Wednesday, June 30, 2010

pure absolute complete trash

its not just on the surface that you are complete trash. you will probably blackmail me to like you, you nasty sac of crap. NO MATTER WHAT SCUMBAG, YOU ARE TRASH. you ruined my miracle you piece of trash plus you genocide my family. I hardly have the stomach for this crap but that's part of your nazi plan. Make it too disgusting for me to look at. Well genuis, I have to look at it, anyway. I cant believe you snowed the judges this much. So trash dude, if you are illegal now, what will you do if i try to even survive? YOU ARE COMPLETE TRASH. fuck you and your nazis, you rockefeller trash fuckk

Monday, June 28, 2010

ahhh kickback, prop my feet up,,,

Thanks and nice stunts, btw, tommy,, gosh i love you guys but i wish these nazis would get out of my head heart and soul,, well thanks all i gou for now,, lol,, im sick,, this makes me sick,, my stomach is rumbling,, why? for nazis,, i said to shoot them years ago,,

Friday, June 25, 2010


Many of what the political terrorists might call leads or clues have multiple meanings, interpretations, and exposures but that stuff is all Nazi crap. So much propaganda should be proof that the Republican strategists are Nazis. Anything that Hughes may have established for his family wouldn’t have been so complex on his unwitting and tortured benefactors from the kkk and the Nazis. He would never have left his empire to the kkk.

The number 69 is a number used regularly for my benefit. It is the number for the comedy channel in my area on Charter cable. It is also a sexual position in which I was involved with John Green that could have put me at significant risk for contracting hiv. The word green is or was a clue used fairly often that I have interpreted as most important to be the name of a probable hit man that attempted to infect me. And, now I’m thinking the encounter may have been an experiment conducted by the mind control Nazis about hiv transmission and oral sex. There were a few days in the early 90s when I was slightly obsessive about brushing and flossing my teeth. I brushed and flossed both before and after this unsuccessful sexual experience occurred. John’s penis flowed heavily with precum and I didn’t want to put it in my mouth so I tried to provide oral pleasure with my teeth clenched. I rubbed his penis on my teeth and gums and from cheek to cheek. He could tell that I wasn’t getting aroused so we stopped. I told him that the medical community expressed that they still didn’t know the risks of disease transmission of precum. He wouldn’t talk to me after that, never even taking my calls. I got pneumonia about a year or two later and I read the physician insert inside the free antibiotics that my doctor gave me. For some reason, I got a big scare when I read of the drug’s effect on people with hiv and that maybe my doctor thinks I’m positive. I knew many AIDS patients got pneumonia and the fear mushroomed into terror until I tested negative about six weeks later.

Operation: Bluebird
The hint or clue of a picture was misleading because I knew that Rose and Dale McMannes molested me and my sister and took nude photos of her when she was five years old. I know this occurred because I’ve seen nude photos of some of her lovers. Taking nude photos was her innate way to find gay lovers. I think Reagan or Bush Sr. was in office when HAARP inflicted her with lung cancer. Reagan was president of the Screen Actor’s Guild and very likelt a member of the kkk and sabotaged the will that Howard Hughes left for Hollywood to tell me. In Reagan’s ’81 inaugural address, he mentioned some hero that the nasty shit eating kkk Nazi Republicans have determined to be me. Operation bluebird was a program of the CIA designed to mistreat gay Americans but I don’t have much knowledge about it. There might be an Experiment 69 that may seem familiar to me that I might unwittingly be involved and they could say I got my information from a book. That’s what they did for me with Martha Stewart. I thought I read a couple of her books under a pseudonym. The CIA act as if they have destroyed all records of MKULTRA, MKNAOMI, and Chaos programs that were very big illegal experimentation on unwitting citizens.

I forgot. On 911, Cheney and Rumsfeld had war games scheduled and happening the same time the flight hijackings were occurring. The simulations were of flight hijackings at the exact same time. Cheney had to order the military to shoot down flight 93 after the passengers took back control of the aircraft because the commander in chief puppet was at that school. Obama is Cheney’s Manchurian Candidate that should be trying to help his people and the unemployed. I guess the entire US Senate is Nazi.

That’s why the House Speaker didn’t impeach Bush and Cheney, because the Senate would have freed them. There is an International War Crimes Court erected in 2002 in the country of Jordan that is fake and secretly run by Nazis. Our US Supreme Court could maybe try the Nazis eventually but the kkk and the Republicans made laws and created loopholes that may not prosecute them in the land of the law. What do we do? The military is also a long time target of the Nazis and so is big government.

These people are on our side. The controlled media is on our side. The Catholic Church and Hollywood are targets of the Nazis. I think Nazi Cheney runs the National Guard and the kkk. The Kennedys are targets and so are the unwitting Hughes. Don’t trust a Republican, they have some kind of pass to lie, cheat and kill that they are going to try and pin on me after mentally torturing me. They may have injected me with HIV and I’m not a paranoid person usually. About half of the US Government and MNCs are run by Nazis.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

youre gross rover fuckin nazi thief,,

you dont even belong here,, at all,, are you going for one of those 'whites only' electric chair,, fuckin trash fag pedophile,, how can u function like that? u look like vomit,, dude in ur case ,,,,,,,,,, ahh i forgot,, im high,, why the attack on the emotions or whatever,, electric warfare,, death rowe,, how you spell ur name vomit trash,, hardly bitter you nazi trash,, plus ura weasel,, and thats a worst thing anyone could ever be,, your sick,, tell ur fuckin republican ,,,,,,,,,,, shoot forgot that one too,, just lay the fuckk off,, too much input,, please,, slow down,, drop acid,, lol,, just practicing,, its too much shit to type about,, fucku,, u can lead an idiot to water,, you are way past nazi fucker,,, mother fucker,, i dont even know u,, how do u guys do that shit,, you have created the serial killers,, as nazis,, in the illegal domestic surveillance,, the new world order trash dude dont talk about this because he dont know,, theyve really beat me up bad then they make me hit myself,, high 5 u fuckin dorks,, im not fuckin playing,, its makes me sick,,, plus fuckin raytheon shocking the fuckk out of me,, so i own everything now huh,, i take bush and rockefellers,, 1st thing we do is free the black man,, before we sit down and talk or anything,, lol,, im ate the fuckk up,, i appreciate the supreme ct,, i know its hard as hell but its from the nazis that have infiltrated the military and big pharma and more,, other countries are nazi because of the rockefellers,, where are these earthquakes hitting,, i think haiti is or was nazi,, the dominican republic,, not cuba i bet thats just propaganda,, they are too good at propaganda to not be hard core nazis,, their story makes me sick,, they are just complete trash scum sewage with feces in their hair,, makes me sick,,

dr damian,, [come by pick me up i guess were done] so much brain poison,, nonstop,, how else could it be torture? why do u laugh at that rover? bag of dogshit,, infuckinsane,, i feel like the nazis drs are doing surgery on my brain,, like my head is split open,, how fun,, psycho surgery or something,, just fuckin insane,,, way way way over any gay fuckin boundaries u stupid fuckin fag,, ur so nazi my god,,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ok fine, so im in fuckin jail,,,

[i am so friggin mad]
i dont know what the hell is wrong with you people,, well except of course the nazi part,, can i get a lawyer for due process of the law violations and blatant abuses of my bill of rights? and dude i never blamed you for humiliating me,, i blame you pedophiles for genocide even if my grandfather wasnt the only surviving kid of six by lester,, like you do your defense through the media,, with no testimony just brainwashing until legal,, and the vivisection for my moms lobotomy with haarp,, why are you cia nazis bragging about these skills? you will get the fuckin death fuckin penalty,, [hey judges dont this abuse and torture look fishy to you? oprah, im sorry,, you deserve to be very very proud of yourself,, you are a miracle,, danka,, and madonna sorry about ur hairy chest too, but it is published, you know,, sorry,, i do love you alot though,, can u help rosie i dont think she is doing good since you aint really being good here,, gosh i love you,, im so honored and the celebrities that i got to connect with,, im so honored,, these really are nazis though,,] spying on my family for generations is a big deal with that land of law crap,, what an ass,, im brainwashed, tortured, and without a clue or anyone to trust so nothing is my fault,, maybe its the guards fault for letting me breath,, plus, ur nazi trash,,, all the media seems like its fuckin with me but thats the paramoid crap from you nazis and your conspiracies,, this is gross,, fucku go to hell,, im not even mentioning the provoke,, ive done nothing to disturb anyone,, if i did im sick,, plus u killed my sister,, plus ur rockefeller nazis,, that terrorized latin america,,

since president ford made the rockefeller commission the oversight for illegal domestic spying it seemed like projects like mkultra, chaos, and serial killing have become the conduct of desire,,, i dont know what im saying,, its mission impossible remember,, geez its an inheritance, its not supposed to be this difficult,, did u guys and gals trick me or something so that i would argue with myself until dead? thats they way rockefellers work,, what do u do about crack heads? oh, they take care of themselves,, is rockefellers or my stalkers meeting place for nazis and the kkk,, the kkk isnt that big anymore anyway,, times change,, the nazis are huge though,, i guess,,

can i just have my money? plus why wouldnt someone else just killme to punish u? ur the pedophile babysitters,,

oh man somebody is going to get into trouble and im sick of it always being me,, everything cant be fake,, why are they so good at this propaganda then,, thats all and solely nazi skill,,

all that genocide stuff is fuckin true,, against my hughes family,, a little forensics will prove that,, maybe alot,, and maybe tricky too,, why would other people be telling me this crap,, hes lying about a will that says anything,, hughes didnt leave one especially to some fag that infected him with hiv,,, vicious fuckin nazi fags,, just luke ur incest pedophile son karla,, lon chaney the wolfman,,, boris karloff rover,,, thats sickk,, masonna fits in there as marylin from the munsters,, fuckk this,,, i dont even have truth,, of course not justice,,

my chest stopped hurting when,,,

i stopped reading the Katherine Hephburn book titled Me and the heart attack pressure stopped,, so im reading a patterson book that i put down before because i must've thought it was brainwashing or hypnotic,, i've noticed it again after a few pages,, whos the butcher? is that cheney? sounds like the zodiac,,

well if i wouldnt have tagged oprah a slave, i think she is looking for a guest host for a show and i was going to suggest a big coming out party on her show by all the celebrities that are being blackmailed to keep their sexuality out of the papers,, blackmail is the nazis cash cow crime,, they can read minds i guess of people that want to keep it a secret,, but im a torture victim so its probably not in my will,, they say it got stolen,, we could have a show outing the nazis and all the gay people can be heros,, if the military just took away the 'dont ask, dont tell' guidelines we could have the secretary of defense there,, oh well thats all,, but sorry i called oprah a slave,, that was just a perception,, why would she steal the election from clinton,,, when the world needed exactly clinton?

what did u do to my aunt connie?

Someone messaged me with the id connie_something and thats the first time her name was ever used,,, the nazis have used edith (my grandma, my mothers mom, carls wife) alot like when connie was staying there trying to help take care of her stepdad ediths husband (remattied) harold,, i noticed in the credits of a hitchcock movie the name edith head doing costumes or something for the production,, they have navigated me to hitchcock and with that last name its kind of obvious,, everything is genital related,, but when clark howard miller shot my grandfather carl in the face, i guess they put a cam in his glass eye,, and i can just see him yelling to edith to give him head,, kinda funny but kinda sick too,, oh yea the hockey book asked why someone would be extending this crime so long,, i turned 40 two years ago? whats the holdup? this is just too sickening,,

sorry oprah,, about everything,,

the other day after reading some of mr trump's book, the art of the deal, i started thinking badly about u, madonna, mr trump, and probably any other billionaire,, i called you the 'n' word in my mind and mr trump a piece of crap,, i thought you guys were my problem or something but i dont really believe that,, optah knows im going to die,, but she cant do anything about it because she is a slave,, im sorry for that too,, actually its a guess,, i saw ur movie precious and realized right away it was making fun of me,, i dont know how i thought that,,, was before i knew my vision was spied on,, i was coerced before that first myspace page to list who id like to meet,, i blocked the page but myspace wouldnt let me unblock it,, i said i wanted to meet you and live with the clintons and that i wanted to help Brittany spears out when she was being tortured,, i saw something that said she was acting but she isnt really an actress and she was yanking on one of her kids arms,, oh well, anyway, i received some then many emails about oprah or made me think of her and thats why i said that,, in her movie precious she said to come to her,, that she's the one i chose,, then leter said i wasnt going anywhere,, all of this aside, i do think oprah is a good wonderful person but i dont think she is in control herself,, i might be wrong and im sorry to say or think shes a slave,, really,, but i think condi is also,, i appreciate you coming out and all if you were doing it to coax me into some action but some people are stopping me from any action,, sure im gay and now isnt really a time to be proud of it when im being murdered but i dont deny it,, i cant,, the poweers that be would know im lying anyway,, if that matters,,

so a new movie is coming out called 'the devilish Me' or something,, just so happens i was coerced to steal a book by karherine Hephburn titles 'Me". I think i got a book about the cartoon character garfield called 'Me'. some other sruff about the word me creeps me out,,

i cant believe im going to die from this crap,, they got record of reaql high cholesterol for me,, plus copd,, my dr baram said today that my fatigue is from being addicted to adderall but i read there is no withdrawel from amphetamines,, he said so but he's lied before,, usually i guess,,

please leave my family alone mr cheney,, they didnt do anything to you,, and i didnt do anything to that crippled retard that lived next door when i was a kid,,
i remember at that age me and some other kids used to spin in circles while holding someone else to make them dizzy and they would stumble around afterwards,, i remember i used to do that to a kid from around the block and i would hold his feet and spin in a circle,, i remember not liking the way i felt after that and the poor kid didnt like it either,, i think an adult saw me do it once and yelled at me and i stopped doing it,, it was rockefeller trash like u that probably made me spin him anyway.. dude i was never ur abuser,, why were u next doot anyway? is that why my vision is public? to keep u away? what do u want? i owe you nothing,, all i want is freedom from this mental torture hell,,

sorry i cant stay silent even though im drownding,, and sorry for calling mr trump names in my mind,,, im sorry to the whole world that im being tortured and a victim of genocide,, ask martha stewart,, i think many of the people that i called slaves probably have the spied vision also or threats to their families,, you know i read that bobby kennedy paid blackmail once for the murder of his brother but thats how the rockefellers or cheney works,,, they must have convinced him of lies while he was in shock,, they are going to killme,, i feel it,, and they have made me such a jerk that i deserve it,,, sorry to be so weak but i and beat to a pulp and i dont have a clue what to do,,

Monday, June 21, 2010

oh well this post is out of order,, probably,,

why limit this if its not even seen,,, i have tried to email the wall street journal, the new york times, the nat'l enquirer, the house speaker, and etc,, cheney had war games occurring with the military where him and rumsfeld both worked during 911,, the wat games were of flight highjackings like what was actually happening,, this was ro confuse the military,, i figured the 911 thing must not be illegal since we are a land of law or whatever they boast about,, those scenes un michale myers movies that showed the VP and condi the security advisor slave talking opposite day about iraq may have been false but i dont know why they would have done that,, i am a prisoner by nor legitimately,,

i think someone in yahoo nazi chat told me that i better say im in jail or else something will or may happen to the poor balack people which i guess meant the african american population but i wasn't sure what to say nor who to say it to,, even if i was in real jail i would get more rights that i get now,, if i was a reality tv show would i be so gross? would i be so unlikable? im not trying to setup anyone,, they or the powers that be say im howatd hughes only heir which has got to be crap,, thats not even my last name,, even if i was what could i so about it? they have me so sabotaged and full of hate there is nothing i can do,, and they can read my mind so they know how to manipulate my thoughts if not directly implant them,,

im not afraid of watching ellens show,, i will sometimes but i really dont see how thats going to rescue me from mental torture,, i cant even strategize because they know ahead of time,, i already said that the easiest way to drowned is hold my breath until i pass out which is what i intend to do unless i get a wild hair or a necessity to release some bad energy or cry some,, i hope everyone or anyone the besr in their conrinued life,, im sorry i dont know what to do and i cant reach the media,,

in that documentary on hbo they showed halliburton drilling for natural gas using toxic chemicals to crack the ground,, this is making landowners sick,, their water has toxins and cancer causing chemicals,, i dont know what to do to help others or myself,, i know they are lying to my family telling them different lies than hollywood,, i hate to drown4ed especially if im an heir to hughes,, i am at a loss for what to do or say,, goodluck to whomever,,

so i officially have the skitzo diagnosis now

can u leave me and my fuckin family alone yet? i don't know what lies you fu kin trash are telling them,, i know its different than what they telling me,, and that baram psyche doctor i saw today,, he said that i have to go through him to be put in a home,,, so he can tell them all the lies to keep me mentally restrained,, he has motive now too,, to either kill or silence me,, because od malpractice threats or whatever,, i dont fuckin give a fuckk,, im not playing a game,, fucked up facebook gave me the impression to watch ellen whom i like alot but it makes me paranoid to watch her because she gives me hints but this aint even supposed to be happening,, you know,, just hang it up,, its terrible but i cant do anything right no matter what,, im not a reality tv show,, im not in jail,, its mental torture,, i dont look at emails because they think thats crap i need to play their game but im not playing a game,, im honestly being mentally tortured by what seem to be the powers of god but i dont believe god works like that,, i dont know what to do or say because they wont allow me treatment,, or anything,, they will do the same to the rest of you in time,, i hope im dead soon,, i never could enjoy life and over the last few years ive learned why,, there's no ed or godfather thats retired from the god work,, people dont retire from the cia if he ever even worked there,, he surely would have let me now somehow in life if it was this important to my like,, cheney did 911 or it was a hoax,, period,,

Friday, June 18, 2010

im still not into politics

What have you done to me? i never really had anything against republicans or democrats nor could i have ever imagined i would be in such a sick of being tortured with no way out,, destroying my life under the b/s cover of plausibly deniable is probably considered torture by the geneva conventions but im even denied access to legal counsel,,

i feel really bad about typing that oprah may be a slave and i hope thats not true,,

what i was thinking about before i started this post was how anyone that has been oppressed can be a republican which apparently contains members of both the nazi party and the kkk,, i heard a few weeks ago that there were going to be many african american republicans elected to congress this coming november,, ive concluded that they are likely recruited and paid well in the beginning then tricked into committing some kind of unethical crime that may keep them trapped within that party,, thats the way the nasty republicans think that ive been forced to know,, i hate them mother fuckin scumbags,, mr baker, they wont be my friends,,, its out of my hands,, my whole life,, oh well that was just a thought i had about african american republicans,, i remember when obama was elected i saw a message on the bottom of the screen that the kkk supports obama which was very surprising especially since cheney is or was the master wizard which may have been a lie,, i have no idea,, its all pure nazi trash,, they have to killme,, what else can they do with me,,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

it makes no sense and its all bullshit,,

i finished the hockey book and it doesnt help,, i finished the germ book that woody allen may have implied was important in his sex movie but it also didnt help,,

im not sure but i got a sick hunch about oprah,, i dont even like to think it much less say it but she may be a slave as well,, i am not sure why i think that but the cia torture scumbags used to imply that there were several well paid slaves that were celebrities and sport stars which is a shame if true,,

The Queen wouldn't have authentic will

this is so stupid,, wasnt the queens husband prince philip from greece where there is a background in nazi,, i read a couple of his sisters married nazis,, i dont know that the queen was a nazi but her importance in this operation has been significant,, the mass brainwashing may have been used by the royal family and the queen called the bag of dirty tricks that were used by the nazi cia rockefellers mumbo-jumbo,, if a howard hughes will is important to my freedom she probably doesnt have anything legit,, why is this happening,, why would hughes or anyone torture or whatever for what,, what do u want? i think bush jr may have implied or typed to me that i am being used to desensatize people to torture and cruelty and i think that is right,, there is no way i can even help myself,, im not a criminal,, plus i gace the money away didnt i? im out of adderall and i cussed out my doctor so im out of torture to my death,, so what,, im not sad,, i cant stand u fu ckers,,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

lets try this

ellen and rosie if you ladies want to just start shooting people its probably time,, i dont really know if there is any strategy that has been specifically laid out for the gay revolution thing but that would be cool if so,, i think madonna is cool,, she may have used subliminal messages in her music but i dont think it was to kill people,, i think subliminal messages are very effective but statistics created by the nazis say they are not effective,, ask tipper gore,, but i think madonna is ok,, i dont think id let her walk behind me but i dont think she is evil like some of these others,, im not the best judge of character,, kick newt's sister out of gay, indefinitely,,

this is kind of a stupid post,, why wont the nazis let me out? i tried the 911 whistle blow but no one cares,,

oh yeah,,, who, who are you? so i named madonna, martha stewart, karl rover, dick cheney, bush jr, bush sr are the nazis i guess,, and if ronald reagan did designate me, a tortured mental patient, to be a hero there must be some meaning below the surface but i dont know what it is,, and frankly i dont care because i cant think like such sewage scumbags,,

i dont ever remember reading anything about howard hughes having anything to do with the kkk,,, i dont know what to do, im stuck now,, im not going through all that sexual bullcrap again,, gosh what do i need to know,, you are going to get in so much trouble for spying on my family,, oh yea and the genocide thing,, i almost forgot,,


tHEY KNOW THEY ARE ABOUT TO GET BUSTED,, these nazis always pic the teams and i dont trust them,, don't they kind of have rover trash written all over them. Karl Rover, I don't have anything against you,, I don't know you and i havent read hardly anything about you,, and i wouldnt trust a word anyway,, you've told much bigger lies,, i dont like you because you are always trying to weasel of death rowe and we don't even know what you did yet,, youre too into it,, plus youre disgusting,, that doesnt make u a nazi dude,, infecting africans with aids does though,, dude youre the leader arnt you? you should be the last one processed,, don't you run away from the courts? murder is a crime,, just a reminder,,

all the tea baggers arent necessarily nazis,, they got that revolution bandwagon everyone may think they are jumping on to help but they are really strengthening the nazis backward radical movement,, look at all these books they got me reading,, theyve been working this crime from decades to generations,, do not jump on their train,,

i cant think,, the hockey book is shitt like the football book,, in both cases the reading is persuasive about making this tortured nazi victim into a sport and it aint even close,, the nazis have complete control over me even though they say they dont,, they lie for polotics,, wtf is that,, people are suffering ya death row trash,, both the hockey and footballs books were heavily persuaded and were deceptive trash,,

they are trying to tell me they infected me with hiv,, even though i tested negative a couple months ago, they were apparently jimmied test results,, that bartenders name wasnt really jimmy i dont think but everything in my life is jimmied is what that is about,, ive talked about my sexual experiences that they have created and caused in the past and i will have to come back and write it again in a bit,, the 40 year old virgin is about me and i think that was when i was supposed to receive an inheritance but i somehow get the impression dogboy and his nasty dad dick stole it,, i didnt read that anywhere,, i think cheney killed howard hughes with aids,, he is a fake doctor that cheney is,, he is dr frankenstein the creator of aids and so is bush sr,, bush sr even told us is was a gay disease of the god fearing homosexuals,, they knew it was transmitted by anal gay sex,, its blood on blood or blood on semen but no open sores or cavities in the mouth,, all gays know that,, thanks for the help nazis and u know that anyway even though u have made fake medical experiment statistics,, youve published tons of articles in medical joutnals that were misleading is a hunch,, youve created fake people too with entiore histories to cover ur tracks huh william casey,, i aint even mentioning it scumbag,, ur already on death rowe,,

i think the rockefeller nazis spy on my grandfather hughes' vision because he has a glass eye and spies my mothers some illegal biological way like my vision and my dead sisters,, you and ur cancer hospitals,, youre brutal fuckin killers,, i think they illegally took control of this house with some public domain nazi law,, im just guessing but nazi laws dont hold up against the constitution, ever,, and the nazi concept of plausible deniability is so pathetic im insulted trash,, they even made some kind of hughes law to offer protection from nazi concept but i think i immediately saw their loophole to bypass that fake piece of ctap,, the nazis made that hughes didnt,, the nazis made it to distract from the fact that its total nazi bs lies,,

so can i just agree that i was going to school and get out of here,, no crime no harm done,, dude even if i was in jail or the military which im not you couldnt do illegal tests and experiments on me because u got my money dude and a motive,, and if u give me my money u get death rowe,, bush sr i tried for u dude,, i really did,, ull surely get slumber parties for good behavior,, thats all for now,,

Condi is a slave,, isnt this insane,,

she probably feeds skat master little black baby boys for midnight snack,, i dont know how these thoughts get in my head,, they can implant thoughts, im telling you,, that shouldnt be national security,, whos gonna hurt us,, just our nazi leaders,, if you act like a nazi and call urself a nazi, thats close enough,,

I think Barbara Walters was married to a Nazi,, he may have done work on those AIDS cancers known as KAOS,, should ask her to help take these nazi leaders down,, there is no way out of mental torture for me,,

woody allen was wrong in his sex movie about just mental problem for erection,, i think they are frying my central nervous system with electric warfare from raytheon or maybe emerson,, the cia trash bragged about chemical castration and i think they made me sterile which is like the first step for nazi trash,, why is that a secret in national security?

The cia trash dudes must be imitating john bonham online because i thought they killed him,, i think the family guy cartoon said they killed him because he liked little boys or something,, i think the cia trash hired him to try and infect me with hiv,, see these fuckers dont have my best interests at heart with all the time and energy they put in,, i am pretty sure they always imitate me online and in person probably,, I used to joke that tom cruise stole my id and was cussing in chat,,

I don't know that dr patel has a mental experiment that he has me in but the screen names in Yahoo Nazi chat use the name patel alot,, he was the dr i had before dr baram a couple of years ago,, ive left four messages at dr barams office cussing him out and i dont think i should go back,, i get script for adderall from him which the cia nazis implied that hitler gave to the nazis,, this may have provided protection from electromagnetic energy attack on the nervous system,, i tried to make an appointment to go back to see patel but he is with a company called psyche care consultants which have barred me from treatment,, so i dont know where i can get a new dr thats going to tolerate all thia cia induced paranoia and madness abuse,,, so im out of care,, back to the experiment,, i dont remember joining an experiment of dr patels,, i know they used to pay patients to participate in new med experiments,, ive never been paid and ive cried and begged to be removed which would have been respected had this been a legit experiment,, he might be doing it to document what the naziws are doing to me,, dont shoot patel,,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

god fuckin damn i fuckin hate you mother fuckers,,

youre fuckin dogshit and a fuckin pussy and thats the way it is,, fucku mother fuckers,, god fuckin damn u fuckin complete fuckin trashy mother fuckers,, fuckin pussy,, get it while u can kunt,, fucku mother fuckers,, mother fucku trash,, mother fucku fuckin bag of fuckin shit pedophiles,, like a virgin,, skank she was 5,, fuckin trashy mother fvuckers,, i have no fuckin respect for any of you especially u fuckin badasses,, fuckin trash,, mother fuckin pusssy trash,, fuckin vomit,, fucku trash mother fuckers,,

im no way in jail,, nothing legal,,

ive called myself a prisoner because i was coerced to,, maybe in sarcasm or frustration but its absolutely and completely illegal,, st ann police have beat me up and lied about me before,, the fbi should investigate i guess,, and also illegal people smuggling which i think they are holding in camps and do illegal vivisection (pharmaceutical animal testing),, maryland heights police messed with me also on some illegal charges and something about not giving me a trial,, i think a cop from there plowed into my empty car in the parking lot,, they are using illegal nuclear, biological, and or chemical weapons on me,, obama the slave apparently knows all about it,, what rule of laws do you idiots use,, fine killme but take out all the nazis,, no trials for weasels is a good rule for such scum,, they aint buying the 911 thing genius,,

heres some meaningless self defense

Keiths dad is a con job the CIA or whatever Nazis may have set up,, he's apparently a cop or excop or i made to think so,, they seduced me,, i remember laughing a couple of years ago because he wa kinda modeling for me in walmart while i was waiting for bipolar medicine for being mentally disabled.. was laughing that he was walking on the catwalk,, and some other stuff,, he owned the property nextdoor for a decade or more but didnt really know them,, i didnt really like them for some reason,, it doesnt really matter,, im brainwashed to say that crap about suckin that scumbag,, what a complete ass,, i don't know anything about them people,, but i know they were involved in the cia mental torture,,

the cia rockefeller nazis can implant thoughts and can also persuade thoughts,, sorry about the delay on this ur Holiness,, I remember when i was 10 and 11 i was an alter boy and i guess my unrecognized molestation created a desire to be molested again and i remember hanging around the backroom with the priests hoping he would molest me,, i never asked and nothing ever happened but i am pretty sure the cia trash nazi rockefellers did all that pedophilia stuff to the church,, the priests dont get trials so they are convicted by accusarion,, the police had one priest in custody in boston,, he had 100s of alleged calls of complaints,, all nazi crap,, the police let the priest be beat to death awaiting trial,, i think they are going to killme,, they been saying it for years,, and me too,, please dont wait for my goodbye,, was twa my moms company but u fuckers made her quasifeebles minded,, dr martha stewart said it was a secret lobotomy or something,, they have admitted killing my gay sister with their little cancer causing weaponage,, they have to kill me so they make sure they can wipe the nazis of the planet,, and lets see what else,,

hardly a journey, alice, ya fuckin crack whore,, they gave me the impression that the nazi rockefellers gave ted kennedy cancer and georgia frontiere,, they gave tim russert a fatal heart attack,, with haarp,, yea kill me anytime and blame the nazis,, matt damon was emphasized,, is that not his last name, i dunno,, he was enjoyable to watch,, oh the 'will',, thats gotta be a lie especially if the kkk has authenticated it,, forget it,, ask the mormans,, i font know about the queen of england and the will,, it might be in a telescope that was stolen from,, dont ask me why,,, this is their info,, be good to each other,, thats what GOD is, your neighbor,, hurry doc,, oh dr patel may have an illegal experiment happening about me,, the FBI has all that info,, rock on st ann,,

what do u want me to type here?

The CIA Nazi Rockefellers keep opening this window like i'll magically speak something miraculous but i aint into that,, i really dont know what to say,, i forgot about a warning i got by an accountant or some kind,, probably an al qaeda agent,, but the threat, which is illegal, was to trust no one,, i dont speak nazi opposite day,, they just demonstrated it a couple of times for me,, cheney and his slave condi (thats a remarkable revelation). Some propaganda put her on the chevron oil team,, dick is her master,, isnt that gross,, and im not a legitimate prisoner,, ive been mentally tortured,, i cant get out,, no one is buying that lame ass 911 story of complete crap,, is my fuckin mother rosemarys baby you fuckin nazis? [buzz] fuckin trash

im not in anyway associated or knowingly associated with any kkk members,, i think my great grandpa may have taken my grandpa to a klan meeting or two.. I dont suspect much further involvement than that,, i have no friends at all especially haters from the kkk,, i might know one or two and not now they are klan but it doesnt matter as much to me as i am not historically their target of choice,, my grandpa uses the 'n' word pretty carelessly,, ive used it alot the last couple of months because its the best bad word that i know and im in alot of pain,, i would never call an african american the 'n' word,, its tasteless,, i may have called obama the 'n' word a couple of times until i realized that he may in fact really be one,, no offense please,, im a mentally tortured btainwashed, bashed up victim that gonna be passing soon enough,,

i think martha stewart is involved or a rockefeller as is madonna, i'm thinking,, i didnt read either of their books but they are media marketing queens,, this was emphasized,,

im walking over there keiths dad,, they want me to blow the whistle i guess on st ann for selling illegal narcotics but im about to go out pretty quick here,, let the next jesus or clone or puppet work on the drugs,, this is stupid i dont think it says anything new or good,, its all lies and i can never know the truth because they will be hanged with 'whites only' rope,, i think african american women are the real angels god sent for us,,