Tuesday, June 16, 2009

no way, no thank you, im not the one,,

No way. I'm just reading some of the pathetic lies in an apparent autobiography of Richard or nasty-ass Rick Helms or whatever, titled The Man Who Kept The Secrets. It seems like a story of lies to personally manipulate me, not exactly sure why, though. Am I supposed to think that Helms is actually Cheney or something? So what, why would I have a concern about either one of the corrupt thieving liars? I don't know anything about that person or anyone behind this nazi secret. I'm somehow provided clues via the secret relentless hate from the legal and medical communities plus all forms of media and any social activity which I would never try again. I've been coerced to believe that I am some kind of target that I've been led to believe is because my mother's maiden name is Hughes. Target for what and by who? When I asked my grandfather, Carl, about family relation to Howard Hughes, he told me that there may be some kind of very distant 8th cousin or something but I think he was told something else just like my parents were told something but they are sworn to secrecy or death or some pathetic reason to permit torture. I promise I'm not playing a game, especially with such scumbags that have spent my entire life sabotaging.

Hollywood and media tend to imply with signature-type humiliating hate bashing, that I've been mentally controlled or brainwashed to recognize and accept as clues, in turn making them gifts. Why am I a target? I thought I was labeled a suspected terrorist because of selling weed as was anonymously hinted to be a CIA sting setup kind of thing but was never arrested, charged, tried and sentenced, but this is what they try to make me believe by forcing certain books and movies and music on me.

[trash dude, you are so completely nasty to torture me and my family for decades then to make me guess and solve the inhumane anonymous torture and I'm apparently supposed to figure it out as Sherlock Holmes or the character Jessica Fletcher played by Angela Landsbury in the series, 'Murder She Wrote'. Remember the mental torture and anonymous promises of heaven and a kingdom and wealth, a prize on which to focus? I AGREED TO NOTHING, NOT IN GOOD FAITH, ANYWAY. Well some bashers put the idea in my head that I am being treated as a suicide bomber, which is the only real escape from the relentless hate and torment for an innocent prisoner. What is up with the attempted creation of the brainwashed faggot Jesus? I was apparently led to believe that Bush Jr. was to get all of the blame, and that he may have told me that the harassment and torture is meant to desensitize the public for the apparent Nazi treatment to come. Desensitize is what its called to change a person's reaction our behavior towards something ordinarily very disturbing. Patty Hearst was you too wasn't it, to desensitize people? Feed the poor? Come on, give me the truth, trash nation. Apparently there are four our five different versions of the truth. Who's Hanson that the media and Hollywood indirectly imply as a bad cheating spy somehow or another and why do they want me to care?]

In this book, Helms says that "for secret intelligence the first priority is keeping secrets." That's a nasty lie, anyway. Funny, wouldn't that also be the first priority of a criminal or thief as well, that may have escaped mandatory death sentencing for illegally keeping secrets. Evidence is everywhere, huh?. Of what crimes exactly, and what am I suppose to do with it? I remember the implication or maybe suggestions years ago, that I can NOT defend myself and that I can only turn the other cheek, insinuating like I have always done or like a good person does or something irrelevant. At first, I thought it was a compliment because I'm never really submissive to abuse, as an adult, anyway. Unless its easier and less drama/trouble to walk away. With on-line trash I eventually got conditioned to completely worthless scumbag bashing. Who'd have thought it was the shitbag CIA practicing until they've killed my the older sibling. Why am I a pathetic helpless target again and why with AIDS? But the 'turn the other cheek' comment was when I started noticing the Jesus clues that came trickling towards and past me. Is this what your 'Law of Attraction' is about? They were real big or coercive trash as believing in reincarnation and implied that to be Jesus, I had to die so that I could have resurrection. That was more suicidal type persuasion. No way this or anything I describe can be labeled interrogation. I hate you trash. My real godfather had nothing to do with this crap.

[this is just sick, I'm a tortured b/s prisoner of some kind and I just need truth immediately about the trash secret manipulators and access to true legal counsel for advice. I was bitching one day, or as you secret mind control Nazis imply, I was crying, when one of your screamers drove by and said "its jail". Why make me figure anything out with what you call my gifts of hate by the hateful lies only meant to mislead?]

Something had occurred to me yesterday, but they hibernated my computer when I started typing about it. Apparently they had to add or remove evidence to completely discredit whatever I was thinking or so that I forget what I was thinking as is the usual result after bitching. I read that memory is often reduced or wiped-out due to the relentless hate that is hardwired into a person's brain as a brainwashing technique, the classic suicide bomber method, apparently. That there must be a video of me on Youtube or something permitting this secrecy or something. It is not me, I assure you. Even if the fake me may say otherwise in a possible video or some kind of audio recording. I do not have a twin or as they may imply a clone.

Bush Jr. was just a dumb herring wasn't he? Because I bet you tell in this autobiography or whatever trash label it has, that Bush Sr. shot JFK. Or maybe not, I don't know really but you all seem to lie about each other, passing the blame, even to be my fault.

[Or, it could just be one of you, solo, as implied years ago with the HIV infection attempts, that its all Jimmy's doing. Was that the dude at Ozzie's Bar and Grill at Westport? This just gets more and more disgusting, you nasty scumtrash. I recently asked the manager there if he remembered if Jimmy's last name was Cooper. He said it wasn't but [this is beyond completely fu*cking nasty - you are trash at Ozzie's shithole place too]. He wanted to tell me his last name for which I didn't ask and I really didn't want to know because they make me so enraged as if to encourage going 'postal' and its better if I don't have that knowledge since brainwashed and all and they are such trash in real life. Well, the manager said the last name was Madness and he started to spell it but I immediately turned around to ignore and walked-out. You nasty, nasty, nasty scum trash. I hope they kill you scumbag lying trash.]

So anyway, they've made me think that my vision is spied on [i cant stand this nazi trash secret crap] and that it is considered a permanently damaged organ as required by Judge Bybee, which they now imply is actually Karl Rover, as a result of a car accident that they may have caused. So I mentioned that and the next day a couple of guys from Hollywood with the name of Seth appeared in the media to apparently indicate a 'hit' when I mentioned an episode of Family Guy that reminded me of the car accident after I saw it a couple times. A day or a few later, while visiting "Brainwashed Law of Attraction" Internet chat, the apparent trash battleground for faggot Jesus, someone messaged me that "well at least he won't be bothering us anymore" or something to indicate a removal of Bush from a situation in which I'm agreeably and apparently legally being publicly tortured. Screw you, I don't know what to do. Nothing helps this crap you completely disgusting scumbags.

Look, I am not a CIA anything or even close to training for it. I can't work, I can hardly function, which includes preparing my own meals which is pretty indicative of disability. [You are complete trash.]

[This was mentioned years ago but some Attorney General rewrote some anti-hate laws that didn't include protection for disabled or homosexual people. As long as the old laws weren't repealed, it wouldn't matter anyway, but I think the discouraging issue was lack of proof plus after failing at numerous attempts to get legal help, I realized "Land of Law' can't help me. Nothing else to do but be tortured huh secret trash? Hey, I'm telling you, you got the wrong person!]

As far as cooking goes, I hate to eat now anyway, or too sick to my stomach. But, even when I can eat, something as easy as cereal in cold milk hurts my teeth, so bad. I'm under the impression the pain is possibly from some kind of illegal surveillance tooth fillings. Why would I be a target again? Is it something you scumbag are trying to cover up as a reality TV show that I don't know anything about, maybe? That's just bad. I guess its a better defense than an illegal military experiment since I've always been way too fairy to enlist, luckily. I was coerced and setup to sell weed which apparently took away all my human rights. If they wouldn't have bombed the twin towers to gain psuedo-permission for what they were apparently doing before, without permission, I would be in real prison with real prisoner rights. Trust me, I have no high-level secrets and absolutely no possible way to ever have anything private or as a secret. That's pretty obvious by my 41yo virginity status. Why are they allowed to publicly humiliate, uhh what am i now - this week? Well, besides a fool with a completely trashed wasted life. Student never flies people, never. [that virginity crap may be a genocidal clue if justice ever gets involved.]

Well, even with a law-abiding citizen, spies can be malicious to unwitting targets as might be the case with a self-proclaimed warrior idiot. Was he really barred from spy work for performing secret non-medical experiments such like Tuskegee type stuff?

I demand complete honesty and transparency completely. This is bad and wrong. Total fabrication of any agreement or even knowledge by me. I forfeit all to get to the truth. Have the real law and truth come to me like Bush promised to bring justice to the terrorists. He and Cheney were the terrorists, right? US Army Jungle Love School in Panama, huh? No wonder Mr. Hughes had such a paranoia of germs. Youre complete scum and I'm not Hughes enough, trash nazi. I don't know what to say to get to the truth and why would everyone hate me? People seem to be instructed to direct hate at the real unwitting culprit, faggot Jesus, huh? Its not legal I swear and I say to forget about any money, surely that aidstrash daddy spent it all. The fucker killed my sister who had the exact same parents as me, both honestly heterosexual.

And tons of other crap. You got the wrong person. I can't help myself, scumbags. Why would I even want to with scumbags like you secretly torturing my every thought. I couldn't even imagine what the pathetic truth might be.

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