Tuesday, June 2, 2009

fucku bitch fuckin thief,

i dont get fuckin allis and id say u fuckin know that by now dumbfuckk. U ARE NOT AN ALLY. fucku trash, they didnt accept me anyway thanks do fuckin aol genius dumbfuckin trash. fucku stupid fuckkers. i told u its a lose fuckibn lose situation. and i get all the blame for the nazi torture i made u do it,, well how about dumbfucks i get a pass to trhe gas chamber u stupid fuck3ers. id fuckin killu. hey they were never on my side anyway so go to fuckin hell u fuclin kunt and taqke nasty cooper clan of trash with u. fucku world, fucku dc fuckyu hughes, fucklu patrhetic fuckin trash nazi circle fuckin trash.

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