Friday, June 25, 2010


Many of what the political terrorists might call leads or clues have multiple meanings, interpretations, and exposures but that stuff is all Nazi crap. So much propaganda should be proof that the Republican strategists are Nazis. Anything that Hughes may have established for his family wouldn’t have been so complex on his unwitting and tortured benefactors from the kkk and the Nazis. He would never have left his empire to the kkk.

The number 69 is a number used regularly for my benefit. It is the number for the comedy channel in my area on Charter cable. It is also a sexual position in which I was involved with John Green that could have put me at significant risk for contracting hiv. The word green is or was a clue used fairly often that I have interpreted as most important to be the name of a probable hit man that attempted to infect me. And, now I’m thinking the encounter may have been an experiment conducted by the mind control Nazis about hiv transmission and oral sex. There were a few days in the early 90s when I was slightly obsessive about brushing and flossing my teeth. I brushed and flossed both before and after this unsuccessful sexual experience occurred. John’s penis flowed heavily with precum and I didn’t want to put it in my mouth so I tried to provide oral pleasure with my teeth clenched. I rubbed his penis on my teeth and gums and from cheek to cheek. He could tell that I wasn’t getting aroused so we stopped. I told him that the medical community expressed that they still didn’t know the risks of disease transmission of precum. He wouldn’t talk to me after that, never even taking my calls. I got pneumonia about a year or two later and I read the physician insert inside the free antibiotics that my doctor gave me. For some reason, I got a big scare when I read of the drug’s effect on people with hiv and that maybe my doctor thinks I’m positive. I knew many AIDS patients got pneumonia and the fear mushroomed into terror until I tested negative about six weeks later.

Operation: Bluebird
The hint or clue of a picture was misleading because I knew that Rose and Dale McMannes molested me and my sister and took nude photos of her when she was five years old. I know this occurred because I’ve seen nude photos of some of her lovers. Taking nude photos was her innate way to find gay lovers. I think Reagan or Bush Sr. was in office when HAARP inflicted her with lung cancer. Reagan was president of the Screen Actor’s Guild and very likelt a member of the kkk and sabotaged the will that Howard Hughes left for Hollywood to tell me. In Reagan’s ’81 inaugural address, he mentioned some hero that the nasty shit eating kkk Nazi Republicans have determined to be me. Operation bluebird was a program of the CIA designed to mistreat gay Americans but I don’t have much knowledge about it. There might be an Experiment 69 that may seem familiar to me that I might unwittingly be involved and they could say I got my information from a book. That’s what they did for me with Martha Stewart. I thought I read a couple of her books under a pseudonym. The CIA act as if they have destroyed all records of MKULTRA, MKNAOMI, and Chaos programs that were very big illegal experimentation on unwitting citizens.

I forgot. On 911, Cheney and Rumsfeld had war games scheduled and happening the same time the flight hijackings were occurring. The simulations were of flight hijackings at the exact same time. Cheney had to order the military to shoot down flight 93 after the passengers took back control of the aircraft because the commander in chief puppet was at that school. Obama is Cheney’s Manchurian Candidate that should be trying to help his people and the unemployed. I guess the entire US Senate is Nazi.

That’s why the House Speaker didn’t impeach Bush and Cheney, because the Senate would have freed them. There is an International War Crimes Court erected in 2002 in the country of Jordan that is fake and secretly run by Nazis. Our US Supreme Court could maybe try the Nazis eventually but the kkk and the Republicans made laws and created loopholes that may not prosecute them in the land of the law. What do we do? The military is also a long time target of the Nazis and so is big government.

These people are on our side. The controlled media is on our side. The Catholic Church and Hollywood are targets of the Nazis. I think Nazi Cheney runs the National Guard and the kkk. The Kennedys are targets and so are the unwitting Hughes. Don’t trust a Republican, they have some kind of pass to lie, cheat and kill that they are going to try and pin on me after mentally torturing me. They may have injected me with HIV and I’m not a paranoid person usually. About half of the US Government and MNCs are run by Nazis.

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