Thursday, June 4, 2009

go to hell,,

that shitbag school kaplan trash flunked me [i stopped attending] from both semesters and stole my student loan money that was left over after tuition and books were paid, sometimes called a refund by students or living expenses. and since you shitbags can read my mind you know i have no desire to ever fuckin speak to that fuckin school ever again but its one of ur torture nazi rules. well first off, you're wrong from the very beginning about me as an enemy combatant or suspected terrorist with invisible mental torture and all that shit. i have no reason to be on a fuckin enemy list stupid fucks. even more wrong is expecting me to cooperate with u nazi shitbags at any time. i dont want ur nazi messages. they are always bad shit anyway, fucku, id killu. fuckin scum. as far as trash thinking jaime hubble or whatever - fucku nasty fuckin shitbags. those are both coerced fake fuckin attractions and the fuckin thought of u shitheads using that scumfuckin shit against me is asinine like your fuckin purpose dumfucks. fucku fucku i hate u mother fuckers. i used to be kind of greatful that i didnt have the nasty jealous ans envy thoughts normally like u fuckers thrive on. its ur fuckin energy, your feel good nazi fuel. fucku fuckbags of shithead. mother fucku. i still dont get it fuckin stupid fucks, fucku fucku fucku.

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