Friday, July 24, 2009

how about an addendum legal system named the Liberty Dept?

7.24.2009 10am
The purpose of the new legal system would be to insure that no person be discriminated against, no matter who they are. I just saw on TV and I remember hearing about it in the past, that people discriminate unconsciously, in which prejudice somehow gets embedded into our minds. We would unwind the conspiracies surrounding the African Americans and homosexuals including the prison system and pharmaceutical companies. People are not born with hate, or greed for that matter, they are learned behaviors. And, with all due respect Mr. Limbaugh, because you are the best at what you do, 'hate radio' is not freedom of speech. Its assault, and it always has been. You're against the Afghanistan war and U.S. military presence anywhere else that grows the destructive pain medicine Oxycontin, aren't you? They make heroin out of the same plants, I guess you already know, huh?

So anyway, the main personal characteristic for a judge of the Liberty Court would be to actually possess a discriminated quality. This could be a Muslim, a Jew, an African American, a homosexual, a female, a disabled person, an immigrant - just about any minority would satisfy the prerequisite to be a judge. And, since we are subconsciously programmed to discriminate, the victim wouldn't necessarily need to prove harassment beyond a reasonable doubt. Just an accusation could be grounds for maybe a three to five judge panel to hear the defendant's side of the story to determine recovery. What about all the fake accusations that are bound to arise from people that may try to take advantage of the system to get paid? Well, we all have to start being real nice to each other then, so we can defend ourselves just in case we do get falsely accused. Other people can tell when we are lying because it does not feel right, especially if it can't be proven a lie. We would make lie detector results admissible, even required in some cases. We could grant recovery with both monetary values and some kind of detention or captivity. An example of a sentence could be to require that someone that commits a hate crime against African Americans gets taken away from home and forced to live in the inner city projects, under full surveillance, as the lowest economical class. This person must raise the quality of life for his neighbors in order to improve one's own quality of life. Because, by Liberty law, the criminal of discrimination must serve a sentence at the bottom of the social and economic classes. He must be the poorest person in town whose life can only get better by raising the quality of life of those around him because he has to stay on the bottom.

As far as being real nice to each other, its about time, isn't it? It would be a quick way, which would be necessary, to raise the life quality of the targeted communities. Oh yeah, let's allow addicts of crack, heroin, and meth to be victims since those drugs are actually used as weapons in guerrilla warfare. Let's eradicate those drugs from the world and tax marijuana to pay for the new court system. We wouldn't need lawyers except that the judges could be attorneys as long as a member of a minority. We could use the meeting rooms of the public libraries across the country to have meetings and hearings.

Its not new as in throwing out the old, its in addition to since the current system has so many loopholes and justice is often overlooked by different interpretations of the law. Just an idea is all.

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