Friday, July 31, 2009

william got shot in a hunting accident,,

Howard Clark Miller shot my grandfather, Lester's only surviving child out of six pregnancies. Miller was very apologetic about the hunting accident that gave my grandpa a glass eye. did former vp cheney mock that? he had a hunting accident but apparently cheney's victim was sorry instead of the other way around. i guess for being in the way og the vp's gun. considering lester lost all those children, and my mom had to get that emergency surgery, and my sister died, and my car accident, both kids gay, and me being an hiv target, I tend to think he wasnt shot on accident.
my russian doctor that prescribed the invega and coerced me twice to continue taking the medicine after the i complained of the blurred vision, sore lower back, stiff neck, slobbering, pursed lip, extra high anxiety, wreckless driving, and falling down a flight of steps still insisted i take the medicine because he said im so paranoid and delusional completely turns my stomach. I have lost all respect and concern for the guy totally. i was going to walk out of the office and i get the shivers to imagine ever seeing him again. he can keep the adderall. i dont want to dr shop especially trying to explain the anonymous CIA destruction to anyone new. Like i said in that long post 'MY PLEA FOR FREEDOM' two doctors before him permitted and suggested i go off bipolar meds. this harassment that i cant do anything about is so counter productive. i need a life. plus, im the tortured prisoner victim. what an ass and he knows it - he should. shivers of disgust for that so called human.
why did i take an adderall at 8:30p? someone is cooking my blisters. i can read better late at night but what am i doing? its not paranoia and delusion, its bad judgment but i guess i shouldnt blame myself, i should blame the sabotuers.
There was an officer miller working on the train tracks that the jfk motorcade was approaching that makes me think could have shot the governor which didn't kill anyone but... maybe it was the third bullet
skulls and bones may have been the dead poets society that wrote jihad,, we should demand transparency for guilty demeanor.
interesting name jim crow[ley],, wasnt he the slave brainwasher with hate or something?
john mccain was born in panama,,, interesting,, i dont have anything against him but when i posted my case at a legal site i got the impression a lawyer wanted to handle my case in iran like im military or something. I guess i may have interpreted that the birthers or whatever were talking about me. I dont know why.
Joy Baker worked with me, my mom, and my grandmother within a few decades. Not sure if that has anything to do with Baker Hughes, Inc.
oh yeah, enRon? was that just a hoax to fool me into thinking I was ripped off or was it a real scam designed to fool me into thinking I was ripped off or a real scam to demonstrate I was really ripped off? what about chevRon? what about my ENviRONment? so counter productive your secret world is that you humans call life - very confusing.
the desire to recycle or drive a hybrid car isn't necessarily to be a good neighbor its to clean up after oneself or to escape the deep seeded hate, of which beck and rush speak, for the restraining oil producing bush admin. thought i got stung by a new blister on that one. i know, i know, its the pot calling the chrome kettle black just because of burn marks but its easier just to accept the suggestion than defend. im too sick. you broke me, you broke me, don't get all mad. ness. dont get him. lol. so what the heck did you sissies do to me? im wiped out. its hard to read. its not adderall's fault or the alleged abuse of adderall. i wouldn't be alive still if it wasnt for adderall. i thought hitler gave it to the nazis - you knew that. i've kinda quit smoking weed so i can learn but its real shallow - the times. i saw the pic of the iranian president with the swastica arm band on the rachell maddow show. so does seeing that make me delusional i guess? or paranoid or whatever, such trash. i did get stung with a new blister a few minutes ago, i just palpated it.
caring what? forcing their leaders to lead. say what? all thats real nice and everything but im the victim still. i dont want to be yout patsi anymore. or pinki. id do that new liberty dept otherwise i dont care much for you and ur torture. yea i know the tv says not torture but I got double vision sometimes and cordination problems too. plus isnt it the cia that controls 90% of what is on the tv anyway? double vision and bad walking coordination from that head injury car accident. they both satisfy judge bybee's requirements for torture. one of the three or one of two besides death.


Ron Steiniger, Saint Ann, Missouri 63074, 314.426.2768
Criminal Justice Classes: Homeland Security, Counter-Terrorism
Kaplan College, online

Master Exercise Trainer
National Federation of Professional Trainers
2008 - 2004

Accelerated Science Program
Logan College of Chiropractic, Saint Louis, Missouri
2004 - 2002

Exercise Therapist
Servants of the Paracletes, Saint Louis, Missouri
2003 - 1999

AA, Information Systems: Analyst/Programmer Core
Saint Louis Community College

eCommerce Sales
Networks Unlimited, Inc., Saint Louis, Missouri

Systems Trainer, Missouri Child Support Enforcement
Service Design Associates, Inc., Jefferson City, Missouri

Bank Reconcilement
Mercantile Bank, Saint Louis, Missouri

BSBA: Finance and International Business Core, Smith Barney Internship
Fontbonne University, Saint Louis, Missouri

Renaissance Airport Hotel, Saint Louis, Missouri
1997 - 1995


My name is Ron Steiniger and I’m writing to you to ask for legal help because I’m totally confused and brainwashed about what is actually happening to me. The best I can tell is that I was setup to sell crap marijuana by SAD (Special Activities Division), which I guess is a unit of the United States CIA if there even is such a thing. I didn’t think the CIA could work in the states? EO 12333 may have changed that in 1984, for the Cold War which I read was a hoax. Former President Bush may have amended the EO twice. I was setup so that I can be treated as a suspected terrorist, an EC, without ever receiving a fair trial. I live around the corner from a church and catholic school but the school hasn’t been used by kids for years, its been mainly just a food pantry. I was coerced to buy about a pound per month for about three months from a guy known as Big Jim, and sell what I would classify as junk weed that sold like hotcakes while I was too busy with 30 credits per trimester at chiropractic school to realize what was even happening. The year was 2003 and I’ve never been arrested or even charged for selling the stuff, yet the prevailing implication is that I‘m being held captive by psychological mind control; biological and chemical/pharmacological warfares; electroshock with some kind of infrared beam or remote control, maybe even a beam from the remote control sensor; sabotage of any self-determination activity; and confusion and madness with extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radio waves.

Did you ever hear the Plumbers or whatever members of the CIA left clues about the Watergate break-in because they didn't like or agree with what Nixon was doing? Some CIA give good clues some bad CIA on the Rover/Cheney/Bush team may leave good clues that turn out to be irrelevant or self damaging to me. They all leave signature rage/hate clues so that is pretty meaningless, especially for fake cracker jax box invalid rewritten laws.

I have blisters on my scalp that tend to hurt when I seemed to have angered someone. They used to use a tooth filling to cause pain in attempts of control. My mother also has the blisters but she never noticed them ever giving her much discomfort other than itching. The CIA implied that the Bush/Cheney/Rover team will defend the blisters by calling it scalp acne. I only even noticed them because they brought it up. Mine were never painful until I knew they were there. Now they sting when one of the sissies gets the remote.

I still don’t know how they control the acid reflux, incontinence, and excrement accidents but I know for sure they do it. They say they can see what I see with eye mites that are apparently embedded in my cornea. The microchips in pets and children are surely bugging devices. They must have a V-chip in the language area of my brain if they can read my mind like a Woody Allen movie? The confusion and paranoia I possess is certainly a direct result of what may be called enhanced interrogation techniques, which must include Hollywood movies but I‘m not exactly sure what else those techniques consist of because the perpetrators are mostly anonymous - other than blaming the Bush Administration with the guilty demeanor. Adderall is not what is making me paranoid. My Russian doctor, Vadim Baram [63124], said that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t target, brainwash, and lie to medical doctors anymore but he thought I meant coerces and caters because he showed me the non-pharmaceutical pen he was writing with and said, “See!” Plus, he cut my prescription of Adderall down so I’ll be out in a few days until the 17th of August and I can’t do work without it. The paranoia and rage comes from the relentless hate and lack of ethics and morals that keeps all accurate information secret from, me, the pathetic victim. Laws were even written to specifically not protect me. Plausible deniability (covert action) should not be allowed since I’m innocent and the interrogators have navigated me through some important truths. There are a ton of lies, too, but I can’t tell the difference sometimes if its something I hope is true. Did you ever hear that the CIA or the Plumbers left clues behind, on purpose, at the Watergate break-in because they didn’t agree with or like what former President Nixon was doing.

I’d assume that the labels placed on me (terrorist, suicide bomber, and assassin) somehow justify hiding my real situation of innocent victim under the cover of mandatory discrimination, secrecy, and convenient lies. Its still illegal to discriminate against gay and disabled even when Ashcroft’s anti-hate law doesn’t mention the two biggest discriminatory characteristics. Who has the brains on that team, anyway? So what’s up with the No FEAR Act? I might try to be getting a job with the government or something if I wasn’t so discriminated against. I thought I read that targeting a lone U. S. citizen is against the law. Especially with all that plausible deniability, torture, and lies. It’s a secret rumor, huh, the big sabotage oxley morons? They have nick named me pinki and want me to be a dim witted criminal.

I’ve never really tried to contact the DOJ since I have not been mentally capable to figure out what is actually happening. Plus, I figured the FISA Court was against me automatically due to the PATRIOT Act but I assure you that I’m not a complete nutcase nor a criminal or drug addict. I am not job training (as occasionally implied) nor an experimental volunteer for former President Bush’s ’Human Centrifuge’ - not even to become an astronaut or a CIA operative. I want to explicitly reiterate that I am not an al Qaeda or Taliban terrorist nor have I ever enlisted in any branch of the military or National Guard. I think during the Bush Administration, former VP Cheney gave himself the power to enlist whomever he wanted. I actually have no connection to any of the above except, of course, I do appear to be completely nuts.

I really don’t like to even use the word conspiracy but it was implied, to me, that I am the victim of one, which incidentally, I define as any number of people greater than one, planning then acting out a crime. They told me to tell the House Speaker that a motive is betrayal over a drill bit which I did, and I added, “but I don’t know what it means.” The real motive is that my mother whose maiden name is Hughes was ripped off and several innuendos suggest coincidental, perhaps, acts of genocide. I got the following definition of genocide from a book called, Kosovo, The Splintering of Yugoslavia by Tricia Andryszewski:

“Any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, such as:
1) killing members of the group;
2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
3) deliberately inflicting on the group members conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”

With the above in mind, I will attempt to make my case and will bracket 1 thru 5 with what coincides by that which my anonymous interrogators suggest. Sometimes I call them perpetrators. It’s the same CIA, military intelligence, homegrown, guerilla warfare ninjas that I’m always talking about. I came across some stuff on the Internet about SAD and political prisoner interrogation by paramilitary operatives. I’m not buying this war between liberals and conservatives as the pathetic reason to justify the complete destruction of my family. This is very hard to do. I stopped doing the 1 thru 5 in brackets towards the end.

There are three generations of mental disorders [3] with me, my mother, and my grandfather to be targeted by eugenics, the study of euthinasia, the bush family was so fond of. I had a sister that passed away [1] and I assume she was also Attention Deficit [3], which is caused my the EMR waves prodeced by HAARP or similar weather radar device. My official label is Bipolar Affective Disorder and Adult ADD [3]. Affective means ‘symptoms like the condition’. My great grandfather, Lester Hughes (4.23.?? same birthday as me), had only one of six children survive [1, 4] before his wife, Ms. Dillbeck, passed away [1] at an early age from renal failure [2]. His only son, William Carl Hughes (6.29.??), my grandfather, was booted out of the Navy for being mentally incompetent and unstable [2]. He told me he was booted from the Army [2] prior to his three to four months served in the Navy. Both, my grandfather, William, and my mother, Carol Jean Steiniger (9.30.??) [buzz buzz] [buzz means that my interrogators made a noise or electricity surge or flicker and even a dog bark franticly within my ‘Alice in Wonderland‘ environment to confirm the importance of what I was typing, reading, or thinking]. So anyway, My mom and her dad both have undiagnosed mental disorders [2, 3]. That means they are not getting professional treatment for any mental illness conditions. None of my family, including me, ever thought there was any kind Howard Hughes relation. All I ever knew about him was that he was weird about germs but I learned he was iconic. Did he really land a plane in Betty Davis’ front yard and trees? I also learned germs really are pretty dangerous. January of this year, 2009, was the first time I was ever coerced, in my entire life, to even consider a possible Howard Hughes family connection. If my family was ripped off, I’m sure any family tree information would be changed [2] and any DNA type of evidence had to have been reverse engineered with some kind of retro-virus.

Right before I found out that I had six lumbar vertebrae rather than five, the interrogators implied that I had ‘magic’ inside me. They let me know before I was even told anything about the 6th lumbar and that only about 6% of the population have the condition. Someone on that team of is psychic. I don’t know much about ESP so that has me confused. The ‘magic’ could also mean that I’ve somehow consumed yellow cake uranium, which has been implied. They, the CIA, used to lace the weed I smoked but they implied it was with rat poison not radioactive nuclear weapons. I used to get sores in and on my mouth [3]. I read that Howard Hughes and Dick Cheney were pals, maybe, decades ago in Nicaragua but I have no idea how valid is that statement. Also, it was implied that the movie 40 Year Old Virgin was about me since I‘ve only ever had gay sex [3, 4].

In 1991, I had a car accident [1, 2, 3] and sustained a closed head injury. I had to learn to walk and talk again and I had complete double vision for eight months. I eventually realized that the car accident was actually a suicide attempt [1, 2, 3]. The made for TV movie that I saw while recovering from the accident called Doing Time on Maple Drive helped jog my memory about the accident. The doctors said I may never be able to remember what happened unless I can handle it. I just realized how conspicuous that statement sounds. Sorry to be so graphic but I’m under the impression that its significant - a setup perhaps. Plus these brainwashers are kind of perverts that are proud of that fact. So here it goes. I was at a gay bar and I just had unprotected anal sex with the piano player that I really didn’t even know but that worked in the basement bar. The Family Guy had an episode about it. After I finished from the top position the other person pulled up his pants and looked back at me and said, “Welcome to the world of AIDS”[2, 3, 4]. I rolled my jeep that night on the way home in an apparent suicide attempt [1, 3]. A decade later when I remembered it was a suicide attempt, it fulfilled my set of bipolar symptoms enough to remove any denial about the bipoar diagnosis. I've just recently realized that the sysmtoms and everything are likely all be coerced as well [buzz buzz], and just a setup therefore I’m in denial about being bipolar again. I've had two psychiatrists offer and suggesst that I go off bipolar medicine but i was fearful about losing disability since i can't work from all the haraament. The rolling my jeep accident happened in the year of 1991, I was 22 years old about two months after just returing to St. Louis from St. Petersburg, Florida where I completed my first 30-day inpatient hospital stay at Horizon Hospital [Clearwater, FL] in what they called the Codependent Unit as opposed to one that dealt with drugs and alcohol addiction because I thought I carried a dual dianosis of chemical dependancy and major depression, like i thought my mom had. Everyone in the unit was diagnosed bipolar and to be honest it didn’t seem accurate for me and many others. I used to always have much doubt or what is termed as ‘in denial’ about the accuracy of the diagnosis. What propaganda have we always heard is the best way for a bipolar patient to care for self? Stay on their meds! That’s all big Pharma sabotage right there. Also, I read somewhere that just being bipolar raises the health risk associated with getting Parkinson’s Disease. I heard from chiropractor school, parkinsons is caused by too much dopamine. Can that be attributed to too much medication, perhaps?

Before I moved to Florida which I did because I felt like I was being pulled maddeningly, almost magnetically, to the same house my dad and myself grew-up. This is weird but the house always seemed to be tugging at or holding me. But, before I relocated to Florida I entered a state-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Hannibal, Missouri, in which all the other patients were court ordered to be present. I didn’t have health insurance [3] and was the only volunteer in the facility but I needed some kind of treatment because I felt like I was going nuts at home [2, 3]. I only lasted four or five days in the facility because me and my four other roommates were being punished for having the messiest room that only slept three [3]. There were other open beds in the facility but they apparently wanted me to clean everyone’s toilets which I would’ve done if someone needed the help but I was not going to be punished for something in which I had absolutely no control, so I left the facility. Why didn’t Bush/Cheney/Rover want me to get treatment for drugs and alcohol use? Even years later having AA boot me from the club. My drug and alcohol usa have never been that bad banyway but AA was a kind of escape for me. A few days after leaving the state funded locked-down rehab facility I moved away to live with Connie Hughes in Florida. I worked a couple of restaraunt jobs down there and one that gave me haelth benefits after 6 months of employment.

The interrogators imply that a child sexual abuse incident which occurred when me and my older sister (died at 32 from lung cancer [1, 2, 3, 4]) were four and five years old [2, 3, 4] had an impact on our sexuality. Maybe the 'penis envy that Woody Allen mentions. My father, a lung cancer survivor, came from an immediate family of 10. There is no other family history of the condition. On my grandmother's side of the Johnsons, my grandma had three of seven or so siblings get the condition. The nonsmoker sibling was the only one to have survived. They, the CIA, implied that me and my sister were part of a ‘nature vs. nurture’ experiment [2, 3, 4] because we were both gay and the only two children of straight parents [4]. We were the only grandchildren [4] of William Carl Hughes for about seven years. This may be relevant for not only nonbreeding but for eugenic experimentation in an old secret military mission since former VP Cheney did the enlisting. This would make significant the 'don't ask, don't tell' clause.

William Hughes married Edith Johnson [10.16.??] and they had a daughter they named Carol Jean. This was Edith’s second, she adopted out the first daughter, Linda. When Jean was four years old, Dr. Vatterott told her parents that she only had a fifty-fifty chance [buzz buzz] of survival if she didn’t get emergency heart surgery [2, 3]. Jean’s grandfather, Lester, flipped [buzz buzz] and said, “They are going to kill that kid!” Her life and death emergency issue was an open Foramen Ovale. This is an opening that connects the two atria of the heart so that blood can bypass the pulmonary process of oxygenating the blood while the fetus is still in the womb. This hole normally closes by 6 months old and at least 25% of the adult population has a hole that’s not completely closed. The Vatterott family was also in the construction business and real-estate. Two years after Jean was born, William and Edith had another daughter named Connie [9.2.??] and her nose was damaged [2]. She had reconstructive surgery after she had stopped growing, about 15 years old, when she almost finished with high school. Incidentally, Connie was the only one of three Hughes children to graduate high school [3]. After a few years, Edith had another baby they named William Carl, Jr. He had something wrong with his neck that required surgery when he was a child [2], also. As an adult he worked for Emerson Electric, which may be a Hughes company, but he couldn’t read [3]. I think my mom was the victim of a secret lobotomy [3] because the recovery of my car accident was significant due to the nurturing that I received in the hospital which I didn’t have growing up. My mother lays in bed most of the day, everyday, for my entire life. Yet, she doesn‘t quite have the mentality of a patient with major depression. She never goes to the doctor, in fact, she hadn’t been in 10 years until a huge seven pound tumor in her abdomen was causing so much pain. All three of William’s and Edith’s children had reconstructive surgery in the nose/neck area - two were toddlers, the other was a young adult.

The interrogators made me read 1984 by Orson Wells [2, 3]. The author, Joseph Finder, somehow coerced me into listening to audio books. I listened to half the book, 1984, which warns right on the cover, in the description about subliminal messages and continues to describe the brainwashing of a society with hate hypnosis and the thought police. I had to stop listening halfway through because I was getting so angry [3]. Rage was a major form of energy forced on the society in the story, which turns out to be counter productive. I read the second half of the book within a couple months which was much less disturbing. But, the CIA does have me totally brainwashed, right now [2]. Am I correct in believing there is no statute of limitation for hate crimes? The FBI asked me on the phone with a tone of rage and hate, “How was it a hate crime?“ I didn’t know. Then they hung-up on me [2].

I’ve been flunked out of four schools due to the bombardment of hate and harassment since 2003. I already had a BSBA in Finance (1997) and an AA in IS (2000) both with 3.0 GPA so to flunk out of four schools couldn‘t have been my own fault. Right now, I’m struggling with medication that causes the side effects of drooling, pursed lip, high anxiety, insomnia, low-back pain, stiff neck, and Parkinson’s type shakes, which are fortunately decreasing as my dosage of Invega is lowered. I fell down my basement steps (nine steps) and I really shouldn’t be driving a car [2, 3]. I took myself off this medication and I‘m feeling a little better. It was almost, as if, the medicine had some metallic element in it or something that was electrocuting my nervous system [3]. Two different doctors, before the current one, suggested and permitted that I stop taking medicine for bipolar but I said I was not comfortable doing that but I wasn‘t taking the medicine anyway, behind their back. I think I was worried that it would have changed my disability status and I can‘t work because of the harassment of being a target [2, 3].

I don’t have any criminal complaints filed towards anyone since officer Mike Goodrich (#179) from my own town’s [63074] police department used excessive force and roughed me up [2] when four police cars pulled me over from a stop sign about 100 feet from my house, back in April of 2004. I was celebrating my birthday with a buddy named John Bonham [11.25.70] who started having a panic attack when the police cars started congregating behind me on a residential, 20 mph road with stop signs per 1000 ft or so. Cars parked on both sides of the street cause bottle necks that necessitate weaving through single direction sections of transport for the rest of my journey home from the time citizen Jeremy Lee (mo-180. [What’s the meaning of this number from the police report?]) called in a weaving complaint on me [2]. They used a resisting arrest charge to justify police brutality, for which I never even got a trial [2]. I was informed that the resisting arrest charges would be dropped the same night but I got a DWI arrest [no. 04-1263] and conviction with no proof, instead [2]. Several months later, I was asked about the resisting arrest offense when stopped for a traffic violation by a different police department. St. Ann had no proof of sobriety tests since after I explained that my coordination while walking, even before two drinks, couldn’t pass the straight line test because of a prior head injury, I got beat down before getting a chance to try other tests. Also, I didn’t blow into the BAC machine because I remember reading about the ease of sabotaging such tools. My attorney Mitchell D. Johnson [63074 Johnson and Johnson] didn’t help me fight the case in the least. Another, almost identical situation took place in Hazelwood, Missouri, a few to several months later but I don‘t have the record. There were about four police cars and I had two beers and I was allowed to try different sobriety tests after I explained my difficulty for the straight line walking test due to the head-injury. I passed all other sobriety tests except the straight line walking test and I think I may have gotten a speeding ticket but I was sent on my way. Very recently, I tried to get help for the fourth time by asking my local St. Ann police to take a harassment report but they said, “There’s nothing to report“.

The CIA most likely had me arrested [2] in three other surrounding municipalities. That way, I’m surrounded by police that hate me. In September of 2004, Maryland Heights [63043] undercover officer Sean Fanning [#153] entrapped me when standing at my car door in a park after a brief chat from separate cars about oral sex and asked me “What ya got” when he saw me rubbing my genitals through the outside of my shorts. I pulled the pants leg of my shorts open so that he could see my penis while I was still sitting inside my car. I was arrested for indecent exposure [no. 04-06503] and I was never allowed to even see a police report until after the hearings, at which time the clerk said, “So what, you can’t do anything about it now, anyway.” [2] For my sentence, I got one year probation, 15 hours of community service, and had to attend sex counseling sessions. I had a warrant out for my arrest after the probation period which I was informed after I was picked up, and sitting in the second police department’s jail, that the judge likes to have an exit interview or hearing after probation. It was later explained that I missed the closing hearing and needed to pay a small fee but my $200 fine was waived by speaking with a couple of officers about adult bookstores. The clerk had no record of a notification letter informing me of an exit hearing that he assured me was mailed to both me and my attorney, which was a lie because neither of us had received the letter. Anyway, my lawyer didn’t assist with this case, at all, and he didn’t have a copy of the police report either that was kept from me for some reason. I think my lawyer only saw a copy of the police report once, that apparently indicated entrapment, when he was plea bargaining with the prosecution office. He did ask me if I knew the arresting officer at which time I remembered that I had.

In November of 2004, I was stopped for a traffic violation by Breckenridge Hills [63114] and ended up with a charge of ‘possession of a controlled substance’ [no. 047017]. The passenger had a 35mm film case with some marijuana in her pocket. The weed belonged to both of us and I was given a choice that the police would either take Doreen to jail or arrest me and have my car towed. I took the blame because she was a little more mentally challenged than me. She only had to walk home about a eighth of a mile. My sentence was a two year probation and this incident increased my ’indecent exposure’ single year of probation to two years. This possession charge would be nice and handy since I apparently have that secret terrorist conviction without an arrest, charge, or trial, for selling the CIA’s junk weed.

In January of 2005, I was arrested for property damage and peace disturbance plus served a restraining order [family court no. 05fc-438(a)] from the town of University City [63130]. This was my buddy John Bonham that had the panic attack when I got pulled over at the stop sign 100 feet from my house. I also left non-discreet ‘death threat’ messages on his answering machine. The interrogators lead me to believe that my buddy was trying to purposely infect me with HIV by oral sex, which is like the lowest risk of transmission. Sorry that gay sex and HIV is so rampant through my case but I didn’t do it. The CIA apparently has as a genocidal goal for me not to breed [4][buzz buzz buzz buzz] and to reduce the ‘quality of my life’ [3][buzz], which I guess is apparent by making me gay and mentally disabled and rewriting anti-hate laws [3, 4]. Oh yeah, they dropped some packaged (as if from John) pornographic magazines of feminized men in my front yard that I held onto just in case I can ever have them analyzed for finger prints. They may have even proved the ‘nurture’ ideology for homosexuality to lower the ‘quality of life‘[3]. Lots of hate crimes kind of crap would be another genocidal goal to cause ‘mental and physical pain‘[2]. My lawyer Mitchell D. Johnson appeared for me in family court to accept the conditions of the restraining order. I’ve not seen nor spoken to John, since. I never learned of his status beyond him telling me he was HIV negative when we first hooked up.

The nine months spree of criminal coercions probably cost me about four to five thousand dollars with attorney fees, counseling, court costs/fines, and towing charges. I got a hole or a scare on my nose from the police brutality and the two years probation for possession could have sent me to jail if I ever got charged with another possession [2].

Oh yeah, a gay pal named Doug got infected with HIV while in the Army, stationed in Germany. He was discharged, I would think it was without honors. The CIA gave me the impression that’s the exact reason former President Clinton came up with “don’t ask, don’t tell”, was because the Army might infect you for an experiment if you’re gay. Doug’s neighbor was positive for eight years, in the 1980s before he even found out about his status. Remember they used to tell us that some people were just carriers without reaching full blown AIDS. They eventually changed it to getting an HIV + test is a death sentence. Luckily, Doug’s neighbor didn’t take AZT for 8 years when he didn‘t know. AIDS, Inc. (2007), tried to persuade viewers that the actual killer of the HIV and AIDS infected people was the medicine AZT. Lots of marketing propaganda went into “early detection will save your life”, too.

Blood pressure medicine causes diabetes mellitus symptoms like macular degeneration and renal failure. They said former VP Cheney won’t take it and it killed Edith‘s second husband, Harold Mills. The interrogators implied that Green tea is the cure for cancer. The obesity epidemic may be because the electromagnetic (EM) waves created from HAARP, cause an addiction to comfort foods like sugar. HAARP is the military’s network of antennae located in Alaska for weather and earthquake warfare that actually causes another epidemic, ADD. The Northern Lights phenomenon is from HAARP. Offshore drilling causes the hurricanes. The EM waves are just like the unresolved radio waves that create snow on the television and static on the radio. These radio waves are all around and inside us. We should make Adderall and Ritilin more available since they are the cures to ADD caused by HAARP’s EM radio waves. I can sleep on the mental amphetamines better than without or on high doses of sleeping pills.

The schools that hated me then flunked me out started with Logan College of Chiropractic. By the third trimester, I was academically dismissed. After about a year of grief and being stunned I signed up for a Physical Therapy Assistant program at St. Louis Community College and I was being harassed so much at home by my neighbors as what I was brainwashed to perceive as the KKK that I couldn’t complete a single two-credit class. I explained my entire situation to the department chairperson, Julie High, who was very considerate to listen. She set up an appointment with the Dean of the school who believed my story and considered me sane but Mrs. Julie High informed me that my grades were not good enough in the two-credit class to stay in the program. The next academic program I sought was at Allied College for Massage Therapy. I thought I’d combine massage with my Personal Exercise Trainer business skills and attempt to open a small facility. I only got through a couple of semesters before their hate caught up with me and the program director, Sandy Scott, decided I am more suited for the business end of the small business I wanted to start and booted me from the program. I asked, “What about the Criminal Justice program?” Vickie Enloe, the head of the school’s Department of Education said, “That’s only offered in an Associate’s degree and I know your sponsor Voc Rehab won’t pay for that.” I stood up from my chair and thanked the ladies for their time and never went back. The final school was an online Criminal Justice program at Kaplan University and I only had two classes per 10-week semester. The first semester I had a Mr. Busch and Mr. McCoy for my professors but unfortunately I didn’t pass the classes. I remember arriving in class early one day and I asked Mr. Busch what he thought about Patty Hearst and if he thought she was really brainwashed. He replied, “Oh yes, poor poor Patty, she was really brainwashed.” All the students that were in class had the same screen names as those that were in Yahoo chat and they all went off on me one day. Professors names from the second semester, I don’t specifically remember but it was no different from the first semester really and I didn’t pass again.

In addition to four or five local lawyers I contacted for help, I attempted to consult with the FBI three times (USPS, email, and by phone), the Missouri State Supreme Court Prosecutor‘s Office (by phone), the Missouri State Attorney General’s Office (by phone), the ACLU (by phone), St. Ann Chief of Police (by phone 2x), Gloria Allred (by email 2x and phone once), the American Bar Association (by email), the Missouri Bar Association (by email), but was quickly blown-off by them all. Even, officer Steve James of Bridgeton, MO, [63044] police department, at whose gym I once worked, told me (in person) that by law he couldn’t help me out, either. I think I saw him in yahoo chat where I went to release implanted rage.

The perpetrators have made the names James, Jim, and Jimmy stand out as most important. Jimmy was a bartender that worked for Ozzies at Westport in the summer of 2005 and I got to know well enough to conclude his conspiratorial participation of the harassment I was receiving so I stopped going there for free meals of happy hour food. [inability to prepare my own food was a significant issue when determining my mental disability status.] A couple of years later when I was up there I saw the manager that seemed to be waiting around for me to ask him a question. I asked him if Jimmie’s last name was Cooper and he told me that it was Madness or something and I walked out of the restaurant without paying for my single beverage tab. I asked about Cooper because that was a neighbor [on the street St. Jerome in 63074 - early and mid 1970s] I grew up with until I was 10 years old when we moved away. We moved to the same house in which my father was raised.

[my dad’s dad worked at McDonnell Douglas and was president of the retired Aerospace something or other. Leonard Maltin mentioned that many Germans removed a letter or two from their last names after WWII to make them sound less German. Busch and Buschxxx were aldermen together for my dad’s house where we currently live, in the 1950s, I believe. For some reason I have the feeling these Aldermen may have setup this property as some kind of lab or something. There’s something sickly magnetic about this house. Also, I imagine my grandfather, my dad’s dad, George Steiniger was a target during the Nixon era for working at McDonnell Douglas. I heard Howard Hughes once bribed Nixon. Is that true? It was probably to not kill my sister with lung cancer. My interrogators can do that, create lung cancer. Then all her doctors danced around giving her a diagnosis for many months, denying her an MRI for which she begged. Once they diagnosed it, they spread it around with radiation making her suffer and torturing my mother, again or still. Its not about politics, sorry.]

When we were kids, Mark Cooper wanted to play ‘war’ every single day and the interrogators gave me the impression he is currently advanced in the military and works with H.A.A.R.P., when they made the ground under my house shake after I guessed his name. They shook the ground a day or two later to confirm my suspicions.

A few months ago I realized I was permitted to email the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but I didn’t receive much feedback other than conflicting paranoia stuff from television. I did request a specific law of protection from the harassment of everyone (like a restraining order) for myself and the very same day the news played a story about the House passing a law of protection for ‘America.’ But, the harassment and fake or paranoid news stories continued, nothing had changed. I think the House of Representatives added something to one of the bailout bills that made mental ‘no-touch’ torture or abuse as significantly painful as physical torture.

Could we remove the ‘plausible deniability’ laws from off me please? I’ve seen the CIA boast about the “Alice in Wonderland” title like its an operation or project in which they are involved like Paperclip or Artichoke. The perpetrators gave me the impression that Britney Spears was also a victim of the “Alice in Wonderland” project. They used to tell me, or imply, “the answer is in the stars” and to “watch the stars.” They very well could have been talking about astronomical stars since the Hubble Telescope was hinted about a lot. But, many celebrity stars are involved, as well, or so I’m to think. Woody Allen mentioned something about “this guy is going to have so much penis envy” in a movie with Alan Alda called Murder in Manhattan, maybe, and it was implied I should take that comment personally. The CIA have also implied that I‘m actually “Alice in Chains” and that the journey is what is more important than reaching a destination or goal. More important to whom? An actual transparent investigation would probably be what I would ask for and to release me from this mostly secret, anonymous, mental restraint. Or, is it a secret rumor? So much is implied, which comes from Yahoo internet chat rooms and fake news stories and other enhanced interrogation techniques with Hollywood movies. I contacted the DoD by email around July 28, and I said I would have this message posted by noon that day but I didn’t get it finished. The news replied that Secretary Gates was in Afghanistan, maybe.

One of my professors at Kaplan College online, was McCoy, which also happens to be the last name of a couple of my neighbors according to the Haynes directory which the librarian lied to me about being stolen because I saw it when I looked behind the desk. There is also, according to the Haynes, a Gonzalos and a Mueller down the street, as well.

I’ve been reading The Law of Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Oceana’s Law for the Layperson series by Margaret C. Jasper and I can’t even pursue a Petition for Compensation from the courts because of plausible deniability. I read in the U.S. Constitution, I think, that if the government violates the human and civil rights of a citizen, that person would be able to take over as the U.S. President. This particular copy of the U.S. Constitution was actually inside an old political science textbook and I know my perpetrators write books and apparently infiltrate universities so I’m not so sure I believe much of what I read.

I recently read about the necessity for a fake set of sabotaged events so I will say what could be fake but sounds real to me. This is probably fake. Back in the 1950’s I guess, there was a Sir St. John Clair that was an advisor to a king in Saudi Arabia. This Sir St. John Clair was the father of Kim Philby the UK/Russia double agent. This is apparently supposed to be Cheney and Rover father and son. They are apparently royalty over there as Kings Fahd and Abdulla, probably pals with the bin Ladens. The Bush family relationship with Saudi Arabia must be with these Kings. The CIA took over the Iranian government in 1953 and Bush was pals with the Shah. Barbara Bush was an atheist. Why wouldn’t George Sr. be one also? His offshore drilling business called Zapotu was just a point in the golden triangle drug ring of the tyrannized Burma. I think poppy plants are grown there. Bush Sr. supposedly had many names, one being Popi that wasn’t just for his kids called him. He was also a member of the Chinese Communist Party that fed Communist into Vietnam. He is still involved with China through the Carlyle group which is an Investment Bank that probably charged western companies high dollars to help them weed through the fake barriers to entry then helps them offer IPO. Bush surely is in the foundation of banking in China and could probably rip them off anytime. Bush Sr. created Guantanamo Bay and they run Cuba.

The best way to contact me would be by phone or USPS since I don’t really have a private or dedicated email address that doesn’t get thoroughly flooded with spam.

Ronald L. Steiniger, Jr.
3506 St. Joachim Lane
St. Ann, Missouri 63074
DOB 4.23.1968
SS# 494.68.8746

Here’s a blog that I was coerced to create. Please forgive offensive cuss words, confused ignorance, and wild allegations. As far as I know, no one reads it.
The entry, MY PLEA FOR FREEDOM 12 pages, contains what I was coerced to learn while I continue to be submerged into a life of forced isolation, sabotage, secrecy, pure hate, cruelty, and torture. As I mention in the long blog entry, I didn’t volunteer, sign a contract, or agree to do any kind of challenge or competition or anything like this. I assure you I’m not an actor or a reality TV show. Truly, I have no friends or any kind of social life. I am not military or Iranian. I am an American. Make them prove that I’m not an American like was proven with John McCain. Also, I guarantee that I’m not a President of anything. I’d kill them. Tom Cruise taught me to say that. Gloves off, huh? Does that mean they are cheating still or what? This is just sick. They are thieves, period. Why do I let this get to me? I have no choice. You got the wrong person, I promise. This is so gross. Its genocide because my mother is a Hughes, period.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cheney and Bush and Rover are the terrorists the Taliban and al Qaeda.

i still dont know how they are blistering my scalp, forcing out waste in my pants, reading my mind, the expected outcome, or my purpose.

so what if the label is political prisoner, its still beyond wrong and illegal as hell, eh amity? put me back to EC ya fu*ckin trash,,

So former president George H W Bush has had many names as was mentioned in an audio book i was once listening. Leonard Maltin said many germans changed their names a few letters after WWII to make them sound less german, like from Busch to Bush? Barbara Bush admitted she was an atheist, dont you think he would be one as well? unless a freemason cant be an athiest. he could always lie, like nazi dis- and misinformation. s what if political, its still criminal, dumbass. he used to go by the name popi, huh? apparently not just at home for his kids. that makes alot more sense considering the illegal growth and harvest of poppy plants and his offshore drilling business zapatu or whatever establishment as one of the corners of the illegal drugs golden triangle which the CIA established i guess. The CIA and the Navy shared intelligence. Another name he used was Walker as a russian spy, i believe [buzz buzz]. [can we talk about someone else, i just dont care for this dude much] he ran the communist or nazi party in cuba and the nonprofit organization for the Cuban Americans in Miami. He created Guantanamo Bay. He was Li or Lee, I think, in the Chinese Communist Party and he fed the Communist soldiers or troops into North Vietnam during the Vietnam War [buzz buzz]. He totally sabotaged that country - this country too. he was pals with the Shah of Iran, the audio book said and had setup the 444 day hostage situation with terrorist contra students. he was CIA director as James Jesus Angelton or whatever for many years. he made the manchurian candidates and the hyponotized assassins that shot the kennedys and mlk jr. he ripped off the china banking system, iraq, and the usa. his father funded the nazis.

Clair St. John Philby or whatever was an advisor to a king in Saudi Arabia and the father of the double agent Kim Philby of the UK. That's chaney and rover. i guess hanson was hughes. he was apparently an fbi double agent or something. Cheney and Bush and Rover are the terrorists the Taliban and al Qaeda.

please let me go now. and have freedom.

an overview of political torture in the 20th century,,

the article states that black torture is physical and white torture is psychological. various blends, breakthroughs in the field, the stages of brainwashing, "circles" of torture: blood, waste, madness.

"... all in all re-education amounted to psychic lobotomy" [buzz] "psycho-social torture included lobotomies especially on common-law prisoners. cases of experimental brain implants

[im sure the sh*iteater handlers want me to type the following]
death and rebirth of personality
12 tiers of re-education:
1) the siege against the victim's personality (forcing the victim to adopt the persona of a child rebuked by adults.);
2) compelling the victim to assume a complex of guilt;
3) the victims self betrayal;
4) reaching the breaking point when the victim ------------------------ this is dumb
i dont want to type this out,,,

Gays in the military, hmm? well i disagree that the military is a job as compared to a patriotic lifestyle. i do agree that it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, we all got that incorrect programming since childhood from religion, prejudice people, and etc. imagine if that was something you had to overcome - this brainwashed self-hate, which unfortunately isnt always a capability. so anyway, patriotic gays should be permitted to serve their country - this is america you know, the free and the brave. plus there is brainwashing in basic training which we all already accept, and i wouldn't be worried about a flamboyancy happening in one or more barracks for that very reason, brainwashing. plus, we can brainwash to not be uncomfortable with homosexuality.
uppers and downers, hmm?
Attention Deficiency Disorder, ADD, runs rampant, and ritilan and adderall are the cures, right? Weed helps too. HAARP and or other radar systems emmit electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radio waves that cause ADD. This is why Meth has worked so well as a state-sponsored terrorism drug weapon, huh? Celebrities can use the controlled substance mental amphetamines because it helps the mood for endless publicity and fights the EMF radio waves as a cure from the madness of ADD. my doctor incorrectly assumes that the mental amphetamines are what causes my paranoia and rage but thats just brainwashing from big pharma that robs, or steals, from big insurance. Snow on tv and static on the radio are actually unresolved EMF radio waves that are all around us and fills our minds - with static and snow. MJ used sleeping pills to help him sleep which is what my psych doctor is pushing but I have to take a larger amount than prescribed. I can sleep on Adderall though, so I'm going to request a time released low dosage mental amphetamine, the ADD cure, for sleep. hope it works out. invega is stopped due to the side effects of still neck, painful lower back, slobbering, pursed lip, insomnia, I bet invega has some metallic element or something that will accept electronic charges or EMF radio waves. Tooth fillings do too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

i thought the cia controlled about 90% of whats on tv,,

so anyway. how can i go to work or anything until i get permanently unplugged? i can't huh? see its a lose-lose situation. you know i just love everybody so much but you know you cant let me live. so what, like i care. 41 years of bad could never turn into good. they dont work like that.

An article titled ...

An Overview of Political Torture in the 20th Century by Ruxandra Cesereanu [email] says that no techniques were new from signature tortures of the past except for brainwashing and electroshock. Its a 24 page .pdf file that I downloded.

Key word search tags are: torture, political prisoners, technique of punishment, destruction of freedom, destruction of integrity, destruction of dignity, rape, imagination of torturer, brainwashing.

"What broke down, however, any resistance from the victim was ceaseless interrogation combined with sleep deprivation."

"In the work camps torture was conceived as slow extermination through exhaustion."

i've noticed that everyone still blames the russians for what the U.S. Nazis actually did. They act as if they are confessing to what they've done, then tagging Russia to the offense, as a secret double agent, if they believe that they admitted guilt they can pass a lie detector test.

"... under auspices of the KGB there was a certain [they are cooking my scalp blister right now] refinement into psychiatric and pharmacological forms."

what's sole [sic fu*ckers] beating from the nazis?

"Detailed physical exams meant to deprive victims of their hidden jewels or money..."
hmm what's that mean?
"... and chasing naked victims to the gas chambers."
hmm again
psychological torment huh?
bacterilogical experiments,, whats that?


Sure i'd take AB, Inc., if the blackmail option is there. The eyepatch didn't really work out, just to let you know. See, he's kind of charming and that might save his life. LOL, just kidding but who knows. Forget about his old man, the cute one is not that charming. LOL.

I LOVE THE MORNING MEETING - "Good Morning, Dylan!"
So United Health Care was the insurance company that was subsidized for medicare for me. I thought it was the bad CIA guys but its the Republicans that refer to the Lewin Group as anti-health care reform specialists. that's disturbing because I used to get [buzz buzz electric surge when the news mentioned United Health Care. The same kind of buzz when Snow passed away. And who was the head of the treasury that was having the bailout hearings, paulson? they used to buzz alot when he was on tv, just fyi.

So they, the sh*iteaters, want to persuade me to be republicans which would meet one of five genocide requirements and maybe I should convert to thier party, like a spy, huh? So anyway, I'd rather run for something under the Surprise Party. LOL. Gracie Allen did that party for president once. I'd be republican if i could get genuine freedom but remember i have that manchurian assassin thing happening. well they used such brainwashed assassins to shoot the kennedys and MLK Jr. and others maybe but I forgot what else happened.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

invisable warfare,, i have blisters on my scalp,,

I copied and pasted this from

Obviously such a beam could cause humans severe pain and prevent all voice communication. The same effect can be used more subtly was demonstrated in 1973 by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Sharp, serving as a test subject himself, heard and understood spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed-microwave audiogram (an analog of the word's sound vibrations) beamed into his brain.

Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin. There are also indications that other pulsed frequencies cause similiar pressure waves in other tissues, which could disrupt various metabolic processes.

A group under R.G. Olson and J.D. Grissett at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola has already demonstrated such effects in simulated muscle tissue and has a continuing contract to find beams effective against human tissues.

In the 1960s Frey also reported that he could speed up, slow down, or stop isolated frog hearts by synchronizing the pulse rate of a microwave beam with the beat of the heart itself.Similiar results have been obtained using live frogs, indicating that it's technically feasible to produce heart attacks with a ray designed to penetrate the human chest.

Some radar can find a fly a kilometer away or track a human at twenty-five miles, and several researchers have suggested that focused EMR beams of such accuracy could bend the mind much like electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) through wires. As Jos Delgado (studied mind control with ESB) concluded, "The animals looked like electronic toys."

Even instincts and emotions can be changed: In one test a mother giving continuous care to her baby suddenly pushed the infant away whenever the signal was given. Approach-avoidance conditioning can be achieved for any action simply by stimulating the pleasure and pain centers in an animal's or person's limbic system.

how are they getting electric charges to circulate inside me?

electromagnetic (EM) radio waves i guess? does medication play a role? how and what kind, i wonder? HAARP transmits these radio waves. You know that snow on TV channels and static on the radio are just unresolved EM waves floating around our environment? did i know that? So I wonder if its HAARP or not? Is the charge circulated in blood plasma or, maybe, that fluid that bathes and surrounds the Central Nervous System. Its called CSF, cerbral spinal fluid, i think. I guess neurotransmitters that enable the nervous system cells, neurons, to communicate, carry a charge as well, huh? oh yeah, besides finding my answer in the stars, the perps implied the that I would find my 'answer is in the wind', too - and thats controled by HAARP, huh?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

heres a huge delusion that the perps want me to type,,

Since the CIA control my thoughts they want me to type these wild allegations. The best I can understand is that Helms and Dulles, both former heads of the CIA, are actually the same people as Cheney and Rover, respectively. See, I don't know if i actually believe that stuff. Its got to be wrong but the CIA want me to say it anyway. Sorry ahead of time. But they may have had plastic surgery like CNN tried to demonstrate a face transplant months ago.

I think I remember reading about Helms and his secret research of conducting experiments on unwitting human beings - US citizens. His reasoning to justify this sneaky secret behavior was that unwitting people provide better or more accurate test results if they don't know they are being tested but that can't be right because there would be too much abuse on secret human subjects as has been done to me. He worked with Olson, I think, who conducted experiments with aerosol poisons and LSD, I believe. Olson either jumped or was pushed through his hotel window to his death. He probably wasn't a real person, anyway, especially since mock killings are a CIA specialty. But I reason if they can mock kill, why can't they mock create people and history anyway they want. But anyway before Helms was head of CIA, he was able to work unsupervised with secret human experiments. He even reasoned that the national security would be in jeopardy if too many people knew about his work. Oh well so anyway, someone was apparently barred from intelligence work and blatant secret human testing would be the worst thing that someone could do, I guess.

In the book Thicker Than Oil, I think I read that the CIA and Saudi Arabia had a marriage of intelligence forces and that's the only way someone barred from stealth work in the USA could get back inside. The book and some other enhanced interrogation things persuaded me to think that King Fahd was actually Dick Chaney and King Abdulla was actually Karl Rover. I know these are wild accusations and I apologize to the Saudi royal family for what the CIA make me say but it couldn't hurt to thoroughly investigate. Plus, I think the public Bush relationship with Saudi was just a cover for something much deeper. They are apparently friends with the bin Ladens whom they accused of the world's most heinous crime in all of history. There were probably hidden subliminal messages in the repetative 9.11 newstories that we watched. Oh well, did anyone ever see that pic of Bush bottoming for anal sex with Osama? I figured it was just a phototouched fake pic but was funny.

So Dulles was on the Warren Commission for the JFK assassination which was the biggest injustice by the courts in all of history, I think. Well they want me to say that Dulles may have been Rover who may have been King Abdulla fron Saudi. They also want me to say that Chaney and Rover may have been father and son. They want me to say that Helms may have been Chaney that may be King Fahd. They may have had plastic surgery or face transplants. They sandwiched Bush junior in the presidency, huh? THATS ABOUT ALL I GOT FOR RIGHT NOW. damn caps lock key.

underage prostitution in rhode island?

Just in case anyone reads this, minors are stripping in Rhode Island due to legal loopholes. Theres some mass mind control in that state, i'm sure. It seems like a pretty large established ring.

gosh im so sorry to everyone,,

You know the CIA coerced me to listen to the audiobook 1984 by George Orwell but the subliminal messages that the description even warns about got to me really bad. Advanced Interrogation Techniques have to do with brainwashing and subliminal hypnotic messages. I don't know about Black Ops. PSYOP has to do with remote viewing and mind reading, which apparently they do to me. They imply that they see what I see. Can they really do that? They inform me that insects and pets can even provide surveillance data of a target but I don't know how. They say that with today's technology, a spy cam can fit on the point or the head of a pin. Either way that's really small. They can read my mind too but I don't know how. I think they electrocute me via some laser or something.

So I think the CIA was responsible for training Charles Manson. I'm under the impression that the Beatles really did use subliminal messages on the Helter Skelter album that was apparently targeted for Charles Manson. And, his family - spooky. Remember the Republican Family on C Street? Kathie Lee was kind of incinuating the CIA are doing the same things to me that they did to Charles Manson when she showed up on TV with a cross tat on her forhead, wasn't she? It was very funny at the time. So anyway, I don't know if the Beatles were coerced by the CIA into recording Helter Skelter subliminal messages or what. I know the CIA wroteLimp Bizkit subliminal messages for me - just for me, all mine. LOL.

Lets see, I think the aurora or the Nothern Lights that light up the sky actually exist due to Weather and Earthquake warefare HAARP antenae network. I;m not sure what else is considered weather. Oh yeah, well Id take the president job by now, wouldn't you think?

why cant i just get the truth?

its torture and i cant take the secrecy and lies - I just cant do it. why cant I snap my fingers and be instantly free? THIS IS SO PAINFUL ITS KILLING ME. I CANT TAKE IT.

heres what i would send if it was finished,,

My name is Ron Steiniger and I’m writing to you as a last resort, pretty much. I’ve been more than reluctant to ask anyone for help because I’m totally confused about what is actually happening to me. The best I can tell is that I was setup to sell marijuana in 2003, so that I can be treated as a suspected terrorist without ever receiving a fair trial. I was never arrested or even charged for selling the stuff, yet the prevailing implication is that I‘m being held captive by psychological mind control. My confusion and paranoia is certainly a direct result of what may be called enhanced interrogation techniques but I‘m not exactly sure what all those techniques include because the perpetrators are anonymous. I’d assume that the terrorist, suicide bomber, and assassin accusations or labels are so that my situation stays under the cover of mandatory secrecy and convenient lies.

I’ve never really tried to contact the DOJ since I wasn’t mentally capable to figure out how to contact them. Plus, I figured the FISA Court was against me, anyway, due to the Patriot Act. I assure you that I’m not a complete nutcase nor a criminal. I am not job training (as implied several times) or a volunteer for former President Bush’s ’Human Centrifuge’ to become an astronaut or a CIA operative. I want to reiterate that I am not an al Qaeda or Taliban terrorist nor have I ever been enlisted in any branch of the military or National Guard. I think during the Bush Administration, former VP Cheney gave himself the power to enlist whomever he wanted. I actually have no connection to any of the above except, of course, I do appear to be completely nuts, now.

I really don’t like to even use the word conspiracy but it was implied, to me, that I’m the victim of one. Also, the motive implied is that my mother’s maiden name is Hughes and several innuendos suggest coincidental, perhaps, acts of genocide. I got the following definition of genocide from a book called, Kosovo: The Splintering of Yugoslavia by Tricia Andryszewski.

“Any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, such as:
1) killing members of the group;
2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
3) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”

With the above in mind, I will attempt to make my case.

There are three generations of mental disorders with me, my mother, and my grandfather. My great grandfather, Lester Hughes (4.23.?? same birthday as me), had only one of six children survive before his wife, Ms. Dilbeck, passed away at an early age. His only son, William Carl Hughes, my grandfather, was booted out of the Navy for being mentally incompetent and unstable. He just told me he was booted from the Army prior to his three to four months served in the Navy. Both, my grandfather, William, and my mother have undiagnosed mental disorders - meaning they are not getting professional treatment for any mental conditions. None of my family, including me, ever knew of any Howard Hughes relationship. In fact, January of this year, 2009, was the first time I was ever coerced to even consider it. I read that Howard Hughes and Dick Cheney were pals, decades ago in Nicaragua but I have no idea how valid is that statement. Also, it was implied that the movie 40 Year Old Virgin was about me since I‘ve only ever had gay sex. In 1991, I had a car accident and sustained a closed head injury. I had to learn to walk and talk again and I had complete double vision for eight months. I eventually realized that the car accident was an attempted suicide. The made for TV movie Doing Time on Maple Drive helped me make the suicide attempt conclusion. I was at a gay bar and I just had unprotected anal sex with the piano player that worked in the basement bar. After I finished from the top position the other person pulled up his pants and looked back at me and said, “Welcome to the World of AIDS.“ I realize that’s all conspiratorial type evidence. I define a conspiracy as any number of people greater than one, planning then acting out a crime. The perpetrators imply that a sexual abuse incident which occurred when me and my older sister (she died at 32 with lung cancer) were four and five years old. They implied that we were both part of a ‘nature vs. nurture’ experiment because we were both gay and the only two children of straight parents. We were the only grandchildren of Carl Hughes for seven years.

I think new anti-hate laws were written by John Ashcroft that specifically didn’t include protection for disabled and gay people. Am I correct in believing there is no statute of limitation for hate crimes? The FBI asked me on the phone, “How was it a hate crime?“ Then they hung-up on me. I’ve been flunked out of four schools from the bombardment of hate and harassment since 2003. I already had a BSBA in Finance (1997) and AA in IS (2000) both with 3.0 GPA so to flunk out of four schools couldn‘t have been my own fault. Right now, I’m struggling with medication that causes the side effects of drooling, pursed lips, high anxiety, insomnia, low-back pain, and Parkinson’s type shakes, which are fortunately decreasing as my dosage of Invega is lowered and ceased.

I don’t have any criminal complaints filed towards anyone since officer Mike Goodrich (#179) from my own town’s [63074] police department used excessive force and roughed me up when four police cars pulled me over from a stop sign about 100 feet from my house, back in April of 2004. I was celebrating my birthday with a buddy named John Bonham [11.25.70] who started having a panic attack when the police cars started congregating behind me on a residential 20 mph road with stop signs per 100 ft or so. Cars parked on both sides of the street cause bottle necks that necessitate weaving through single direction sections of transport for the rest of my journey home from the time citizen Jeremy Lee (180) dispatched a weaving complaint [no. 04-1263]. They used a resisting arrest charge to justify their actions, for which I never got a trial. I was informed that the resisting arrest charges would be dropped the same night but I got a DWI arrest with no proof, instead. Several months later, I was asked about the offense when stopped for a traffic violation by a different police department. Plus, a couple of weeks ago I tried for the fourth time to get the local police to take a harassment report but they said, “There’s nothing to report“.

The CIA had me arrested in three other surrounding municipalities. In September of 2004, Maryland Heights [63043] officer Sean Fanning [#153] entrapped me when standing at my car door in a park after a brief chat about oral sex and asked me “What ya got” when he saw me rubbing my genitals through the outside of my shorts. I pulled the pants leg of my shorts open so that he could see my penis while I was still sitting in my car. I was arrested for indecent exposure [no. 04-06503] and I was never allowed to even see a police report until after the hearings, at which time the clerk said, “So what, you can’t do anything about it now, anyway.”

In January of 2005, I was arrested for property damage and peace disturbance [no. ] plus served a restraining order in the town of University City [63130]

Also, I attempted to contact the FBI three times (USPS, email, and by phone), the Missouri State Supreme Court Prosecutor‘s Office (by phone), the Missouri State Attorney General’s Office (by phone), Gloria Allred (by email twice and phone once), the American Bar Association (by email), the Missouri Bar Association (by email), but was quickly blown-off by them all. Even, Sgt. Steve James of Bridgeton, MO [63044], police department, at whose gym I once worked, told me (in person) that by law he couldn’t help me out, either. The perpetrators have made the names James, Jim, and Jimmy stand out as most important. Jimmy was a bartender that worked for Ozzies at Westport in the summer of 2005 and I got to know well enough to conclude his conspiratorial participation of the harassment I was receiving so I stopped going there for free meals of happy hour food. [inability to prepare my own food was a significant issue when determining my mental disability status.] A couple of years later when I was up there I asked the manager that seemed to be waiting for me to ask him a question. I asked him if Jimmie’s last name was Cooper and he told me that it was Madness or something and I walked out of the restaurant without paying for my single beverage tab. Mark Cooper was a neighbor [St. Jerome 63074 - mid 1970s] I grew up with until I was 10 years old when we moved to the same house in which my father was raised.

[my dad’s dad worked at McDonnell Douglas and was president of the retired Aerospace something or other. Leonard Maltin mentioned that many Germans removed a letter or two from their last names after WWII to make them sound less German. Busch and Buschxxx were aldermen together for my dad’s house in the 1950s, I believe. Also, I imagine my grandfather George Steiniger was a target during the Nixon era.]

When we were kids, Mark wanted to play ‘war’ everyday and they gave me the impression he is currently advanced in the military and works with H.A.A.R.P., the network of antennae in Alaska that controls weather and earthquake warfare. They gave me the impression that offshore drilling creates the hurricanes. A few months ago I realized I could email the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but I didn’t receive much feedback other than conflicting paranoia stuff from television. I did request a specific law of protection from the harassment of everyone (like a restraining order) for myself and the very same day the news played a story about the House passing a law of protection for America. But, the harassment and fake or paranoid news stories has yet to halt. I think the House of Representatives added something to one of the bailout bills that made mental ‘no-touch’ torture or abuse as significantly painful as physical torture.

I’m not really sure what to ask from you other than finding out if you can make the nasty shit*eating CIA and/or military leave me alone and remove the secrecy law or laws from off me, completely. I’ve seen the CIA boast about the “Alice in Wonderland” title like its an operation or project in which they are involved like Paperclip or Artichoke. The perpetrators gave me the impression that Britney Spears was also a victim of the “Alice in Wonderland” project. They used to tell me, or imply, “the answer is in the stars” and to “watch the stars.” They very well could have been talking about astronomical stars which I think they may have been since the Hubble Telescope was hinted about a lot. But, many celebrity stars were involved, as well, or so I’m to think. Woody Allen mentioned something about “this guy is going to have so much penis envy” in a movie with Alan Alda called Murder in Manhattan, maybe, and it was implied I should take that comment personally. The CIA have also implied that I‘m actually “Alice in Chains” and that the journey is what is more important than reaching a destination or goal. An actual transparent investigation would probably be what I would ask from you and release from this mostly secret, anonymous, mental restraint. Or, is it a secret rumor? So much is implied, which comes from Yahoo internet chat rooms and fake news stories and other enhanced interrogation techniques. I think I forgot that you are head of the DOJ, sorry about the delay. I’m glad you’re opposed to the death penalty. I’m also forwarding you a resume to provide more professional information about my situation, not necessarily for employment purposes but not opposed to that. They flunked me out of the Criminal Justice program. One of my professors at Kaplan College, online, was Mr. Busch and another was McCoy, which also happens to be the last name of a few different neighbors located in different houses according to the Haynes directory. I think there are three total McCoy's as part of a fake circular shape around me. There’s a Gonzalos and a Mueller down the street, as well.

I’ve been reading The Law of Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Oceana’s Law for the Layperson series by Margaret C. Jasper and I can’t even pursue a Petition for Compensation from the courts because of the mandatory secrecy. Gosh I would do anything to smell that freedom that online chatters boasted about years ago, especially because I'm completely innocent of any crime and I never volunteered for anything like this mental torture. I've never volunteered for anything that would even involve a president or VP of the USA, never.

The best way to contact me would be by phone or USPS since I don’t really have a private or dedicated email address that doesn’t get thoroughly flooded with spam.

Ronald L. Steiniger, Jr.
3506 St. Joachim Lane
St. Ann, Missouri 63074
DOB 4.23.1968
SS# 494.68.8746

Here’s a blog that I was originally coerced to create. Please forgive any curse or offensive words, confused ignorance, and wild allegations. As far as I know, no one reads it. I have been isolated with absolute hate and kind of coerced to type on that blog. Truly, I have no friends. I will attempt as many contact paths as I can, e.g., USPS and email.

heres a resume

Ron Steiniger, 3506 Saint Joachim Lane, Saint Ann, Missouri 63074, 314.426.2768
BS in Criminal Justice: Homeland Security, Counter-Terrorism
Kaplan College, online

Master Exercise Trainer
National Federation of Professional Trainers
2008 - 2004

AA, Information Systems: Analyst/Programmer Core
Saint Louis Community College

Accelerated Science Program
Logan College of Chiropractic, Saint Louis, Missouri
2004 - 2002

Exercise Therapist
Servants of the Paracletes, Saint Louis, Missouri
2003 - 1999

eCommerce Sales
Networks Unlimited, Inc., Saint Louis, Missouri

Systems Trainer, Missouri Child Support Enforcement
Service Design Associates, Inc., Jefferson City, Missouri

Bank Reconcilement
Mercantile Bank, Saint Louis, Missouri

BSBA: Finance and International Business Core, Smith Barney Internship
Fontbonne University, Saint Louis, Missouri

Renaissance Airport Hotel, Saint Louis, Missouri
1997 - 1995

Friday, July 24, 2009

real nice stuff, huh

good job shiteaters,, its hardly fear dipshits,,, ur nasty as fuckin shitt,, the shiteaters,, eww rover is one,, thats just gross,,, good job waste fuckks,,

its not fear really,,,,

its purefuckinhate only,,, fucku im not job training stupid fuckks,, i reject your job stupid shitbags,,, im not interested,, hardly fuckin fear stupid fuckks,, maybe sometimes since the fuckin trash fuckers continue to secretly fuckin torture me with big nasty fuckin infected pharma,, fucku trash and ur fuckin land of law,,, i dont even remember why im so pissed off other than completely fuckin hating life,, you make life miserable in case u forgot pathetic fuckers,, ur fuckin idiots,,, fucku,, not the good people but just the fact i need to clarify that is disgustingly fuckin sick,,,

why am i so mad? what did u fuckin shitbags do to me? fucku fucku fucku fucku,, im not interested,, id rather be fuckin dead than to ever be cheerfuckinful,, how stupid can u fuckin be? not the good one but the rest go to hell,, u see that slobber fucker leaking out of the fucking losers pursed fuckin lips,, this is sick,,, good job intelligence trash,, god i hate u trashfucks,, u can read my mind and u know its all rover shitfuckk hate, huh,, ur just gross fuckin scumbags,,,

cant u trash see with ur high powered surveillance stupfuckinpidity,,

cant u fuckin see the slobber mother fuckers,,, i simply fuckin hate u,,, not the gooooood person, the rest of u trash go to hell,, this is sick,, loook fuckers at the slobber,,, the medicine to fight that doesnt even fuckin work,, ur fuckin trash invega is death. god damn i hate u,, not the good one,,, fucku ufkcu fucku fucku fukcu fucku fukcu

I just hate you people,,,


I just came across the "No Fear Act"

Finally huh? Is that a joke? I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever play opposite day.

I cant play with you people. I don't like it!!

how about an addendum legal system named the Liberty Dept?

7.24.2009 10am
The purpose of the new legal system would be to insure that no person be discriminated against, no matter who they are. I just saw on TV and I remember hearing about it in the past, that people discriminate unconsciously, in which prejudice somehow gets embedded into our minds. We would unwind the conspiracies surrounding the African Americans and homosexuals including the prison system and pharmaceutical companies. People are not born with hate, or greed for that matter, they are learned behaviors. And, with all due respect Mr. Limbaugh, because you are the best at what you do, 'hate radio' is not freedom of speech. Its assault, and it always has been. You're against the Afghanistan war and U.S. military presence anywhere else that grows the destructive pain medicine Oxycontin, aren't you? They make heroin out of the same plants, I guess you already know, huh?

So anyway, the main personal characteristic for a judge of the Liberty Court would be to actually possess a discriminated quality. This could be a Muslim, a Jew, an African American, a homosexual, a female, a disabled person, an immigrant - just about any minority would satisfy the prerequisite to be a judge. And, since we are subconsciously programmed to discriminate, the victim wouldn't necessarily need to prove harassment beyond a reasonable doubt. Just an accusation could be grounds for maybe a three to five judge panel to hear the defendant's side of the story to determine recovery. What about all the fake accusations that are bound to arise from people that may try to take advantage of the system to get paid? Well, we all have to start being real nice to each other then, so we can defend ourselves just in case we do get falsely accused. Other people can tell when we are lying because it does not feel right, especially if it can't be proven a lie. We would make lie detector results admissible, even required in some cases. We could grant recovery with both monetary values and some kind of detention or captivity. An example of a sentence could be to require that someone that commits a hate crime against African Americans gets taken away from home and forced to live in the inner city projects, under full surveillance, as the lowest economical class. This person must raise the quality of life for his neighbors in order to improve one's own quality of life. Because, by Liberty law, the criminal of discrimination must serve a sentence at the bottom of the social and economic classes. He must be the poorest person in town whose life can only get better by raising the quality of life of those around him because he has to stay on the bottom.

As far as being real nice to each other, its about time, isn't it? It would be a quick way, which would be necessary, to raise the life quality of the targeted communities. Oh yeah, let's allow addicts of crack, heroin, and meth to be victims since those drugs are actually used as weapons in guerrilla warfare. Let's eradicate those drugs from the world and tax marijuana to pay for the new court system. We wouldn't need lawyers except that the judges could be attorneys as long as a member of a minority. We could use the meeting rooms of the public libraries across the country to have meetings and hearings.

Its not new as in throwing out the old, its in addition to since the current system has so many loopholes and justice is often overlooked by different interpretations of the law. Just an idea is all.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

if i only had some kind of truth,,

rather than the continuous paranoia type of messages. everything is just a lie to or about me and im not really comfortable or confident enough to believe anything. contacting the US Attorney General Eric Holder popped into my mind today but I don't even know what I would say. i got a message from a screen name that began with the word 'parole' followed by some other characters but that's just more paranoia that i can only whole heartedly reject these days since my doctor yelled at me telling me how paranoid i was when i was in the hospital for a 2-week miserable stay a few weeks ago.

hey i read up on 'the secret' a little bit and the 'law of attraction' and i jotted down the basic strategy, i.e., the three step method. the premise is that when someone desires something, it is attracted to them. I just jotted notes of these three steps just in case it doesn't come across clear.

1) Ask
- visualize and emotionalize your desires
- envision the goal as if already received
- focus exclusively on the positive
- release full emotions for the goal
2) Believe
- be open to the outside world around me
3) Receive
- attune self to the universe
- possess unreserved, unwavering cheerfulness
- have intense faith
- express gratitude for what one already has and will get

No wonder I couldn't do anything with all that hate that was given to me. they broke my will like they were supposed to do, huh? They being the CIA or whomever.

false flag copied and pasted from wikipedia,,
False flag
operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.

[i was searching for info on psychological warfare and this was a link that displayed in the category section of wikipedia. There were also links to music warfare and other interesting things. I'm not sure exactly why I think this is important enough to post on this blog other than trying to prove how I have been totally mislead by numerous lies and which is apparently fairly common.]

False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time.


"It was obvious that if the case were to be kept going a faked act of sabotage would have to be committed. "
[interesting quote under the air warfare heading on this website - its like lies ontop of lies ontop of lies in the secret intelligence community. Oh yeah, I always ask about crickets during the day but when I was just outside trimming the weeping willow a little, I noticed a locust on a tree branch and realized that must be the sound that I think are crickets.] [buzz]

[this all seems like a huge waste of time to me really - typing this info my opinion about all this crap. btw, lets not forget about electricity warfare which just sounds like more paranoia. what a waste of time.]

[the wikipedia page for 'music in psychological warfare' mentioned this particular military unit for such a job]

It is currently being used by the United States 361st Psychological Operations Company, a unit dedicated to discovering new ways in which to interrogate effectively.

[a surprising non-related statistic i just read about in Prescription Drugs: Oceana's Law for the Layperson by Margaret C. Jasper is that at least one person dies everyday from medication errors and 1.3 million people are injured a year, just in the United States. I think a professor from Chiropractic school lectured that allopathic (related to pharmaceuticals) medicine is the top killer of people in the US after heart disease and cancer.]

just a page of rants here

taliban hostage

That military private does not seem like an american with that heavy accent, but is that supposed to represent me, i guess? Who was that peters guy anyway? Calling the hostage a liar. Who did he lie to and about what? Peters was trying to shout-out for a death sentence or something, for the hostage, huh? Wonder why he called him a deserter if that's not true, anyway?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


VP Cheney asked for continued protection of the Secret Service at President Obama's six months mark, huh? The news said that he feels he has a need for such protection. One of my yahoo chat screen names is secret_service_theta. Due to the enhanced interrogation paranoia [and high anxiety] instilled into me by the enforced secrecy of the CIA/Cheney situation, I'm wondering if he requested six more months [buzz gross] of secrecy for me. I thought he already gave me a life sentence. This just disgusts me. Is that hostage thats obviously not an american being held bt the Taliban supposed to represent me, I guess? See, I can't even tell anyone about this crap. I wanted to send this blog address to someone I went to highschool with but its too confusing to explain since I was going ask her for legal advice since she works for a law firm. I've decided to back out of that message since I've started this post.

[Theta is one of the four sleep stages, like REM sleep, that I learned about in an anatomy class in the past. After reading about massive mind control efforts by the CIA a few years ago and further research into the simularities of the treatment I was getting compared to the brainwashing treatment of Patty Hearst, I learned that hypnosis was most effective during the theta sleep state. I also read that CRT computer monitors gives off theta waves making the computer user more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions.]

[this isn't an old message, I just used the VP label at the beginning without the word 'former' out of respect for those that have served in office. its probably the wrong way to express such respect but in my opinion all former presidents should still have a voice in that office even though things don't really work that way.]

I don't want to play this stupid BS lying game anymore. I'm too tired of the complete deception. I forgot my point really.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

fake lighting huh?

is that the school part of my fake sentence? does that symbolize or mean fake knowledge, pretty much? As far as treatment to suspected terrorists? Could it be referred to the brightness or factual intelligence of the prisoner as opposed to the 'light and dark' technique mentioned in A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy as one of the procedures used by the CIA for psychological warfare and its secret research into human consciousness that annually cost billions?

The book mentions the massive CIA mind control effort utilized on the U.S. citizens from 1950 to 1962, that apparently continued operating covertly as the author states by, "penetrating and compromising key U.S. institutions of universities, hospitals, armed forces, etc." for what became known as non-physical 'no touch' torture.

The author writes, "Refined through years of practice, the method [sensory deprivation] relies on simple, even banal procedures of isolation, standing, heat and cold, light and dark, noise and silence for a systematic attack on all senses." This 'no-touch' torture evolved from earlier experiments with hallucinogenic drugs, electric shock, and sensory disorientation. Well, I'm trying to tie, what apparently is 'common sense' interpretations, to the treatment that I have been receiving for years so that I can defend myself, which is currently impossible with Cheney/CIA secrecy.

How do I petition the Court for compensation when I have no proof of perpetrators that are required to remain secret? They had my psychiatrist setup 10 sessions of ECT [electroconvulsive shock therapy] but because it was making me forget, I stopped the treatment after only three times. They also give me the impression that they may somehow be electrocuting a target of some kind inside me with a beam of electricity right through my roof - maybe its done with infrared light.

[maybe infrared satisfies the 'light and dark' method used in thier sensory disorientation 'no-touch' torture technique]

I am not informed of this technology that apparently leaves some kind of blisters on both my mother's and my own scalps. I'm also not informed of the technology that permits the 'secret research into human consciousness' that has created so much anxiety and paranoia. The CIA or the implied 'homegrown terrorists' mentors have repeatedly convinced me that they can see what I see, can read my mind, and tell my future. I get really creeped out when they start using the word destiny, because about 10 years ago when they were apparently bombarding me with HIV positive hookups [blister tingle - described below] I guess I could feel the energy because I thought AIDS was my destiny at that time [buzz, buzz - I hate that].

[buzz means that something in my electricy controlled, CIA boastful 'Alice in Wonderland' environment made a noise which was, in the past, indicative of the importance (no longer considered a comfirmation of truth due to the enlightenment of the fake lighting) of what I was typing, reading, or thinking. It has taken years of trial and error to figure this out which can so easily be denied by the anonyminity and CIA/Cheney secrecy oath. It took me a few more years of denial just to accept this that can so easily be denied. So I guess crickets are not just nocturnal and can actually make as much noise during the day as at night, huh?]

[I just felt a small tingle on one of my so called scalp blisters and smelled something that I can only describe as burnt or dead flesh. I've recognized the same or a similar odor coming from my laptop - even when I'm nowhere close, or even in the same physical location to it. I know there is a language area inside the brain but I'm not sure how it can be remotely tapped into like we have seen, at least in TV shows, the way a paralyzed person hooked up to a computer can communicate with digital language from his thoughts. Somehow they have technology to be able to do that to me by some kind of embedded or implanted seed. Remember the government has V-Chip capabilities to plant this kind of seed in pets and children.]

how to finance the new universal health care,,,

Well, because Mr. President wants to meet his deadline, I would ask Congress to increase the national debt by providing some kind of basic medicare-type of insurance to all U.S. residents whether citizens or illegal immigrants. Once the deadline is met, I would open several new efficiency clinics across the country - one per zip code, perhaps. I would thoroughly investigate and tear apart the current dental industry and include services within the new universal health care. I think dental stays separate from medicine for deceptive secretive reasons. The CIA or homegrown mentors let me realize that they can control toothache pain from my tooth fillings. I'm not big on conspiracies and I don't even like using the word. But, they made me believe that people can be monitored and tracked via GPS type of fillings. They hinted around that amalgam fillings not only provide a tool for the surveillance of innocent people but the mercury also creates human disorders and sickness.

I would use the Common Sense Act as reason to believe the Sabotage Oxley Act was only created for deception. Then investigate the accounting books for all companies that sought government bailout. Is it 'common sense' that the excessive CEO bonuses was actually a ripoff of the government? What about all the bad loans created to collapse the housing market and force many people into forclosure? I would hold them all responsible for double of what they ripped off and use that money to repay debt created by univeral health care.

C Street a church, huh? Sounds like it is or was a place to secretly covet their neighbors' wives or something. The church designation permits the establishment to not keep records of cash flows. Sounds like more deception.