Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sorry oprah,, about everything,,

the other day after reading some of mr trump's book, the art of the deal, i started thinking badly about u, madonna, mr trump, and probably any other billionaire,, i called you the 'n' word in my mind and mr trump a piece of crap,, i thought you guys were my problem or something but i dont really believe that,, optah knows im going to die,, but she cant do anything about it because she is a slave,, im sorry for that too,, actually its a guess,, i saw ur movie precious and realized right away it was making fun of me,, i dont know how i thought that,,, was before i knew my vision was spied on,, i was coerced before that first myspace page to list who id like to meet,, i blocked the page but myspace wouldnt let me unblock it,, i said i wanted to meet you and live with the clintons and that i wanted to help Brittany spears out when she was being tortured,, i saw something that said she was acting but she isnt really an actress and she was yanking on one of her kids arms,, oh well, anyway, i received some then many emails about oprah or made me think of her and thats why i said that,, in her movie precious she said to come to her,, that she's the one i chose,, then leter said i wasnt going anywhere,, all of this aside, i do think oprah is a good wonderful person but i dont think she is in control herself,, i might be wrong and im sorry to say or think shes a slave,, really,, but i think condi is also,, i appreciate you coming out and all if you were doing it to coax me into some action but some people are stopping me from any action,, sure im gay and now isnt really a time to be proud of it when im being murdered but i dont deny it,, i cant,, the poweers that be would know im lying anyway,, if that matters,,

so a new movie is coming out called 'the devilish Me' or something,, just so happens i was coerced to steal a book by karherine Hephburn titles 'Me". I think i got a book about the cartoon character garfield called 'Me'. some other sruff about the word me creeps me out,,

i cant believe im going to die from this crap,, they got record of reaql high cholesterol for me,, plus copd,, my dr baram said today that my fatigue is from being addicted to adderall but i read there is no withdrawel from amphetamines,, he said so but he's lied before,, usually i guess,,

please leave my family alone mr cheney,, they didnt do anything to you,, and i didnt do anything to that crippled retard that lived next door when i was a kid,,
i remember at that age me and some other kids used to spin in circles while holding someone else to make them dizzy and they would stumble around afterwards,, i remember i used to do that to a kid from around the block and i would hold his feet and spin in a circle,, i remember not liking the way i felt after that and the poor kid didnt like it either,, i think an adult saw me do it once and yelled at me and i stopped doing it,, it was rockefeller trash like u that probably made me spin him anyway.. dude i was never ur abuser,, why were u next doot anyway? is that why my vision is public? to keep u away? what do u want? i owe you nothing,, all i want is freedom from this mental torture hell,,

sorry i cant stay silent even though im drownding,, and sorry for calling mr trump names in my mind,,, im sorry to the whole world that im being tortured and a victim of genocide,, ask martha stewart,, i think many of the people that i called slaves probably have the spied vision also or threats to their families,, you know i read that bobby kennedy paid blackmail once for the murder of his brother but thats how the rockefellers or cheney works,,, they must have convinced him of lies while he was in shock,, they are going to killme,, i feel it,, and they have made me such a jerk that i deserve it,,, sorry to be so weak but i and beat to a pulp and i dont have a clue what to do,,

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