Monday, June 15, 2009

you are complete trash,,

That's just a guess, about you being complete trash, like Bush which is already are one and only admitted killer, being in the Chinese Communist Party and when I did aq paper on the country in college, I had no idea that President Gorbachev from the former Soviet Union was visiting the day of the Tienanmen Square massacre. I can just imagine Bush Sr. set that tragedy up knowing that the Chinese people had no possible way to get true information in or out. I do remember from the college paper that the people were suffering horrendous human rights abuses and now we see who tricked them into it. I'd say Bush probably had the police open fire on the students peace demonstration.

What about the National Guard at Kent State University? We all know who runs the National Guard and doesn't quiet have the morals to be an American leader of much other than guerrilla warfare type skills teaching, or whatever. Or, illegal chemical and biological testing on the unwitting citizens. Wouldn't a CIA operative or director get barred from intelligence work for that? Did that happen to Helms who may have later had a face and name change and maybe found work in other countries intelligence areas. Didn't he request a be Ambassador to Iran?

And, oh yeah. I'm not a lawyer and and I have little to no experience with such pathetic laws or the people that write them - the twisted peotic [sic] laws. But, I wonder how a plea agreement to escape the death sentence for a capital crime could make the same offense legal for next time. Okay, that's enough wondering and I'd say no way penguin, dumbass. What is wrong with you people. You have totally lied about me in every possible way, to make me the criminal but I still only get the 'Shock' everyday, of the 'Shock and Awe' techniques. So, I'm too mentally tore up which the CIA has already publicly admitted about the cruel and unusual punishment they felt bad about, or whatever. It is not supposed to be happening to me. I don't know you and frankly you have completely destroyed my life, for no apparent reason.

James Earl Chaney? The African American freedom writer that was killed before your Kent State project, I think. Is that your boy?

Is Judge Bybee actually Karl Rover, the advisor to Bushes? He would have to be the person probably barred from practicing law, to make my life script any good at all. What about the James Baath guy that happened to allegedly provide working capital for both Bush Jr., and Osama bin Laden? And the Baathist party, known to be Saddam Hussein's inner circle, if you will. And, also as part of the Palestinian Liberation Movement or Al Fatah. This book, Political Terrorism: Facts on File, named ten groups that made up this movement with the sole mission statement is to destroy Israel. Why should Lebanon be forced to permit them to use their country to ambush attacks on Israel. Who was Dr. George Habash, that was the leader of the one of the Palestinian Liberation groups, specifically mentioned as marxist, out to destroy Israel? These guys frame each other all the time but I'm going to guess that's Cheney with the doctor tag that insinuates the Frankenstein interests probably. Dude, we all know you are not bright enough for that type of title.

I'll try this out and see how it goes. Oh please Febish, please don't lock me in a dark closet. Oh yeah, the genocide stuff. Well, its so humiliating and difficult to reason into words. That's a good one though, you trash scumbags.

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