one with a face transplant access to the warrentless wiretapping which is really way more involved than led to believe. being behind the scenes over there the bush/cheney/rover klan would have to be the same trainers of suicide bombers that have been watching me. do just the palenstinians and the 911 hijackers do the suicide bombings? id bet cheney runs palestine also.

poppy day is nov. 11 according to the Book of Days in the reference library that celebrates the red flagrant poppy plant ot something. poppy was george hw bush's nickname at one time i read. this is the reason 11 is so harmful and unhealthy. wasnt al qaeda the bin laden warriors that were in afganistan and not the taliban that currently claim responsibility for voter bombings?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

gosh, i cant take the secrecy

its like i'm a total nutcase, and its over but i will still get the mean secretive treatment since i cant figure out a solution. it just makes me sick because i know nothing is over and that makes my stomach turn.

i remember the band Front 242 and I really liked them. One of their cds was called Tyranny for You [buzz buzz - buzz means the CIA somehow let me know what I'm typing is significant] that i thought may have been subliminal. I'm starting another book called The Case for Peace by Alan Dershowitz that will explain Resolution 242 peace agreement between Israel and Palestine which has been implied to hold much importance. This will be the fifth or sixth book I would have started that may hold some promise as to what is happening to me and what I can do about it.

i cant believe i lost my old political science textbook. i hate to click 'publish post' because its like being cutoff - cutoff from nothing even, this is too insane.

you guys want me to say its all ok for the sake of peace,,

I'm a completely innocent unwitting victim of torture and possible genocide by an invisible enemy that I can't touch and has been presumed to lie, cheat, steal, and murder its way to power. Apparently, I'm expected to say its ok to torture and rape me and my family for the sake of what? Even if i could accept that and repress this atrocity, the treatment would just get worse because you have the strong arm of control. This is supposed to be the land of the free, so it is all illegal, anyway. Plus you are a complete unworthwhile liar. There apparently is no way to move forward without the complete destruction of me and my real and/or implied family. What dreams? What trust fund you lying secretive trash dump? I want justice and compensation for the years I've blatantly suffered - at least recognition and relief. But, I'm expected to smile an ear-to-ear with the nasty bush/cheney/rover klan about my continued physical and mental demise. Keep smiling trash, you got away with 911, didn't you?

I wanted to be a Chiropractor so I could get off the deadly bipolar meds, you electricuting 'k' trash nazis. What exactly is an electrolyte and why would you use mine as electrodes? Oh, that's for what the trust fund is mentioned, huh? Show me the money. Didn't you kill my sister, too? Its all about the suffering and torture game for you rover, isn't it? How can that kind of power even feel good?

i cant believe there are real adults actually involved.

from chat? from tv? are they actually true working adults? its not worth it. i get no information ever but i get relentless meaningless hate - for nothing, no reason. no life. no hope. no clue. jeeez everyday you do this to me. do you have no conscience but i guess you been watching me all my life, just now you get to shock the hell out of me everyday.

the taliban and al qaeda are the same thing - dont you remember when bush used them interchangeably?

why do u call me a coward? because im scared of ur terrorist-type of treatment and ideology?

so it is all about carbohydrates, after all,,

I guess I had already known about complex carbs turning to glucose, ie blood sugar, but didn't comprehend the issue due to the more problematic abrupt spike in glucose levels brought about by simple sugars, eg, candies, juices, cakes, sodas, and fruit. I remember my distraught thinking as an exercise trainer when the diet high in fat and cholesterol diet worked at reducing body-fat. I think the world was stunned when the Adkins diet came out. That seems to be the Schwarzbein principle, too. I'll try to explain it a little.
Glucose is used in our muscle and other cells to create atp in the cells mitochondria. its energy for the cell. Well when the bloodsugar level gets high, insulin is released from the pancreas to remove the excess sugar from the blood. insulin is described as a key to open muscle cells for the uptake of this sugar but if the cell can't use or store the glycogen the key wont open the cell for uptake. Fat cells never need insulin to take in sugar, its stored easily in fat cells (adipose cells). So the take home message is that all carbohydrates are sugar and too many can cause a condition of insulin resistance.

The Schwarzbein Principle by Diana Schwarzbein MD and Nancy Deville

The authors say, "When insulin levels are kept high too long, the result is a physiology that promotes excessive body-fat gain, a physiology prone to infections and all the chronic degenerative diseases of aging..."


it can't be the gay thing for which i've been getting tortured for years. i've already been informed the nasty bush/cheney/rover team of scumbags have been tracking me my whole life and may most likely coerced me as gay. i'm not trading it for them scumbags of trash. as if i could, anyway.


"It is common in organized crime prosecutions, for the defense tactic to be to deny the allegations and attack the allegator." Ronnie Earle a Texas DA

like the orwellian hate and war crimes pot calling the kettle a nazi and refuting fascist accusations. this is like the idiot leaders that used to pretend go after them damn communists. Communism isnt in and of itself bad, i dont think, unless the leaders are bad like fascist or nazi - its just not capitalism. gosh i hate those word twisting abusers of the 1st amendment, plus geniuses you don't have a right to assult people. don't worry assault is verbal and battery is physical. gosh i hate you nazi rover/cheney/bush klan of retarded idiot scumbags.


DNA as the gold standard, huh? This alice in wonderland torture spy school mentions reverse-engineering alot, which if i'm not mistaken, is in reference to the retro-viros HIV which changes (mutates) DNA. The video AIDS, Inc. (2007) states the opinion that the drug AZT, the first line of defense, may actually cause AIDS. Maybe the its the medicine that mutates the DNA?

there's something about Bowling Green that is a big deal but I dont know what it is and if it refers to the town in missouri or what?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

this is too nasty and gross,,

so what did the bush/cheney/rover team of nasty scum trash do to the world? how does this work? do they get a free pass to attempt breaking every 'rule of law' and escape judgment because the nastiest scumfuck rewrites laws to fit. the nasty pathetic rover can prance around the media catwalk with an ear-to-ear grin thinking that he got away with 911, on loopholes? or persuasion? what about torturing another person or people including genocide, stealing from the free market and government, greed, and just being nasty ugly only begin to tell the long list of trash crimes. its not the crime itself, huh girls, its the nasty people that make it trash. what about halliburton anti-trust situation? kbr was terrorist branch of the multinational corp. its too disgusting to think about. is that the 'land of laws' viewpoint? gross gross gross

check this out

i posted a resume a week or two ago and i have no choice but to recognize this international law loophole exploiter trash from the sewer that belongs in the toilet,,

[lol,, thats funny name calling but i dont wish to explain - i typed it earlier and just got back to the computer.] im sorry im always so rude when msnbc yaps at me. its like the only real feedback i get - its sick really.

its a shame

This is so sad. being targeted. With the technology available today why hasn't the FDA wiped sodium out of the diet. this is too depressing to me. how did you get the kids to stay inactive? school lunches i dont know about specifics - but why target the children, hell targeted them everywhere and be on meds that will kill them until end of early life. maybe not this depressing but i think so. conspiracy dammit

so anyway,, what is a conspiracy?

I think Bush, George and Barbera, or maybe Prescott and Dorothy where involved in family planning gov't agencies? You know, the abortion clinics. That's an appropriate 'opposite-day' reason to have genocide knowledge and training. i'm messing this up but but i forgot the 'e' word that is synonymous with bleaching the genepool or something. genocide is still genocide if political or economic. that's insane to think otherwise, for the lucky loopholes, in international law, huh? NO TOLERANCE FOR SUCH ASSININE CRAP. is that for real?
gosh im an idiot!!


look at this definition:
electrode, n. a solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves a medium such as an electrolyte [we have those inside our bodies], a nonmetallic solid, a molten metal, a gas, or a vacuum.

hey here in 'wonderland' i was under the impression that tom delay has control of the master sexual offender list. apparently not all used to get listed or something. he had the contact with those kids, too - some nonprofit org.

if i express an interest in homeopathic medicine does that make me an automatic enemy? there should be more programs available since the actual big pharma is such a killer.

i forgot the guy who shot john lennon was a manchurian candidate also. the cia let me know that the beatles are a big deal and i kinda thought it was because they brought drugs, sex, and rock n roll to the states from the cia infiltrated brittish.

i thought bush and cheney control the taliban and al qaeda terrorists, respectively.

i read in the constitution, while i was looking for that 'trading places' phrase, the the us president also leads the organized militia. i thought it was the kennedys to be honest, before i read that in the constitution.

Monday, August 17, 2009

its almost go time, i hope,,,

these people are bad, too. Was the Zodiac serial killer also Robert Hanson the FBI/KGB mole? Did he get the Rosenburgs killed? What's that 'fountain of youth' pill that was on Oprah. Was he the Rover face transplant? Why else have a face like that - its even painful to look at. He's already bitched about this when he demanded an apology in the Op-Ed, they can read minds or tell the future or something. I am not accepting conversation from him. I dont know that trash and its an atrocity this is happening. Its like Israel, I bet. And I can't ever resist because I'm not that bright.

why animal rights in liddy's book the monkey handlers?

i guess the military has the brainwashing and mind reading software. there is nothing but lies about me as for reason to hold me with invisible electric warfare. maybe the high anxiety is fear but the article in the body electric post in the forums states that "EMR [electromagnetic radio] waves can be scaled up or down for use against individuals or whole crowds and armies..."

the whole time i thought invega was causing me side effects of stiff neck and slobbering it might have been the EMR waves. how paranoid delusional does that sound?

like i could be a spy for anything?

Ever, huh?

why did fox play that nazi camp movie and mention abdul? why would it be an animal rights crime? why was hubble's telescope a clue? why torture with emr-waves? why is it a legal quagmire? was rover the spy that gave the russians the plans for the atomic bomb in a blackbag drop for which the rosenburgs were persecuted? hey growth hormon GH makes you appear younger than you are, like a secret fountain of youth, i guess?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

whats trial by ambush?

why are my student loans being denied any help? ive had nothing to do with animal rights groups in over a decade or more!! i swear and promise!! this is my sisters death anniversary, can u cut me and the family some slack? why do u keep mentioning Rosen? it is the stress and fear that keeps me awake. oh is this what rover meant by fear tactics by using the fear tactics? im terrified, everyday. this is the worse life ever. im not a spy, im not animal rights, im not married, ive become insane.


the brainwash from the cartoon show. about jesus but i feel more like manson with the shaved head and the big blackhead on my forehead. whats more important GmbH the german pharmacy. wasnt that the date rape drug that came out during the george hw bush admin. was that an opposite day eugenics. so the cartoon plays stewie as hitler tonite and the blue harvest star wars episode plays stewie as darth vader and that pic i saw months ago of klansmen with the leader in black sheet without the hood as if darth vader and storm troopers. the unmasked man in black was cheney. was that a dot to connect that stewie was playing hitler and darth vader and does cheney plays both?



THAT BOOK ABOUT THE MEDIA COVERUP OF 911 by barrie zwicker WAS REQUESTED FOR ME AT THE LIBRARY. sorry about the caps. so was the dvd about the fight between conservatives and liberals, requested for me. im innocent and demand freedom and truth and the end of the hate. i want recovery and compensation, too.

its just one big rant,, with me.

thanks for the good gay movie called Love Valore and Compassion and with jason alexander on encore,, the fucku scene at dinner was very good,, great movie. what would billie jean king do? i forgot who was republican and who was democrat at the basinger baldwin family.

thats funny i still want my signed 8x10 glossy of the secretary of the defense. isnt that funny? its true but most things are ok for the attractive ones and rover cant sneak by no matter what. and the rest of the uglies or criminal.

heres a paramoia one. i wonder how much significance are emr waves when a number of specific satellites may be passing above. seems constant but amplified at times of stress. im an idiot.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i hate this i hate this i hate this

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this

fooled me huh, its more like brainwashing - it can't just be you keep fooling me, huh amity alice from the shining.

ima college student i dont have a trade. i dont read or listen to most books i have checked out from the library. unbearabley tedious huh? the passport mess rehash. thats the only thing i owned that might have been doctored or jimmied to label me as foreign or maybe even some warrior/terrorist/journalist. im not even a writer other than this blog as its for my survival i guess. seems to be my only real way out. plus i only ever used the passport as proof of identity for obtaining two lawyers signatures vouching for me that i am who I said I am. I forwarded this to Thwate online security to become a face to face validator for people that claim they are who they actually claim online to be. Nothing ever became of it and I've never used the passport other than that.

end all the hate crap there is no statute of limitations on hate crimes, just because the Ashcroft law doesn't specify gay or disabled doesnt mean the same protection from invisible discrimination from EMR waves wouldn't apply and still be criminal - plus all the hate isn't just to me you harassing journalists. stop the secrecy and eugenics! im such a paranoid nincompoop, huh, all conspiracy and nonconspiracy theorists and not, and all actors and nonactors. i never even listen to beck or rush and i dont know about their hate 'per se' but the media propaganda portray it to be that way. i think family guy outed rush limbaugh but probably only bait like all the other lures. more delusional paranoia.

now from the land of big pharma, i need two adivan to sleep just three hours which i guess is from the invisable EMR electromagnetic radio waves, one of the side effects of course of adivan is suicide attempts but i did those already before i ever took the medicine. maybe, it was the adivan that was giving me low back pain and not invega or maybe its was the EMR waves. the lorazepams for anxiety are worthless here. theres really no weather to report. i stopped watching the kkk on the history channel because it was so disturbing. just like most things around the human prisoner electricity lab - and attention deficit amphetamine meds are the only cure. theres some more paranoia for you junkies. dont keep reverse-engineering your hate beck and maybe rush too, i dunno. more paranoia there, too.

i was going to read The Monkey Handlers by G. Gorden Liddy but I think its more trouble than its worth. dont they already the crimes and short sentences in mali kai all worked out by this time. Isnt that obvious with the "Common Sense Act'?

race war huh..

are you kidding me? everything is sickning. please shutdown the radio stations of hate. they have abused their first amendment rights beyond whats acceptable. its all diversion type of propaganda anyway. propaganda isnt a first amendment right as far as im concerned. it not free speech its hate. nothing else to do, since i cant read books without adderall. purefuckinhate. im so sick of the bullying. i have no way fight their invisable warfare, by law even.

so oh well shit,,, you fooled me to shave my head,,

i really did feel the stinging as if blisters were forming. i dont run because i have no place to run to, especially since they see what i see. and they probably would navigate me right into another nazi plot [bozz bozz]. so what most moles [bozz bozz] on the scalp are pink and look like blisters. theres more paranoid shitzo stuff for amphetamine psychosis and i haven't had any and wont for days. see even eating sounds bad doesn't it? after navigation and reading sherlock holmes by conan doyle that tells a story about alice the prisoner, a mastiff and a look alike alice that appears to have fun in front of a window, more paranoia arrived. two of the three stories tells about an inheritance after marriage takes place. i was proposed to numerous times by chat-bots in yahoo, years ago. they are really scripts of computer programming defined as artificial intelligence, i guess [bozz bozz - i like bozz instead of buzz, its cools it out, rolls better]. the bots even do prarnoia brainwashing. the mean patty hearst kind of brainwashing. kind of like the jim crow stuff.

this is so gross. now the barfbags got to play another card or two on the tv news harassment programs. this is pure sick trash, period. this is sick. its not a game or clone war or reality tv, especially reality tv. some chat profile quote, "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not destroying you." im not smiling and if i am its only because the shitbags are not in my mind. purefuckinhate. i hate the news as much as i hate the day. actually all three of the sherlock stories seemed important. ill go back and review.

i'm watching nat'l lampoons replicate [comedy about dna] and it stars the guy from Doing Time on Maple Drive [bozz bozz], unless that's the clone? There are so many that look alike, kinda like Montgomery Clift like the guy in Miracles good actor that's name began with a "U". The story is based around a theme that "God is Now Here" and the interpretation, "God is Nowhere". He looks like the bartender at Ozzies kind of, Jimmy, and a guy that stays or lives with the cool set of neighbors behind the house.

In My Stepmother is an Alien kim bassinger had to get married. I remember the - buzz buzz - when i mentioned that someone with the powers that be didn't want me to breed - buzz buzz buzz buzz - which has alot to do with marriage. more eugenics? im watching the kkk on the history channel. the legislation and courts were once swimming with klan members. legislation made it illegal to cover face, dont listen that well do they. there was that one photo that showed cheney in black sheet with followers in white sheets as if darth vader and the stormtroopers. wow this could actually be a kkk disease. they always drop the 'k' hint. i thought nazis and the kkk were kind of seperate but i guess not. well maybe, bush the little hitler from skulls and bones doesnt get along with wizard cheney republican from star trek. it was the communist workers party that were seperate from the kkk but i think they were teamed by the nazis. invisable torture makes a lot of sense. and empire makes sense. with all this delusional crap being true, krispy kremes might be a front company? i dont believe the mafia is against me that may be niave but i still dont believe they are torturing me. i dread the next card they show, they are sick fucks.

oh yeah the first sherlock holmes story was about diversion from a house. the stories of miracles had one about a possessed house and amilty was a big deal for years. i heard there is a video that looks just like me. i hate to see cheney/bush/rover on tv. ok the internet says the emr waves are coming from radar in the russian ukraine but i doubt thats true, also.

Friday, August 14, 2009

cia cartoon was not about me,,

this is a coerced post. on an episode of family guy stewie once said "the password is 'taco'" whatever that means but i had mentioned it once before hoping truth and freedom would result but none came as if it was some kind of a safe word or something - indicating the end of torture treatment that which they claim i may have volunteered. im not even a fan of much of anything, anymore. im not the alien cartoon character from the american dad cartoon that was brought tacos in the staged self designed hostage situation and im only mean as the effect from the orwellian hate treatment and thought police. the isolation, media harassment, EMR waves, secrecy, and discrimination can only contribute to the mean effect that really is all effect. there is no cause for me to be mean, its all effect and always has been - im a good person.

id love to be rescued by Mr Clinton but I only interpreted the Korean rescue as a relief initially until the media almost immediately presented the State Secretary as slightly aggitated towards the issue. I just figured rescuing me would be reluctant since it might be considered stepping on toes at home. in fact, with the CIA always calling me zero, I misinterpreted a trip Mr. Clinton took to 'ground zero' and kind of half heartedly hoped to meet him that day. this situation is at least partially tolerable with ADD medicine but I wont get another chance to ask my doctor for the insufficient dosage again until an appointment monday at 1p. im not faking or staging my own hostage situation. The neighbors used to seem to all hate me by planting dead rats and birds in my yard and made me think they were all KKK members with a hate for gays. They used to enter my house and car at their own will. I think that bartender from Ozzies was in my car one day because i saw someone like him walking away from my car and drive away in a geo trakker. i realized my stereo equalizer was later messed with. that was the bartender named Jimmy Madness or something that worked there during the summer of 2005.

i remember being asked for a confession in chat,,,

it was some time later that i confessed to being a terrorist when i obviously wasn't. Torture doesn't work because people confess to whatever is wanted to be heard. Later that same day, my neighbors began staring at me in the yard with a significance and since I was once friendly with them, i knocked on their door but they did not answer because they clearly knew it was me. The isolation is torture enough but the secrecy is even worse. Not accepted by new laws as torture or hate crime discrimination but unless the old laws are rescinded, it should count as harassment somewhere in there.


so i shaved my head, only a mole shows, will that end the curse or do i move mentally to a different neonazi camp? i think im supposed to shave it with a razor but this is far enough to look for blisters that dont appear. a spot i have on my head does sting at significant times is apparently just a mole though.


the 'dont ask, dont tell' clause is significant for the eurogenics of old military experiments probably still used by the former VP Cheney since he gave himself the right to enlist whomever he wanted, or so said his VP webpage. the nature vs. nurture experiment must have been a trust fund after marriage kind of thing.

if cheney is or was saudi king and setup the suadi national guard and bush/reagan helped pay for the contras in iran/pakistan there only needs to be a dot to connect saudi and pakistan. the isi is good enough to me. rescue me please


fact: my mother didnt gamble away her inheritance because she never received one. the riverboat casino is the only break away for life from the EMR waves. my grandfather didn't gamble away anything either, especially the military pension he doesnt get.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

the political prisoner label,,,

is not a role or an excuse, its merely an assumption. im not political, they are trying to hide ripping off my hughes family or some other diversion, i assume. i contacted amnesty international years ago and they blew me off. it feels like electric shock all the time indicative of the stiff neck syndrome. i am not dual citizenship anywhere, i promise - solo american citizenship, no matter what fake documents are may say. i need immediate relief.

imagine being a ghost prisoner by invisible shock restraints for lies,,

what fun, huh. with no recourse because its a secret. i cant stand it but they keep electricuting me, its constant. scalp acne [blisters] or whatever they're calling it, to prove it. as soon as i shave my scalp im sure to become a bigger alleged 'enemy of the state'. who was i supposed to divorce anyway? a jouranalist's job is to harass who?
i get the clinton thing dont worry. its not worth typing it all out really - that neither one can help me, their hands are tied or something. i didnt listen to the news stories.
that book breakpoint by richard a clarke says there are 300+ subjects like me. i dont know of any other than my genocided family. even with some secrecy removed i wouldnt have a case or freedom. lost my remote control for the tv so i missed hearing the big cheney news story today. i think it said he was going to write a book since the statute of limitations ran out or expired. cant be talking about me since the orwellian thought police continues and the orwellian hate crimes dont have a statute of limitation so it really doesnt concern me. like i could take any action or would even try anything again. THE NEWS ARE ALL LIES.

this is dummer than stupid,,,

there may be a tunnel under st ann for the movement of illegal immigrants and drugs to maybe slave camps. you know, an opposite day underground railroad,?,?,? now will u stop the electricity?

im watching bram stokers dracula, lou dobbs. will u stop with the lies and electric shock treatments? for what reason am i a prisoner? i am not a volunteered experiment nor a convicted criminal.

they hasve made attempt suicide...

lately, a few times.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i forgot about neighbors,, sorry about the bad posts,,

what am i supposed to do? ive already been denied 8 or more times to be recognized as any kind of orwellian type of prisoner [2 calls to the chief of police, twice in person by officers in my driveway, 3 visits from the fire dept., once at city hall for writ of habeus corpus, phonecall to a judge]. yea, i don't want to worry about that crap anymore - i've already thrown a few fits in the yard and more cussing rants inside the house. i dont want to prosecute or complain about david, i cant see him saying anything was a conspiracy, anyway.

wasnt howard stern a lot less offensive than those not barred from the radio. radio waves are are crippling these days, well the electromagnetic radio waves for sure. blisters.


"We know what every part of the brain does and how. We can implant electronics in the ear, eye, and elsewhere directly into the brain, and send signals that are converted to the biochemical language of the brain. And we can go the other way, taking biochemical language of the human memory and turning them into ones and zeros for copying and storing in silicon in electric computers."
thats from richard a clarke's book breakpoint - i copied info about him from the book cover before. he did cyber security for the presidents. worked dod asst sec of intelligance, bush sr politico -miliitary, and counterterrorism for clinton. he write, "sometimes you can tell more truth by fiction." i think thats what they are doing to me. id say that might be torture considering the invisable electromagnatic waves warfare, on a citizen. send what kind of signals? secret torture stuff?

[the freedom award winner steven hawking, maybe, the physicist , can think with a computer generated voice, huh][if there is such a thing as eye mites that can see what i see, are they considered electronics? and what about the nose, i know that's a direct brain minus the judgemental thalamus connection.] [By the way, im not an assassin, just in case.]
is that the dracula thing? the ability for military intelligence to pass objects and people through walls? id say they probably can, and thats why i quit snorring i bet. i dont feel like watching it. i dont feel like doing anything other than rescuing my parents - they had some latenite harassment phonecalls my dad hungup on. leave them alone, me too. i just put my info out to prove my innocence and give a motive. i cant fight that like this.

screw this,,

do the bush family really have history in eugenics? [buzz] and Mental Aberration and Race Hygiene??

pure trash

each fake smile i see. what kind of fuckin lies are these worthless fucks telling you people? turns my stomach. lies, lies, lies

its all trash

msnbc, im sorry but even the nonconservative shows are trash. not the people but the topics. fuckin nasty democracy is messy huh funny dumbfuckk. electric blister messy trash dude? shut the fuckk up.

so spaced out,,

nice movie but its still murder, torture, and mind control lies. what happened to truth, justice, and the american way? and what is up with a trust fund? the new brad pitt nazi killer movie looks great. its still murder, torture, and mind control lies for you bad guys, though.


you know republican trash, you make me so sick, thats why i lose weight. you nasty fu*ckers take my appetite away. no fear act? good one dog boy, but my blistered paranoid delusional ass aint touching anything until you scum are behind bars, ya nasty sacks of shit. and your secrecy cloud is lifted. plus i have no recourse, you diversion invisible 'plausibly deniable' fu*cks. does that make it a law to lie? read that again - is it law to lie? what good is it to deny truth for the imprisoned innocent? well none. the no fear act on the other hand is for all the whistleblowers. the gov't employed whistleblowers are all protected. why do u keep that neibors dog barking at 4:30a? the no fear act also protects those seeking gov't employment. too bad about the doctors that create the paranoid delusional lie diagnoses - they dont get any protection for lying or blowing a whistle, do they? we hate them. not to harm them of course.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

set ups everywhere huh,,

family guy makes it captain obvious huh. there's more paranoia and delusions for with to punish me. tons more in my mind. gotta get it out though. please febish dont lock me in a dark closet.

some dots to connect:
richard a clarke, book titled breakpoint, china, manchurian candidate, patsy, oswald, cia handler babysitter george de mohrenchildt the russian, [thats coded lies for more info in julia child cookbooks, according to fox news she was a former oss and/or cia op - also why do the nazis always blame the russians? hey im just the messenger not a convert - to anything.], my russian doctor, adderall, apparent amphetamine psychosis and paranoid delusions, weight loss, complete terrorized assault on me, electromagnetic radio waves, confusion, lack of concentration, insomnia, pharmaceutical overuse, overdose, health care reform, pink, add, blond, richard a clarke - thats a complete circle of dots, can anyone do anything with that?

im under the impression, here in wonderland:
- barbara bush admitted to being an atheist? why would george not be?
- direct tv is a maddox or murdoch propaganda company
- everyone that provides clues is not on the good side but the ones that may be pretending to be on the good side may actually be on the bad side - keep the bad appearing ones.

its not the adderall im telling you. i emailed the house speaker today to inform i lost my political science textbook. it displayed the constitution that may have stated in Article 2 that if the government violates a citizen's civil rights, the individual will obtain the privileges of the us president. another book titled the invisible constitution that states the real constitution in the appendix doesnt mention the civil rights thing. i mentioned that i have no recourse for blatant abuse. also mentioned the EMR waves. someone wants me to watch my stepmother is an alien which is kim basinger as the worlds perfect woman, with all due respect - but they shoot me with rays and beams of invisible electricity.

those unauthorized george bush biographies

those unauthorized george bush biographies were actually written by george bush i bet. to shift point blame and shift lies around. god i hate u fuckers.

oh thats why they used to call me china,,

im the manchurian candidate and manchuria is the area of china. more mocking towards me is all that sounds like. my poor family. geeeeez u fuckin trash bush/cheney/rover scum. god damn i hate u people.

reversed engineering is mentioned a lot.

there's more for the paranoid delusional freak, huh doctor. burn me at the stake. punish the innocent victim some more you terrorists. im not involved in anything legal or illegal to my knowledge that would account for such complete agitation, frustration, and pure hate. im not trying to convince someone that i am something im not or even that im someone else. wouldnt matter anyway since im not anything anyway. i still want my pic of secretary gates. i did jump on the trampoline, it did nothing and didnt help the situation.

Monday, August 10, 2009

im innocent

im innocent of any and all crimes anyone may profess [buzz buzz buzz light flickering indicates the importance of that statement]. in my opinion, they couldnt put me in a real jail because id have a real trial first plus it might actually be protected from emr waves or the blisters on my scalp might probably be examined or i would go bonkers in the small cell. i dont want to read. i dont want to write. i want relief and truth and justice. i am not an experiment or a volunteer or a criminal.

its not diet coke either,,

most of this post is from the website i referred to a couple of posts back from Invisible Warfare - the body electric, 1985, from a book titled maxwell's silver hammer by dr robert becker in the forums.

its not diet coke either that cause the relentless feelings of agitation and inability to focus and sit still. its the elf [extra low frequency] waves apparently used to communicate with submarines. [im not a marine and not sub by choice. is that why the midgets disappeared? at least from my prepared wonderland view? a hint like elf and midget huh [buzz]?] and emp [electromagnetic pulse] is a hint as well, a name frequently in chat that could mean anything but since both elf and emp are used often id connect them here. emr stands for electromagnetic radio waves.

emp, developed as a weapon in the 1960s, was used by the detonation of some kind of chemical or nuclear reaction 1000s of miles above earth to beam electric energy and destroy electric systems, apparently. in the early 1970s, emr generators were developed in an effort to simulate emp and help devise communications centers resitant to it.

[bet the resistance for people is adderall - probably why a class 2 narcotic and cant find on the internet. Nazis used adderall in the war, it doesn't cause paranoia. i should at least get the medicine if i was, in fact, givin the label by a radio personality. or is that another delusion? i know - its getting so old. it was a threat. they create the paranoia with innuendos, fake news of lies [they say mock], and tv, books, movies, music.]

In 1973, these EMR transmitters were described in an invitation only seminar at the Naval Weapons Laboratory in Dahlgreen, Virginia where their use for anti-personnel and anti-ballistic missile energy beams were discussed. No information about their subsequent development has since been made public. The difficulty tracking missiles argue that the beams haven't yet became available but there are no such difficulties that exist in the way for using EMR (electromagnetic radio waves) beam weapons for use against individual people.

[the only [buzz] or best defense would be adderall. dont ask me why. its not my plan nor opposite day thinking. they created the paranoia so i couldnt defend myself. and mean nasty doctors, too. god i hate it.]

Allen Frey's dicovery of certain pulsed waves increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier [primarily used to allow central spinal fluid a way to circulate the blood plasma for nutrients] could be turned into a supplemental weapon to enhance the effects of bacteria and poisons. The calcium outflow windows discovered by Ross Adey could be used to interfere with the functioning of the entire brain. [and cause painful bone spurs too, i bet]

in the 1960s, allen frey also reported he could speed up, slow down, or stop a frogs heart by synchronizing the pulse rate of a microwave beam with the heart itself. its technologically feasible to cause a human heart to stop.

Ross Adey has shown that specifically manipulated or modulated frequencies can force electric patterns on the brain [not freewill]. Jos Delgado concluded, "The animals looked like electronic toys. [I know they make the dogs bark around here in wonderland at significant moments to me.]

even instincts and emotions can be changed; in one test a mother giving continuous care to her baby suddenly pushed the infant away whenever the signal was given. Approach-avoidance conditioning can be achieved for any action simply by stimulating the pleasure and pain centers in the animal's or person's Limbic system. Monitoring a combination of radio frequencies, microwave broadcasting, and EEGs was designed to produce specific thoughts or moods such as compliance or complacency, promises a method of mind control that poses immense danger to all societies - tyranny without terror. [sounds like terrorism to me]

The CIA funded research on electric mind control as least as early as 1960, when the notorious MKULTRA program, mostly concerned with hypnosis and psychedelic drugs included money for adapting bioelectric sensing methods to surveillance and interrogation, as well as for finding "techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means." [sounds like me and not freewill]

conspiracy theorists aside, the hypnotic familiarity of tv and radio combined with the biological effects of their broadcast beam [whatever that might be] may already constitute a similar force for mass standardization, whether by design or not.

its well known fact that any mildly relaxed state involving a stimulus such as a movie or tv program produces a hypnotic state, in which the mind becomes especially receptive or susceptible to suggestion. other inducers of a hypnotic state include light sleep, daydreams, or short periods of time spent waiting for some predetermined signal or action, such as a traffic light. people can rationalize their behavior and may consider an action undertaken out of their own free will.

American interest in the hypnosis-electromagnetic radio interaction was still strong as of 1974, when a research plan was filed to develop useful techniques with human volunteers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

its not diet coke either,,

that cause the relentless feelings of agitation and inability to focus and sit still, its the elf waves apparently used to communicate with submarines. im not a marine and not sub by choice. is that why the midgets disappeared? at least from my pre-established view? a hint?

they want me to play an opposite day card,,,

like enjoying coffee is causing the electric shocks and ive been drinking coffee for years and its not the same feeling as being electrically vibrated or shocked. it feels like ADD. for which addaerall is prescribed. weed also eases it somewhat. unfotunately i need to do work for the enhanced interrogation techniques with them.

the 3rd -ish book i was coerced to read was ghostplane

the book said that any torture type of activity undertaken by the bush admin should be video taped which was common for the cia to do anyway. i guess they figure they can use for propaganda. Mr. Dershowitz suggested it and i think it was to be publicized. there are legal grounds that would permit the cable companies to utilize the remote controlled sensor as a video receptor and the owners of the fibre optic cable could sell the info for top dollar. is it still legal for warrentless wiretapping? the telecommunications act that clinton signed, in 1997?, written by the republican congress could be interpreted that way. ive gotten the impression that there are four views of me being publicly tortured or whatever and everyone doesnt get the same exploit which apparently is important.

damn that does sound nuts but its true. thanks for the reply. no poor dawny didnt have kids but she did have a couple of monogamous loving relationships. loving enough to trade and wear wedding bands without actually being married on paper. do you know if gay marriage is even legal in missouri? i miss her and love her so much. one of her lovers was dawn mc, do u remember her? she hasn't been doing not so great either but she always kind of had that perky upbeat attitude that made me smile. but i havent really seen or heard from her in a year or two, nor would i know how to contact her. but thanks for mentioning and asking about dawn. umm before chiro school i had a bsba in finance and int'l biz and an associates degree in information systems and worked a little. what does tort reform mean? any ideas. i know that a tort is a recoverable action against a citizen but dont know the major issue except i guess whats going on in my situation with the invisible type warfare that cant get legal advice. its like they are persuading and coercing me with enhanced interrogation techniques to take this to people's court. trust me, its not by choice or my own freewill. they made the hearing request for only the value of $1000, too. i swear its nuts. pot is okay to smoke, i think. see just to sound more nutso paranoid. i dont smoke as much as i once did. hey im going to post this message on my blog and ill explain why there.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

its all related to string theory, i guess,,

it was also called vibration theory i think. its a branch of physics that is pretty complicated to us lay-people or in my case the layless or unlaid persons. freud did work with string theory and the co-existence or multiple and simultaneous realities occurring. i think. maybe not but sounds like what i may have learned about it. it was preliminary back then and may have been known as vibration theory, as well. the place from where this invisible electric warfare comes. they pushed string theory on me years ago as math or so i interpreted with the physics label and the strings being circular rinds of just vibration and i blew it off as not being unscientific or something.

is billy mays hays still making commercials? i just saw a new one. i hope he was one of those mock executions, or whatever, and is still actually alive. my condolences if im wrong about a new commercial or this mock nonsense.

i get it now,, china and iran connection

well the iran and china connection. when china gave iran nuclear weapons a few to several months back. it was because old man bush sr. runs both countries or has political influence over war. i read the cia gained control of iran in 1953. makes sense to always be wat war with iraq when bush involved. he is on the chinese comminist party, too, i think. and all that terror happening in iran is meant to scare us into war with them pretty soon or some kind of another attack will happen on our soil to justify war there. that is if we need to control the oil fields there? remember the song iran by thr flock of seagulls?

is tort reform my problem?

is that why I cant get a police report? or a lawyer to listen to me and envision how a court order against blackwater or some cia unit can help, not only me but many? was ted kazinski cia before?

the body electric, 1985

an apparent book by the author Dr. Robert Becker posted on a website called
topic: invisible warfare

talks about the massive mind control that is likely occurring right now but we still think and reason so we think its freewill. its a long post but worth the reading about electromagnetic radio waves and the effects on our brains including other tissues including our hearts, as if the ability to creat heart attacks. it causes ADD!!!! they can cause heart attacks!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

WTC and Building 7 collapses reveal 11 features of controlled demolitions

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover Up of 9/11 by Barrie Zwicker

1. The towers fell straight down through themselves.

2. The tops of the Towers mushroomed outward into vast clouds of pulverized concrete ans shattered steel.

3. The collapses exhibited demolition 'squibs' (puffs of dust) shooting out of the towers well below the zones of total destruction.

4. Far more explosives were used to destroy the towers than are used in a typical demolition. This indicated by the dust clouds generated that expanded many times the tower's volumes - much more than occurs in typically controlled demolitions. Was collapse of Bldg. 7 just burning the evidence?

5. The Towers came down suddenly.

6. And completely.

there are some more...

8. Oral testimony published on the NYT Website of people hearing synchronized explosions etc.


why did you use my grandmother's name at beginning of chat. she lost her husband a few days ago. isnt that enough. he used high blood pressure medicine which very well have made him sick. yhis makes me sick to my stomache. she fell down and broke her wrist and is staying here a dew days.


areas primed for continuous attack are the Internet and the electricity grid. id say the same corporate fatcat terrorists would easily collapse a system and they think they should for the increase in stockholder wealth to see. that's my opinion of this nazi scare at the town hall meetings. Are those fake meetings, even? Just for the publicity, the diversion? What are they doing giving talks already? did the congress really recess while so much crap occurs?

truth is stranger than fiction, huh

a couple of movies were titled that. what does 'pulp fiction' mean? i'd assume it means there is some substance of truth surround by a story of fiction. In the coverflap of this author's book he says, "Sometimes you can tell more truth through fiction." That's a positive sign, i'd say, for opposite day thinking and communication, sadly for me since i refuse to recognize that jibberish.

Richard A Clark that began hid federal service in 1973, in the Office of Secretary of Defense. In the Reagan administration, he was the Deputy Assistance Secretary of State for Intelligence. In the George H.W. Bush administration he was the Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs and the a member of the National Security Council staff. He served for eight years as a special assistant to president Clinton and was National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism for both President Clinton and President George W. Bush. From 2001 to 2003, Clarke was the Special Advisor to the President for Cyberspace Security, and the chairman of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. He is now chairman of Good Harbor Consulting, and the author of Against All Enenemies, The Scorpion's Gate, and Breakpoint. He lives in Arlington, Virginia.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

what about tax evasion?

on any of the fat cats and bailout bonuses? is there anything there/?

it fights the add,,,

i neeed it really,, to function and not suffer as much,,

i need adderall to sleep on. and work on.

i'm not into sleeping pills to fight the electric anxiety. [entrapment]

they are electricuting me,,

it doesn't feel like coffee, it feels like when i was taking the meds. [entrapment]

they want me to say genocide,,, [entrapment]

they dont want me taking meds. [entrapment] they want me to smoke weed. [entrapment] they want me to call for guards at town hall meetings for nazi type beginnings [entrapment]

that peace disurbance needs to be called that,,,

there should be protection at the town hall meetings for rude and crude outbreaks,,, ask to leave. they did it to 'dont taze me dude.'

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Murdoch was apparently a master of propaganda,,

I read Murdoch was Australian born master of propaganda and hired by the Bush Administration to provide lies over the broadcast networks. I think he owns Direct TV. I also read the CIA controls 90% of the televised market in USA. In the book, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11 by Barrie Zwicker, on page 254, the author states in a grayed out boxed titled "Sorrows of Empire",
"A year and a half after after September 11, 2001, at least two articles of the Bill of Rights were dead letters - the fourth prohibiting unwarranted searches and seizures and the sixth guaranteeing a jury of peers, the assistance of an attorney offering a defense, the right to confront one's accusers, protection against self-incrimination, and, most critically, the requirement that the government spells out its charges and makes them public. The second half of Thomas Jefferson's old warning - 'When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny' - clearly applies." "There is only one development that could conceivably stop this process, and that is for the people to retake control of Congress, reform it and the election laws to make it a genuine assembly of democratic representatives, and cut off the supply of money to the Pentagon and the CIA. That was, after all, the way the Vietnam War was finally brought to a halt..."

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Assumption of Risk, huh?

Prescription Drugs in the Oceana's Law for the Layperson series by Margaret C. Jasper

Assumption of Risk - the legal doctrine that a plaintiff may not recover for an injury to which he assents.

That's what was being pushed with the replay of Tom Cruise dancing around in his movie Risky Business, huh? Well, its not reasonable to assume weed would be laced with rat poison, is it? Plus, as I said before, being brainwashed and coerced for my entire life should remove this restriction completely.

What's Medical Monitoring?
It sounds as bad as:
Post-Marketing Surveillance - the FDA's ongoing safety monitoring of market drugs.

the book says:
Medical Monitoring
is a unique developing remedy often sought by class members in pharmaceutical class actions. Medical monitoring refers to the cost of future testing and surveillance of plaintiffs who have no current injury, but who may be at an increased risk of developing a future injury from the use of defendant's drug product. Medical monitoring represents a departure from ordinary tort claims in which a plaintiff is required to prove that they have sustained a present compensable injury.

Total BS is all it sounds like. It sounds like a defense for spying on innocent Americans and there's too much abuse for that.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

guilty demeanor

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover Up of 911
by Barrie Zwicker

The book says:

The book says:
the former VP Cheney that still held options for Halliburton multiplied in value over 3200 percent from $250,ooo in 2004 to $8 million in 2005. Halliburton made over $10 billion.

The book says:
it took 411 days to get former President Bush to create a commission to look into it when any other commission, like the JFK assassination or the Challenger space shuttle, has only taken 5 to 10 days to form.

The book says:
The federal government broke the law by rapd removal of steel debris before it could be examined and removing evidence from a crime scene is a federal offense. Sept. 26, 2001, then-mayor Rudolph Giuliani banned tourists from taking photos of the WTC site on the basis that it was a crime scene. Some of the steel was eroded by sulfidation - not sure if that means a bomb or what.

The book says:
There were bombs going off for collapsing the buildings. Building 7 collapsed later that day, I guess. All seem to be setup by professional demolition crews. Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at at 10:06a due to passenger revolt was shot down. Cheney went down to the underground shelter about 45 minutes earlier than the Commission claims; that he gave the shoot-down authorization about 25 minutes before the Commission claims.

The book says:
It is absurd, on the face of it, to think that the central headquarters of the greatest military in history could be caught both unaware and undefended by an attack on the ground or in the air. The Commission's final report says an outright lie when it says the FAA had not notified the military about Flight 77 formally or informally. Also contradicting the official story, that the military didn't know, is the open testimony given to the 9/11 Comission by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta. He says that at 9:20 that morning he went down to the shelter conference room under the White House where former VP Cheney was in charge and he knew at 9:26 of the approaching aircraft at least 10 minutes before impact on the Pentagon. The Comission ignored the testimony in the final report.

The book says:
the cell phone calls were a lie. They couldn't have been transmitted.

The book says:
There were war games going on that day that involved hijackings where all four 9/11 hijackings occurred.

The book says:
page 90
Professor A.K. Dewdney, with a PHD in mathmatics, taught computer science for more than 26 years at the Universities of Western Ontario and Waterloo. Dewdney's suspiciaqns were aroused on the morning of 9/11 by the official story of Muslim suicide bombers. "As a Muslim I was aware that suicide under any circumstances is strictly ruled out by Islam, as are attacks on innocent civilians."

on page 99
"In 1987, Michael Springmann, a practicing lawyer in Washington DC was chief of the visa section at the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He worked for the US State Department's foreign service for 20 years. He says that back then the Consulate was a front for recruiting terrorists. In an article on Covert Action Quarterly of Washington, DC, he detailed the recruiting of Arabs, "rounded up by the CIA and Osama bin Laden, to be sent to the US for terrorist training by the CIA." He said the State department didn't run the consulatein Jeddah, the CIA did."

The book says:
The Andrews AFB website was altered Sept. 12, 2001 in a way that deleted mention of fighter jets, further proof of tampering with evidence.
[im not sure if i will be able to mention the other tampering of evidence because I don't know what it is yet]

So is the CIA actually the skulls and bones secret society of poets? They are writers, I'm pretty sure I know. we should not allow the 'double jeopardy' rule to limit prosecuting terrorists since they dont get Geneva protection anyway. I'm not a terrorist by the way - i'm telling you it was Bush, Cheney, and Rover that the apparent fake 911 commission should've questioned. these videos and crap that are put out are just enables them to think they are not lying to avoid detection. Make the bailout thieves pay the government back or give it to the African Americans and the poor to get unstuck from of the ghettos and welfare.
Sodium causes high blood pressure which in turn creates a need for the medicine. this causes macular degeneration and renal (kidney) failure requiring blood cleansing every other day by being hooked up to a dialysis machine for about 4 hours. thats what happened to Edith Johnson's second husband, Harold Mills, from McDonnell Douglas. Since that medicine causes such bad symptoms or side effects, it would be easier to not use salt really. The medicine designed to help HIV+ patients, AZT, is thought to actually cause AIDS. See video AIDS, Inc. (2007). I'd be reluctant to take medicine for high cholesterol and that toe nail fungus. Didn't the medicine that helped smokers quit smoking cause suicide. Seraquel almost made me attempt suicide while sleep walking - falling down steps.