Sunday, July 26, 2009

how are they getting electric charges to circulate inside me?

electromagnetic (EM) radio waves i guess? does medication play a role? how and what kind, i wonder? HAARP transmits these radio waves. You know that snow on TV channels and static on the radio are just unresolved EM waves floating around our environment? did i know that? So I wonder if its HAARP or not? Is the charge circulated in blood plasma or, maybe, that fluid that bathes and surrounds the Central Nervous System. Its called CSF, cerbral spinal fluid, i think. I guess neurotransmitters that enable the nervous system cells, neurons, to communicate, carry a charge as well, huh? oh yeah, besides finding my answer in the stars, the perps implied the that I would find my 'answer is in the wind', too - and thats controled by HAARP, huh?

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