Saturday, July 25, 2009

heres what i would send if it was finished,,

My name is Ron Steiniger and I’m writing to you as a last resort, pretty much. I’ve been more than reluctant to ask anyone for help because I’m totally confused about what is actually happening to me. The best I can tell is that I was setup to sell marijuana in 2003, so that I can be treated as a suspected terrorist without ever receiving a fair trial. I was never arrested or even charged for selling the stuff, yet the prevailing implication is that I‘m being held captive by psychological mind control. My confusion and paranoia is certainly a direct result of what may be called enhanced interrogation techniques but I‘m not exactly sure what all those techniques include because the perpetrators are anonymous. I’d assume that the terrorist, suicide bomber, and assassin accusations or labels are so that my situation stays under the cover of mandatory secrecy and convenient lies.

I’ve never really tried to contact the DOJ since I wasn’t mentally capable to figure out how to contact them. Plus, I figured the FISA Court was against me, anyway, due to the Patriot Act. I assure you that I’m not a complete nutcase nor a criminal. I am not job training (as implied several times) or a volunteer for former President Bush’s ’Human Centrifuge’ to become an astronaut or a CIA operative. I want to reiterate that I am not an al Qaeda or Taliban terrorist nor have I ever been enlisted in any branch of the military or National Guard. I think during the Bush Administration, former VP Cheney gave himself the power to enlist whomever he wanted. I actually have no connection to any of the above except, of course, I do appear to be completely nuts, now.

I really don’t like to even use the word conspiracy but it was implied, to me, that I’m the victim of one. Also, the motive implied is that my mother’s maiden name is Hughes and several innuendos suggest coincidental, perhaps, acts of genocide. I got the following definition of genocide from a book called, Kosovo: The Splintering of Yugoslavia by Tricia Andryszewski.

“Any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, such as:
1) killing members of the group;
2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
3) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”

With the above in mind, I will attempt to make my case.

There are three generations of mental disorders with me, my mother, and my grandfather. My great grandfather, Lester Hughes (4.23.?? same birthday as me), had only one of six children survive before his wife, Ms. Dilbeck, passed away at an early age. His only son, William Carl Hughes, my grandfather, was booted out of the Navy for being mentally incompetent and unstable. He just told me he was booted from the Army prior to his three to four months served in the Navy. Both, my grandfather, William, and my mother have undiagnosed mental disorders - meaning they are not getting professional treatment for any mental conditions. None of my family, including me, ever knew of any Howard Hughes relationship. In fact, January of this year, 2009, was the first time I was ever coerced to even consider it. I read that Howard Hughes and Dick Cheney were pals, decades ago in Nicaragua but I have no idea how valid is that statement. Also, it was implied that the movie 40 Year Old Virgin was about me since I‘ve only ever had gay sex. In 1991, I had a car accident and sustained a closed head injury. I had to learn to walk and talk again and I had complete double vision for eight months. I eventually realized that the car accident was an attempted suicide. The made for TV movie Doing Time on Maple Drive helped me make the suicide attempt conclusion. I was at a gay bar and I just had unprotected anal sex with the piano player that worked in the basement bar. After I finished from the top position the other person pulled up his pants and looked back at me and said, “Welcome to the World of AIDS.“ I realize that’s all conspiratorial type evidence. I define a conspiracy as any number of people greater than one, planning then acting out a crime. The perpetrators imply that a sexual abuse incident which occurred when me and my older sister (she died at 32 with lung cancer) were four and five years old. They implied that we were both part of a ‘nature vs. nurture’ experiment because we were both gay and the only two children of straight parents. We were the only grandchildren of Carl Hughes for seven years.

I think new anti-hate laws were written by John Ashcroft that specifically didn’t include protection for disabled and gay people. Am I correct in believing there is no statute of limitation for hate crimes? The FBI asked me on the phone, “How was it a hate crime?“ Then they hung-up on me. I’ve been flunked out of four schools from the bombardment of hate and harassment since 2003. I already had a BSBA in Finance (1997) and AA in IS (2000) both with 3.0 GPA so to flunk out of four schools couldn‘t have been my own fault. Right now, I’m struggling with medication that causes the side effects of drooling, pursed lips, high anxiety, insomnia, low-back pain, and Parkinson’s type shakes, which are fortunately decreasing as my dosage of Invega is lowered and ceased.

I don’t have any criminal complaints filed towards anyone since officer Mike Goodrich (#179) from my own town’s [63074] police department used excessive force and roughed me up when four police cars pulled me over from a stop sign about 100 feet from my house, back in April of 2004. I was celebrating my birthday with a buddy named John Bonham [11.25.70] who started having a panic attack when the police cars started congregating behind me on a residential 20 mph road with stop signs per 100 ft or so. Cars parked on both sides of the street cause bottle necks that necessitate weaving through single direction sections of transport for the rest of my journey home from the time citizen Jeremy Lee (180) dispatched a weaving complaint [no. 04-1263]. They used a resisting arrest charge to justify their actions, for which I never got a trial. I was informed that the resisting arrest charges would be dropped the same night but I got a DWI arrest with no proof, instead. Several months later, I was asked about the offense when stopped for a traffic violation by a different police department. Plus, a couple of weeks ago I tried for the fourth time to get the local police to take a harassment report but they said, “There’s nothing to report“.

The CIA had me arrested in three other surrounding municipalities. In September of 2004, Maryland Heights [63043] officer Sean Fanning [#153] entrapped me when standing at my car door in a park after a brief chat about oral sex and asked me “What ya got” when he saw me rubbing my genitals through the outside of my shorts. I pulled the pants leg of my shorts open so that he could see my penis while I was still sitting in my car. I was arrested for indecent exposure [no. 04-06503] and I was never allowed to even see a police report until after the hearings, at which time the clerk said, “So what, you can’t do anything about it now, anyway.”

In January of 2005, I was arrested for property damage and peace disturbance [no. ] plus served a restraining order in the town of University City [63130]

Also, I attempted to contact the FBI three times (USPS, email, and by phone), the Missouri State Supreme Court Prosecutor‘s Office (by phone), the Missouri State Attorney General’s Office (by phone), Gloria Allred (by email twice and phone once), the American Bar Association (by email), the Missouri Bar Association (by email), but was quickly blown-off by them all. Even, Sgt. Steve James of Bridgeton, MO [63044], police department, at whose gym I once worked, told me (in person) that by law he couldn’t help me out, either. The perpetrators have made the names James, Jim, and Jimmy stand out as most important. Jimmy was a bartender that worked for Ozzies at Westport in the summer of 2005 and I got to know well enough to conclude his conspiratorial participation of the harassment I was receiving so I stopped going there for free meals of happy hour food. [inability to prepare my own food was a significant issue when determining my mental disability status.] A couple of years later when I was up there I asked the manager that seemed to be waiting for me to ask him a question. I asked him if Jimmie’s last name was Cooper and he told me that it was Madness or something and I walked out of the restaurant without paying for my single beverage tab. Mark Cooper was a neighbor [St. Jerome 63074 - mid 1970s] I grew up with until I was 10 years old when we moved to the same house in which my father was raised.

[my dad’s dad worked at McDonnell Douglas and was president of the retired Aerospace something or other. Leonard Maltin mentioned that many Germans removed a letter or two from their last names after WWII to make them sound less German. Busch and Buschxxx were aldermen together for my dad’s house in the 1950s, I believe. Also, I imagine my grandfather George Steiniger was a target during the Nixon era.]

When we were kids, Mark wanted to play ‘war’ everyday and they gave me the impression he is currently advanced in the military and works with H.A.A.R.P., the network of antennae in Alaska that controls weather and earthquake warfare. They gave me the impression that offshore drilling creates the hurricanes. A few months ago I realized I could email the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but I didn’t receive much feedback other than conflicting paranoia stuff from television. I did request a specific law of protection from the harassment of everyone (like a restraining order) for myself and the very same day the news played a story about the House passing a law of protection for America. But, the harassment and fake or paranoid news stories has yet to halt. I think the House of Representatives added something to one of the bailout bills that made mental ‘no-touch’ torture or abuse as significantly painful as physical torture.

I’m not really sure what to ask from you other than finding out if you can make the nasty shit*eating CIA and/or military leave me alone and remove the secrecy law or laws from off me, completely. I’ve seen the CIA boast about the “Alice in Wonderland” title like its an operation or project in which they are involved like Paperclip or Artichoke. The perpetrators gave me the impression that Britney Spears was also a victim of the “Alice in Wonderland” project. They used to tell me, or imply, “the answer is in the stars” and to “watch the stars.” They very well could have been talking about astronomical stars which I think they may have been since the Hubble Telescope was hinted about a lot. But, many celebrity stars were involved, as well, or so I’m to think. Woody Allen mentioned something about “this guy is going to have so much penis envy” in a movie with Alan Alda called Murder in Manhattan, maybe, and it was implied I should take that comment personally. The CIA have also implied that I‘m actually “Alice in Chains” and that the journey is what is more important than reaching a destination or goal. An actual transparent investigation would probably be what I would ask from you and release from this mostly secret, anonymous, mental restraint. Or, is it a secret rumor? So much is implied, which comes from Yahoo internet chat rooms and fake news stories and other enhanced interrogation techniques. I think I forgot that you are head of the DOJ, sorry about the delay. I’m glad you’re opposed to the death penalty. I’m also forwarding you a resume to provide more professional information about my situation, not necessarily for employment purposes but not opposed to that. They flunked me out of the Criminal Justice program. One of my professors at Kaplan College, online, was Mr. Busch and another was McCoy, which also happens to be the last name of a few different neighbors located in different houses according to the Haynes directory. I think there are three total McCoy's as part of a fake circular shape around me. There’s a Gonzalos and a Mueller down the street, as well.

I’ve been reading The Law of Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Oceana’s Law for the Layperson series by Margaret C. Jasper and I can’t even pursue a Petition for Compensation from the courts because of the mandatory secrecy. Gosh I would do anything to smell that freedom that online chatters boasted about years ago, especially because I'm completely innocent of any crime and I never volunteered for anything like this mental torture. I've never volunteered for anything that would even involve a president or VP of the USA, never.

The best way to contact me would be by phone or USPS since I don’t really have a private or dedicated email address that doesn’t get thoroughly flooded with spam.

Ronald L. Steiniger, Jr.
3506 St. Joachim Lane
St. Ann, Missouri 63074
DOB 4.23.1968
SS# 494.68.8746

Here’s a blog that I was originally coerced to create. Please forgive any curse or offensive words, confused ignorance, and wild allegations. As far as I know, no one reads it. I have been isolated with absolute hate and kind of coerced to type on that blog. Truly, I have no friends. I will attempt as many contact paths as I can, e.g., USPS and email.

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