Friday, June 5, 2009

god damn i hate u

fucku its never going to happen stupid fucks. yea thats my prophecy go to fuckin hell. god damn i hate u,, uhh if my real godfather is involved then fuck him too. my self fulfilling prophecy huh. who rote that fuckin trash book about bush knowing suicide preferences fuckin scumbags. id kill all u8 mothe4r fuckers. im never interested plus anytime i try u fuc kin cut me off so go to fuckin hell put me in real fuckin jaiol stupid fuckk, deo what u gotta fufckin di dumbfvuckk\
i demaqnd my fuckin death u fuckin trash fuckers. fucku fucku fucku fucku i dont want u8 fuckin trying to pretend to ease me out ofr fuckin toilet shithole, i get my fuckin death stupId fruckers!@!! FUCKU ARE TRASH. you are just dumbfucks, like im prolonging the fuckin torture - oh well so be it u fuckin shitbags. hardly a fuckin secret u are trash, all u fruckers know about each other. fucku this is just fuckin scum and im disgusted ur fuckin trash.

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