Monday, December 21, 2009

FBI Tip Line - take 00 (updated)

Contract Family Hit
Oh, the Nazi trash want me to tell about times when my sister got jumped: by Lisa Mattison and friends also maybe Talisa Watkins and her pals. That’s exactly the Cheney/Bush style though, cowardly gangbangers. I think the Italians supported my sister after the fact.

They also wanted me to mention about John Green whom I did 69 with that was apparently HIV + that may have been a hit attempt on me. I could perceive their strong dedication to the objective of infecting me but they never did, unless they forced my doctor to infect me by injection in the Spring of 2009. Green started that St. Louis gay magazine titled Slam so you poets might have been in on that.

Let’s see, I think the CIA trash is trying to blame me for the deaths of Princess Diana as well as Chris Farley from SNL.

I got beat up at the bowling alley when I was really young and I hardly remember it or possibly it was traumatic and I’m blocking it out. I don’t know. I get beat up at ABC ballpark, kind of. Oh yeah, these two guys used to beat me up every morning in kindergarten. I was bullied pretty regularly until 4th grade when I changed schools to entire school hate of me for 5th and 6th. Then, I was bullied again in 7th, 8th, 9th before I dropped out. I was bullied at the pool and skating rink.

They tagged me Jesus so they could attack the church as I have mentioned in the past with the overwhelming pedophilia charges. These men don’t get trials, just accusations and no chance to defend themselves. The CIA faked all the complaints about that priest in Boston of 120 to 150 phone calls. That priest was beat to death in jail while awaiting trial that he was really never going to get, anyway. There’s that Cheney/Bush secret gangbang signature and ambush.

They have implied there are many similarities of the family wide hit contract with the Kennedys. We are honored. Miller that married into the same Johnson family as my grandfather Hughes, shot Hughes in the face during a hunting accident. Cheney was boasting how the guy he shot apologized for being in his way. There was an officer Miller on the railroad tracks that the JFK caravan was approaching when three bullets entered the President’s limousine. The first one from Oswald in the rear, one from in front that knocked the President’s head backwards, and another from the rear that hit the Governor. Miller did the bullet that blew his brains out onto the trunk of the car. When I made that revelation about Miller a couple years ago, the CIA scumbags messaged me that it wasn’t murder which I thought was just making fun of me because I always say that. It did transplant the idea in my head that Miller fired the bullet that hit the Governor but that was a deceptive implication in which I was navigated to believe. I guess Miller is Cheney that shot JFK, too.

The President’s diary may have had a message from Howard Hughes to me. It could happen. But, the Kennedys were honest and the weasel Cheney that may have had history with Hughes was all over that White House for years trying to get in that book, I guess. I heard Ford made some changes but I don’t think he was trying to hurt me. I think Nixon may have been bad, probably. “I’m not a crook.” They assassinated both Kennedys because of the diary, I think.

A contracted family hit is different from political genocide, surely.

Generation Rx by Greg Critser
I’m a little more than halfway through the book but I want to mention a few issues.

The author says both Lilly and SmithKline tweaked the experimental data to make their drugs, Prozac and Paxil respectively, appear more benign, said some critics. Jan Leschly, the head of Squibb then SmithKline practiced stretch goals. “Instead of trying to hit its goal by selling Paxil as an antidepressant, why not enlarge the base by selling it as a cure for a number of related psychiatric disorders? In other words, why not view it as a drug that did many thing…”

Leschly used a technique of picking out disorders that although very rare in reality seem to benefit those suffering symptoms in small studies with the use of Paxil. They popularized panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, social anxiety disorder, and seasonal anxiety disorder. SmithKline, in late 2001, was taken over by the British firm Glaxo with Sir Richard Sykes as the chairman.

There’s some more about big pharma that I will try to type up later. I think that is Cheney I mentioned above.

The CIA’s charter doesn’t permit them to perform internal security aka warrantless wiretapping.

The Gulf of Tonkin fiasco was a hoax that didn’t really happen but brought the USA to Vietnam. I don’t know if Bush Sr. was an ambassador to China by then but he may have persuaded the President to enter the war since the USA under Stilwel trained the Chinese for battle. This was to defend themselves from the Japanese during WW II from the Japanese. When the Japs invaded the Philippines, MacArthur abandoned the country of US sovereignty.

First and foremost, they are complete liars. Secondly, I don't really know

what is going on. And third, they are pedophiles. Did they tell you I would

say that? I wonder how they knew? They are absolute complete liars that

create false realities without anyone giving it a second thought. In fact, to

even consider such atrocities as a hoax would be considered delusional. I

think the CIA mind controllers have created all the serial killers and nasty

Cheney may have actually been the Zodiac serial killer, so is implied. The top

suspect was a pedophile that lost his job as a grade school teacher, a real

slime ball serial killer. They are just complete trash. I do think he is high

ranking in the kkk, like a scumbag they call master wizard and Madonna may be

his daughter. She did burn black Jesus on the cross. Traditionally, the kkk

have always allied with the Nazis and unfortunately it looks like the mixed

secret Nazi party overtook the unAmerican conservative Republican party.

What's up in Iowa or Ohio with the mentally ill population? The numbers of the

mentally ill have significantly decreased while the numbers of incarcerated

individuals has inversely and simultaneously increased. I don't really know

much about the other issues, though. They keep my head ringing. Its not

really political and she wasn’t a whore, either. She was only five years old.

“Like a virgin, feels so good inside,” huh? Why is this cool to boast about,


Okay, Howard Hughes was the first pilot to fly around the world but history

tells us it was Charles Lindbergh whom also had a baby kidnapped and killed. I

think that may have been a hoax but is supposed to represent my Great

Grandfather Lester that may have somehow got separated from his family 20 years

or more prior to the publicized kidnapping and I think Howard Hughes informed

J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI, the CIA Director Trash Dulles, and the US President

that Hollywood will inform the gold digging tortured fools where to go. This

was supposed to be a loving experience but the secret Nazi KKK peeps changed it

for illegal experimentation purposes and maybe President Ford changed it, also.

I think they changed the Bible and Koran too - they love to target religion,

huh Madonna whore. The CIA trash thieves keep me alive to see what I can learn

by doing. They keep me locked up in mental surveillance torture. I'm still

not comfortable with the Hughes heir thing, since I have no reality. Even if

true, there is nothing I can do as I’m being restrained. What can I even do?

I sent the FBI information about Nazi trash committing genocide on my aero- and

Hughes family. I've made numerous contacts for self-help but repeatedly get

rejected. Plus, it always changes and most of the time I don't know what's

going-on or even what kind of help to ask for. Plus, I don’t want to like you

scumbags – I’m very uninterested for both of us. This is really stupid but the

CIA crack terrorist pipeline told me that if I go crazy, they get to keep

everything and I will never even know anything about a trust fund. I think

Rover rewrote the instructions. They imply that they, and their torture pals,

can see what I see. Maybe everybody can so please pardon my lack of formality

and the rage or whatever but if I say I'm honored while I'm in torture, they

will cry that I'm a volunteer for some Dr. Frankenstein experiment, which is

completely false. This is some kind of Nazi experiment, I guess hidden in

plain sight. I came across a book of some brain experiments that were

published over the years in the New York Times but I will wait to study them

because they seem to get freedom from Capital crimes after they persuade me to

read what they did and it becomes decriminalized. I still don’t get it and I’m

not a Howard Hughes heir. Make the Nazis prove it. I think they see what my

mother sees, also. She is a Hughes and has something wrong with her mentally

or socially. We both have small blisters on our scalps, which is not scalp

acne, as implied. They are such complete trash. One of the CIA trash bags

said that my mom is 'really dirty', but not sure what that means, since they

are the actual pedophiles and all. And, I read something referring to my

sister's death in 1999, at age 32, was because she saw something she wasn't

supposed to see. They implied it was something I gave her for Christmas one

year, to make me feel guilty for her death but it was the pedophilia she

experienced as a child when we were staying with Rose and Dale McManus which is

spelled differently from the McManus family friend we had 10 years later.

This is so pathetic. The dictionary defines the word communism as an

authoritarian or totalitarian oppressive government, like Nazis but that is not

the case. Communist are, as a general rule, liberals. That’s a word that

sounds like Liberty and means almost the same. The Conservative party is the

opposite and they are always secretly declaring war on the unwitting liberals

or Communists. They made everyone believe that Communists are the enemy, even

the liberals. See, this crap isn’t my problem because I’m now anti-politics.

The Nazi party is the only thing political about it. Plus, some of the things

I read and watch just decriminalizes what’s really happening. Why do you think

they are keeping so many secrets? Have faith in what? I don’t want you to

like me just like I don’t want to like you, trash.

They are always asking me to find the picture, which I just realized is kiddie

porn of my dead sister but I’m not looking through that sicko Internet crap.

Plus, I already know they will say it was innocent photo used just to paint her

picture. They wanted me to look at art, too. They’re so trash, scumbags, and

I still don’t know what’s going on nor do I want to like you people. That’s

what I’m always saying ‘never’ about. I hate to even mention the molestation

and raping of my dead sister because you scumfuckin Nazis will just exploit it

for personal gain, somehow. You’re so trash just like your pedophile secrets.

“Touched for the very first time” – you complete fuckin trash, she was five

and hardly a whore. She was more like 12 years old when Brian may have raped

her and she never sought justice. A hit contract on the whole family, huh?

Well, thanks for removing it, I guess, Cheney trash klan. Seems like someone

is lying about something and it can’t be me. This is absolutely not a reality

TV show. Anything I do to help myself is always sabotaged and I don’t usually

even notice it. Any Nazi that would say brainwaves or ‘brain scans don’t lie’

is lying through its teeth.

Oh yeah, in Martha Stewart’s book there was a mention of ‘The Note’ when she

went to jail for insider trading if that wasn’t a hoax. The Note talked about

‘She going to Mexico’ with the she capitalized in the middle of a sentence as

if a proper noun. It was about ImClone stock trades based on an anti-cancer

medicine called Erbitux on December 27, 2002. Well my sister was already dead

so it may not be related to me as emphasized. I don’t want to know you people.

I guess only Nicaragua and The Family to be forced to learn about, now.

Whatever they are telling you may be a lie since I’m deaf, they insinuate.

Took forever to understand the deaf clue. Please don’t make me like anyone.

Do it faster, grim.

The Republicans against Obama, huh? That’s hardly comparable to the world

against me, don’t you think idiot trash.

I’m not an heir of Howard Hughes and if that is some pathological liar’s

defense for keeping me in torture, they should be forced to prove it. I reject

any such claims and since they may have forced my doctor to inject me with HIV

they would only have to respond that my DNA is mutilated or something, which

they surely already did some other way so that I couldn’t one day prove it.

They are covering their deceptive tracks. I told the scumbags that I didn’t

want their money years ago, at which time I was informed that I couldn’t defend

myself which I have found, after several civil and legal remedy attempts, to be

true. This is just too sick. I have never agreed to anything with such

apparent scumbags unless accidental or mislead. Pure fuckin trash.

Hughes isn’t my last name, and why don’t you leave them poor people alone?

Haven’t they suffered enough? Didn’t they stone thieves and killers to death

in the Bible, you scumbags? Its beyond sick and pathetic to be a tuned to such

trash, evil. Its truly disheartening. Let’s get ‘em girls! Oh yeah, women’s

rights – I applaud you, Glorias. Many of you have made great strides in

women’s civil rights and we bow down to those that continue to fight, or at

least to have not become the oppressors. Hate to be the bearer of bad news

ladies, but that equal pay fantasy crap is going to have to wait just a little

bit longer because you are all whores. LOL, I’m kidding but that’s how the CIA

bags send messages to me. I’m in shock, isn’t it obvious? Its been years that

I have been in this condition. Remember, I used to sit in Yahoo Nazi chat and

type rage and despair for 18 hours a day, several days in a row, probably at

the command of some Nazi sh*tbag’s remote control.

This is going to hurt me more than it does them. The pain factor on

regurgitation is astronomical. They are Nazis, everything about them plus they

have family history not merely as sympathizers for those that might actually be

innocent, as if, but as supporters and contributors, even participants. If you

act like a Nazi and you treat others like you’re a Nazi, then you’re probably a

Nazi. In fact, its conclusive to me, scumbags. Didn’t Bush Jr. pardon about

50 Mexican drug smugglers when he took office?

In January 1991, Bush Sr. said, “the event he ‘has been training all his life

for’ was beginning” when the U.S. military was preparing to pulverize Iraq’s

military forces when trying to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.

Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Co., Medien KG, and SPE German Finance

Company Inc. may be CIA Nazi cover companies for Bush.
- Silverstar Limited Productions

“There is no formula for world peace, except as each man abolishes fear and

hatred from his own heart”, from Prisoner of Dr. Fu Manchu. [that means I

should be like Jesus and forgive and forget but I’m not interested in that or

whatever] Another quote from a Fu Manchu movie is, “Sewing seeds of doubt

and suspicion is a stratagem of Dr. Fu Manchu.” Not to be mean, but its not

been fair or even close at anytime since I still don’t get to know what is

happening. Its been nothing more than complete abuse and torture in which

someone said they were using me to desensitize the rest of the world to torture

that they recently attempted to make legal. No way penguin puff. The CIA

trash can see what I see and can read my mind. Do the judges just get access

to the apparently edited videos, documents or photos that I should be allowed

to argue as forgeries? They are trying to coerce me into the mindset that they

are friendly or that what they are doing to me is for a good cause when, in

reality, they are literally killing me. If I would’ve ran like was so often

and secretly suggested, they would’ve had me shot. Somehow that message got

through and it wasn’t just paranoia. I’m hardly a paranoid person.

I’m under the impression that the author James Patterson is Bush Sr. and

because he is an admitted Nazi and atheist Communist [like the kind he

supposedly witch hunts] is why I haven’t read them. I think he is Lee Child,

also. Growing up, in my middle teens, I read a few Stephen King books and they

want me to think it’s a pseudonym for Cheney or whatever his real name is. He

is a sicko nutcase, either way. I avoid those books since Bush, Cheney, and

Rover bags apparently brainwash me, without remorse. I also read The

Amityville Horror when I was a kid, which was and still is a huge clue or

mocking material. The Oprah Winfrey movie Precious seconded that implication

and the Miracles series suggested my father’s house where I live is possessed,

as well. I really shouldn’t have told Hollywood to go f- themselves but I’m

truly just coasting since all my energy is wasted being knocked around by

absolute complete liars. They learned how to do this in the CIA. They create

different ‘realities’, they call it. The word ‘reality’ is just a scam to fool

themselves into passing a lie detector test. I think they periodically used to

take lie detector tests for work as a spy. How nasty as these complete trash

sacs? And, the lies are so big and treacherous that no one in their right mind

would doubt or question the reality they present to us. They are scum.

President Clinton and Monica really didn’t do the fellatio thing, it was all

lies and propaganda. Starr is complete trash. Why don’t you CIA bags ‘mock’

kill that wasted sac of crap?

Conspiracy Encyclopedia: Introduction by Tom Burnett: @ 2005
“Wilhelm Reich (Austria 1897 - USA 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst trained

by Sigmund Freud. He did bioelectrical experiments to measure what Freud

called a libido, or biological expressions of emotion and sexuality.”

[Remember Austria went Nazi right away with Hitler, like enmeshment or

something. No offense Arnold, people did what they had to do to stay alive. ]

“According to Reich, microscopically small particles, ‘bions’, are a primordial

cosmic energy, responsible for weather as well as the biological expressions of

emotion and sexuality.” [Is that you, Cheney trash?] “He attempted to apply

his theories to a range of problems from mental health [creating disorders?] to

cancer [causing?], but the connections he made between medicine and sexuality

caused him to fall foul of the Gestapo in Germany and the FBI in the USA. The

FDA obtained court orders to force him to cease his research and treatment.

His books were burned, his laboratories and equipment destroyed, and technical

violation of a questionable FDA injunction led to his incarceration. He died

in an American prison.” [But Cheney lives on. Oh get this,] “Today his work

is widely viewed as a legitimate area of alternative medicine [in the opposite

direction of sickness too], especially with regard to the human immune system.”

[Sure, just hide the cures to cancer and AIDS from the suffering. That is so

Nazi of you. And, people go bankrupt to pay for medical care, huh. Make more

money from the big Pharma job for cancer patients rather than curing them, huh?

I’m going to pass on the name calling for this offense. They just electrocute

me is all, or press the ‘hives’ button when I call them names or ‘dumb as

dirt’. I thought the slang word ‘durty’ was to imply ‘dumb as dirt’. I hear

the Nazis are calling mental torture nothing more than child-like name calling.

That figures, the pedophiles must always exploit the children. These scumbags

are really more into the victims that can’t defend themselves. Hey dumb dog

Rover, why do you demand an apology, anyway? In your op-ad, you fag.]

Conspiracy Encyclopedia: Introduction by Tom Burnett: 2005
In 1934, a coup d’etat was performed in the USA on Wall Street and no one got

charged just like happened during the Bush Jr. Administration, huh General

[We’re taking it to the streets. Don’t worry dude, it’ll be nothing like West

Side Story. A little advice, I wouldn’t bring my harem if I was you, there

won’t be child care available.] Not really about the streets, I’m still a

tortured prisoner without a real team and I’m thinking I don’t really deserve


Pipelines, Poppy Plants, and Oil Drills
These are the actual motives used by the Bush Administration to justify the

destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives or to declare unapproved and

secret wars. They torture people for these very reasons. I’m not talking

about sticks and stones, I’m talking about the destruction of hospitals and

water supplies of innocent civilians. I can’t stand what they did and continue

to do to the Arabs, the Jews, the Africans, and the children. The CIA

grapevine says St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital might be conducting their

Nazi type of experiments there. Its like burying Iraqis alive since their

health care facilities are destroyed and they have no fresh water. What did

you do to all the African orphans that lost their parents to AIDS? You just

love torture and maltreatment so much that its difficult to comprehend the

devastation caused by the Bush Administrations and oil tycoons that have

brought so much pain to completely innocent people. Plus, they lied all about

Saddam Hussein. He was absolutely nothing like the picture they painted for us

[“most people in America are stupid”, huh? Was that you Georgie? Did we ever

chat before? What the hell is up with all this gay bashing? I read in one of

your poppi’s books that you were an activist for gay rights in college.

Weren’t you a cheerleader in college? See, that’s why your dumbfunk dad hates

fags so much. Thanks a lot, Georgie! Well, you being a cheerleader plus he’s

a Nazi is why, I guess. I’m sorry, I don’t like to out anyone, back to the

pipeline. That is the real reason we are even in Afghanistan, huh Georgie? We

were really never in pursuit of bin Laden even though you told the stupid

Americans that. They won’t know the difference, since half the country had

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and no real reason to think you were liars. We

all knew that Bush was just a puppet really, the poor guy, almost his entire

life. Hey, I read he had only one sister but she died as a child from cancer.

That’s sad, I’m sorry. Then the CIA grapevine informed me that his sister

really ran off with a brainwashing religious cult called the Moonies to escape

the life of Nazism. Then just a few days ago, I heard in the media say

something about what Bush’s sister said, meaning she is alive and kicking.

Dude, we could care less about you or your family but can you kind of see how

we might be forced into stupidity by our leaders? What are you doing to the

schools? By whatever means necessary to keep us stupid, right? Then you can

steal what little we may have. Dude, you’ve got the whole world. What are you

going to do when its just you and the evil Nazis that are the only ones left?

You’ll be one of the first to be betrayed because they are using you. They

have done it your entire life – first your dad, then Cheney, making you do

things they themselves wouldn’t do unless anonymous. You are more of a victim

to them than a comrade. I liked you, too, a long time ago . Good luck, Sir.

And, now back to the pipelines. I read that Chevron was paying for that

pipeline in Afghan that our soldiers [are they mostly stupid, too Georgie?] for

which our soldiers are dying.

What did you do to India? Dude, that was Gandhi’s land of peace. He went down

in history for his commitment to non-aggressive retaliation for conflict

resolution, didn’t he?

I read about five years ago that Egypt has been a nation under strict adherence

to Martial Law for the past 15 years.

Who uses this screen name in Yahoo Nazi chat? Is it supposed to be the same

person that I was expected to conclude as the mysterious Zodiac serial killer?

He was allegedly notorious for encoding messages about his identity that the

media would receive. Am I supposed to guess that its Cheney? I could care

less about that good for nothing saboteur. What can I do? That revolution

crap is surely a trap or ficticious. Why am I being coerced to do this? What

is it all about? Its not about the Nazis or heroism nor about gay rights. So

far, its nothing but years of absolute torture to me and I will save no one for

that simple reason. Its hardly sticks and stones or paying my dues for

something I have no rights to claim ownership. What’s the real identity of the

person that said the following? “The message for every Palestinian will be

clear: kill Israelis and you’ll get the land”, said Abu Ala an Arafat aid and

framer of the Oslo Accords and partner of Uri Savir. It sounds like propaganda

hate from Cheney and Rover trash whether its true or not. Is Uri Savir

supposed to represent ‘My Savior” in the delusional realm. Well fucku makers,

I get punished for the delusional realm plus I’ve concluded that you are the

most disgusting trash in the entire world. I kind of pegged Nasser from Egypt

as CIA trash, which is from where the dispersed Palestinian Liberation Front is

supposedly commanded.

I guess I’ve noticed that former CIA Director often refers to Osama bin Laden

as Usama. He also referred to some kind of ‘red cell’ that, in my delusional

state, I interpreted as something about me for some reason but I don’t remember


I’m under the impression that this was a cancer curing pharmaceutical product

from a company in which Martha Stewart held stock that resulted in her insider

trading offense and subsequent prison sentence. Someone named Sam Waskal or

something like that was the name mentioned by that fake online school Kaplan

college that was either the name of her stockbroker or the drug’s creator but I

don’t know the significance or relevance to me. I know that the words clone,

twin, and mistaken identity are important in the unrelenting torture nightmare

but I have no idea why and quiet frankly I don’t care. If I did care, I would

only be mislead because some Nazi trash has control of my thoughts.

Olfactory Nerve
This is No. 1 of the 12 cranial nerves that reside inside the brain as part of

the Central Nervous System. The only reason I can attribute its importance to

this Nazi terrorist torture is fumigation and the poisoning of air. I think

aromas and our sense of smell can bypass our conscious mind and result in

automatic nonjudgmental thoughts but I don’t know why that’s important.

Opposite-Day Rhetoric
This is part of Bush Jr’s inauguration speech:

“It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old,

a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story

of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but

not to conquer.”

Too bad we didn’t know about opposite-day verbage in those days. I am

surprised its allowed, honestly. Did everybody else know about this

communication crap?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i think i get it,, they are fuckin lying,,

I think I get it. Some stupid fuckk though he would torture me and not explain a fuckin thing. I'm supposed to be doing fuckin school work huh,, for America while supr duper complete fuckin dumbfuckk tortures me to fuckin death,,, do you fuckers see all my families fuc kin vision, mother fuckers? They said my mom was real dirty a day o two after I saw the blisters on her fuckin scalp. Im telling you complete fuckin dumbfuckers, they are lying. I asked what happens if i go crazy and i think trash mstr deadfuckk keeps everything - whatever the hell that means. God fuckin damn i will killu mother fuckers torturing my family. Is that part of the Aadams family death game?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ram research was a cheney company that did credit card research ...

to accomplish stoc k holder wealth by any means necesarry which Chales Osgood mentioned but i spicened. Why does this blog only display a single message at a time? Its setup to display five messages, shiteaters. Or, is it just supposed to bug me? salt, salt, salt salt and pepa's here,,, but the rest of you homos need to look busy, jesus is coming,, isnt that funny,, i told sister joan about that bumpe stiker because it tickld me so much,,, gosh if only i had known,, the cia greedy trash scumbags had me fearing my life because they hooked me up with john green that was hiv positive,, oral sex with freshly flossed teeth before and after with so much precum that I had to quick doing 69 because it creeped me out. Gosh, if I'd only known cia greedy trash were able to send telepathic messages into a military chamber,, im pretty black and white with sex since they have always telepathically overwhelmed me with hiv infection ideations. I'm really not a paramoid person. I'm not ashamed to be gay. I'm humiliated to be manipulated, exploited, tortured, and saotaged. Does master dumbfuckk want the brainwashed masses to decide his fate then vanish after a mock killing? I said shoot the mother fuckers years ago,, jr bush would have been a regretful call but you gotta beak some eggs huh master dumbfuck? See, I don't like calling you anything like big_daddy_nigger_hater because it has the word dad and retarded liz will say im paticapatory or something,, pegged that whore skank nazi, didn't i? you can take the girl out of the trailer, but...

oh yeah, "we didnt come here to lose" made me quiver caaptain. lol,, why do nazi lie to death? They're you're friends, huh. Get rid off them. dementia and obesity? I'm kidding but guess what I came up with on twins? George HW Bush, says the hollywood crack pipeline,, err my bad, wrong team. Hollywood says Bush Sr is the twin brother of ted bundy the busy republican serial killer.

Oh yeah, hollywood also says from comedy central that its not my uncle but my daddy but that's untrue because my daddy is drunk on the coach. LOL,, Its kinda sick but i think it means nasty dude big_daddy_nigger_hater scumbag is my daddy but i reject whatever that means. I think Madonna is his daughter. Their real last name is stored in National Security. The CIA cold War was media and population manipulation. I think the CIA started with the Beatles but Charles Manson is one of their prized accomplishments using multi-level brainwashing and publicity manipulation. Is that the stuff that interests the experts so much super duper dumbfuckk master - vomit. Get of my internal organs bastards. leave me alone. you are complete trash. Hey we didn't really have serial killers before the CIA. Well, I think Jack the Ripper in England in the early 1900's was cheney's dad, darcy knox, im guessing. He killed the blond hookers. Madonna's begiinings as similar to Marylin Monroe is a lie. Full history is a fraud. Remember in that video she burned black jesus on the cross. That's kinda KKK. I bet she was a bitch to Dennis Rodman when not doing PR work. Plus, shes dumb. People say she is smart how she reinvets whore but that her brother Rover. They had me watch the Addams Family and i laughed but its true. Rover is a pedophille of little boy bands so is implied. Hanson was a double spy with the FBI and Brittain I guess for 15 years, I guess. He weasaled out of criminal charges because he was CIA director in the past. I guess they called him Kim Philby over there and in Saudi where his dad St. John was advisor to the royal family while running aramco and conspiring to steal their kindom which is a huge sin over there. Kim Philby was a double agent working for Russia and was the person responsible for the electricutions of the Rosenburgs. Remember the media coverage? They made lying in the media an art but its nasty as hell.

ur so trash

i came in chat to ask the torture trash to stop inflicting pin in the nerve of a front tooth then they had me yelling 'fucku' 'fucku trash' 'i will killu',, its something hypnotic and the trash watch my dreams and act as if i remember? you cant trust the subconscious mind - there is no judgement, you fuckin trash and the scumbag that popularized 'brain waves don't lie' is lying and able to manipulate the brainwaves,, keep hollywood away from me,, there will be no gay law research crap while in torture since its ttoo degrading to others,, let me out,, do some executtions,, we can watch the dancers and talk about the gay,, not while im in torture u scumbags,, hey it hurts to study anyhing,, ive never agreed to anyrthing and i really have no proof who is who so its all anonymous to me really but the word is that rover and cheney do bad biological experiments on unwitting populations,, shooot them,,, fucku hollywood,, that is love stupidfuckk,, naa i donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntt play that,, i hate you, you are trash,,

scum shitbag,,

get off my teeth!! i already know u fuckers cause nerve pain in the teeth and youre making my head hurt,, u cant even cheat decently,, youre complete fuckin waste scumbag,, and i aint buying that u were blackmailed too or that hughes partnered this circus of human disgrace,,, its u mother fucker that is nasty so dont weasal,, oh yeah im not buying that rover ur pedophille son forced you to do it either,, you have to lie to death remember dumb fuckin nazi,, your ficticious confessions will always be flushed,, trash,, plus im still in the shithole so fucku dumbfuc k,,

oh yeah, doi have to do the rosemarys baby scenes from reading the family? what the hell is wrong with u people? I will have to work up to those scenes,, i just saw that movie a few days ago for the first time,, hide all evidence from the dumbfuckk prisoner huh,, im going to fuckin killu,, i really want to,, why dont some of u fuckers mock on out of here,,, i will need proof though,,, gosh im going to killu,, anyone i guess,, what do i care,, it will be shitsuckers mostly,, plus they coded shit real bad for me,, was it rovers idea to bombard with hate for clues? to hide in plain sight? what a dumb mother fuckin liar,, do people believe this shit? i will killu,,

Sunday, December 13, 2009

youre dumbfuckks,,

im never fuckin interested in u dumbfucks,, ur fuckin vomit,, pinch ur fuckin klit nazi trash,, i dont want to know u fuckers,, forcing me to know you is still kinda torture huh dumbfuckks,, fucku,, mother fucku,, hey i wited two weeks it feels the same,, im never the probl;em super duper duperfuckk since i dont have a clue what the fuckk ur doing,, but i cant tell you i dont play opposite-day,, its never my fault,, fuckin backstroking scumfuckks,, fucku, fucku,, fucku,,, shooot them dumbfuckk,, shoot them,, fucku,, fucku
,, fucku, fucku, fucku,,, fucku,, u trained me so no faces of stupidity dumbfuckks,, fucvkin i just would killu mother fuckers, , i mean good real dead stuff,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,,, maybe hephburn was playing opposite dday with u dumbfuckks,, when she said it was my fault,, if not go to fuckin hell,, im no fuckin fan anyway,, plus i dont know what 'it' even is,, and stephen king stay in hell,, i dont want you here if ur cheney,, fucku,, trash,, ur dead like hollywoodw dumbfuckks,, fucku all,, mother fucku all,,,

your torture terror flick the saw,,, idiots

what do you want me to look at? Isn't that the motive for killing my sister? exploit her in the fuckin grave,, go big trash,, go big trash,, yea some nazi trash i9n yahoo chat for complete worthless dumbfuckks said that is why my sister was killled because she saw something or too much ,,, go big trash, go big trash,,, i thought he vision evidence was all locked up in national security big master dumbfuck,, fucku scum mother fuckers,, oh the rosemary's baby art work with the dc family of crooks is a hoax to me,, well it fuckin better be,, so why make me gruel or drudge through it?? it will be months more of fuckin trash malpractice and fuckin torture before i get tere,,, fucku fucku fucku fucku,, i will killu,, im no fuckin partner in crime with any of these skanks, ,, im all victim and have no intwerest in ur super duper dubfuckk shitt,,, stupid fuckks,,, so real mccoy,, eat fuckin shitt,, eat fuckin shit., i will fucki killu,, i will fuckin killu,, i will fuckin killu,, i ill fuckijn killu,, ima victim,, ur complete total dumbfuck trsh,,, plausibly fuckin stu-pid fuckks,, fucku,, i hate u,, dont make me a liar,, fuckin scumbag trash,, die die die die

Saturday, December 12, 2009

you fuckin bitchh

Look, I don't know what happened to you people when you were kids but I assure you I apologize for anything I may have done when I was seven or eight years old that harmed you. I fuckin completely hate you mother fuckers and I'm not fuckin kidding. As far as Madonna or Matt Damon are concerned, I completely remove them from my conscious mind, the fuckin torture trash mother fuckers. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Don't ever speak as if you are talking to me because it will never be accepted.

Let's see, what else? I will kill you mother fuckers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Sorry about the French, Judges: no politikos. So I guess it boils down to fascist/conservative/nazis against me? Is that what this war is about? What idiots. And, I can't even defend myself. They brainwash me bad, which takes friggin torture. What the hell is wrong with you people. Its not my self-fulfilling prophecy. I didn't say bury me alive, like you did my sister. See, all that hate is so bad and so gross. It takes more than one of you shiteaters to shovel out enough hate. And, yeah fuck*heads, I get it - HIV and hives. So what can I fuckin do? They already denied me recovery for genocide charges because of some fake Geneva treaty. Plus, They blew away my bill of rights. They love it. Why is ths not banned behavior, worldwide?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

craigslist is a diversion for u fuckers,,

like i used to sign into chat before going toget weed,, little did i know u were in my fuckin eyeballs,, so anyway,, stop trashing the good people u nasty dog shitt eater,, lol,, that ur dad eats the gross dudesa shit,, so since im national security the dumb trash fuckks will say i violate the super ecret dumbfuckin lying trash rule,, cant wait to read about larry craig,,, do i have to know ken lay? i hope not i hear he's hypocrit trash like starr,, neocons huh? wtf is that? absolute complete fuckin retarded dorks,,

fuckin trash

i cant believe they are getting away with killing me,, what the fuckk is wrong with u dumb mother fuckers,, they want me to try and make it public so they dont get nailed for torture and shitt,, like skank trash will say agin im participtory or some kuntess lie trash and shit like that,, look i pegged years ago that it was a fuckin lie but u dumbfuckks keep fuckin torturing,, how is it ever 'still fair' stupid completre dumbfukk,, its never fair,, the stupid fuckin shitbag cheney even said u got th wrong person,, u compltely dumb mother fuckers,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, it has nothing to do with me stupid fuckks,, im innocent u fuckin aidstrash mother fuckes,,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

you complete fuckin trash,,

no one is worse that that fuckin malpractice baram fuckin trash,, fucku my 'super secret' nemesis fuckin trash,, i looked through the thomas database of laws but like i said the cia lying scumfuckks wont allow me to see anything they dont want me to see,, stupid fuckks,, im not playing hide and fuckin seek or guess the fuckin mystery fuckin trash crimes,, i also searched through some of nasty bush's executive orders but if they dont want me to see it aint going to0 happen,,

the main reason i reject the hughes motive is that its even fuckin more humiliating since its not my fuckin name,, plus havent you dumbfuckks tortured the hughes family enough u fuckin retards,, fucku,,

i cant travel anywhere because i have no fuckin money nor a fuckin ally to go see and i'm not trusting this bullshitt nazi higher level of consciousness since i have no fuckin feedback except more fuckin torture by dumbfuckks that dont know the difference between right and fuckin wrong,, everybody can go fuckk themselves as far as i fuckin care,, im not making it of here alive so i dont give a fuckk what u trash fuckks are planning,, never has a life so i will never fuckin miss it, huh fuckin trash fuckks,, and its not my fuckin call to name or forgive the guilty, maybe they should get a fuckin trial,, the justice system isnt that fucked up,, that oj trial was a scamm i am not falling for publicized injustice or something,, and that must be why the pathetic warren commission was promoted to me the complete pathetic fuckin victim that deserves to fuckin die,, aint that my right you fuckin pathetic fuckin trash? to die with dignity rather than be fuckin tortured by the masses since they have to keep their hrassment 'super secret' and i cant fuckin defend myself,, thats a little more than fuckin stick and stones name calling you complete dumbfuckin trash,, fucku,, mother fucku,, ill take my fuckin death swtupid mother fuckers,, and hurry it the fuckkk up,, you fuckin trash fuckks,, bang my head relentlessly then toss me into a life and death fight with the worlds biggest fuckin thieves, killers, and pedophiles to ever live,, fucku i bought a virus protector but they destroyed my laptop when i installed it,,, fucku fucku fucku, mother fucku fukin trash mother fuckers,,

Friday, November 13, 2009



im telling you stupid mother fuckers,,,


Monday, November 9, 2009

tell Hollywood to sztick it up their assess

im still not fuckin interested mother fuckers,,, its way too much torture,, fucku trash fucku fucku fucku,, i keep telling u fuckin stupid dfuckks u got the wrong person,, i reject all ur fuckin trash for the end,, huh,, aint that right mother fuckin stupid fuckks,, torture is a means to and end,, well fuck ur end,, mother fucku and ur end,, i want my fuckin death,, now,, not the secret injection of hiv by dr baram but real death so i dont have to know u ftruckin scumfguckin trash rfuckks,, im never interested,, if u say u read my mind and know what i wa thinking,, how do u know i wasnt lying in my thoughts dumbfucks? the only objective i have is to prove u are wrong,, thats the best i can fuckin do for such pathetixc fucvkin trash,, so fucku,, just fuckk off,, god fuckin damn i hate u mother fuckers,, i will fuckk myself if it will fuckk up ur game,, so gpo to fuckin hell mother fuckers,, fucku fucku fucku,, fucku,,

Sunday, November 8, 2009

fucku world,, ill prove theres not a reason for everything,,

Go to fuckin hell trash world,, stick ur fuckin judicial system up my aids infected ass. FUCKU WORLD I'm not interested and I'm no fuckin hero, not for such scumsuckin trash as you,, FUCKU Yea you know who im talking about,, fucku,, its over,, i reject any hughes trash and all secret family scumbags,, go to fuckin hell world,, fucku fucku fucku im no fuckin hero,, im fuckin disabled,, fucku,, im no hero,, i could never live with myself if i was,, u figure it out stupid fuckks, fucku fucku fucku complete total dumbfuckks,, fucku,,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

base change again huh

Fucku mynewmaster? fuckin pathetic that i even aknowledge seeing that. fuckin trash. see thats not paranoid if its fuckin real fuckin mother fuckin trash. fucku fucku fucku,, what about the long and heavy guilt trip after years of relentless hate torture? and fuckin electric shock treatments with ur remote control? fucku and people dont believe me anyway.. fuckin trash fuckin trash,, don't i get a bunch of the guilt first? its all my fault isnt it? fucku fucku,, what the fuck is wrong with you people? fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku,,, you have fuckin trashed my life and fucked me up royally and there aint shit i can do about it,, fucku fucku fucku,, god fuckin damn i hate u

this makes me sick to my stomach

Oh man this is fuckin pathetic i cant fuckin stand it. fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku u are complete fuckin trash. stick ur genocide and ur puts up ur fuckin asss. i want death fuckin trash. for a lifetime of fuckin torture. fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku. by the way i am innocent u fuckin trash. u fuckin nazi scum.

fucku people

that godfather ed thing just doesnt work out for me. isnt there a religion called church of science, jesus or something and the parents can not give the child medicine to save its life and not be held liable for its death. church started by mary baker eddy or some crap like that. I dont know ed well enough to be considered a son much less a fuckin friend. fuck that human sacrifice crap. its not working out for me. duh fuckin duh u fuckin trash. like u buried my sister alive by not letting her get treatment, the mri, you fuckin trash. fucku world hes not my godfather.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tom Cruise taught me all that 'ill killu' stuff

I thought he was a secret mentor. He's Bushes idol in TopGun. The cheerleader. His dad is homophobic i bet really bad. CIA aidstrash inventor i bet. I read a little book about his dead sister and the CIA tells me she ran off with a religion group like gypsies called moonies to escape Nazi family. Hey I didnt write this tale so fucku. And what else? The Cheney thing being the zodiac serial killer that was never caught but terrorized the media with encoded messages. They hate him. He must have been Ted Kaczinskis handler. Did you see the shack that fucker terrorized that professor in which to live. They call him the Unibomber. I read that Tim McVeigh was tortured so bad he asked to be put to death. After the OK City bombing there was a bombing a few weeks later at the FBI office where 3000 documents about the case were destroyed. So he was antigovernment is all we get from that tragedy. I never say the government is bad. They would hang me. In hell chat I sometimes say "BOMB USA" but thats relentless stress. Even the people of Iraq like us Americans, Its the government or the Bushes they keep doing that to them. I didnt know that the gulf war was just the usa attacking iraq again. thats a big twin there.

But why do they want me to accuse Cheney of being the zodiac. They even made the voice contacting the media in a motion picture sound like the trash dude. why make it so obvious. I'm not that dumb. He made his kills wearing his KKK nightgown. Master KKK Wizaed sews it with a sewing machine. The KKK and Nazis are the same. Dulles and Helms and Gottlieb and Bush and Jesus James Angleton recruited nazis to the CIA.. They all use aliases and then surveille us. Does the new HDTV system really work both ways so that inside the house is secretly being monitored? It seems all the crimes that Bush and Cheney blame on someone else is the exact crime they have in fact commited. Like calling someone a terrorist. Bush and Cheney are involved in those cult families. I think Charles Manson was trained by Bush Sr. LOL. I'm kidding but someone there did that. Must have been Cheney for the media murder maqybe. They ripped off Saudi Arabia and just about everywhere else. Dont ask me how they do it. They stole the gold from the basement of the twin towers then they tripled its value by dropping our USD to a value of $0.20.

youre fuckin trash nation

fucku and ur stupid fuckin trash books of lies. i innocent stupid fuckers plus im not military plus youre complete fuckin trash that cant think for urself u dumbfucks,, fucku scum

Saturday, September 26, 2009

dead,, id kill that mother fucker dead,,

fucku trash

you stupid mother fucker

oh sure the all the bashing pisses me off but it doesnt take anything things these days after years of torture stupid fruckk,, every little thing is taken as bad but fucku trash stupidd mother fucker,, the stress wont go away from my end,, you fuckersz keep regenerating the hate trash,, the gay thing is just an easy route,, its not about gay,, you fuckin dumbfuckk cia trash idiots arent torturing me about being gay,, youre doing it for nasty rover id imagine,, fuckin nasty nasty nasty gross.. just like jimmy, godfather, cooper, willie, hughes,, they all fuckin trash,, and then some,, fuckin fuck that nasty fuckin trash,, stupid mother fuckers,, robbb aint that fuckin stupid dumb mother fucker,,, id fuckin kill that loser for that,, fucku trash,, go to fuckin hell then fuckin stupid fuckks





id kill that mother fucker for making me suffer,,


what was that shitt doctor talking about

expecting great things from me,, i asked him what he meant at the next appointment a month later and the fuckin trash dumpster blew it off. why would he expect anything from me other than paranoid delusions,, god fuckin dan i hate that mother fucker with everything i got.. that complete trash mother fucker,, just like rover, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww nasty as fuck mother fuckers

Friday, September 25, 2009

god fuckin damn i hate u mother fuckers,,

fucku trash stupid fucks,, guess what? ur complete fuckin trash,, stick ur fuckin secrets up ur mother fuckin asses. when i make a video with a webcam i look and sound like one of those reatrded fuckin republicans that dont know what they are talking about or im lying or something,, theres no worse punishment than to be in a class with such complete fuckin waste. fucku,, killme now,, its not fear stupid fucks. its trash 200fuckin percent trash. fucku pure fuckin trash,, fucku

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i'll never know the real nazi/kkk motive to torture me,,


Monday, September 14, 2009

submitted to the wall street journal op-eds

Brainwashing Part 1
Mind control as it applies to the victims that much likely is occurring across America and questions who are the actual perpetrators and what are the reasons. Unable to get any legal help or relief, I have been reprogrammed to connect 911 to the Bush Administration to the recent KKK uproars at town hall meetings. Have we as a nation been under media siege and how many of us are being held hostage?
My name is Ron Steiniger and my day and evening phone is .
Brainwashing Part 1
Brainwashing, what is it good for? The perpetrators that use it seem to want to break a victim’s rational thoughts with relentless hate to confuse us so that they may create their own new thoughts into the victim’s consciousness. Although illegal as hell, subliminal messages are extremely easy to incorporate into media and are very effective. Intelligence interrogators may call the first part of the mental reprogramming breaking a prisoner’s will. The hate started for me in 2003, when a buddy turned Nazi on me and was apparently trying to infect me with HIV. Simultaneously, I was flunked out of Chiropractic school as a fag and was also threatened with arrest for being coerced to sell marijuana near a school for a few months. The hate blitz for America began with the 911 attacks and continued with the false pretenses for war and the health care Town Hall meeting uproars. My doctor tells me I’m delusional and won‘t even listen to my story. Neither will lawyers and judges, the FBI, The Red Cross, the Missouri State Supreme Court, Missouri State Attorney General's office, or Amnesty International. I was informed that a motive to torture me was betrayal over a drill bit and that I'm an heir of Howard Hughes. That is my mother's maiden name but it has never been brought up before. I'd say the motive for hate on the country is greed and oil. The nearly anonymous mind control has extended into trying to make me think I was Jesus like Charles Manson and that the media are talking directly to me sometimes. The first book I was persuaded to read was called Paranoia by Joseph Finder. Is America paranoid and delusional just like me? “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!” I have been brainwashed to write this article and I‘m not really a fan of conspiracy theories.

One of my perpetrator’s war cries seems to be “by whatever means necessary.” I think the KKK used that terminology as did former President Bush when he rewrote the anti-torture laws. The History channel showed that the Nazis were allied with the KKK and once even part of Congress but the American Communist Party were their enemies for civil rights of African Americans around the time Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. Laws were made that the KKK had to remove their hoods to be in Congress. They were nicknamed the Invisible Empire and eventually dissolved into what very well may be the hate expressive Republican Party of today. is a hate website for white nationalists, the new politically correct label, that boasts David Duke's membership. Wasn't David Duke once a candidate for the Republican Pesidential party nomination? I did once see a picture of former VP Cheney in a black sheet holding his hood in his hands standing next to several people wearing white sheets and hoods but it was on the Internet and those can easily be doctored. In Towers of Deception, The Media Cover-Up of 911 by Barrie Zwicker, the author mentions that Cheney had War Games occurring about flight high-jackings with the military while the real attacks were actually taking place. That’s probably why Bush was kept busy reading to the school children so he wouldn’t be in Cheney’s hair freaking out. And, what about the bombs that kept exploding in the towers to ensure the professional demolition of the buildings including tower 7 that was never hit by anything. What happened to the gold from the basement? Isn’t Cheney the boss at the National Guard that also established some other armies around the world? Palestine perhaps to create Nazi-like terrorists to completely anniliate the Jewish holy land of Israel? The book says that Cheney had flight 93 shot down because the passengers were overtaking the terrorists. I guess he didn’t want the terrorists tried and the pieces to be put together that he may actually control al Qaeda. I'm assuming Aramco Oil that began with Chevron may have taken over the House of Saud where the Bushes used to be great friends. I heard Bush let Cheney interview candidates to be Vice President and that he was the one that really ran the White House. The confusion of the War Games with the military was the reason the military was unable to intercept the plane or rocket, yet to be determined, that hit the Pentagon. I think in Fahrenheit 911, Michael Moore shows how the FBI and the CIA tried on a few to several occasions to warn the Bush Administration of the impeding attack but they were always dismissed. Remember the destroyed tape of the al Qaeda members that were water boarded and confessed to torpedoing the USS Cole and the 911 attacks. I wonder if that is from where the warnings came. Maybe they disregarded the warnings because they already knew of the planned attack, anyway. That state-funded ‘inside-job’ terrorism is more Nazi/KKK stuff. I heard Hitler was the mascot for their Skulls and Bones secret society of poets.

The CIA or the homegrown terrorists, as labeled by Cheney, have mentally isolated me so much that I don’t know what to believe as true or what is part of the “Alice in Wonderland“ reprogramming in which I‘ve been forced to exist. I’m coerced to read novels and watch mysteries to extract nuggets of nonfiction information while remaining in isolation. I once read that the CIA controls 90% of the news media and that even the entire country is being brainwashed. All of my thoughts are controlled by systematic reprogramming as I guess must be everyone else’s. Cheney’s Nazi/KKKism must go back for years since that he may actually have had, stay with me now, he may actually have had a face transplant or plastic surgery to change his identity. Could Cheney merely be an alias for someone that was barred from Intelligence work in the USA for experimenting on unwitting citizens. Cheney was a name of one of the Freedom writers that was killed in the 1960’s or 70s. That was also the name of a friend or relative of one of the suspects of the Zodiac serial killer. Could the race war going on in politics be a diversion from the 911 attacks? The 911 Commission Report was just informational not a prosecutorial hearing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Is there really an International Criminal Court in Hague that was created in 2002, to prosecute war crimes? I bet its probably just a front company setup by the Bush CIA scumbags since they somehow destroyed our justice system. Remember the Warren Commission Report began in less than 10 days after JFK was assassinated but the 911 Commission Report that had to be persuaded from Bush took 444 days to start. Judge Rankin only had one goal with the Warren Commission which was to prove the ‘dirty little rumor’ that Oswald was a FBI and/or CIA agent wasn’t true. Hoover disliked Kennedy and easily complied. CIA director Allen Dulles was on the commission and complied as well. In addition, he stated that he would lie under oath to protect his boss the President. Both the Warren Report and the 911 Commission Report were only investigatory in nature. They were not set up to prosecute anyone. Judge Rankin didn’t investigate anything else about the JFK assassination. I can not see how publicizing the Warren Report information might have been a threat to national security except to protect those that were supposed to thoroughly investigate the murder. There have been a few similarities with my family and the Kennedys so I’ll just mention that there was an officer Miller on the railroad tracks that day that the JFK caravan was approaching. A Clark Miller shot my grandfather Hughes in the face with a shotgun one time. I don’t know how significant all that is but his real eye got replaced by an artificial glass eye. It was a hunting accident that Cheney was mocking with his hunting accident when he was in office. They do mock executions, too, but I can’t tell who is dead for just pretend. Bush said I would bring people back to life when he was trying to sell me on the Jesus project but I figured they were just trying to create another Charles Manson by calling me that. I think the Pentagon had a Project: Jesus, too.

George De Morhenchildt, was a name mentioned in an Unauthorized Biography of George H. W. Bush that was probably written by Bush himself to create confusion. The book said that George De Morhenchildt was actually a handler for Oswald at the CIA if that was indeed even a real person. The author states Morhenchildt, that died by apparent suicide, and Oswald developed a relationship in which Morhenchildt expressed disappointment in Oswald by saying “How could you miss” when discussing a prior botched assassination attempt. There were many details mentioned about Morhenchildt that seemed as if only he would’ve known and that leads me to believe the author was actually George H. W. Bush pretending to be someone else writing the unauthorized biography pretending to know Morhenchildt. I think for security reasons the CIA didn’t keep records of names or something like that was an excuse for not having Oswald’s name on file as mentioned in Whitewash IV The JFK Assassination Transcript. The book also mentions that Bobby Kennedy actually paid blackmail once or a couple of times because the perpetrators were trying to frame him for the murder. There’s a lot to be said for the ‘shock and awe’ technique.

As far as HAARP goes, its a network of antennae in Alaska the emit a signal as opposed to just receiving one. Doppler radar may do something similar. The electric signal from HAARP creates the Northern Lights phenomenon in the sky. I got the next two sentences off HAARP is a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic radio (EMR) waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead. Other forms of the radio waves are electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves. Its my opinion that the ELF waves probably cause Attention Deficit Disorder and Fibromyalgia. I think the other radio waves cause snow on the TV and static on the radio. I read something about the military burning up a dog with EMP waves. Electricity works by transmitting electrons from atoms in a loop called a circuit. Electrolytes in the human body can carry an electrical current as can red blood cells. Electrolytes include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate (HCO3-), phosphate (HPO42-), magnesium (Mg2+). They control osmosis (water transfer between cells), acid-base balance, hormone and neurotransmitter secretions, and optimal activity of enzymes. Early on in my hate surveillance harassment, I remember one of the anonymous handlers letting me know to avoid cancer, eat foods that are more basic as opposed to acidic. That made me realize, which may not be accurate, that’s what cancer is in its purest form, acid. And yes, they can electrocute people with HAARP as evidenced by my scalp blisters. They call it cooking. I don’t know anything about photoelectrons but the perpetrators can somehow see what I see or read my mind or something that I don’t understand. They can control individuals, crowds and armies with this technology.

The main thing about HAARP is, of course, controlling the weather, I think. They call it weather warfare and they can create floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and ice. Hurricanes depend on warm water temperatures and I’d sat they heat the water with offshore drilling and steer the storm with seeded explosions within the Hurricane and its path. One of the anonymous handlers said that Bush steered Katrina right into New Orleans.

Goddard School may be some kind of child abuse ring or something but I’m not really sure what it is. I think it’s a Bush entity, Tom Delay may have the master list of sex offenders that is supposed to be posted on the Internet.

I read something about Ted Kaczynski, the Unibomber, being CIA but from the looks of his shack where he lived, his handlers abused him badly. I saw on a website that he was also a suspect for the Zodiac serial killer. Cheney must’ve been his handler. Who was McGeorge Bundy of the CIA?

HAARP is a violation of the 1977 United Nations Treaty against modification of the environment.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Diary of a Madman
Thoughts and experiences of myself as an innocent CIA prisoner of the Bush Administration. They blame each other for crap and I can’t tell who is telling me what and if its true. I can’t get any legal help or assistance and all medical appointments are sabotaged.
Ron Steiniger, Jr. 314.426.2768
Apparently, I’m the hero that President Reagan was talking about in his 1981, inaugural speech. I’m always enraged these days and the three times I read the speech I didn’t comprehend much. I once read that being tortured is the absolute worst situation in which to try to learn. That’s just in case someone else is lying and trying to push some made up benefits of hate training by bombarding a victim with hate surveillance and sabotage as a good motivator. I think that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a victim as well as Brittany Spears and the boxing champions Tyson and Ali. In fact, I think all celebrities that overdosed in hotel rooms were victims. Did Heath Ledger really die? What about Russell Crow and the band Alice in Chains? I’ve been getting tortured with the hate surveillance and sabotage to make me feel as if I’m serving some kind of home detention sentence, which I am not. I was never charged or tried for any such enemy combatant or any other offense and I’m not buying that being a vegetarian and a compassionate animal rights activist 20 years ago is the reason I’m a target on the president‘s ‘enemies list’ today. I was just enlightened in January of this year, 2009, that I may be an heir of Howard Hughes but the Republican Nazis ripped off my family just like they did to EnRon. My name is Ron. What’s up with a sniper on the ChevRon storage drum firing gunshots into passing traffic in the movie Targets? For some delusional reason, I think Hollywood is involved but I could never say that without being sent to the insane asylum. Its has taken me years to figure out what is going on with me since the Bush Admin loves that ‘shock and awe’ technique so much, they’ve kept my head ringing. I can’t understand why they are torturing me to tell on them. Its hardly volunteer anything Elizabeth Cheney, ya skank whore.

War of the words, huh? These people are so filthy nasty with their lies, deceptive misinformation, and fear tactics. Unfortunately, words aren’t their only artillery. They use Black Ops. like brainwashing, media control, HAARP, and the face of Medusa Rover. Rover and Cheney really are painful to look at. They got to be father and son ’just cause’ they are both so nasty gross, plus who else would accept a serial killer unless it runs in the family? Truth is stranger than fiction. Rover might have been talking about me in his op-ed a couple weeks ago when he was demanding or expecting an apology since they can read minds or tell the future or something and he knew I would say how friggin disgusting I think he actually is. His ear to ear grin that is suppose to cause anger or confusion in his victims and enemies just informs us that he’s so happy he got away with the 911 state-sponsored terrorist attack. They had all kinds of warnings from the CIA and FBI. They even had a confession, I think, on the water boarding torture tape that got destroyed. I’d guess the prisoners that get water boarded have to consume all that water until their stomachs protrude painfully. Hardly just like swimming, eh Cheney Wizard? I’d bet that Cheney’s al Qaeda are the same Nazis of Palestine demanding the complete destruction of Israel. Al Qaeda, Bush’s base, apparently confessed to torpedoing the USS Cole and the 911 attacks. And, why did Cheney always know what al Qaeda was doing? Rover is an idiot with absolutely no remorse which, like I said, must run in the family. Peter R. Breggin, MD lays out the perpetrator’s profile in his book, Medication Madness. Through the perpetrator’s behavior, he 1) denies or minimizes the damage he is doing; 2) rationalizes the harm he is doing; 3) tends to blame the victim; 4) suppresses his own feelings of empathy; 5) tends to dehumanize the victim; 6) feels empowered by gaining a sense of potency from injuring and controlling the victim; 7) seeks to win conflicts through exercising authority, power, and domination; 8) tends to become grandiose and self- centered; 9) becomes alienated from his genuine basic needs.

Let’s redefine just a few words that have had their meanings manipulated to something different, even opposite in some cases, to fool the masses. Opposite day meanings are popular only because of the simplicity which helps them with remembering their lies. Liberals are the smart ones, the intellectuals, so I’ve read.

Enhanced interrogation techniques - they do not mean questioning a suspect

Conspiracy Theory - motive by deduction for two or more people planning and committing a crime or series or crimes that usually includes some kind of morbid and sabotaged Black Operations of the CIA that is classified ’top secret’ for bogus national security reasons. What national security? The USA is not afraid of any other country. National security only protects the crimes of the classifier.

Communism - originally meant a government owned state where everyone is treated equally and there is no real self-determination.

Socialism - a government funded humanitarian effort like universal health care.

Capitalism - a free market system with the survival of the fittest mentality. The goal is to increase shareholder wealth. A shareholder is anyone with a vested interest in the gains or losses of a corporation including employees.

Torture, unfair socioeconomic classes, labor camps, the imprisoned innocent, and children’s experimental research facilities don’t automatically come to mind when one of the above governmental structures are mentioned - but Nazi does. The KKK was a political party as recent as the 1960s and 70s that were allied with the Nazis. Was the KKK presidential candidate David Duke a Republican, I’m wondering, because all the Republicans act real Nazi these days?

It’s the major corporations that are abusing ’we the people’ and the government is supposed to step-in and insure justice and peace but the Republican terrorists that do nothing but lie, cheat, and steal have spent the last few decades rearranging the government so that they can not step-in and provide justice or something like that. What clause did the scandalous Texans for a Republican Majority want removed from the energy bill, anyway? A government that utilizes torture and the murder kind of crap would be more of a Nazi, fascist, and KKK punishing regime, than Communist. A Communist government could very easily turn into a punishing regime since the state owns everything but then we call it Nazi like the East German extension of Cuba. Nations would just have to be careful that no graduates from the CIA terrorist School of the Americas or Ft. Benning Georgia gain leadership positions. Also, torture and murder might be considered Communist if you’re Bush Sr. doing counterintelligence work as a member of the Chinese Communist party. I guess it was Cheney that must have told me that Bush Sr. supplied Communist troops to North Vietnam from China. He said that Bush instigated the Tiananmen Square massacre because Gorbachev was visiting that day and Bush Sr. wanted China to appear unstable to the Russian government. Communist China feels that the new Capitalistic opportunities that have presented themselves have restrained ethics and social freedoms of its citizens. China is Bush’s territory of the Carlyle Group of investment bankers. He was at one time the U.S. Ambassador to China.

I heard a rumor from Bush Jr. that Cheney was the current or a recent Master Wizard, the leader, of the KKK and I bet J. Edgar Hoover was at one time. The History channel showed the American Communist Party as the enemy of the KKK Nazis with a gun battle fighting each other in the streets in the 1960s or 70s. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Sr. always talked about the Communist as if they were Nazis. And, Joe McCarthy was probably trying to pick off liberals with the Red Scare like a witch hunt. Why do the Nazis always blame the innocent for crimes they commit, as if in some sick twisted way they are not actually committing a crime if they are open about the issues. That might help the perpetrators pass a lie detector test or something but those are inadmissible for war crimes anyway. Throughout history, haven’t some innocent entertainers been booted from the country for being on Nixon‘s ‘enemies list‘? The Nazis from the CIA have sabotaged religions with pedophilia and the holy war. Your Holiness, please don’t help any members of the Bush Administration seek refuge and hide. Never forget what happened to our 911 heroes. Bush, Cheney, and Rover are the actual modern day Nazis and are trying to control mass amounts of people with the manipulation of the legal system and the media by using misinformation propaganda for brainwashing. They have controlled content broadcast over radio, TV, and satellite for years. Subliminal messages are illegal as hell but very simple and effective. Theta waves off the TV and CRT computer monitors relax our conscious mind where judgments are made making our subconscious minds more susceptible to brainwashing. I think serial killers were created by the CIA, err, the George W. Bush Intelligence Agency just to create fear in citizens. Fear makes it easier to manipulate unwitting people. Remember the Bush Admin raising the terrorist threat level to orange before the election just to make voters easier to manipulate and people would be less likely to assume he won by cheating and voter fraud like he did. They always use diversions to hide their cheats. Like the ass Nixon that won reelection by a landslide right after he got busted for Watergate. Back to the serial killers. I think the Zodiac said killing was better than sex. Bush told me that the identity of the Zodiac killer that used to dress in a black KKK mask and sheet to hide his identity is really Cheney. Do what you want with that info but you didn’t get it from me.

The ‘enemies list’ of today from Bush Jr. still seems to attack those for liberty and justice but are trying to label the targets as terrorists. At least 1000 innocent Arab Americans were picked up after 911 and probably tortured to become suicide bombers. I read that Muslims are not suicidal for any reasons so you must know its absolute complete brainwashing when an Arab becomes a suicide bomber. Of course all the suspicious Arab Americans that were picked up and tortured were innocent. The Republican Nazis already proclaimed supporting the ‘contras’ which translates from Spanish to ‘against revolutionists‘. Why would they torture their own contras or terrorists? The definition of a revolution seems to be whenever liberals are fighting for truth, justice, and the American way or the power to grant fundamental human and civil rights. On the other hand, it seems to be a coup when Nazis or guerilla terrorists are trying to overthrow the government to steal the country. That’s just an observation that seems pretty accurate. I’d say that Bush Jr. is the associated leader of the Taliban and Cheney is the associated leader of al Qaeda. Bush said that Cheney performed a secret strategic coup on Saudi through the business Aramco Oil rather than with his National Guard.

One last point which will be about Richard Helms and Sydney Gottlieb. These were the people known and busted for conducting illegal experiments on unwitting citizens. I’d say they probably call them black ops. Helms argued that experiments are only accurate if people do not know about them. What a complete jack off that brainwashes people to commit crimes. I think Charles Manson is his most prized work. He always seems to be secretly manipulating the media somehow. Well Helms and James Jesus Angleton, the CIA director of counterintelligence from 1954 to 1974 created the Chaos program which was spying and sabotage of innocent domestic citizens that they classify, with national security protection, as enemies. Not criminal enemies but liberals, entertainers, and orphans. The program was supposed to be shut down in the 1970s when Angleton was asked to leave the Agency. Someone got barred from doing intelligence work in the USA.

Nixon appointed Helms as U.S. Ambassador to Iran in 1972 which was already Nazi controlled from a CIA coup back in 1953. I think all the names mentioned, Angleton and Helms were actually aliases for Bush and Cheney but I don’t have any proof. Congress barred one of them from doing intelligence work in the USA because of the experiments on people that weren’t informed. I think there was a marriage of Saudi Arabia (home of al Qaeda) intelligence with the USA intelligence which a sick mental perpetrator might think would legalize his barred spying on US citizens. Don’t let either person use the insanity plea for a Borderline Personality Disorder.

Ok, this will be the last point. The CIA control all drug trade which goes back to Zapata Offshore drilling which was a Bush business. Black Ops. use all illegal drugs as weapons, such as heroin, crack and meth. If they don’t get you with addiction, they get you with prison. Why didn’t Rush Limbaugh do time when he was doctor shopping for Oxycontin addiction? Bush Sr.’s nickname used to be poppy to represent the illegal treatment of the citizens in Burma, Afghanistan, etc. where he was a farmer of the poppy plants. Cheney must’ve told me this crap. Happy Poppy Day is November 11. Everything criminal that happens on the 11th is code for crime committed by Bush through the CIA - it never fails. Its his serial killer signature.

Dang, one more point and that’s it. Some evidence that 911 was an inside job is that Bush Jr. was reading to the little students to keep him out of Cheney’s hair. He had War Games scheduled that day to confuse the military. He had to have flight 93 shot down because the passengers were overpowering the terrorists and taking back the plane. What did Bush say he was going to do to the terrorists for which he’s not even looking? The buildings fell like they were professionally demolished along with Building 7 several hours or a day later that wasn’t hit by anything. Bombs were continually exploding while the firemen where rescuing victims inside the buildings. What happened to the melted down gold stolen from the basement of the WTC? The plane that hit the Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 77 was really a rocket that the military couldn’t intercept because it was playing war games with Cheney. Flight 77 disappeared like the passengers into the witness protection plan. In No Place to Hide by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., he mentions that Barbara Olson, the wife of Solicitor General Ted Olson, was aboard American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the pentagon. At a dinner party the couple gave two nights before the attack, she gave her guests a gift photo book called Washington, D.C.: Then and Now as if she already knew all about it. I think she may have actually been a woman with the Alias Eloise at the Chiropractic school I went to. We really should move as much as possible to a non-allopathic (non-pharmaceutical) health system. The last I heard, Eloise was in China with her husband.

Last one. Mercury amalgam is the material used for tooth fillings which is toxic that causes neurological disorders and cancers but is big money for big Pharma. Why is dental so far separated from other medical care. What’s dental like in other countries? I think they have one regulating body and probably no oversight committee. No, I’m only kidding, I don’t know that much about the industry except that sugar rots our teeth and we are coerced to be addicted to it very early in age with Halloween. Most people are destined to get type II diabetes if the addiction takes hold which causes blindness, renal failure, and foot amputation. The Adkins diet is the cure. All carbohydrates, including starches, are sugar and we’ve been sabotaged to get the toxic fillings that cause a whole host of diseases. I think the fillings may have been used as bugging and surveillance devices.

Was Bernie Madoff the media guy from Australia that sold the Nazis a system of propaganda. Does he control Direct TV? Maybe not, I don’t know.

Lockerbie bombing seems like the wrong man was convicted, in my opinion. I heard something about it the conviction being a rush job by President Clinton. I bet that whole Lewinski scandal was a scam. He told us he didn’t have sexual relations with that woman and the next day the media implied that oral wasn’t considered sex. We bought it. Linda Tripp is a bi*tch though, isn’t she? And Starr, get a life. That president’s desk, though, with that trap door down by the feet is cool, I bet. Just in case. I think the prisoner from Libya was released because he was innocent since men don’t usually die from prostate cancer. We are all going to get it by 75 years old and non-treatment is a common treatment option, I think. I’d say black ops sent an innocent man to jail and Monica down on the Boa.

I already know I’m going go be killed but I’ll work on another article about what they are doing to me with HAARP, the environmental warfare technology that can be considered weather, electricity, nuclear, and biological warfare against me. I may be an heir of Howard Hughes but HAARP can manipulate DNA so I will never know. Hughes worked in intelligence also and he may have equipped me with bio-surveillance when I was a baby or something because these perverts know everything about me. Hughes could have been worried that we would get ripped off but I reported them for the charge of genocide to the U.S. Attorney General. All information has been kept away from us. In fact, my whole Hughes and Johnson targeted families know nothing about Howard Hughes. I read about Jack Real that was trying to rip him off while he was getting sick at the end of his life with an AIDS like illness. I think John Holmes was one of his best friends and I’m not sure if that’s the John Holmes in the adult film business that died from AIDS, or not. AIDS is a big deal in the black ops., though. The AIDS, Inc. (2007) documentary persuades us to believe that the actual first line of defense, the AZT medication, is what causes full blown AIDS.

In Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 911, Cheney “feels no reason to apologize for Halliburton as the former chairman and CEO of a major American company.” Well what about the value of the Options he maintained in the company? Does he want to apologize that they rose from about a half of a million dollars to over $10 million due to the war? Were those LEAPS or did he keep renewing Options for the company? Wouldn’t that be insider trading? He should be sorry since its war profiteering and its actually a major multinational company that was given exclusive rights on U.S. war contracts. Also in the movie, the BBC news headline reported on Wednesday Dec 3, 1997 was Taliban to Texas for Pipeline Talks. The Bush Administration welcomed the special Taliban envoy to tour the United States to help improve the image of the Taliban government. All of Bush’s friends seem to be terrorists, don’t they? “You know something, we are gonna win Florida. Mark my words. You can write it down!” Guess who said that in Fahrenheit 911. Bush’s campaign chairperson, also in charge of the controversial recounting of the Florida votes, hired Database Technologies to knock liberals and Black voters off the rolls. Why isn’t that illegal?

In the Conspiracy Encyclopedia with the introduction by Thom Burnett, the authors tell us that the USS Cole was blown up by al Qaeda operatives. The book also says in 1986, CIA Chief William Casey committed support to at least 100,000 Islamic militants in Pakistan, who were trained in CIA sponsored camps. Funds were distributed to Afghanistan as well through the ISI, the Pakistan secret service.

I guess Bush, Cheney, or Rover told me that there never was any anthrax on U.S. soil. It was just a scare tactic like falsely raising the threat level as Tom Ridge mentioned in his book. Such scare tactics enabled the Bush Nazi Klan to steal a second election from a confused disoriented traumatized constituency, the trash.

If you harass and taunt anyone back into a corner and tyrannize them, they are very likely to become enraged and go postal or shoot up the school or blow up a government building just like the counterintelligence KKK Republican terrorists expect. Fortunately, since my human and civil ‘bill of rights’ have been taken away I am unable to bear arms to defend myself which is good because I would easily but accidentally go postal. I am forced to only hurt myself since I am completely incapable of trading hate for love. I’m just not programmed that way. What did the 3000 destroyed documents say about Timothy McVeigh? Does he say that he was coerced with mental torture or something?

I’ll be really surprised if this article gets published since I’m not permitted to even file a complaint. I’m under the impression that the perpetrators of the relentless hate surveillance are also my protectors that merely bring me to the brink of death in secret but let me recover as if I was just swimming when an oversight committee member might be looking. Alan Dershowitz suggested that the CIA should video tape all surveillance, err, should video tape all torture, and I’ve been led to believe that many lawyers are watching. Hopefully more than just the Fieth and Addison Nazis. If my perpetrators/protectors are the Bush, Cheney, and Rover Klan, I know I don’t have a chance for survival due to that whole genocide thing, so forget all this crap. Well, maybe it can help you all. Its still not volunteer, Elizabeth whore! They are lifetime criminals but not necessarily my enemies, although I think I am theirs but I don‘t know why. Its not a game, job training, nor reality TV. I know that I dislike and disagree with anything and everything they ever say or do and always will but I don’t get some serial killer rush by trying to target them. I wouldn’t necessarily call them enemies. I truly consider it wasteful to even think about them and very seriously painful to look at. Well, not Bush Jr. as much as the others since he does have some charm which might just save his life.

I’m so completely disgusted with this never ending Nazi experiment. Why am I being coerced to try and publish something? I’ve tried to report this delusional destruction crap to the police, to doctors, to lawyers, to the Red Cross, and the ACLU but no one will even take my name much less listen. The Missouri State Supreme Court prosecutor’s office said angrily that they couldn’t give me any advice. The FBI asked how it was a hate crime then hung up the phone on me. The Missouri State Attorney General’s office said they really only work with businesses even though their sole job is to insure justice. I emailed the Missouri and National Bars. Don’t Nazis get automatic Capital Punishment? DO NOT help them Your Holiness! They are demons that prey. So who has turned to stone for looking back at the city of Rover? The CIA, or now as its called, The George W. Bush Intelligence Agency are the ones that instigated, manipulated, and flat out lied about the priests and the pedophilia. The motive very well could have simply been a bet. They faked all them calls and complaints of that one priest in Boston that was beat to death in jail. Don’t forget, Your Holiness. Forgiveness has never meant friendship. Has anyone ever heard about The Privacy Act of 1974? It gave individuals the right to know and correct information that was being collected and shared about them. And they say they don’t brake any laws. Oh yeah, I forgot they speak in opposite day language all the time. That would be illegal if I was king. So would exploiting loopholes to escape justice. So the Nazi KKK Republicans have a conspiracy to torture me? How about guilty by association for all Republicans terrorists and put the burden of proof as their responsibility. Come on, everywhere else in the world, Republic means fascist.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

horowitz and beck are rediculous,,

They are talking how cool they are for being a radical but thats only because their enemies are democrats that dont do black ops do an 'enimies list'. If they wouldve gotten secret hate surveillance torture during the entire Bush trash administration, they wouldn't be boasting how cool they are yet. fuckin idots stop making trash tv. do u get paid for that? well not by advertising sponsors in beck's case.

Friday, September 4, 2009

what am i supposed to do to stop the suffering?

No enraged hate, lies to decipher, or clues from serial killers will be accepted. They are not welcomed nor allowed. Plus, I have no free will and no desire to even live. Adderall helps fight some of that pain away but as the trash maker says that makes me into a delusional paranoid lunatic, huh doctor. The anti-psychotics are poison that the HAARP players use to put me into shock. God damn I hate you fuckin people with 'land of law' fuckin secrets. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU. You are torturing the wrong person and I still don't get it. God fuckin damn I hate you. I'm not the criminal, stop treating me with purefuckinhate. It has an accumulating effect. I'm the victim here, for years, possibly for decades or my entire life.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

mother fucku trash,,

You complete fuckin dumbfuckk trash. Its like i have no other choice but to pure fuckin hate. You scum mother fuckers make sure of that, don't you? I still dont fuckin get it. im a paranoid delusional piece of trash that is fuckin hated to the core and out so what could you possibly fuckin want or expect from me. fucku and your fuckin pathetic trash secrets. THERES NO FUCKIN TUNNEL GOD DAMMIT SO GO TO FUCKIN HELL. THE SAME THING WITH YOUR FUCKIN WEATHER RADAR - STICK IT UP YOUR MOTHER FUCKIN ASS. FUCKU TRASH. FUCKU TRASH. GOD FUCKIN DAMN I HATE U FUCKIN TRASH.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

KKK and Nazi are the same thing

One group ties a black man to the back of its truck and drags him to his death and the other does medical experiments on Jewish children. They combine forces for an innocent Muslim. YOU ARE TRASH BUSH/CHENEY/ROVER SCUM. They are the ones that make me so paranoid about taking medicine which they did on purpose so that some stupid mother fuckin doctor could pretende to have fuckin almighty power, you trash god damn i hate u mother fucker. Look at the pain meds from poppy plants. FUCKU u wont even fuckin listen plus you talk to me like trash and I fuckin hate that. god fuckin damn i hate u. Its death to me to have to see u again you trash liars. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU

this trash nazi experiment really is for life, huh?

FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU. at least i try to fuckin explain stupid as fuckk shit in as clear of english as possible. I hate everyone of u mother fuckers. especially the fuckin trash with the NAZI fuckin medicine. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU god fuckin damn i hate u mother fuckers.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I think i know what u want me to do but,,,

If you want me to write an op-ed, there's no friggin way. My doctor damaged me so bad after you complete trash fucks made me guess about what is going on to my life and sanity. I came up with genocide and that fucker destroyed my heart and soul with his enraged hate about how delusional and paranoid i am after being tortured for years. forget it, id never write anything unless i know for sure i will not have to see and get bashed by that doctor. That kills me, period. FUCKU WORLD. unfortunately my nurse told the fucker the name of my new doctor that im supposed to see tomorrow and he contacted them so that they would cancel the appointment. FORGET IT TRASH. god damn i fuckin hate u.











Monday, August 31, 2009

hey sarbanes oxley trash




what im saying about opposite day,,

If you are a nasty, good for nothing, pathetic hater, you stay that way. Hate and sabotage and any banging on the monkey cage is just that - its NOT code. Hate at this stage is purefuckinhate only that just fuckin kills me. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU You stay on the hate side if I ever get out of this fuckin shithole life. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU hate is not code and the discrimination laws are even against me. God fuckin damn i hate you people. And your medling in places no one belongs. Whats the motive to fuckin torture me for my entire fuckin life? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU

keep them fuckin thieves away from me,,

They stole my life at minimum. I never made any kind of agreement with anyone for hate surveillance that turn out to be just paranoid delusions for me, huh trash? see i type this and nothing happens. YOURE COMPLETE FUCKIN TRASH. I made no agreements and they got the wrong guy. FUCKU. CNN said to find out who the terrorists are and its the Bush Admin fuckers. Cheney trash is the fuckin al qaeda and Bush trash is the fuckin taliban. They bombed the WTC and covered it up with war games and collapsed building 7 with the towers to hide the evidence. Nasty fucker cheney took over control and had flight 93 shot down because the passengers were going to overtake the terrorists. thats why bush was in the school reading to the little kids because cheney wanted bush out of his hair while the attacks were happening. why are you helping them terrorize me? they shock me with electrons from HAARP of the military - electric warfare. I got blisters on my scalp. Its like swimming but they make them drink all that water which causes painful protrusions from the abdomen for waterboarding. the probably make them take pills so they cant urinate very quick. and the tortured are always innocent - why would they do that to their own soldiers. what do u mean iraq was a success? they told us they were going after what turns out to be their buddy, osama bin laden?